The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1917, Image 8
, J jjjjj m, 1 rxTVWT DITV rUDICTMAC DDlTC171VTXCf UVJVH 1 lU I Vi irvio 1 ivi-l 1 lYi-OlA uj; sa RED GIVE IT TO THE WEBSTER COUNTY CHAPTER CR.OSS "Tf JTtfSSSSBam American ed Gross 1 as- WILL HOLD AN AUCTION AND MARKET ABOUT DECEMBER 23 THAT WILL BE IN THE NATURE OF A CHRISTMAS OFFERING TO OUR SOLDIERS mm E3 I DEFINITE ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL BE MADE A LITTLE LATER ASSSBSSSSSattSSatSSS EVERY MAN, WOMAN, BOY OR GIRL IS EXPECTED TO "DO THEIR BIT" AS CALLED ON BY THE DIFFERENT COMMITTEES IN CHARGE fBmMiiM-aaaa When the Firemen, Appear the iosuml min'a Silt thoujht it one of thankfulneu that he i to. How abou your thought! if a fmeman should ap pear at your home? The Day Before the Fire u the day to immc. At that day may be to-morrow for all ou can know or . do, it fellowi that prudence would im pel) ycu to ttop in out office to-day and have us istue you a policy, , O. C. TEEL Report of the Condition -OFTHK- Webster County Bank RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Charter No. 101'J, Incorporated In the State ot Nebraska, at tlio close of business Novum tier 2), 1017. nKSOuitcus: Loans mill Discounts 41 11,030.22 Ovcrdratttj secured und uimceurtd... 313.00 Furniture and Fixtures........... -..,- J.W0.00 Current expanses and tases paid l...."r 1,023.01 Duo from nutlonnl nnd stnto banks Z7,(0.0! Checks aud Items ol exchanges 41773 Currency .. Gold coin...... Silver, nickels niul cents , Total cash on liniiil . 0,027.00 .. 700.00 0,7(113 I Reliable Insurance Total 180,(170.22 i.i aiiii.iti i:: Capital Htoek paid In ... 825,000.00 Surplus tund .. . 7,000.00 Undivided proilts.. 0,103.10 Individual deposit!) Hiibject to check . 10.1,117.80 Demand ccrtlllcatcsot do- posits ... 200.00 Time ccrtlllualesot;duposlt IKUIO.It Total DepoHltn 142,133.01 Depositors' guaranty fund 1,13182 Total Buy a Home! i 1 will hell yon a homo iu Hod Cloud fio o.Uottp niul on Hitch Easy PaytnontH Unit you can not uffont to pay rout. . Six pur cent Interest on deferred pay ment II u v o four locations, (let first choice. S 1 80,070.22 STATU OF NKIIHASKA, I hK County n( Webster. f 1,H. II. Fl.oiiANCK, caNhler ol the. nbovo named bank, do hereby swear that thonbovu htatemrut Inn correct and true copy ot the report madoto the Stnto Hanking jlnard. s. it. fi.uiianuk, ATrcsr: Cashier. C.I.I'ock, Director. S. It. Kj.iiiianck, ltlreetor. OS ihscrlhcd and sworn to before mo this Lmi day o( November 1017. ir.i.. Iicrmrd MeNe y Notary l'ubltc. Report of the Condition OF THE Bank of Ina vale of Inavale Charter No. 795 In the Stat' of Nebraska at the close ? buslaess Nevenber 20, 1017. KKMOUrtC'F.M Loans and Discounts .. ...$ 8l,3jJ.2l Overdrafts 41,1.43 UomH Securities, Idborty Honda.....' 10,800.00 Hanking house, furniture & fixtures 3.000.00 Current expenses, t.ixW niul Inter eat pnld ... (87.08 Duo from national and mate bankH $ 3( Currency 2,078.00 Gold coin . 10.00 Sliver, nickels and cenm Ml. CO 3S.7lll.02 Total ? 131,000.2" i,i a in i. ni in ' Capital stock paid In e ID.OOO.'OO Surplus fund . 0,000.00 Undivided prollts 770.05 Individual deposits mi bject to check I03,0ol.:w Demand certificates of de posit 100.00 TTuiacurtlllcatciofdepnsIl 11,223.00 I17.H71.35 Depositor's guaranty fund 810.37 Total .. S I3I.M0.27 STATU OK NKIIHASKA, I County of Wubster fh 1, (I. It. McCrary Cashier of the aUivo nam ed bank do hereby swear that the nbovo statement Is u current and true copy ot tlio report made to tbo Statu llanklne Hoard. (1. II. McCUAUY, Cashier. Attest: Charlie Hunter, Director. Alfred McCnll, Director. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me thU 30 day ol November 1017. C. II. HurgcfM (Seal i No tary I'ublio money. The more we lessen our do mestic demand, the more wc can con tribute to the support and effective ness of our allied armies.- Economy is now a national duty, such a duty upon the people at home as fighting is upon trjose Americans who arc bravely offering their lives for the honor of America .and thepres-ci-vation of liberty and justice. A Vicious Rumor, "Among the many absurd and vic ious rumors put 'into circulation these tlays, probably through pro-German influences, is one that the United States proposes to confiscate money on deposit in banks. The absurdity of the statement is obvious on its face. Those rumors are wholly without foundation and probably circulatcdfor an evil purpose. The Government has no power to confiscate the money of depositors in banks." From state ment of Secretary McAdoo. C. II. M Iner Dr. S. 8. Dcnrdorf , M. D. O. Manager Veterinary In Charge C. H. Miner Serum Co. pitonucEiis Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense I). S. Veterinary License No. 45 a jmr; wcnm--yi-wor nua cam VVPVrVA(V.".Vi--VAV.V.V.V. COL. J.H. ELLINGERk AUCTIONEER Is now ready to placo your sale dates A8k any ono ns to my quallllcntloni or whom I havocrlod sales. Indopon dent phone8 on 10. Wrlto wire or call Red Cloud, Nedr. A.V.V-". '-------J I Ljri rw j ,E.Tait 1620 O Street Lincoln, Nebr. Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist . ALL WORK GUARANTEED UTOfpiob Own amikioiit'h Stouk . 'Wmmcs Miiiinmag 360 ARTICLES 360 ILLUSTRATIONS BETTER THAN EVER ISc a copy At Your Newsdealer Yearly Subscription $1.80 Send for our new free cat alog of mechanical bookn Popular Mechanics Maeazln 8 North Michigan Avmui. Chlcaso The Need of Economy And Saving. When we put a million and a half soldiers in the field, wo withdraw those men from productive enter prises. They do not while they nro actually in training or in servico pro I duce anything. They do, on the other hand, consume much. There is no thing more expensive on earth than to support and maintain a great army in the field, especially if it is on tho fighting lino. Tho attrition of sup plies and everything else is tremen dously great when we have a fight ing army in tho field. America is the one great remaining storehouse in tho world of supplies and credit. We must maintain and mako effective as possible our soldiers and tho soldiers of thoso nations who arc fighting for us. Wo must there fore draw as littlo as passible upon our common storo of supplies and f-'! fi i ( rrMiR VvtSTWrWkiv.aAuwtHK ii rta yjf u vam w. vfr-r-!Ti &ii nmmmuhm JlVy3!ftA.VayA?TR?Vl rj it hHiVt' Use ES to Fcce Trrlal KILL off tho worms and fjet your Iiosra lerdlnrr rhht nnd thsy oro In fina Bhapo t o wltlis tand any dli-asn. Thoy'll InttotitantnndMAKU OU MOKIS MONUV. I'Ino tor prcn naut sor;3. B Wo want vou to t rca all ycer hess v?Ull IlOU-TONIi l'KBEIor&)d.vs. Como In wo will clvo yoj Hulllolent IIOQ- It IU roHults (all Iu saUsty 'l'ONl5(tho(7yWorsnKHlcrnndnoi Conditioner) to tront your etttira lietu InrCtldavs. you, It will cost you nothlss. Notice of Referee's Sale , Notice It? hereby e,lvcii Uint undwvind jy vlrtiieotnn order, inaduuwl entered by, ,thj district court of Webster couuty Nebraska on' tWe t)th day ofNovenibcr I07 In an, action therein pending wliorcln Cora M. Cutter Is plalntlfTand Amelia 11. Stanton et nl aro dc- leiutantti, for sale ol the following described rearcstatrj situated 'lnf lied Cloud., AVcbstcr rounty, Xebrnskn.Ho' wit: ' ,' ' ' .. ' . .V r t'-t i.atsl to2l both ticUislyu In Jllockj-ln Kuioy A' .Inckson'B jViUllllon to Ued pipu'd, Nebraska; also lots I to id loth Inclusive and lots 13 to 21 both Inclusive In Illock 11 In Knley it Jacksuu's addition to lied Cloud Nebraska; nlso lots 8 to 17 both Inclusive In Illock 20 ot original town, now city ol lied Cloud, Nebraska; also lots 1, 2, 3 all In Illock I In anrbcr'snddltlou tolled Cloud, Ncbras kn; also a tract of laud coniuifiicliiL; in the center of an alley on thu south sldo ol Illock 20 of Itcd Cloud, Nebraska; which point Is on the north lino of tlmt avonuo thenco cast 220 feet; thence south 100 feet, thenco west 220 feet; thenco north to the place ot begin ning; also a tract ol land on tho south end ot Klin Street of lied Cloud, Nebraska which Is directly east of lots 8 to 2 both tucluslvo In Illock 20 of Hud Cloud, Nebraska; also the cast end of First nvonuc which lies directly south ot lot 3, Illock 2!) ol Itcd Cloud, Nebras ka, tho undersigned referee duly appointed by tho said court In said action, wilt on the 7tu day ol December, 10 17, nt two o'clock p. in., standard time of said day, nt the south door of the court .houso In said county, In Welwlcr county, Nebraska, sell tho said real estate to the highest bidder for cash. Said lots shall tlrst be oll'ercd as a whole; second lu lots ur parcu h, or any number of lots less than tho whole, and shall be sold under that onuof thoaforcsald methods of sale by which the most money shall bu realized. Dated November Htb, 07. K. J, Muniiay I.. II. IIi,acki,i:ikii: Attorney 47-0' llcfcreo E. S. Gabber Varnish PICTURE 'FRAMING (Wftrk GuirantMd) Electrical Goods of all Kind Wljirq Xaur, House. And ' "Furnish You the Fixtures By. Cvas. S. Cvoss DENTIST OVER STATE BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Tl$0 Hamilton - Cathar Clothing Co. SMcaaentt Past StMay Everything a Mam or Boy Weara Kmd Clout Nmbraukm C. L. Cotting The Druggist A 1 ..' F Advertise J Ordinance No. 54 An ordlnanco providing for the puruhase of ono 100 II. 1. Kulrlmuks Morso beml-dlssel oil KnKlno direct connection to No. 70 K. V A. Fairbanks Morso 2300 volt Altornator with Bxcltor nnd Installation equipment mid de claring tho oxlstuucu of uu ooiergeucy for tho puruhaso ot said engine. Ho It enacted by the mayor and city eoun. ell ol thu City of Itcd Cloud; Suction I. Whereas, an accident has hap peiicd to tho ciikIuo In thu Power Plant sliuo tho lu l annual appropriation rcndurlng It liiudeiiuatu to supply thu necessary power tor ibo oloitrlc and wator system ot the city It Is necessary to Immediately provide lor tho restoration of said power plant, an omcr uonoy Is hereby declared to oxlst. Section 2. Tho Mayor and City Council to provide lor uuch emergency, hnvo dctcrmln olio puruhaso thu following described in glue: unoiuo II. 1'. Kulrbanks Morse Seuu dlssel Oil Knglnodlicct connection to ono 70 1C. V. A. Kulrbanks Morso 'WO Volt Altera-, tor with Hxcltor and installation eaulpuient I for thusuiiiol j2ll.O0u4spccliludtn tho pio- Iposal of tho said Fairbanks Morso Company ' ol November iMth, 1UI7. (Soctlon i. Tho Mayor and City ClorU ere Instructed to sign thu namo of the city to a contract between tbo said Fairbanks Morso and Company aud tho City of Hed Cloud lor the purehaso aud Installation ot said eugtuu Keullon 4. This ordinance shall bo In alleoi from and after Its passage and publication required by law. turned Nov. 23th. 1UI7. Approved Nov. 28tll 1017. AttOSt, O. C. TKKL, . IlOllT. DAHHRKU, (9UAI.) City Clerk. Mayor. Hayes Auto Bus To and from All Trains Baggage Transfered Promptly Tlf Hamilton -Cathor Clothing Co.- Succcnon to Pan! Stony Everything a Man or Boy Weara Hed Cloud Nebraska KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. - A Full Line of Supplies , ROLLS DEVELOPED-'lOc NAIL YOUR ORDER TO US Stevens Bros. s y i A h lW?f ' - .ip!Nay i a-j,, ......... ' 5-t MVtjT- Jt. i " Bin -! t - wa ia"? f i ' rBfJh.M.vrL.'1-AJtitrt-. i'-Vi j-jal', AIJU.,4.4 ,i.-.i Ji VvV UfAfatn..Jkif...fL-i. &t&mvitJit'toriftiXiu M0MU.vlwftrnta i-Yf'"1'' "" if m m ttt ' T iif ftyww fv'w fH't ww Tiw-.T","-nrt" ."whihi ibiih ir , i1