The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1917, Image 10

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III , ' -
"We have never .'been Belter Prepared to take care -of
r-x-y. .T-i' ivr a T-T"r n "i i in i .i i- v i a x ir r v rr
lriil, WAIN I 3 Ur 1I1L IVIILIN- AINU tfUlO
We Parted in montlit ago to prepare that is, why we are now able to show the
largest and lies! line of dependable merchandise that has ever been shown in -Red
Cloud, at PRICES that are very much UNDER the PRESENT MARKET.
k I- 4-
4 JL L L It. s
I a I K
' MM( sv'-&ilR vl: ' '
JW U V ,. KJL .,-' :, ... ,, ,.
i'. t
t .sfr Marl
CuWTlci Hurt ColiaCucr tlats CH
Our underwear department is Complete
The famous Munsing Line in union suits
All wool garments in Union at 53.00 to $4.00
Silk and wool in Union at $3.00 to $5.00
Cotton ribbed in Union at $1.25 to 52.00
A part wool garment in Union at $2.00
Nice heavy sanitary fleeced Union gar. $1.50
Wc have the High Rock fleece at 75c
Nice fine ribbed garment at 75c per garment
A complete line of Boys Underwear in
fleeced and ribbed at - G5c to 51.00
Men's leather and Mole skin sleeved Vests
at S4.50 to 50.50
A complete line of Duck Coats, sheep lined
Coats at - i - $3.00 to 510.00
STm1 m" Aft
$41 fk
ftrirtf(rv ' '" I 4wMBal
Firemen. Appear
the tmutcd man' first thought is one of
thaulfutncii thai he is so. i low nbou
your thought! if a fiirf man should ji-
j pear at yout heme'1
- -"n.J
Before tQ Fire
is the day to insutc. A that day rnay
be to. morrow lor alt ou can Lnow or
Mo, it fellows that jiruJencc would ini.
pell ycu to loj in our ofice to day and
have us issue ycu n policy,
R.elisvble Insurance
Buy a Home!
I will soil you a
homo In lU'd
Cloud ;o clieitp
it ml on huuIi
Kiisy FnymniitK
tluit you can not
afford to ptiy
rout. Six per
mint Interest on
ilc f erred p ft y
tuents. IIhvo
four locatiotm,
(let Ilrst choice.
1990.0 Sti-Mt
Lincoln, Nabr.
Below you-will find listed many very use
ful and practical gifts for men and boys
Jumbo knit at $4.00 to $10.00
V neck at $3.00 to $5.00
Army Sweaters without sleeves $0.50
Smoking Jackets 55.00 to $5.50
Bath Robes $3.50 to $6.00
Silk Shirts $3.50 to 50.00
Flannel Shirts $1.50 to $4.00
Kid Gloves $1.50 to $2.60
Auto Gauntlets $1.75 to $4.00
Gloves and Mitts 50c to $2.00
Thlnos to Worry About. I
I. like MeLuko Iiiih boon on tlio wntor
wftKit tw Jwcnty-dglit ilnya. '
. " I
Our Daily Special.
Tliu other follow Inia no lioulilo In
locntlnir t lie sllvur lining In your clouil,
Lul;o MoLuko Soys:
When yon tall: to home men uliotit
capadly they lmnlne you atu tutklug
aiiotii uuiKage.
Tht'te tire si whole lot of jokes about
a woman paying $100 for a new hat
and about the Ut friend htiflband
throwH when he kc h the bill from the
tnllllner The truth of the inattei la
that you could walk atound town for
two hours and not wo a womau wear.;
Ins n hat that cost more than $15
And the nverasu woman pays loss than
iu lor a nut.
Nature olTers some odd probioij'i. A
dog lu't married and haMi'l anything
to worry about, and yet a man lives
four t linos as Iojik as u dog.
After glancing over Home of (he blll
lumsed by the atatc legislature'! this
year a man often wonders If the legls
Inters spend their thno eroebetlne
wrNt wnrnipn whjle thry nro IlstoiiliiK
to deb.Hes
The old fashioned, boy who used to
bo sent Ui bod wilbout bis evonlnx
moal when he mlbehaved now liu.s a
son who Is sent to bed without his
cu'iilnu glasrf of beer when be does
anything wronj;.
The reason why a woman i likes to be
fat is because her husband Is always
complaining to the company that his
as bills uve too small and that hi-
burns more llian he Is churned up
w;ll"' I
, Von can marry In hasto. but It Is
mighty slow work payltiK for the fur
ntture at (lie rato of u dollar u week. I
A boy's father knows (hat (ho boy li
freckle faced, pug nosed and Hiiaglu
toothed, but tho boy'H mother knows
that he Is the handsomest boy In tin
world. I
A girl thinks ti wholo lot of u inns
(ache If her fellow Is raising It, but II
Is different If she Is raising It herself, i
There would bo a henp less trouble
lu this world If a man would llgure
out how ho Is L'oluu to let no before lip
takes hold.
This Is o free country, hut tho niau
who goes nround with a (lock of Skyc
i...i. ...i.i., i,ic f,i.A i,nu nn
r - ---
business laughing nt Chinaman be-
rnuae the Chlnamau wears n pigtail
-;-. :
C. II. Minor
Dr. S. B. Dcardori, M. D. C.
Veterinary In Charge
Cj ma. p g
H. IulQ6r jerUIIl VO.
AnH ffntf Chnlara SArum
Antt nog inoiera aerum
Bed Claud Nehraska
Wirt r PhMR at Our Expense
I), S. Veterinary LIceRM rtti 48
In all die Latest Styles and Fabrics Priced at $22.30 to
Other Good Suits and Overcoats at $12.50 to
Boys Warm Clothes Outfits Norfolk Suits, Trench Overcoats, Mackinaws. Suits $3.50 to
$9. Overcoats and Mackinaws at $5 to $ 1 0. Values that make your monney go farthest -
What They Are and How to Buy Thorn
At the last session Congress author
ized an Issuance of two billion dol-
ars In irovoninicnt securltii'S lu
iuotmtrt of 23 coutfl and r. dollnt-3,
Tlio itf-cent seeurltlea are known an
"Thrift Stumps." The 0-dollar r!z
uro iMillittl Win WnvlnrH Iiitiitih'1
T,l0 Sumlm.v o the Trcasury was
, j )18 lo dI
, .. ,M
,,f tlu-'M.' "-'i'
The congres.lounl net uutltorlzliit,'
tho War Orilllcnlo Loan provider
that no person can own inoro than
one tliousand dollarV worth of these
Qeurlllei. The obvious reafcon for
this was to prevent the loan being
taken iij by bly Investors, whlc'i
would oihorwlse have born dmie on
account of the high rate of Interest
The small auinuids In wlm b tho
war hihIuks securities can be obtain-
od were made to allow every man,
woman and child In the country to
aid In loaning the novernmeut money
for (he prosecution of the war. Tho
E-dollar war suvlii(; stamps when at
taehed to a certificate are practically
I'rtVnriii it it Itt liMndtf Tim ctiitnttu fn v
compounded quarterly,
' , , , , . . , . ,.t .
w!llc ,B nilvn!et to about 4.
ti10 25-cent stamps will not benr lif
tcrostt mlt wj,en ono aavog Sxteeu of
them uud turns them in for a 5-dol-
,nr wnl. suvingg B(,unPi ti1Q investment
b , t0 drftW lntcrost. tj10 o-dollnf
etn,0 n , i.ii,naf .- nt in-
tntuMrn .tu i mu aiijtivMk vs.
terest tho govcniment has over paid
on money it has borrowed.
Tho thrift stamps, ns well as the
war savings stamps, will be on sale
t post offices, ITnnks, stores and
numerous other authorized ngenclcs.
During December 1017 and Junuary
1018, Mxloen 25-ccut thrift Htumps
can bo turned In at any authorized
agency wl(li twelve cents, or 'n totul
of $1.12, nnd a 5-dollar war 8ulngs
stump can bo obtnlncd. This stamp, .. ...i. ....I., mo ...i... i, ..i..
win ( theend of live years bo
i Worth ?5.C0, nnd nt that time can bo
, cashed at any post office for (hut
During December this year and
January, of next yenr 5-dollar war
Wtlngs stamps will cost $4.12 encli;
I Id February, $4.13; In Murch, $4.14;
Jn Aprlli M10. nmj 80 tncy wm C0Bt
onA. ccnt ,norc cach ntoeth up tp
Dewin,)cr lfl9 wWm they 8e
for $4.23 each.
A card Is slvcn with' (he first 25-
cent thrift Ktamp on which sixteen of
and Marx
Cuff Links 25c to $1.00
Scarf Pins 25c to $1.00
Tie Clasps 25c to 50c v
Combination Sets 75c to $1.50
Handkei chiefs, plain and initial at 15c to 50c
Combination Garter and Suspender Sets
50c to $1.00
Silk Mufflers in all colors and combina
tions at 75c to $3.50
Knitted Mufflers in all colors 50c to $2.00
Fur Caps at S2.50 to S0.00
Cloth Caps at 75c to $2.00
House Slippers $1.25 to $2.50
Leather Belts 50c fo $1.00
the stamps can bo pasted. When oFhj
purchases a R-ilollnr war snvlngi
stamp or tunis In a card with sixteen
thrift stamps on It and twelvo cents
extra" he jjets u ri-dollar war suvlnga
htntup and a war savings certificate
that has room for twenty of the war
Havings sdamp. The name and ud'
dress of the purchaser Is written on u
ccrtlflcato when bought. -If It Is lost
all the Under has to do is to drop It in
ihe mail box In accordance with the
lu-structtous on the card and It will be
returned to (hi owner.
Ono can buy one hundred dollars'
worth 'of uir savings stamps for
SSU.40 durliif; December of thlu year
and January of next yir, and n llttlo
more each month throughout tho year.
When that amount of stamps Is
bought, one will set u cortlfleuto con
taining twenty stnmps which rtva
years honee, or on January 1, 1023,
will bo worth 5100.00. Anyono can
buy thrift stnmps or war saving
stumps' In any amount up to 31,000.
If one buys war savings stamps
and does not want to keep them for
tho period ofjlvo years, they can bo
cashed any time nt the post office.
The war savings stamps are not
subject to tax except lnhcrltunco
taxes or on Incomes over $5,000 per
Tho Secretary of the Treasury lias
nlloted to Nebraska tho sale of twenty-six
million dollars' worth of war
savings stumps, which means about
(20 per person in the statu. The or
ganization to sell (ho stamps In Ne
braska Is centered In Omrtha under
(ho dlrocllon of Mr. Ward Burgos,
who has tho tltlo of State Director.
Assisting Jilni Is an executtre com
mittee composed of O. T. Eastman,
O. E. Duffle, fluy tO. Klddoo, B. F.
Foliiu and Joseph Barker. Frank
Bull to Is Stato Publicity Manager and
H. O. Palmer field secretary. There
will also be a chairman In each coun
ty nnd.n commltteo In ach" town la
the state. v
Kansas CUv PlarRet
!., rsf HfoL- Vnwla Tin, in. M7.
IliiUZUa VJV aJIVJl .fctl uw va w
I Cattle received today 17000 head,
iinarket slow but steady, short fed
iBtcers $12.50. Hogs today 7000, rnar-
i lent 10 to 15 hichcr, top SlV.uo.
fcP ,oG0arkct 10 lowcr'
I . .Beef Cattle -Beef steers and cows
' advanced 15 to 25 cents last week, and
while buvers were slow netting out
today, they paid Bteady prices gr
steers and strong for cows. Some
goou yearlings orougni jo.uii anu
two lots of heavy Christmas steers
were late arriving, .buyers .waiting for
these at ono o'clock. Prices for tneso
primo cnttlo will doubtless go far
above $12.50; otherwise top in the
heavy steer, tjrafleV Receipts of Colo
rado and "Western cattle are smaller
each week, sales of beef steers' last
week up to wceK up to $iu.7u, cows
$9.50. Native cows sell up'to $10.50,
- - i
Suits ' and
Unequalcd valves at "vey price, .25, .50,
.75, $1.00, 51.50 and $2.00.
Traveling Goods for Xmas
Suit Cases at $1 to $12.
Traveling Bags at 53 to 515.
Standard Trunks at $4.50 to $15.
Steamer Trunks at 55 to $8.50.
Wardrobe Trunks at $25 to $35.
For the Soldier
Military Kits for the Soldier Bovs at
52.50 to $6.00.
heifers $12X0, some good fed animals !
now showinp up. Veals ate higher,'
best $13.00.
Stockers nnd Feeders Soft com.
continues to stimulate buying, of
stockers nnd teeners unit prices nave
held steady during the past week.
Feeding steers sell at $9.50 to 511.00,
-tbcl;ors $7.00 to '? 10.00, ahy White
Face stockers of decent breeding
bringing above $9.00, and good red
cattle around $!).00. Stock cows nnd
heifer bring SG.25 to $8.00.
..Hogs From a five higher opening
today the market quickly went to 10
to IS higher, best heavy hogs $17.5.0
iiieuium weignis tume price, oesi
Mghts ?.17.'ir, bulk of sales $17.30 to
7.G0. Puckers furnished the com
ctition, though oider b uyers were in
to some extent. However, older buy
ers have been active for a week, and
wcio the main force that caused the
advance of 25 to 30 cents? in prices
last week. Pigs cold stronger last
week and also today, sales at $15.50
to $1(5.25. Arrangements have about
been completed hei-c for Bhinnimr
stock hogs to the country direct from
the public stock yards on the duy pur
liascd, under certain dipping and vac
cinating niles.
..Sheep and Lambs Lamb prices
were 10 to 25 lover today, best here
$16.40, some heavy fed nativo Iambs
around lOOlbs at $15.C0, a big string
of New Mixico feeding lambs at $16.
58 lbs average, ,'fhese feeding lambs
are like others that sold at $16.75
two weeks ago. Ilcst fed yearlings
sell up to $14, wethers $12.50, ewes
$11.75, The market is expected to
acquire stronger support after the
first of January.
J. A. Riekart
Market jCorrcspondcnt.
360 ARTiaH'wSb",,LL(l5TRATI0NS
15c a copy
At Your Newtstoator
'Yr1y Subscription $1.SQ
SsnJfor oarneu) free eat
eloj of mechanical book
Popular Mechanics Magaxtna
.IB Nartfe Mkhlxau Avcru. Cfatcaeo
i i i - - --
E. S. Gaurber.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
' Varnish
(Work Guaranteed) "
Eiecrrical Goods of all Kinds
Will "Wire Your House And '
Furnish You the Fixtures .
Dv. Cvas. S-. Ctoss
Hamilton - Cothor
Clothing Co.
Euccnton (a Ptal Storey
Everything m Man
or Boy Wear
Ftmd Cloud Nebrankm
Read The Chief
Hamilton - Cather
Clothing Co.
8ccMn to Ptml 9tofq
Everything m Man
or Boy Wears
Hid Cloud Nebraska
Detter Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
i fl
?i. .1
.,,,,1., ,,,.i4iwwyTniiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintei mtmvtf'm?l''Z'f.m"'T
iftUMHmmtll, "
1 m ,i
H,t, , r ( ;v )wvri
V, 1