The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1917, Image 5

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    K W
Froczc-Proof? Got It at Cooks
Rov. 8chaal hold services In Nupotioe
Hoy HnsbiriKPr spout Monday in
Mrs. A. N. Dolph spent Mouduy
Miss Eiliili I, McKeiiinn'fipont Til
day in HusthmB.
Itov. Mi-h. MltchcOl of Franklin vti
in tuo city Wednesday.
Dr. Lollnr spent Wednesday in
Franklin on bunincss.
Lainbom Hitydccn was a pnsscngct
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Phillip Trail t returned home from
Oxford Tuesday mornlutf.
L. M. Orabill spent the lust 61 tlio
week in Hardy on business
fcyes testod, glussos flttod. J. C.
Mitchell, tho Jeweler.
W. H. Thomns went up to Cowlcs
Wednesday to visit relatives
William II. Carl wont to Hastings
Mondny to join tho avlntlon corps.
Will Huffman and Dowoy Unladen
spent Tuesday nftcrnoon in Bluo Hill.
Mrs George Ilolllster left Wodiies
day for Hupcrior to attend to business
Attorneys Austin nnd Walters of
Bluo Hill were In tho city the ilrst or
the week.
Hov. Hates returned homo Monday
frouhUlooinlngton where he held, ser
vices Sunday.
l'aul Polnicky left Tuosday for San
Antonio, Texus, where ho has joined
aviation corps.
Mrs. E. L. DurUey left Monday morn
ingfor Davenport to visit her hus
band's parents.
Misses Muriel and Ethol Fisher
spent the end of the week In Superior
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Amaok uro
moving into the Overman houso in the
west part of town.
Vein Ilender.son went up to Lincoln
Wednesday morning where ho intends
to join the U. S. Navy.
Edgar Thione and Hay Sutton wont
to Omaha Wednesday morning to
attend to business matters.
Misses Edna anil Franeis Nolan
were in the elty Saturday morning
whilo enrouto to Hustings.
Zen? weather Iihs no terror for tho
autoist, if ho usts Johnston's Froeze
Proof. Sold under irutirntttrc by Cook's
Diug .Store.
Mr. and Mm. Harvey Itickerson re
turned home Saturday morning ftoni
Orleans wheie they httve been visiting
her parents,
Lamborn Hiivdeeii leturned homo
Tuesday evening from Ashland ulipio
ho has been working for tlx just
hovcral months.
Miss Y'Oln Swartz and Airs. Ilob't
Dameroll returned homo Tuosday
evening from Burlington, Iowa, aftor
an extended visit with i datives
Mr. Car Owner, you won't have to
worry about your radiator freezing if
you uso Johnston's F-reezu 'Proof. For
hale at Cook's Drug Store,
Lowest rates, host terms and option
and in any amount. No inspection ex
pense, and absolutely no delay. Six
plans to choose from. Sole agent for
Trcvott, Matt is & Hah or.
J. 11. Bailey
.Mi' aii'l Mi Will Kisher wore I
Hustings Kiiday.
(lood meals good ervlce modemt
prices -Powell & Pop..' cufi-
Mrs, Lncemi While went down in
Cluidn Rneli Tiii-s.liiy tn visit rnlailves
HW-V Molu osh wmit to Outdo Il.ieTi
Mondny whero he attended to bu-lneM
A M. Pnok (if UHvit'in stopped off !
i his city Width ml ly between tnilm
while eurmito tn K- iiiney.
Clid Siiiiiisiin, Win HiitliM', limn
Yost and lUyininiil K no . went up mi
lliiNtiiigi Monday to jnln tho mini
Mis. Illues went up tn Cmvles
Weduesihiy tuoruiiig to attend to bus!
uess manors.
Mr. and Mrs. Iliirvoy Rlekerson have
mnvod into tlio MeKclglianpioporty on
Walnut street.
Rev. F. M. Druliuer returned home
Wednesday morning from Alma oftcr
a short visit with rolatlves
Mrs. Lydla Hoffman epent tho flisi
of tho woek In Hustings visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Poter Duffy.
II. Neuorburg and family aremoviue
into tho Talt houso on S Soward St .
which he recently pui chased.
Will Hoffman and Dewey Saladi-n
went to Ouide Rock Monday and le
turned lator in tlio day via auto.
Want ku Horses and mules to
pasture in stalks at 82.50 pur mouth.
Curtis Dully, Inavale, Noli
Call Jernborg left Monday morning
forAkion, Colorado, whcio he will
work for the 0. It. and Q rail road.
Mr. and Airs. C. Af. Dickei son were
In tho city last week visiting with hei
parents, Air. and Airs. S. B. Klzur.
Sylvester Frisbio returned homo the
last of the from Englowood, Kiin-as,
whero ho lU'cumpauied a load of hogs
Lost A suit case, between Itoit
Cloud and ltlvurtun on Deo lOUi.
Finder notify Curtis Dally, Inavale,
Airs Earl Hall was a passenger to
Hastings Wednesday morning and re
turned lator in the day with her hus
band via auto,
Ju'dge Dungau of Hiihtings was in
the city Tuesday morning while en
routo home from llloomingtou where
he held court.
Mrs. Jasper Swarts, who, for tho last
three weeks has been visiting with All.
and AIis. J. 11. Hansen leturned to her
hoiue at lAimour, Tue&duy morning.
A large electric sign has been hung
in front of the llainlltou-Calher Cloth
ing Company's store. It Is thu ili-Mi
one of its Icind lo bo installed in the
Vot'n and Meiedith Butler, Hiirn
Yost and Raymond ICoontz autocd to
Hustings Tuesday evening and from
theio they will go to Fort Woith,
Texas, to join tho "boys."
Carman Thompson of Red Cloud,
Frank Mahuke and Elwiti Redden ot
(nildu Rock and Earl Toachworth of
ltostwick went up to Hastings Monday
morning to join the aviation corps.
Attend the big tuikoy shoot at
Inavale on December Slst. There von
will have an opportunity to obtain tho
I'ovetel Christmas bird at n very slight
cost. Everybody welcome. -Toll your
ft lends.
"WANTED-A good, steady, gentlo salesman to handle a WardV
wagon In Webster County. No exper
ience needed. For full particulars
write piomptly to Dr. Ward's Alcdical
Company, Winona, Minnesota. Estab
lished 1651). IS 0
J II Itll.fV IB tl'IIISIlCllllrf tltlsilHVR
III I If I I I 111 -k Wl'HK.
CM SiuHliof Bird City, Km., is
in Hn iMi this week
l(o Itnn itis of Oiilde Koek wn-i In
the elU tn llrst (it tile ive-k nttuiiilli g
I i IhihIii ss iinilteis,
L .iiilin ty and James Shvey if
III aic vv.-iv in the elty lt- Hist nl
t it' W fit Hllcilllllnf lulllslll ,ss IlldllJS
A M. mi oof Yi li in in I lit el'j
I K m k n ,, a Hie Inline nf
ill- , Mi- Joy.
hcii.v ler it i.cs. ot Tno Chief force,
nIih hit. Iieen ooullueil tn Ilia room,
HulIVimg loin a M'vore iilincU of 'tho
4ii'0 Is'iigaln alilo In lie iiinuuil. lie
has in ken a wi-ok'n vacation, tlio same
iielug spetu at the home of Ins parents
iioi tli of town
Alt-, and Airs. John Uoudrlnger, who
have been visiting hor parents, Air.
a d Mr. V. K. NiiUu of Riverlou,
Aero in tho city Tuesday morning
-vhlle eurouie to Liuoom for n short
visit with relatives ami frletnls, after
wlilnli thoy will make thoir homo at
I'awnee City
Mr. Robert Mcliridc has been a
linlmod food Administrator for Web
ster county. His addicts Monday at
tno uieHtltiK held at tho Oi-pheitm,
iilacis him In the ranks of Webster
county oiators. co
pernio with Air. McBrldo ill food
Attornoj R J, MumUy, Chairman
in four Aiiiinte en ot this ('(iiitn.s
iiuuoiiuees lliat Attniiiey l E Maurer,
in Thiir-ilay night and Judge Itaiin-y
on Fiiday night( will use for their four
iiilmite talk iho biilij.-ul "Cariyiug the
Message," fact of how Uornuuy has
been preparing for the present war lor
twenty jeai.s. Saturday night Alayor
D.merell will dismiss "United States
Win Saving Stamps," what they aie
and whoic to buv them.
" "- lmm''ml'lm'''''''ummmmmmemermuvmtitiaiiimu
Found at Our Store
T! Chase & Sanborns Coffees
Itens Crackers and Cookies
JT y Batavia Jams and Spices
J I Sunflower Canned Goods
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts
at our line of
Staple Dry- Goods
Setsnug Underwear Cotton Bats
Iron Clad Hwiery Outings
Henderson morsels Ginghams
I! bkating bets and taps Percales
U Mina Taylor Dresses Shirtings
I Fancy Towel Sets Notions
V. A. Hall was hi Hlue IIII1 Fiiday
J A. Dennis was in Bluo Hill Sutur
AlissCallie Wholmes spent Wednes
day in Hlue Hill.
Jens Westeiiseu was in Miuden a
fow days thl.s week.
Mrs. II. Andeisou was a passenger to
Lincoln Fiiday
Joe Uliea was a passenger to 1111
dielh Friday evening.
Mib Hobeit Doytl spent the week
with i chit Ives in Hastings.
V. Al. Bottom made a Imsinuss lilp lo
Umaha the middle oithu week.
Alesdames Clyde Keith and 0. D.
Hiiuihui weic in Hasllngs Wtdnesday
Mis. Matilda Johnson was a passen
ger to Upland the last of tho week.
E. West of llai 09 Center snout
Wednesday and Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Essert.
Aliss Alt a ISloom returned Saturday
iiiiuiiiiu to he" homoatUlouvillo after
u fow weeks vlblt with her sister, Ahs.
Henry Poiiiils.
Air. and Airs. Jno. Andeisou and
family of Fpland spent a fcwsdays
with F. F. Fulton and family this
Everett Franco left Saturday for
Loup CKy wlicie ho had a herd ot
cattle. IIn diovo thorn homo tho first
of the week.
Air, mid .Mrs. Alvah Sherman te
turned to Ked Cloud Friday after' a.
few days visit with Mr. and Airs. O.O.
Koss. They wero accompanied home
oy tho .Misses kCluru and Delia Hos;
The Fiul Ilyors Stook Co., gavo four
splendid plays the last fow days, This
company met with very bad weather
but a goodly crowd took in most of thu
shows. Their next stand Is at Alluden,
- Airs. Eli Strong was on tho sick
list the past week.
Guy fiarkor finished husking corn
for A. F. Hartwell Wednesday.
Van Ncgley and wife were In In
avale Monday on business.
Mr. W. Wonderly is husking com
tor k. u. iiunter tms week.
Mr. Colo returned tho latter part
of the week after several weeks ab
sence. Tho Homo Guard meeting at tho
M. C. church Monday night was well
Guy Darker and wife and Will Top
ham and wife autocd to Red Cloud
Saturday. P. M.
Halph Stickuoy returned to his
homo at Huskin Monday morning
after a shoit illness with measles.
Roc Rcnkcl of Camp Funston spent
Saturday and Sunday heio with rela
tives and friends.
Clydo Wickwiro who has been hav
inp; a shoit illness with a cold on his
lungs is out again on the streets.
T. W. Thompson and family return
ed Tuesday A. M. from Riverton
whero they had been visiting Mr. Geo.
Thompson and family since Saturday.
Roy Palmer and wife, wore in Red
Cloud Monday and Tuesday helping
her father and mother move into a
more convcincnt house.
Come out to tho Christian church
every night at 7:30 and enjoy the
sermons by Rev. Reeves also MIbs
Christy the soprano singor of Guide
Rock. " '
"While on the way to Red Cloud
Thursday of last week in a auto Roy
Palmar and wife were upset. For
tunatly thg car laid on its sido and
thoy wore not hurt and the car only
a little datnugedt
Don Cloud who has been very sick
is a little better under the of
Dr. Packwood of Rivoiton. Mrs.
Ray Mayo, who lias been sick since
Thanksgiving, is considerable better
also under the care of Dr. Packwood.
11 1
ere never has been a time in the
I hiftory of our country when useful Chrimas
ffi presents were as acceptable as the Christmas season of 1917.
k Anticipating this we have prepared an, unusual large assortment
I Bath Robes up to $6.50
j Silk and Madras Shirts 75c lo $6.00
Umbrellas $1.00 to $3.50
m Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs I Qc to 50c
h Silk, Cotton and Wool Hosiery 1 5c to 50c
I - Night Robes $ 1 .00 and $ 1 .51
Mens and Boys Sweaters $ 1 .00 lo $9.00
m A most complete line of Neckwear 25c lo J5g
I Gloves and Mittens 50e to $2.00
I . ' Wool and Fur Caps 50G to $6.00-
Bags and Suit Cases $1.00 to $
, . . Mufflers BOG lo $3.50
m A Big Assortment of Christmas Box Combinations i
I Mens, Boys and Childrens
I Suits and Overcoats
At Prices Way Below the Present Market
- - l. wv
, -rivfcVA ww ":
nmnoniJ liui"---
Everything a
or Boy Wears
We Ask Your Co-operation in Our Efforts
to Please YOU and Save Your Money
The BEST Men and Boys
Store in Southern Nebraska
Good Service and High Grade
Merchandise for Your Inspection
-&feast stdatt iffi
- - 'J6N
Man I
' 4