rJ.4flprti'Jwf1t-.rtrww?T?v e'eD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Ci A ' Shop Esurk and &et fh& Mettefit of Fv&&h 'StoA Q. Q 5"u .A mm l miMj ft HPA. .VAM, - ftT;n. fj.V, V V, ito8 t, r W4 T JY.A-. ,ZAV 7 .-r- ci - .W7 1 r S . " T7 i I I 1 VT V J fl I XT' . L -c t s A The Early Shoppers are benefiting by the Complete Assortments of Christmas Merchandise Later the assortments are more or less broken. There are o disappointments for Early Shoppers. Georgette Blouses ' There will bo no truce of disappointment In her "Thiuilc You" if you bend her one of those handsome, slyllsh, now mouses, In Navy holglnn-Bluu MhImj, White, Hose, at from 81 BO.to, iffl.r.O. Silk Petticoats Lovely Sillt I'ottieoats at from Sl.fil) to !7.00, and they too liinlto elegant gifts Pretty Neckwear There's a duiiity nulcnmvlHdgniH nt of her Wring for the beauti ful combined with the useful in u token .selected from our broad ueckwcnr assortments, Ladies9 Purses The. latest X iiiiib Styles. These also would nialio very ac ueptablo gifts. T Exclusive Selling Agents for Gossard Corsets Ireland Gloves Korach Skirts Drew Shoes For Women Munsing Underwear . "Eiffel" Hosiery Duck Brand Rubber Footwear LADIES COATS I OFF "and they are going fast. We have many garments that are choice of our stock in these that we offer at this Special Price $12.50, 15.00, 18.00, 22.50, 30.00. 32.50 now figure at 25 per cent off Also CHILDRENS CLOAKS at these REDUCTIONS. F. G. Turnure & Son -Red Cloud, Nebraska Why Not Make Slippers It is not the cost of a gift that counts so much as tho time spent on It. Slippers made by you have an ovidenco of thought fulness and comfort. Lamb wool soles for Men, Women and Children. Pair COc down to 30c. Also a handsome line of Ladies' nnd Men's folt slippers. Infant's Wear Dou't forget the babies Wo have everything In Infant's wear. Wool Blankets A good wool blanket niahes a good gift. CO 00. Just n case of these received in timo for Xmas. These wore delayed in delivery Ho for Xmas presents they aro par exeelencc. For A Man's Christmas Xmas Neokwear r,0c Xmas Handkerchief', puie linen I.rc25c Khaki Ilandlcercliiefb ' "fie Men's Half Hose, sunsiblo gifts, mercerized 35o Fiber Silk 45o. Merino anil pure wool at 35 to 05c pair Wirthmore Waist vZ!$1.00 Wellworth Blouse Spec'l Value tPsoljW & Ml fes&Kgsegg THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnaka. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY (Intered In tho I'oBtolllio nt Hid ( loud, Noli as Second Class Matter' A U. MoAllTHUK M K. QUKJLEY l'I'lll.ISIIKII MANAllCIt rilMONLY DEMOCUATIU I'Al'KH IN WKIJST Kit COUNTY number of articles sent from tho county amounts to 7.03 and tho report from Chicago says: "They aro as good as the best and perfectly satis factory." No helmets were included in first assignment. It is necessary to continue making sweaters, socks and wristlets as these aro still greatly needed. Hod Cloud Aux. Mrs. Alico l'opo, Sup. No. assigned No. made Sweaters 115 G2 Mufflers 35 43 Socks 35 59 Wristlets 35 49 Helmets 3 Report of Red Cross Knitted Articles. The work in this department of Red Cross activities has been very satis-' factory. Much credit is due all sup- Sweaters ervisors for their hearty co-operation Mufflers nnd their painstaking caro in seeing Socks that everything was just as it should Wristlets bo. All knitters also arc deserving, Helmets of high praise for their unselfish dc-l " votion to this great cause. The total Total Total 140 216 Illuc Hill, Mrs. C. F. Gund, Sup. .. uasigneu no. mauu 25 25 25 25 25 30 25 30 5 Sweaters Mufflers Socks Wristlets Helmets Cowlcs, Mrs. Ed. Paul, Sup. No. assigned No. made 20 20 20 20 20 15 31 85 G Total Bladen, Mrs. Sweaters Mufflers Socks Wristlets 80 117 W. A. Cunningham, Sun. No. assigned No. made 18 1G 18 17 18 20 18 20 Total Lester, Mrs. Sweaters Mufflers Socks Wristlets No 72 73 Lora Frisbie, Sup. assigned JNo. made 5 . 8 5 6 5 (I 5 (5 20 21 100 115 Total Inavale, Mrs. Ada Arnold, Sup. No. assigned No. made Glen Denton was a Campbell visitor Monday evening. Miss Virginia Wcgmann vibiteu Blue Hill friends Saturday. Albert Boom visited relatives at Glenville tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall were down from Lawrence over Sundajv Mrs. A. Hasebrookxwas a passenger to Wilcox Saturday evening. i Fred Chamberlain returned the first of the week from a visit at Hastings. Howard Hogate of Blue Hill visited at the H. II. Hendricks home Sunday. Sam Hpgate was down from Arthur this wcok to cry tho H. H. Hendricks sale. Miss Anna Backer of Blue Hill visited Bladen friends Satuulay even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morey are spending a week at the home of Mrs. Moiey's parents at Davenport. Tho usual Christmas service is in the natuic of a "Getting Christmas," but a difTniont. kind of Christmas piogram will bo given at the Metho dist church, Sunday evening, Dec. 23. Has it over occurred to vou what a .beautiful and appropriate opportunity vjiinsimas oners lor you ana me to make some birthday gift to Him whose birth wo celebrate? The ser vice follows tho idea of an Oriental tradition. In the far away east there was a king whose subjects observed his birthday by what is called a "White Feast." All appear in whito garments and all offer to the king white gifts to show that their love and oyalty are without stain. The rich bring peails, ivory, white chargers. The poor bring whito doves or rice. "Nor doth the great king regard one gift above another so long as all are white." And so do they keep the king's birthday. Envelopes are being distributed which suggest the "White Gifts" that we may bring to our king. DON'T FORGET M. A. ALBRIGHT HANDLES A COMPLETE LINE or the BEST GROCERIES T ry Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies I Sunflower Canned finnds PEERLESS FLOUR Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts COME AND LOOK at our line of Staple Dry Goods Setsnug Underwear Cotton Bats Imm Iron Clad Hosiery Henderson Corsets Skating Sets and Caps Mina Taylor Dresses Fancy Towel Sets Outings Ginghams Percales x Shirtings Notions Sweaters 12 18 Mufflers 12 10 Socks 12 20 Wristlets 12 . 11 Helmets , 3 Total 48 '""oi Guide Rock, Miss Delia Ferguson, Sup No. assigned No. made Sweaters 25 - 16 Mufflers . 25 11 Socks 25 32 Wristlets 25 46 Total 115 Tic War Relief Club t No. assigned No. made Sweaters 10 14 ! Mufflers 10 10 Socks '10 12 Wristlets 10 . 10 Helmets 2 Total 40 48 Rod Cloud Chapter No. assigned No. made Sweaters 6 Socks 13 Wristlets 4 Total 23 J Rutin, Mrs. Throckmorton, Sup. Socks 3 Garfield, T. W. White, Sup. Socl8 1 Total assigned, G00; total made, 793. MRS. W.fA. SHERWOOD, Chairman Hospital Supplies and Knitting for Webster County. "bladen Claude Woods was in Hastings Monday. R. F. Essert was in Hastings Sat urday. II. 'II. Hito visited Nelson friends over Sunday. Tracy Knutson visited lied'" Cloud friends Sunday. Miss Anna Snucck was a Hastings visitor Tuesday. George Vogt was down from Hast ings over Sunday. INAVALE Hi Dunn and family spent Sunday in Bloomington. I Mr. and Mrs. Art Myers drove to Red Cloud Tuesday. I Fred Arnold shredded his cron fodder this week. Guy Barker is husking corn for Mr. Loseke this week. Bernice Saunders was a passenger to Blue Hill Monday morning. C. Orchard arrived hero Tuesday morning, from New Mexico to spend Christmas with his wife and sons. Mrs. Dixon of Red Cloud came up Monday night to preside over the W. C. T. U. convention held Tuesday. Guy Barker and family ate supper at Will Topham's Tuesday night in honor of Ivan Barker's twelfth birth-. day. There was not a very large at tendance at the W. C. T. U. convention i held Tuesday at Hunters hall but those present enjoyed tho meeting. . Mrs. Lena Atkinson of Red Cloud, &ister of Clyde Wickwirc nnd Mrs. M. Groat, attended the W. C. T. U. .con vention hoio Tuesday. Christmas services, "Whito Gifts for the King" will bo held Sunday night at tho M. E. church. Every one is cordially invited to come. The services at tho Christian church closed Tuesday night. Owing to sickness and tho extreme cold weather the attendance was small but those who did attend heard many good mes sages through Rev. Reeves, also tluough tho singing which was led by Miss Christy of Guide Rock. ef INAVALE M. E. NOTES Coma to choir practice at Mrs. Miller's Saturday night. Wo will practice songs for the Christmas pro gram. Our tcachors trajning class is growing. Fourteen members aro now studying tho first book of tho Standard Course, "Life in the Making." . , Christmas Greeting I 1 ' ' ' J Is something vve all enjoy, especial ly if we give something useful and worth while. We have in stock a great many things that make usefulful presents, such as Pianos. Sewing Machines, Rocking Chairs, Davenports, Book Cases, Rugs, Library Tables, Buff as, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets, Mirrors Pictures, Smoking Stands, Pedistals Magazine Racks, Foot Stools, 6c. Come in and look over our stock and let its show you these Good Values ROY SATTLEY I Furniture Dealer Licensed Embalmer &ase&