RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF Its'' v f i IV I ; I . w It A M WHILE AT WAlt Women Suffer at Home Lincoln, Nebr.-',A few years ago, quo xo my naving overworked, I bo came all run-down, weak and nervous and could not eat or sleep. I kept on getting worse until I was a com ploto wreck. I took Favorlto Proscrip tion' and was soon restored to health and strength. I the 'Golden Medical Discovery' as a tonic- and blood purifier; it was excel lent. "Mrs. J. S. Barrlbo, 1945 K St Aurora. Ncbr.-"I have had a wonder ful oxperienco with Dr. Pierce's remodles. I had been ailing for six months with nervous prostration and impurities of the blood, and became so ill finally that y case just simply baffled the doctors. I was down in bed and hal just about given up hope when 1 read an advertise ment and started to toko tho 'Favorite Proscription' and tho 'Golden Medical Discovery.' Then wo changed doctors and it was with the approval of taj physician that I kept right on with them, until I was completely rostorcd to health. Wo also acted on advlco received from ut. ncrco's invalids' Hotel along with my doctor's approval and I fed positlvo that I owe my llfd nnd present good health to tho treatment I had at that ! time with Dr. Pierce's remedies. It was all of sixteen years ago and I am so en- ! thusiastic, I hovo been recommending thc.qo rnmrdlrQ in mv f rinn.ia .,. :.... ? Mrs. B. A. Hickman, 317 N St. Tho "Prescription" and tho "Dis covery" aro both put up in liquid and tablets, and aro to bo found in nearly all drug stores. No alcohol or any narcotic. Send Dr. V. M. Pierce. Buffalo, J. Y.t lOo for trial pkg. of either tablets. After reaching the top u man censes to talk about tho room there. However, pride never brings one the humiliation of hurlng n favor refused. AXAT1VB OI u. w. True. "Bad weather we're having." "Yep. But you'ro In luck If flint's all you've got to kick about." Some Exceptions. "Does like nlwnys produce like?" "Not always. Hlch food often pro duces poor health." ' Before Wealth Came. No doubt there nro a lot of rich men, too, who though they'd be dlf- ' ferent than they nre when they got i money In tho days before they got It. j Pledge for Children. Mrs. Hnttic T. Harl, a school tench rr of Council Bluffs, 'la., has prepared , n pledge for school children, In which 'they promise not to find fault with i any food set before them during -tho wur. Swordless Soldiers. Though some nnclent weapons nro being revived tjje sword has passed, perhaps, forever. Long tho symbol of war, "and the bndgo of tho officer, It Jiua now been banished from tho Amer ican army. It has been nbnndoned because It Is worse than use less, says Milestones. It Is no longer an effective weapon either for attack or defense, and It serves ns n distin guish g mnrk of the officer, thus mak ing him the prey of tho enemy sharp shooter. With fur too few trnlned officers America cannot afford to" waste nheni, and It Is wise to ndopt j 4Q 13 mo present practice of tho armies or her nlllcs. Tho modern lino officer of Infantry In an attack carries n watch In one hand and an nutomntlc pistol In the other. With n watch ho times tho progress of his troops, holding them to a slow walk so that they may not w advance more rapidly thnn their artil lery barrage lifts ahead of them. Mod ern nttneks nre run with a Hme table, so that the nrtlllery may know Just where their own men nr at each mo ment, nnd not drop shells on them. Six Minute Pudding Here's a new one a most delicious desert that can b made in a hurry. To one and one-half cups of milk add one cup of Grape-Nut v and one level table spoonful of sugar, boil six minutes, cool and serve with milk or cream. J rai sins if desired. Get a package of Grape Nuta from your' grocer and try this pleasing recirJc sV fcL. -Vi M HELP DRAFTED MEN ATTORNEY8 IN EACH COUNTY WILL TENDER THEIR AID QUALIFIED LAYMEN TO HELP Every Effort Will be Made to Qlve Registrants Aid In Preparing Papers Governor Keith Novlllo has mndo public tho names of lawyers or quali fied laymen for all of tho nlnety-thrco counties in tho state who will assist In mobilizing the lawyers in each county to aid exomption boards and draft registrants in tho classification which starts about tho mlddlo of tho month. In each county these committees aro expected to enlist tho services of all of tho attorneys. The services aro to bo given gratuitously. Following Is tho list: Adama Judge John Snider, ctinlrmnn; Itnymond M. TIbbetts, James K. Addle, Hnstlnps. Antelope J. F. Doyd, chntrmnn; It. M. KryKer, O. A. William, Nrllgli. Arthur George 1 walker, chairman; A. J, Stnplcn, Charles Harding, Arthur. Banner County Assessor H. K. Crans, chairman; Joseph Dolezal, HnrrlsburR. Blaine Judge William Turner, chair man; C. II. lilggs, George C. Wntcra, Brewster. Boone Judge F. A. Daten, chairman; F. D. William. A. E. Clarion, Albion. Box Butte Eugene Burton, rhulrman: John A. D.ivlcs, O. Ai IJarrlngton, Butte Brown Benjamin II. Burrltt, clmlrninn; A. W. Bcattcrgood, John M. Cotton, Alns worth. Buffalo John N. Hryden, chairman; F. T. Hnmer, Kdwnrd It. Mcuermott, Kear ney. Burt E. D. Pratt, chairman: W. M. Hopewell, II. C. Enyart, Teknrnah. Butler It, C. Koper, chairman; A. L. Hughes, C. M. Sklles, David City. Cast Mutt Goring, chairman, Platts mouth: C. E. Tofft, Weeping water; D. O. Pwyr, I'lnttfimoMth. Cedar P. F. O'Gnra, chnlrman; B. I?. Boyd, II. E. Burkett, Hartlngton. Chase Judge J.M. Bender, chnlrman; P. W. Scott, Charles W. Meeker, Imperial. Cherry E. D. Clark, chairman; John M. Tucker. James C. Qulgley, Valentine. Cheyenne C. 8. Itadclirfe. chalrmon; W. P. Miles, J. Li. Mcintosh, Kidney. Clay A. C. Epperson, chairman, Clay Center; Robert O. Brown, Sutton; Clay C. Stewart, Edgar. Colfax 6. F.. Farrell, chairman; George W. Werts, John C. Sprechcr, Schuyler. Cuming O. C. Anderson, chalrmon, West Point; Clark Evans. Winner; F. I Fnrley, Bancroft. Cutter Judge N. D. Ford, chairman; E. E. Squires, C. L. Gulterson, Broken Bow. Dakota William P. Warner, chairman, Tt. E. Evans, Sidney T. Frum, Dakota City. Dawes Judge E. M. Slattcry chairman; W. P. Kooney, Justin E. Porter, Chadton. Dawson Judge I. J. Nlsley, chairman; T. M. Hewitt, W. M. Cook, Lexington. Deuel Judge Woolf. chairman; Chappell; George E. Junge, Big Springs; L. O. Pfelfter, Chappell. Dixon J. J. McCarthy, chairman; Pon ca; Dick A. Van Donsclaar, Concord; F. D. Fnles, Ppwa, Dod3e--C K. Abbott, chairman; 8. S. Snider, Howard W. Ioonils, Fremont. Douplas Judge W. 1). Mcllugh, chair man: Raymond Young, Arthur F. Mullen, Omaha. Dundy C. A. Ttatcllfte, chairman; It. D. Druflnger, A. T. Cowlings, Bcnkelman. Fillmore Judge W. It. Fulton, chair man; K B. Donlsthorp, John J. Burke, Qcneva. ' Franklin Judgo W. C. Dorsey. chair man, Bloomlngton: Charles R. Stnsenkn, Campbell; A. H. Byrum, nioomlngton. Frontier Judgo E. P. Pyle, chairman; 1 H. Chf.ney, Stockvllle; J. L. White, Curtis. Fumav E. B. Perry, chairman, Cam bridge; E. J. Lambe, J. F. Fults, Beaver City. Oaae Samuel Rlnaker, chairman; Ful ton Jack, II. E. Sackett, Beatrice. Garden Judge A. G. Gumacr, chair man; P. S. Laycock, F. A. Dutton, Osh kosli. Garfield Judgo George S. Todd, chair man; E. M. White, Clyde Mnrden. Bur well. Gosper Judge C. G. Lewis, chairman; E. T. Grundcn. J, H. Furrow, Elwood. Grant A. D. Fetterman, chairman; Theodore A. Frye, Charles O, Jones, Hy annls. Greeley County Attorney James P. Boler, chairman; T. P. Unnnignn, Gree ley: John 13. Kavnnaugh, Spalding. vJ2$S?J?--?---'- -1-1'- Mu"ln cn" I rman ; Two hundred Nebraska towns have agreed to co-opera to with the agricul tural extension service in conducting a garden survey this fall and winter, looking forward to a renewal of the "war garden" activities next summer In Lincoln the work will bo done by tho Junior Civic and Industrial league. According to C. W. WatBon, leader of the junior division of the extension service, tho present survev will in. elude tho acquisition of all nocossary J lmormauon. Tne work will be done entirely by boys and girls working in co-operation with tho school authori ties. In each town owners of back yards and vacant lots will ho asked to toll whether they will garden or rent tho property noxt year. Tho students will also aHcortaln tho kind of soil, the availablo supply of fertilizer in the town, nnd similar information, Tho location of each garden spot will bo recordod on a card with tho details concerning It. It is holloved sovoral thousand ncras of land will thus bo como availablo for gardening in Ne braska noxt spring. Overdrafts amounting to 1575,000 aro shown by Stato Treasurer Hall's monthly report at tho closo of busi ness for November. Of this largo sum, $229,000 was in the stato normal fund, $190,000 in the state university activities fund, ?0G.O0O in tho tempor ary university fund, $58,000 In tho state aid bridge fund, and $35,000 in tho stato institutions improvements fund. Tho general fund balance do dined during the month from $135,000 to $50,000. Cash deposits in banks aggregated $284,000 at tho closo of the month. Warna Against Christmas Tree Fires Fire Commissioner W. S. Bldgoll recommends the abolition of tho Christmas treo as a necdloss luxury until after tho war In a bullotin Just issued. Othorwiso, it is "urged that stores Bhow windows and Christmua trees have tholr holiday decorations of non-inflammable matorial Instead of cotton and celluloid, and that oloo tric lights replace candles ns a pro tection against flro. Tho bullotin ad vocates that careless flro bo regarded as a crime and that people guilty of negligence bo punishod. Benjamin J Cunnlnghnm, J, Leo Cleary, Grand Island. Hamilton Frank E. Kdgcrton. chair man; C. I Whitney, M. F. Stanley. Autorn. Harlan John Evprson, chairman; O. E. Sholliurn, Otto W. Percy, Alum. Hayes Judge J. W. Petty, chairman: M. I-. Wafson, C. A. Heady, Hayes Cen ter. Hitchcock Judgo N. T. Jones, chnlr man; J. F. Itatclin. C. W. Shurtlerr, Tren ton. ..Holt Judge C. J. Malone, chnlrmnr; Hugh Boyltl, Sanford P.irker, O'Neill. Hooker Judge W. E. Bowers, chair man; A. O. Humphrey, C. H, Barnobcy, Mullen, Howard Judge It. A. Haggart, chair man: Charles w. Dobry, John Tomplln, ..Jefferson W. II. Barnes, chnlrman; C. H. Denney, W. II. Moss, Fnlrbury. Johnson Al N. Dafoe, chairman; Oscar pouglar JCccumseh; L. A. Varncr, Ster ling. Kearney Judge U W. Hague, chair man: ti. C. Paulson, C. P. Anderbury, Mlnden, Keith U A. DeVoe, chairman; H. A. Oano, II. E. Goodall, Ogallnla. Keya Paha Judge S. M. Wyatt. clinlr nian; torcst Bear, Boss Amspoker, Sprlngvlew. Kimball Judge F. J. Bellows, chair man; William J. Ballard, Isaac rtoush, Kimball. Knox W. A. Meserve, chairman; Crclghton: P. M. Peterson, Wausa; Jo seph F. Gren, Crclghton. Lancaster A. W. Itlehardson, chair man; John J. Ledwlth, U A. Flansburg, Lincoln. Lincoln Judge- Oeorgo E. French, chairman; J. J. Balllgan, J. C. Beclor, North Platte. Loaan Judge F. n. Hogehoom, chnlr nnn, Gandy; II. E. Dress, Stapleton; W. E. Hill. Handy. Loup Judge C. I.. Coop, chairman; A. S. Moon, Frank W. Hoobler, Taylor. McPherson Judge It. J. Stack, chair man, Tryon; W. E. Flynn. Forks; L. E. Pzer. Tryon. Madlson--Judge M. fl. McDuffy, chulr m;1"! W. I bowling, Mndlson; J. C. Hire. Norfolk. Merrick Thomas W. Bockes. rhnlr man: Elmer It. Boss, Kdwnrd J. Patter son. Central City. Morrill Judge J. K. Steutevllle. chair man: K. A. McDonald, Fnyo Williams, Bridgeport. Nance .Inmes H. Kemp, chairman; W. L. Boss. o. N. Andeison, Fullcrlon. Nemaha Judge Fred G. Hawksby, chairman; Edgar Fcrnenu, M. H. Mcln Inch, Aubutn. Nuckolls Judge E. D. Brown, chair man; David Slmms, Neleon;. Samuel It. Buck, Superior. ,..ot..? Ju'kb A. A. Blschof, chalrmnn; W. W. Wilson, W. II. Pltzcr. Nebraska Pawnee Frnnk A. Barton, chnjrmnn; John B. Ilnper. J. C. Dnrt. Pawnco City. Perkins Judge E. W. Hull, chairman; Myles S. Keller, Charles Epplor. Grant. Phelps E. W. Beghtol, chairman; A. J. Shaffer, W. A. Dllwortii. Holdregc. Pierce Judge O. J. Kelley, chairman, Pierce; C. II. Doyle, Plalnvlow; O. H. Stlllman, Plerco. Platte .Judge I. J. Alberts, chnlrman; Louis Llghtner, August Wngner, Colum bus. ..Polk M. E. Blttner, chairman; M. A. Mills, Jr.. John Tongue. "Osceola. Red Willow C. E. Klrtred. chairman; J. F. Cordenl. John Bice, McCook. Richardson Judge John Wlltse, chalr mon; H. C. James, J. Ji. Cnln, FalM City. i."?1".' K. R..N- Morgan, chalrmnn; II. P. Curtlss. J, II. Bcrrynmn, Bissutt. Saline Judgo J. J. Grimm, chalrmnn, y!!Ur; ChS! i Bnrth, Friend; Bo land F. Ireland. Crete. Sarpy Judgo Jennings M. Whent, chalrmnn; James T. Begley, E. S. Nick crson, Papllllnn. Saunders Judge A. 7.. Donnto, chilr man; u. e. Hendricks, Charles II. Slam.i, WoJioo. Seottsbluff-W. W. Whllo. chairman, Gcrlng: C. M. Morrow. Scottsbluft; Bob crt G. Simmons, Goring. Seward Judge B. F. Norvol. chairman; Hairy McKIIllp. Edwin Vail. Sownrd. Sheridan .Judge W. II. Westover. chair man; C. Patterson, It. a. Doir. Bushvlllo. Sherman County Attorney I.. L. Stn phens, chnlrman: J. S, Pcdlcr, Bobert H Matthews, Iiup City. Slpux-Judge It. J J. Snurr, chnlrman: 8. F. Baker, Harrison; M. J. o'Conncll. Montrose. t ?talt0ST12eW,lttP- Chase, chairman; John 4. Ehrhardt, Virgil L .Horton. Stan ton, Thayer Judge Peter I. Harrison, chair man; c. L. Blchnrds, J. P. Baldwin, Hebron. Thomas Judge S. L. Blauvelt. chair man; E. G. Bced, Samuel O'Brien. Thed ford. Thurston Judge Bay B. Carlborg, chairman. Pender: A. M. Smith, Winne bago; Harry U Keefe. Wnlthlll. Valley Claude A. Davis, chnlrman; B. P. Clements. Oeorge A. Munn, Orel. Washington Clark O. Hanlon. chair man; E. H. Kerrigan, E. C. Jackson, Blair. Wayne Judgn James Britton. rhnlr- Un; &', nerry Wayne; II. E. Sl mnn, Wlnsidc. Webster Judge A. D. Bannoy. chair man; U II. Blackledge, Frank, J. Mun day. Bed Cloud. .Wheeler A. Ij Bishop, chairman; J. II. Shreve, P. D. Meese. Bartlett. York Judgo George G. Corcoran, chnlr ma,n! George M. Spurlock, G. E. San- May Move "at Any Time The last 15 per cent of tho first draft army may move at any date. This statement was a part of tho in structions recently received by the local exemption boards. Tho order received by tho boards from tho gov ernor statod that In tho event that any man under their Jurisdiction de sired to enlist tho boards nro to bo especially caroful that ho will not bo Included in tho final 15 per cent move ment which may take place at any date. Conference Postponed Till January Tho stato conforence of tho national leaguo for woman's service, which was to hnvo been hold in Omaha Decem ber 11, has boon postponed until lato in January on account of tho in ability of Mlsn Grace Parkor, tho na tional commandant of tho league, to como this month. Tho organization has been in existence for about nlno months nnd the meeting will ho hold to tako stock of what has boon dono and to mako plans for futuro work. Tho Btato board of educational lands and funds has traded off $500, 000 of government- Hborty bonds for homo securities bearing a higher rate of lntorost. In nddltion it has traded $50,000 of government land bank bonds for homo securities bearing a hlghor rato of interest. Tho liberty bonds boar 3ft per cont., but woro ex. changeable for 4 per cent, liberty bonds. Tho land bank bonds bear 44 per cont. Interest. Both woro ox chanped for'B per cont bonds issued by Nobraska counties, school districts and cities nnd villages. Land Commissioner Shumway- has Just learned that the stato owns 120 acres of land in Douglas county, worth $100 an ncro, which is not under lease at tho presont time and hns not boon for sovcral years. In fact, tho land was roported a few years ago as hav ing been swnllowod up by tho Mis souri river. Tho fact that it is in exlotenco Is shown by a report from Douglas county on roappralsemonts covering a; number of school land tracts thero. Tho river Is nupposod to havo onco moro changod its course and surrendered the land again t the stato. WW Ifili Liiiiiim. llLliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW IHope Yon Will Publish Tltis Letter SCARED THE BRAVE RED MAN Farmer's Signal for 8aylng Grace at Supper Table Almost Brought Forth a War Whoop. The first Impressions that the whlto man's customs intulo upon the Indians were dnuhtlcsH moro startling than their stoli'til natures permitted them to reveal. In his book, "From the Deep Woods to Civilization." Dr. Chnrles A. KuHtmnii discloses something of their feelings by relating his experiences when, ns ti Sioux, ho started tin n 160 mlto wnlk to the Indian Mission school at Sautce agency, Nebrnsku. "All day I traveled," says the au thor, "mid Into In the afternoon I came suddenly upon it solitary farm-house of sod anil met a white man who had much hair on his face. I was iih hun gry and thirsty us 11 moose In burned timber. I had some money that my father had given me; so I showed the mnn nil of tt nnd told him by signs that he might tako what he pleased If only lie would give me something to cat. "When the family Invited mo to sit down with them nt the table, I felt un comfortable; hut hunger wns stronger than my fears, and I took my seat on n rickety stool between tho big, hairy man nnd one of his well-grown daugh ters. All at once, without warning, tho mini struck the tnhle with the butt of his knife with such force that I Jump ed anil nenrly gnve a war whoop. In spite of their taking a firm hold on the home-made table to keep It steady, the dishes were quivering and the young women were no longer able to iunininfn their composure. Sovero glances from mother and father soon brmiRlit us H'iU'i ntjiUt appeared that flie" Mow on the Tnble was lueTely n signal for quiet before tho farmer said grace. I pulled myself In much ns n turtle would do, and possibly It should be credited to tho stoicism of my race that I have never eaten 11 heartier meal." WATCH Y0URSKIN IMPROVE When You Use Cutlcura The 8oap to Purify and Ointment to Heal. On rising and retiring gently smear tho face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cutl cura Soap and bot water. Continue this treatment for ten days nnd note tho change in your skin. No better toilet preparations exist. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dcpt. L, Boston Sold everywhere. Adv. Gave Eve a Raw Deal. "They sny that tho game of cards Is of very nnclent origin." "Undoubtedly I Satan, you know, plnycd tho deuce In tho Garden of Eden bent n pair, ns It were." The Uoual Way. "What beenmo of thnt friend of yours who was always looking for a fight? Did ho enlist?" "No, nnd when the draft como he claimed exemption." Persia has no distilleries, breweries er drinking places. atoD! ffid cflisMi? t Haese facts Wm caflM. WiwnhkA imado la "wsitiiimmtmts m Emms teMsnJMffil w mMMi m telSdjffldil p5WT2S tfJksii LYDIA E. PINKH AMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND PERUNA Best All Around Medicine Ever Made Mr. W. IL Edgar, 49 Coopor St, At lanta, Georgia, wrltOB! "I suffered for flfloen ycara "with rheumatic symptoms. Pcruna cured mo and I think It is tho best all around medicine ever made. I hopo you will publish this letter for tho benefit of others who Buffor." Those who object to liquid medl clnes can procure Peruna Tablets. Cupid Statue of Marble. Cupid, fashioned In marble In a statue which has been described as a perfect masterpiece, has Just been un earthed nt Cyrenc, In Libya. Other Im portant nrcheologlcal discoveries uinde In the sntno' region during Italian occu pation Include statues of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Mlncrvn and Apollo. The otntuu of Cupid will be sent to Home. For Him. Hicks Does he bellevo In luck? Wicks Not In good luck. Homer vlllo Journal. ft ima -ruz r. m - - -m -m 1 1 ,1 i- - . ' .. w nnn l?1JT. AVcefablcIVcpafau'onfiifAS' 5imilatinsmcrcain;wKu" ; llnatJicStoroadisandlkftrcUoTj 1 -. -n r,I-ATM(von 1 incrcrjyrromuuiiuw'---- ' n,nrrinnflndnetCoatauB -!... nt.,. fnmlilnftnor nciuierviiiuin,A'iv. --- t Mineral. NoTNAncoiw .. 11 1 TfowJW ConstipnuonondDiarrhoei and Fcvcrishncss jinn rulUnilhcrcfronwnJnftwy. Tac-SImlteSinStBTCC aUftTAZ" jtaCnrrAURCoHPK'. TfUfI Exact Copy of Wrapper. ISKStfD NEW Carter's Little liver Pills You Cannot be .iv A Remedy That Constipated and Happy SsbiII PHI taall Doae SaMUPrlca Hf iflTTLE BBBBBBBBT BIVLK V pills. mr 2tBsam ' AflffiffiSiVSAg: pARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorleaa face but a will greatly help moat pale-faced people worne: oils' &&W. mmm mm Spared to Art "Has our movie slur claimed exemp tion from military service?" "Oh, yes. He proved that he had de. pendents nnd his clnlni wns arToweaVT "Good! Then we enn proceoo! with our next wur play. With n kaRdhftrl, of men he will lead n desperate chnrajo la ono of the greatest military spcirtsvlca ever shown on the screen." Youngest British Soldier. The youngest soldier nt tho front nnd the youngest N. C. O. m the Brit ish nrmy Is a lad of eleven, wtio Is at tached to an A. S. C. nnlt. lie was specially enlisted to net ns ltrpretcr, ns ho speaks English nnd French fluently. He wns mnde a sergeant and Is now regarded ns n mascot. Right the First Time. Teacher Now, there, wlmt we yen late for? Wnlter School. . Cold Came Hetdiche aad he aad Qrto in." .W.IWTril IAAAllVIl U11UJ1U VIUIN1NH n Throlnnlron"Ilretuuyulnla.' igaaiar n un doi. ua. An Englishman hns Invented n pro cess for coloring wool khnki and or ange shinies with diluted nHric nclrl. The young condor stny i.bout tha nest until It Is n year old. wmmmmmmmmm CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Gastoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TNI INTkUM MMMITV, MtW VMN ItT. Makes Life Worth Living Geaulo bears tUnutar ;k LA.'! m ft iltV LYOIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. - ty rf"iCV- V-