Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1917)
pwpilgJl miilj P f U,-l J A IX A , 0 HI By ' Wtsjsjssjsja; ?iijii)iiiii)i P i! if A : The Ideal Christmas 1 Itift for "HER" I .,if filijiii ,i;':f ? I I W i liwffl $ A? ' ft' L . N . i& 3 8 : r , ' . - y & i LLikVH T i - BH BPWH P'BBk. BBBT l sLV kkW skWskm irkkTkH NkkK T' 'kkWkkm. L Tilt; SUUTH KtINU PS I. i tfaf I naiiKC $ 32 I CALIFORNIA OR THE SOUTH , THIS WINTER? IF CALIFORNIA, our Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeper Parties to Los Gngclcs through Scenic Colo, rado and Salt Lake will permit you to make this over land journey in the most caic-free way. You can go citherdirect or via San Francisco and Coast Line thro Santa Barbara. IF THE SOUTH, you have Burlington through-service routes via Kansas City, St. Louts, Chicago or Denver for direct or variable-route tours to all principal South ern destinations and the big military cantdments. Ask for literature." Let me assist you and elucidate all of the travel advantages that accrue to you, if your ticket reads "Burlington". i h, W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent ' 1004 Fiirnam St., Omaha, Neb'. wvwwviVwvAVvvvvvv.v.vv,vrAlrtl, Auto Hearse Horse Hearse Malleable The Biggest Range Value on the Market, Today Some people think the way to save money is to keep every cent they get and when they buy anything to buy the very cheapest articles they can find. Sometimes more money is saved by spending a little more and gettiDg the best A cheap range is dear at any price because you don't get your money's worth out of fuel and then you soon have repair bills. ; The SOUTH BEND is built to last, economizes on fuel, saves you - repair! .bills. In a few years this saving will amount to what you paid for the range also consider the satisfactory work it has done. Ask the housewife who owns one GEORGE W. TRINE Red Cloud's Leading Hardware Dealer 3&g&3ftm& 1 ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING ' (LADY ASSISTANT) Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Res, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. AArVVUVWVWWVV t r I WUWWUUWUWWUUU'WUUWUWUUWUll WffttfSttfSSfffXm'ffSfttfSJWfMfMfSffftffffSfftfA Keep Improving Your Equipment f ? Do not worry about tho hhortngo of props, nnothor year is comliifr Do not wait for cheaper butldiog material Do not let the war 6car"a you ' v Do ycu know material will Increase whon the war iaover? Europe ' tnast bu reballt Supply and demand vrlll take a hauQ thca, . Do you know vp Iiavo up to date information on all farm buildings? Do you want idctiB on farm buildings? We furnish them PREK Malone-Gellatly Co. "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" WYAUvwJWWvwvwnjyvwj IF YOU WANT A Treasurer's Statement Major and City Council, City lied Cloud; Neb: ' Gentlemen: smlt herowlth statement cover infr receipts and dlsbnraoments of my oiflco for the period froni Nov. 0 1917 to Deb 4, 1017. Occupation Fund Amount on hand Nov. 01917..$ 126 01 Kooelpts 80 9 Disbursements. -. 95.25 llalanae.,.. 110 70 Water Fund Amount on hand Nov G 733 10 Disbursements G76 34 Balance fi(3 70 4-BjilnnnA IllJ.tlU llti T -..... . I -w. ...! .v- -- uaicr ucvy cunu Amount on hand Nov it.... ...t 415 70 Didbursemonts 307 02 Balance 48 03 General Fund Amount on hand Nov. 0 4G1 oi Dlsbnrsemcuts , 157 20 balance t 304 74 Electric Liuht Fund Amount on. hand Nov fl..... 1128 05 lANVVWWyVWVUVWVrVWlrVWVUVU Bring It to Steve V--: Receipts ,... 1139 73 2207 78 Disbursements 1123 84 Electrio Light Levy Fund Amount on hand Nov ft .118 08 Disbursements. 231 77 Balance 3G 01 Sewer Fand , Amount on hand Nov 6 3 03 00 No rcooiptsor disbursements Ualutico 03 00 Firemen's Fnnd Amount on baud NovO $ 130 Go No receipts or disbursements Balance... ' 130 Go Recapitulation Occupation Fiiud, -.'.. $ 110 70 Watr Fund,..!,..,,. 5(1 70 Water Levy...... . ',.... 48 (W General ..... 3C4 74' Electric Light Fund 1143 94 ! I a" That good . negative; .on your laSt film, or the one . you have lajd away will , make a good Enlargement;. . 4dta.nicehri5tmaslgift , STEVENS BKO. Notice of Referee's Sale Notlco 1h licrcby glveu that under aud by vlrtuool an order made and entered by tho district court ot Webster county Nebraska on tho 8th day ot November ion In an action therein ponding wherein Cora M, Cutter la plaintiff and Amelia li. Stanton ct al are do lendanta, for Rale of tho (ollowlni; deucrlhvd real estate situated lu itcd Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska, to wit: LotHl to2t both Inclusive In ltlook 13 In Kaloy fc Jaokton's Addition to Itod Cloud, Nebragkaf also loU l to 10 both tnclunlvo and lota 13 to 24 both (uclUHlvo In ltlock 14 In Kaloy & JackHoa'a addition to Ucd Cloud Nebraska;.alsoloUataj7 both Inclusive In niock29o( original town, now city of Ucd Cloud, Nebraska; aUolott 1,2,3 all In Illoclc I In Qarber'M addition to Itcd Cloud, No brag Ha; alq a tract ot land comnmnclng lu tho contor.of ail alloy On tao.uouth side of lilook 20 ol Ucd Cloud, .Nobraaka; which point ui on tho north lino ol tlrat avenuo thence cant 220 foot; thonco south IDS foot, thence went 223 foot; thonro north to tho placo ot begin ulng; also a tractof land on tho south end of Elm Btrootol Hod Cloud, Nobraska which Is directly east of lots 8 to 2 both Inclusive In nioclfS) ot Ucd Cloud, Nobraska; also tho east end ot first avenuo which lies directly south ot lot 3, uloo2)ot Rod Cloud, Nobras ka, the undersigned referco duly appointed Biectrto LI if lit Levy Fund;.... 80 91 rfnwHr b'und 03 (K). by tho said court In said acUon, will on tho Firemen's Fund , 18 00 ' l7tb.dayo! Decembor, 97, at two o'clock p. u nt., standard time ot said day, at the south 1903 70 door ,no court house In said county, In Bettered Warrants Ootatandlm, "&TT i Oeoupatjon Fuu,d...,, ...14H3 7ftJibtsshaliflrstbeorefed as aVhole; Second uourrni uunu... ..,, imu ii iniotsur parco s, qrany number of low less Pavlu , v n.4!i06 61 than tbpwholo,aa4 shall be sold under lhai S. Ii floranoe Oltr Traaa loneol Wo aforesaid, methods of sale by which WrWVVrrVUMArVVWVVyVUVCv J. H. ELLINGER AUCTION J COL i PhtosiplsI is YoHt, Town Dated November tth, tf7. P. J,, Monday l. H, dlaokldok Attorney 17-6 Referee I PNUfllEflT OR A MUH Made Right, Lettered Right And Erected Rigbt SEE 0VEW BHOS. & GO. Maker 0 ArtittlcZMonumints Red Cloud, 1 Nebraska efrfrCHMMfrAtHO 1 )mm3 "m T nnting I WeEM Will Please You No Jobs too small, none too large to receive our careful attention ? :.,,... Is now roady to plaee your salo dates Ask any one as to my quallllcatlons or'whom I havocrlod sales. IndeDen - - .. .... c v ueni puoueuoniu. write wire or call W 5 C Red Ctuti Nebr. 2 ,VWV"Ar'.VV.VV.V.,Vi'VV,WJVV. r ArVWVbVrVWVft.VU"AV---VV. ! Hayes Auto Bus To and from All Trains Baggage Transferee! roraplly THE RED CLOUD CHIEF .if riUN 1 nio ana ruouonLia , , . 1 ' X . "Not how cheap but how good." t.4'44(1'i'44'fX The Koontz Auto Bus Bassase Transfer AatoUvery ' n y l T I"'! t. Ml 0 "i 1 "X- Til if. :M 7r&. '! '5' ,1 i f-M iH xsi . : , '-J V r w ' W, J hv'v 1 ...v.rf.tViClIvl)1 ' r,.''1 VVj,.ai '1 m . x.i 'j .- mJ'-: . ,.,.J- 3jf & Hi V 1 ' x.- iti"