The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1917, Image 8
.'.MtmtKi0wa0'mwt't .m niiWMm'winw'irn- - iw -,.... ..-- -. .oti n.n , j. .; jhu1ij!. ,i,i.;j, i rjju.junsCTnKsncss9nE9raBn9HBH KfrtrWatfrifrHiiJltgSttr NflttttriMMMiaUMMttlaMMMMIM :.... . .. jh-jj Fjrr bMMMrMJNWWWM9BM9nH3HjHSH fei r 31 ; P WHITE IVORY WWfce Ivory goods of every kind and for any person. The lino em braces articles both useful and orna mental and nearly all at old time ! rices. Goods were bought early bo ore tho ralwjs and tho line ofTcrs many excellent gift suggestions. Baby sets. Toilet and manicure sets. Photograph Frames, Brushea for all Ipurpoacs, Jewel Boxes, Individual Toilet and Manicure Pieces; in fact po comprehensive that we cannot enu merate them all. ry,w TZHk LssHMHHEinm The most cherished Koopsnko is n watch. There's an intimacy about a good watch a personality hallowed by a thousqnU sacred memories. But it must be a good watch ono to last through the years an ever faithful companion, and our stock is made up of just Buch watches that keep time faithfully and accurately und are treasured more us tho years pass by. Watches as gifts for everyone will bo found here and at tho easiest prices possible, most of them Belling nt old time prices. BilHID g 1 1 &3XZZB53 FRIEND, SWEETHEART, WIPE Was the beautiful sentiment chosen by a well-known young man, to be in scribed within his fiance's ring. Friend, sweetheart, wife, combine tho three or chooBC ono from among them and wo will show you the ring for presentation. An excellent line of seals and init ial! for the men. Solid, substantial economical rings for the boys and girls. Best quality rings for everybody all rings of solid gold or silver the kind that do not wear off. Christmas comes but once a year And Christmas now is very near. The first to buy will get tho best, Altho' we're sure to suit tho rest, fnpjajBa3Ejssj&23SJBJSjBKB& THE. NEW EDISON The "NEW EDISON" is tho ono Supreme gift for the entire family affording tho best, most economical entertainment at all times and for all ages Tho only instrument that brings to you the full, t'ruc, perfect tones of tho artist. The only instrument that sus tains actual comparlsop with tho real singer's voice or the player's instru ment. ' Prices advance Jan. 1, so buy now and save the advance, Easy termB if desired. CHAINS A full and complete line of Chains and Fobs for ladies and gentlemen now awaits you, at fairest prices, at our store. Should you wish to remem ber any with bo useful and appro priate a gift as a handsome chain or fob don't fail to come and see our beautiful designs. We have an assortment from which to make a satisfactory selection and our moderate prices will please you equally as well as the handsome styles. Elegance : Economy , It isn't necessary to spend a hat ful of money to give a few Christ mas Presents. Qur store this Yule tide is headquarters for a happy blending of elegance and economy. Here you will find beautiful re membrances such as good taste dic tates. Rare conceptions out of the ordinary, designs from art workers in gold and silver, who have left the impress of a skill that stands for real merit. Gifts of gems,' jewelry, cut glass, watches and novelties. Gifts to be put to practical use, Gifts for the home beautiful. Just look over -the few sugges tions here shown and remember these are but a few of the many items we can show you. Suppose you come in and look them over at once. We are pleas ed to show the goods and assist you in choosing gifts that are sure to please. v E. H. Newhouse C, B. & Q. R. R. Watch Inspector JBWBLBR OPTOMETRIST FOUNTAIN PENS A Parker Safety Scaled Self Filling Fountain Pen is the acme of perfec tion. Tho only pen WITHOUT THE HOLE IN THE WALL and an artlclo of daily usefulness for all ages and occupations. Ono of these with n supply, of Park er Ink Tabjcts for the one away 'from home makes an ideal gift and ono that lasts for years. ' The line is most complete and in cludes not only the famous Parker but also a lino of cheaper, yet service able pen. . K0DM BSSSSSl SSSJ'Yl Kodaks offer a most appropriate gift for young or old of either sex, and stock is as complcto as manu facturing conditions will allow. There is both amugemenfc and education in picture Bis&liig. ITere is a moat appropriate gift for the soldier boy as the pictures he sends tell more than lengthy letters, and an excellent gift to send home pictures to the boy at the front. The line is most comprehensive, the actual picture taking so easy, and such a range of prices that it will be easy to make your selection. ijibM29SSei3BBfeB5 Toilet, Manicure i and Sewing Sets are here In profusion white ivory, ebony, silver, pearl, in fnfct the assort ment seems almost cndlteBa and offers gift suggestions for -toUher sex and all ages and at prices that aro most pleasing. You, WlAl bo surprised to see tho gift possibilities in this line docket Case's, 'Traveling Cases, Dres ser Seta and, all articles of practical use in ad'lrftlon to their ornamental value. PINS AND BROOCHES We have a splendid assortment of Pins and Brooches for both Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear. Some of them are very inexpensive and 'will make a very pretty Christmas remembrance at a very small cost and from this point they grade upward to any amount you care to pay. In Scarf Pins, Lace? Pins. Baby Pins, Brioches and all goods included iu the line, we make it a point to show the very latest. Prices will be found very moderate and in no case exceeding the actual value of any article. SILVERWARE As always offers many useful and or namental gifts. The flatware lino in both solid Sterling and tflntcd is a most desirable line from which to TTInTce selections, many articles of uso and ornament desired and needed in every houseiisWt In tho Sterling line aro many single pieces, inexpensive yet durable, mak ing gifts that will give pleasure and bo cherished for years. Cut Gfarains CUT GLASS Our stock of cut glass must be seen to be appreciated. We are making a very handsome and comprehensive display in this line and hope you will come to see it. The styles are ex ccptioaally artistic and the quality cannot be questioned by say one who is a judge of first class goods. The mew LIBBEY AMBERWA cut glass will make moat acceptable , gifts for-even the most fastidious and is a distinct novelty. The entire line 'affords opportunity for selecting a gift for most any woman, young or old, and it is all most attractively priced. aa&g&E z ,;.Xh;uhXmx4njm $ H5 TOLD TO US -, v-.""."".,V'.".-VVVVTV'.TVVVV'VVVV Ally. C. T Austin was down from llhie Hill. Monday. Mr. und Mrs. Clins. Hunter of Iimvalo ( vvre in the olty Monday. Tho little sou of Will Fruizer's is ill with pneumonia. Miss ltuth Joy who has been on the sick list, is improving at this writing. Mrs. Elllugar entertained tho Bnp tUt Missionary Circle Tuesday after noon to u tliroo course lunch. The All Stura defeated tho local High School foot bull team on Just Weilnosday byu scoro of SI to 3. Henry Doltriuh has. installed a new elojtrlc driven shoe ilutahlng uiucliliip in the ropnlr departmuut.of his shoo store. Hoy Uarrotsou of Camp Futiston spent Saturday and Sunday at the Jbome. Qt liU mother, in this city. "Lew Walters arrived homo from 'Xurora Saturday. He hud been In that vicinity for Beverul weeks helping the farmers harvest their corn crop. Olr. Hnd Mrs. Don Fulton have moved Into tho house east ot tho Washington ttctiool building vacated by Mr. Buzzard and wife. 1'auI Polulcky was In Hastings Fri day, whero ho passed, the physical ex 'Awiirmtlon and whs admitted to the aviation corpse of Uncle Sam's fighting forces. Bishop Needier will preach next Sunday at the Grace church both mf ru ing and overtag. Those who attend are sure to bear a rousing patriotic nertnon. Red Cross Notes J Advisory Board Appointed The monthly .neetlng of the Women's Red Cross Atixlhay was heir at the court Louse Ttec 3. Miss Edith Maltelgbnti, chairmau of tho flnanco committeo reports that $130 whs raised in monthly sub scriptions and $irG was raised iu donations. The motion was p nssod that the monthly, collection bo made about tl e twentieth of each month: A voto of thatilcs was extended to all who donated during the month and especially to the Clio Club and also to Mrs. UurKOSs und her assistants for the money received from the Royal Neighbors. A committeo was appolntt-d , who drew up tho following resolutions: "Whereas tho ladies of the Red Cross Auxiliary iu their deliberation as to the most ncceptitblo method ot procuring tho necessary funds for carrying on the work, decided to so licit each family iu and near Red Cloud, for monthly or collective donattous, unit a pcrmunont fund inlgnt ue es tablished for the putobasiug of sup plies. Therefore, be It resolved, that we ix tend to eaoh contributor our slnceru Uiaiiics tor tnetr willingness and gen erous response to our appeal, as it will enable us, wholly or in part, to apply tho time that, must otherwise have beou spent lu plaunlngentortalnments to the work so sorely needed aud for which there U so much demand " Treasurer's report for month ending Nuv. 30; ' Ou hand Nov. 1 Olio Olub R lyal Neighbors , Silo of emiiloras D.matiocs from Individuals Share of inemborshlp fees their father departed this life. Besides the wife and seven children nro two brothers, Peter Upp of Leb anon, Kas., Jay Upp of Falrbury, Neb., three sisters, Mrs. J. A. Hartiuan.Mrs. H. Goldsworth of Lebanon, Kas., and Mrs. Nannie Francis of Oretuu, Khs. Many other relatives and friends are left to mourn his death. Mr. Upp was lain to rest In the Oriole cemetery on Wednesday. He will be greatly missed in this county. mSSm&Sm: H3igli I CHRISTMAS SPECIALS A list of a few most helpful suggestions to those who are wondering what to give for , Christmas presents. Misses Myrtlo Morton aud Carrie Throp visited at the E. E. Spurrier's Tuesduy and Wednesday of last week. Ernest Iugrum is spending a few dnys in Republican City, the gueht of his sister, Mrs. Lou Clark, who is quite ' sick nt Mils writing. Miss Melba Spurrier returned homo Tuesday after a weelt'svisit In Smith Center the itucst of Mtssos Opal and Lucile Luse. Roy Upp returned to his home near Yuma, Colo., last' Friday. He was called bore by the illness of hi 3 father, Andrew Upp. Tha FOLKS AT home expect you i.l7....TA?TO TELL. 'EM ALL ABOUT UailllB-.BB j A Legal Advl&ory Board has been organized within and for Webster County under tho 'Solent ivo Service JUaw passed by CongrHss May 15th 1017, consisting of, every member of the Webster Comity Bar, as follows: J. 8. Gilliam, Bernard McNeny, L. H. Blaekledge. B. U. Qvcrrmtn, C. T. Austin, A. M. Walters, QowarlB. Foe, B. W. fits wart. Fred Usurer, B. U. Caldwell, Frank J. Monday and A. B. Rauaey, and each of said saentiers voluntarily offers bis services to re sdsiranta uulon said law In making out 4 their queitlonalre and in i-s-lstlng re gistrants to make full, correct and ooroplefce and truthful atihwer to the QuMtionalrf, and in assist generally in tht just administration of the law v"' A. D, IUnnkv, Chairman tOO 70 80 60 10 65 On 271 UO 8 50 virr CET1E," THESyff iti ExhilaratiMzBiirlesmt: Vaudwifls LMtr MM ftMTIKE EIEIT KEEKMT Everybody Ombi Aak Aiuknrfy U.WTO TM MMCIT MW IHTSSMr WIT Of MftCUS Total till 71 Expensos On hand Deo. 1 8 05 21 34U30 Kansas Pickups StaltU Gountj Anrew W. Upp was boru at Clarke vllle, Iuwa,J-iu,l, 180L DM at his bone In Logan township, Salth Co., Kansas, Dee, 4 1U17, age 66 years 10 saoaths and 10 days. With Ida parents he Move to this county la 1871 where he resided nutll his death. Ue was united lu marriages to Ulna Maggie Stunea also ot Logau township lu 11185, to this uulon wui born eight children, four hoys and fourglrla. AH are living except one girl, Louie, who died lu infancy, The other seven were at the bedalde whta Use It On ftce Trial TT-ILLotf tha wow and t )NB(thhffiitfWoralUttMMMaHofr wdttlOMr) to treat roar tmltr tec reudtrm. UtUrewfltttaatoiiHiej uk wttl seat yoa Bottatac. C. L. Cotting The Druggist Gloves Bed Spreads Table Linen Fancy Towel Sets Cap and Scarf Sets Silk Peticoats Sweaters Wool Hose Comb Sets Back Combs Forward Combs Silk Nothing is so nice for a Christ mas present thari a silk waist or dress. We have a nice line in Beldings Guarranteed silk and satins from $2.00 to $2.75 per yard and all of them 36 inches in width. 4 Silk Poplins 40 inches in width. Price - $1.90 Ladies Neckwear Daintily embroidered collar in organdy and flannel at 50c to $1.50. Jabots in net and marquisette Price - - 50c to $1.50 Handkerchiefs Neatly put up in boxes or singly. Womens Crepe Dey Chine in plain solid colors or with neat designs at 25c each. Womens fine sheer handker hiefs with embroidery corn ers. Price 5c to 50c each. Womens fine sheer handker chiefs with blodk initial in the fancy design or wreath around initial. - - 10c each .1 Dolls Just a few of the kind that go to sleep. Price $2.0Q to $5.00 A full line of the unbreakable headset all sizes, and syles. Price 'V - - 25c td $3.50. Furs Furs are always appropriate for a Christmas present. Separate muffs $3.50 to $14.00. Muffs and scarfs from $1400 to $27.50 per set. ' Fancy Ribbons Beautiful line of fancy ribbons useful to make so many of the useful gifts or for hair ribbons from fancy warp prints. Price - - 12 l-2cto 50c per yd. Mrs. Barbara Pharos JMMMMMMmMMMMMMXtJMM '&- B "; -t " i M i fly ft l 4 - i $ .iA"! wr 1, iS. ,1 v& iAitMsktiSJ'J ,J u aJ" xn..Af .Au.y. iWt :fe, V ...-.fcjJVi' .-. . ); '? J " ' . SlfeJ 'M ' . A. ssss ;,T - ?"-r-- ; "' ' " ' V"1,' ,,11','IT.'''""" it'"lTOMlmw'''af jfteWiiMHMWfWSJSff A -