The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 27, 1917, Image 4

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Wishing You A Happy
and Prosperous New Year
and thanking you for your
patronage during the past
year and trusting that we
may be favored with a
liberal portion of the same
during nineteen eighteen
T! Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
j "W" Batavia Jams and Spices
J Sunflower Canned Goods
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nut
COMB and look
nt our
Staple Dry Goods
Setsnug Underwear Cotton Bats
Iron Clad Hosiery Outings
Henderson Corsets Ginghams
Skating Sets and Caps Percales
Mina Taylor Dresses Shirtings
Fancy Towel
Wade flight, Lettered
Right And Erected flight
I ,M . M I
u u crviu
Makers of ArttstlcZMonumcnts
Red Cloud, Nebraska
E. S. Geu-foer
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wiro Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Lowest rates, best tonus and option
and In any amount. No liitqieuthm ex
pense, iiixl absolutely no delay. Six
p)ui)B to clioosu from. Solo ngout for
Trcvott, Mollis .ft IJalier.
J. II. Balloy.
line of
Sets Notions
Diy2. .a iu.
Hamilton - Cathtr
Clothing Co.
0tton u PmJ Shot
Kwrythlng m Mam
or Boy Wimrm
Htd Cloud Ntbratkm
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Cntorcd In the I'oslofllco at 1 1 c f Cloud, Nct
n Bocond CIms Matter'
Home Guard By-laws
(Continued fioin imuo 1)
officers ltis connection with this or
ganization shall terminate.
A. OFFICERS, (a) Civil. The civil
officers shall be president and secre
tary-treasurer. Ihcir duties shall bo
those regularly ascribed to those of
fices. The secretary-treasurer shall
collect all dues and assessments, giv
ing his rocoint for Bamo and render
account for all moneys received. These
officers shall bo elected by a majority
vote of the members present at the
(b) Commissioned Military officers.
Tho Commissioned military officers
shall be a captain, 1st lieutenant and
second lieutenant. Theso officers
Bhall be elected by a majority vote of
the members present at tho regular
meeting for election of officers,
(c) Non-Commissionod Military Of
ficers. The non-commissioned mili
tary officers shall be appointed by tho
commissioned, military officers.
(d) Medical Corps. A medical
corps consisting of practicing phys
icians, members of this organization,
shall be appointed by tho commis
sioned military officers. '
0. TERM OF OFFICE. All officers
shall hold office for the term of three
months, unless sooner removed for
cause. Election of officers shall take
place at tho regular business meetings
in March, June, September and De
cember of each year. Any officer may
be removed for cause, after proper
trial, by the officers or body decline
or appointing him.
6. MEETINGS. Regular Meetings
shall bo held thesccond Friday evening
of each month. The meetings for drill
shall be held at such times as desig
nated by the captain.
7. DISCIPLINE. In gcneial it is
the aim to acquaint all members .with
the l equipments, standards, regula
tions and penalties of the United
Slates nuny, and to this end all .maU
ters of discipline should follow, as
nearly a& possible, those prescribed
for the army, wdicie applicable to this
organization. Infraction of discipline,
tnuIinoR, absence from drills and vio
lations of these by-laws shall bo ic
f erred to a court compose;! of the pres
ident, who shall be tho piosiding of
ficer, secretary-treasurer, who fchall
keep a record of such trial, and tho
three commissioned officeis. This
com I .shall have jm It-diction in all
mattcis pertaining to discipline, and
may summon any member to testify
befoic it. Its decisions 'shall be bind
ing and final. It may impose fines
for first or minor offenses and may
suspend or expel for cause. Its ses
sions shall be sccict and its findings
in writing, a copy of which shall be
given the defendant. Provided, that
in case charges shall bo brought
against any of the elcclcd officers, the
members of this organization shall
constitute a court to try him, but such
trial shall bo held only after, notice
shall have been given each member. A
majority vote of the members present
at such meeting shall be lcquircd for
conviction. In case of conviction tho
punishment shall be determined by vote
oi me members. The pros dent shall
preside at such trial, unless ho is on
trial, in which case the captain shall
preside. The presiding officer shall
decide all points of order, but an ap
peal may be taken from his decision
to tho house.
8. DUES. The initiation fee shall
be fifty cents, which shall include the
hrst quarter's dues. Dues shall bo
twenty-five cents per quaiter, payable
in advance.
9. PUBLICITY. Every person
shall be given a copy of these by-laws
upon becoming a member. A copy
shall be accessible at each regular
member shall siirn the muster ioll n
a pledge that ha accepts tho by-laws
anu nu ruiea and agrees to bo gov
erned by them and will abido by all
contained therein.
11. VACANCIES In ense of va
cancies occurrinir fiom'anv causn In
any civil or commissioned military of-
nco tno members of this organization
shall fill the office by election for the
unexpired term. Any vacancy in any
non-commissioned military office shall
be filled by appointment by the three
commissioned military officers for the
remainder of the unexpired term.
12. AMENDMENTS. Theso by
laws may bo amended as follows: A
proposed amendment shall be put in
writing, signed by at least ten mem
bers, and given to tho secretary, who
shall read tho proposed amendment
at n regular meeting, and it shall be
voted upon at tho next regular meet
ing. A majority of membora present
at such regular meeting shall bo suf
ficient to carry. Amendments ap
proved tako effoct immediately.
Adopted December 21, 1917.
Sugar Must be Bought
in Small Quantities
A shortage of sugar is apparent and
drastic measures must bo taken that
every one may have sujtar. says Gur-
don W. Wattles, Federal Food Admin
istrator for Nebraska. The drain up
on tho United States for supply of
the Allies has knocked a big Tiolc in
the available supply. Published re
ports that no limit has been placed
upon BUgar purchases nro absolutely
untrue and have been prompted by
ignorance of tho existing conditions.
"Tho Federal Food Administration
is asking the citizens to limit their
purchases of sugar to small quan
tities and to buy oftener," says Mr.
Wattles. "The Washington office
has said that three pounds of sucrar
per month per person is a reason
able -supply and that Nebraska citi
zens Bhould bear these fimiros in
mind in making purchases.
"Retailers are asked to limit sales
of sugar to consumers to five pounds
in cities and towns and in tho rural
districts not to sell more than ten
pounds at any one time. Retailers,
however, will have to uso their Judg
ment in tho matter of size of families.
"If wo buy small amounts and often.
every one can have some sutrar: if
we ouy in largo amounts some one
will have to go without. We want I
everybody, no matter how biir or littb. '
to have an equal chance.
Agents Taking Orders
Must Have Licenses
These recent rulings of tho Food
Administration will bo of information
to all Nebraskans:
Traveling salesmen, lcnicscnlinrr
mercantile establishments selling direct-to
the consumer, must be licensed
as brokct s. This applies to those
who take oiders, which are shipped
cither direct to the consumer or to
the salesman and distributed by him.
Bakers in making bread mav uso
ten (10) ounces of skimmed dried
milk instead of six (G) pounds of
ficsh skimmed milk, if they desire.
to every 19G pounds of flour or meal
Bakers may donate their nroductfr
to chinches and charitable institu
Pour Pounds of Flour
Should Last One Week
Four pound of flour nor -woi'k tin.
person has been defined as a reason
able amount, accoiding to Guidon W.
wattles, l-edeial Food Administrator
for Nebraska. Consume stimuli!
bear theso figures in mind in making
their puichabos so that theie may be
an even distribution of flour thtough
out the country.
"Wo want to stabilize prices and
keep them fiom soaring," said Mr.
Wattles. "By tho voluntaiy coopera
tion of the citizens of Nubiasku w.
can accomplish this without hardships
on any one or any class of people.
"Bread is the staff of life and w
must exercise every precaution that
an can get it at a leasonablc cost,
taking into consideration existing con
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 24, 1017.
It will requite a small army of men
to take Uic income tax icturns of
persons subject to the new law.
Collector of Internal Revenue, Geo.
L. Loomis, today announced ilmt 94
officers will start from hi Im-vimm,. .
tors on January 1st and on January
-mi every one of them will bo on tho
Job in the county assigned him, to
meet tho people and help them make
out their income tax returns. Tho of
ficer assigned to this county is due to
arrive here on Febr. 20th and to re
main until March 1st. both lnta in
clusive. He will have his office in the
court-nouse in Red Cloud, wheie he
may bo found every day of tho dates
"It will be well for every unmarried
person whose net incomo fni- mi? su
? 1,000 or oer, and every married per-
fcun uving with wire or husband whoso
net income for 1917 is $2,000 or over,
to call on the income tax man and
loam whether or not they have any
income tax to pay," Collector Loomia
said today. Tho person subject to
lax who doesn't make letum in tho
timo prescribed is going to i egret it.
Tho Government will get after all in
como tax Blockers.
"Theie'a llOldlv a husinnna r,,n
merchant of professional man who'
won't have to mnko return of income.
Farmers, as a class, will have to pay
the tax. The safo thing to do is for
every person who had a total incomo
of ?1,000 or ?2,000, as the case may
be, and who is not Buro about what
deductions tha law nllows him, to play
safo by calling on the income tax
"Tho man In tho field will havo
forms for everybody and persons who
expect to call on him need not trouble
themselves to write to my office Jor
!wggq? ;fiS&l' WiiM tS'fcCfl mm&tWl
joss &-?!' &fUi & tJmJ&fcL- w$&&i$&
You know about tho pitiful mothers and babies of northern France,
northern Haly, Belgium, Serbia, Roumanla and Poland, do you? Tho
homeless, ragged, freezing, ctarvlng, dlceaced, mutilated women and
children caught In the Invasion of their countries by tho war-mnd beasts
from the German Jungle you know about them? You know the AmerU
can Red Croec In Europe Ig the one agency that can help them that It
Is the silver lining of the blackest cloud the world has ever known? Tho
Red Cross must have 15,000,000 members by Christmas eve. You must
join at once. The man who would turn down the Red Cross ought for,
ever more to be ashamed to face good women and innocent children!
When You Join the Red Cross
and Glvo Your Mite, You Help
Our Soldiers In Europe and
Feed Starving Babies.
I TP tltnttn C..n.n,- ii. .i t
n.i.m. nuiiiiutu uiui uirco years
ago a powerful and savago enemy hod
Invaded our nation suddenly und you
hud been culled iuto the army to de
fend the country. Suppose that our
county ImU been captured by tho in
vudcr; your homo burned, your wife
and half-grown daughter carried awny
Into slavery worse than death nnd your
son mutilated and put to work behind
tho enemy lines.
You think such things couldn't hap
pen to you nnd your family? AVell,
Just thoso horrors wero visited upon
thousands of fathers In Franco and
Belgium by tho knlser'a navngcs. It
has been revealed to us during the Inst
few months by the secret servlco that
tho Huns were plotting an Invasion
of tho United Statou MnvunOi urnt
Hut for n fair destiny thoso horrors'
wimiu nave necn ours, because tho ltaN
ser alms to domlnnto tho world nnd
spread over tho earth his brnud of lovo
and fellowship called "kultur."
The American Red Cross bus been
called upon to relievo suffering "over
thero" and to restoro as far as posslbro
dovastatcd sections of nliimi orritn-.f
It is now on tho job. The Red Cross
is conducting thousands of hospitals la
Franco for American nni iiiumi cnt.
dlors, nnd running ambulance lines
unu comrort stations Innumerable.
Yet the organization cannot da
enough becnuso it hasn't half enough
members back homo hero to support'
tho vast work there. So now It Is con
ducting n campaign to get fifteen mil
lion members by Christmas eve. It lsi
an honor to belong to tho Red Crosq.
If you aren't nlreudy wearing tho llttlo
button, enroll nt ouph 'rim ,,,i. .
ship costs Just $1.00 a year. Another.
tiounr brings you tho Red Cross Maga
zine for twelve mohths.
Suffering Europe, especially tho
woaiwi and children, needs your help.
The Red Cross Needs Your Help
to Save Women and Babes
In Europe and to Care
for Our Soldiers.
Dear Mothers: Surely you will do!
what you can to relieve the suffcriiitf .
of the homeless, wretched moUiers nnd
children of wnr-torn Europe ragged.'
starving, freezing, tuberculous womenj
and babies who for thrco years hoyo
endured tho horrors of hell. Theyi
nro your sisters and your sisters')
children. The end Is not yet for them.)
Think what they must go through this
winter. Think of yourself nnd your
llttlo ones hero In America, safe and'
comfortable. . J
In tho trendies "over there" aro mil
lions of men undergoing indoscrlbablo1
hardship and suffering and death to'
save the liberty-loving world from Uio
kaiser and his savngo hordes. Think,
of them. Roincinhor they nro otand-j
lng between you and tho fato that God
less, "kuUur".nmd Germany poured
upon tho women nnd children of north
ern Fiance, northern Italy, Belgium,! v
Poland and Rouinanlu.
Of courso you cannot go to Europe)
anu uurso and iced nnd cintiin n,i
shelter thoso sufferers. But tho Amer
ican Red Crosses over there doing It
tho noblest labor in the world's history.
wur iicu cross is nursing nnd feeding
unu ciotning anu sheltering them. And
It Is conducting thousands of hospitals
and umbulnnco lines und comfort sta
tions for Amcrlcun Boldtcrs and tho
soiuicra of our allies.
Yet tho Red Cross cannot do enough
uecnuso it hasn't hulf enough mem
bers. Therefore n campaign g being
tnndo to get fifteen million members by
Clirlstmus ove. It la an honor to be
long to tho organization.
You will Join, won't you 7 You will
Jeo thnt your husband enrolls, nnd that
cuch of tho children Is enrolled sure
ly. Annual membership costs .$1.00.
An nddltlounl dollnr brings tlw Red
Cross Magazine for n year.'
iV iL
. I. Ml. Ii Wi