RED OLOUP, NEBRASKA, CHIEF W V V 1 y JSM "V H I i r" L s- 1 I i fetf .4 V t ' Hj ft 1 i ttr AS TOLD TO US Freozc-Proof? Oct It at Coot s Morden Hamilton spent tc weekend in Guide Hock. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McFarland were in Omaha Sunday. John Marshall of McCook was in the city Sunday. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C Mitchell, tlio Jeweler. Thomas Lalley came down from Blue Hill Monday evening. Good meals good service moderat prices Powell & I'opo's cafe. Mrs. Clara Shcrcr and daughter, Miss Grace, spent Fridiiy in Hnstings. Mrs. Robt. Damerell loft Frldiy morning for Hurllugton, Towa. M. K. Quiglcy spent Sunday with his mother and brother in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Itnllcy returned homo Monday evening from Omaha, Cecil Barrett returned to his school duties at York, the first of the week. MTfunct VmuliniiEn unttiwnnil 4 tit. a-uovou iiuniiuuou uiuiui-ll bu ilia school duties at York, Friday morning.' Mrs. F. L. Hines and daughter, Miss Tcarl, spent Friday in Hastings. 259o discount on all Ladies and Children's coats.-F. G. Turnuro &Son. Mrs. Alice Hosnior and grandson, Harold Whltakcr, spent Friday in Hastings. Tracy Druliner, who is attending college at Lincoln, spent Thanksgiv ing with his parents. LOST Paifof a watch fob. Initials S. M. B. on same. Finder kindly leave at this office. Gcorgo Overleese, who is teaching school near Stamford, spent Thanks giving in this city with Ills paronls. Zero weather has no terror for the autoist, if he uses Johnston's Freeze Proof. Sold under guarantee by Cook's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwerdtsfeger returned to Ayr, Friday morning, af ter spondiug Thanksgiving with rela tives hero. Piatt & Frees, this week, received a ton Ford truck which they will use lo speed up rush orders for coal and building material. Mr. Andrew Upp, a pioneer residing near Lebanon, Kansas, passed to the Great Beyond on Monday evening af ter a lingering illness. Protect the radiator on your" ear in tho coldest weathor by tisintr Johnstons Frce..o Proof. Sold under guarantee at Cook's Drug Store. Miss Mabel Hoffman, who is attend ing school at Lincoln, fpent Thanks giving vacation here with her mother, Mrs. Lydia Hoffman. Mr. Car Owner, you won't have to worry about your radiator freezing if you use Johnston's Freezo Proof. For sale at Cook's Drug Store, 25tf discount on all Ladies and Children's coats.-Fj. G. Tumurc & Son. If r. Ed. Amack was in St. Joe Sat urday. Wo understand the object of his visit to that city was to purchase an elegant electric piano for the skat ing link. Lowest rates, bost terms and option and in any amount. No inspection ex pense, apd absolutely no delay. Six plans to choose from. Sole agent for Trcvett, Mattis & Baker. J. II. Bniley DON'T M. A. ALBRIGHT HANDLES A COMPLETE LINE or the BEST GROCERIES Try Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts COME AND LOOK at our line ot Staple Dry Goods Setsnug Underwear Cotton Bats Iron Clad Hosiery Outings Henderson Corsets Ginghams Skating Sets and Caps Percales Mina Taylor Dresses Shirtings Fancy Towel Prof. P. M. Whitehead spent the veekend in Gothenburg. Bert Penbrook returned to his homo it Harvard, Friday. Mrs. Everett Bean of near Inavale vas in the city Monday, enroute to ..incoln. I. 0. 0. F. Monday, Dec. 10. Election )f officers anil other business of im jortancc. Come out. There will be a masquerade skating paity at the skating rink Friday cv jning, Dec. 7th. Everybody cordially nvitcd. Friends of Ray Saunders have re ceived word that he is now across the water, preparing to take an active part in the great struggle. Mrs. Jas. Merriam and children ar rived Monday evening from Harrison to visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ella Gerretson, and fnmUy. Louis Bright of Camp Funston, Kan sas, was home, on a four days' fur lough. He returned to the Camp Sun day night. Judging from his appear ance army life agrees with Louie. At the Orphcum Saturday, Dec. 8, Kolb and Dill in a five-act comedy- drama, "The Three Pals." Matinee at 2:30; admission C and lie. Night, 7:30, admission 11 and 17c. Tho Big Chief Oil and Gas Com pany's well4 is now down about 700 feel. Drilling operations wore sus pended for a few days owing to tho fact that they have experienced some difficulties with a large volume of salt water. "WANTED A good, steady, gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon In Webstcr-County. No expor ienccneeded. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minnesota. Estab lished 1830. , 13 G If the Mayor should suddenly awak en the morning after, his election to discover that he wasn't himself at all, but some other man with entirely dif ferent politics and ideals and even loves should ho resign? Douglas Fairbanks narrowly escapes that di lemma in "Double Trouble," a Tri angle comedy of love, business and politics at the Orphcum tonight. Ad mission G and 17 cents. Our efficient rcporto?-compositor, Schuyler Hayes, is confined to his room suffering from a severe attack of "the grippe." His absence from the office has left us short of help, hence our news columns are not up to standard this week. His physician, Dr. Cook, states that he will have him "up and around" within a few days and our readers can rest assured that they will receive a more liberal sup ply of news matter in the following week's issue. On Mcpday of this week a deal was made whereby Mr. Ferd. Retzmcn be comes the sole owner of tho Orphcum theatre, he having purchased Mr. Gus Hauserman's interest in tins popular theatre. Mr. Rctzman will conduct the theatre as heietofore, and the theatre-going public are assured that they will continue to have presented to them a clean, high class bill of photo-plays each week as well as stock company productions and other high class road shows. Th.FAIKtAT HOME EXPECT YOU inC rULIdTo TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT "MUM'S FIN abrtMUfTTFA VISIT Exhilarating Burtoqin ; Vaudeville Sltfi Alwin Flllriwltl. PrtltiBIHs. FiMrClMM.Swftiii Equip!. Iilllltil ScmIc Eitlrsimtat UBIES' RIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKIAY Everybody Cos: Ask Anybody tLVHS THE IISOEIT 110 lEUSHOV WEST OF CHIMW FOROBT Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods PEERLESS FLOUR Sets Notion: BLADEN Jens Wcstcnscn was in Mindcn Fri day. O. A. Whelan spent Saturday in Hastings. Miss Lola Grcig was a Hastings visitor Saturday. Tracy Knutson was a Red Cloud visitor Thursday. Miss Helen Springer was n Hast ings visitor Thursdny. H. F. Rumbnugh returned homo from Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Herman Lindgrcn was a Hast ings visitor Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Rcihor Bpcnt Sunday with relatives near Campbell. Robert Thompson made a business trip to Red Cloud Thursday. Ivan Cunningham spent Thursday with relatives near Cowles. Miss. Mildred Doyle of Campbell spent Saturday with relatives here. Mrs. M. E. West and daughter, Ruth, were up from Naponce Thursday. Miss Myrtle Koon returned Satur day to Cook, where she is teaching school. R. F. Esscrt, Ralph Lidgard and Lester Denny nutocd to Kearney on Thursday. Mrs. E. M. Lctncr and daughter, Jessie, spent the week with relatives at Madrid. Tho new garage being built for Frank Kudrna is being rapidly pushed to completion. Oliver Wright and Edwin Cutts of Giltncr spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Room, Jr. .Master Cecil Harper spent the va cation with relatives, returning to his home at Campbell Saturday. C. W. Cowley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oley Ivcrson spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cra mer at Red Cloud. Misses Susan Willman and Nellie Curts of Lawrence of Lawrence spent a few days at the home of J. E. Davis and family. INAVALE T. M. Thompson went to Rivcrton Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Hunter and wife spent Thanksgiving in Hastings. C. A. Waldo and family spent Thanksgiving at Bloomington. Will Topham and family spent Sun day afternoon at Mr. Joe Topham, Sr.'s. Leo Ruby spent Thursday and Fri day of last week with his father, L. C. Ruby. Miss Bertha Sullivan of Rivcrton was a passenger to Inavale Monday morning. Chas. Renkel and wife and Mrs. Clarence Burgess autoed to Red Cloud Tuefaduy. Mr. Mac Fulton is considerable bet ter at this writing and seems to be on the mend. A large crowd attended the Far mers' Union all day meeting here Saturday. Mrs. Roy Palmer and Mrs. Stella Kennedy and mother autoed to River ton Tuesday. Geo. Topham and wife of Blue Hill spent Sunday in Red Cloud at Joe Topham, Jr.'s. Clarence Reed and family spent Thanksgiving in Red Cloud at Mr. Rpbt. Mitchell's. Mr. L. W. Thompson, wife and son spent Thanksgiving in Riverton with Mr. Geo. Thompson nnd wife. Mr. Will Topham and mother-in-law, Mrs. Sadie Holdrcdgc, were in Red Cloud on Monday on business. Mr. Eli Strong and wife, Guy Bark er and family, Mrs. Roy Palmer and Blanche Barker spent Sunday at Red Cloud with Mr. J. Barker and family. Dr. Cook of Red Cloud made a pro fessional call at "Central" Thanks giving to see Mrs. Sadie Holdrcdge, who has been ailing for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deislcy, Sr., and Mr. Stove Kennedy- and wife, also Mrs. Mike Kennedy, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Rev. Hill and family. Remember the revival meetings go ing on at the Christian church every night at 7:30. Everyone cordially in vited to attend and help Rev. Reeves of Guide Rock make this meeting a success and the Lord will b"e with them. Congregational Church Notes Rev. S. I. Hanford of Lincoln preached two splendid sermons at the Congregational church last Sunday. His stops here in tho future will be anticipated with interest by all who heard him. The Women's Society will meetwith Mrs. E. D. Piatt on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Helsor Mitchell will preach next Sunday as usual. Sunday school at ten o'clock. The sacicd concert given at the Or phcum last Sunday afterndon by the Red Cloud Munincipal Band was well attended and enjoyed immensely by all. ""Under the able leadership of the new leader, Prof. Miller, tho boys have made good progress. ilP mmj or LooJc YOUR GHRITMAS GIFTS HOW TO BUY THEM BEST CHOOSING GIFTS It is perplexing, yet with it comes a very satisfying pleasure because of the knowledge that each selection will be your private messenger of good-will and what woulcl Christmas be without that. This year of all years you want YOUR Christmas Gifts to be practical You want YOUR gifts to look a little better than the money they cost You want YOUR Gifts to be a little different than the ordinary ones that everybody gives You want YOUR gifts to come within the range of the amount you have allowed for Christmas shopping. This year we have tried to be in a position to fulfill your wishes. In short we have tried to arrange for your Christmas shopping, useful, practical gifts at the price you wish to pay. 1 i I Ladies Suits Ladies Coats Misses Coats Childrens Coats Handkerchiefs R, P, Baptist Church Items Sunday school at 10:00 a.m.,prcach ing at 11:00 a. m. On account of an attack of the grippe Bro. Harper was not able to keep his appointment last Sunday. Tho Ladies Aid Society of the church arc having a new heating plnnt installed in the church thisweek. Wc, have apptcciatcd tho many cn couiagjr.g words wo huvo received from friends of other Christian or If i ' M" ; Shall We Let ll-Boais Sink Our Troop Ships Because OUR NAVY NEEDS 7000 Firemen See your Postmaster. Extra Pay. A Great Opportunity to to become an Expert Engineman. - Our Substations are at Lincoln, Nebr.', Sioux City, la., Sioux Falls, So. Dak., Aberdeen, S. Dak., Grand Island, Neb., Lead, S. Dak., Norfolk, Neb., or go to Navy Recruiting Office, Sixteenth and Farnum, Omaha, Neb. ENLIST in the Navy TODAY Imt o Bun Qwistmas Gifts f Over These Suaaestjons WW Suggestions for Your Consideration. Furs Leather bags Neck wear Sweaters Bathrobes Pajamas Night Gowns Silk Camisoles Envelope Chemise Hosiery Weesner Co. ganizations and of tangible aid prof fered by some of tho business men of Red Cloud, but occasionally wo hear of a Sanballat or Tobiah. Brother, do now allow yourself to he lined up with such a force. Thanksgiving Ball Wall Attended The Thanksgiving ball given by tho Ladies' War Relief ncttdd $125.35. The Club wishes to acknowledge tho following donations: ?5 from Dr. 77.ST Hl'AOS DOXAl'XD 11Y THE CHIEF -v ' iA TfiaiKla' 'on tt3 ( Vt 1 ft Knitted Skating Sets Mittens Scarps Underwear Comforts Dress Goods Stockman, $1 each from J. W. Auld, H. C. Gcllatly and D. C. Bell, and 50c from Roy Rust. Thanks are duo to tho Com. Ad. for the tickets, to tho Masons for tho hall and to Prof. Miller for Ids nfusic and for his efforts in securing tho orches-"" tra. ' 9 The members of the Club are being assessed 50 cents a month; out of this they have decided to adopt' a French orphan for a year. . . M' J iflaiisal Sosisty J! 'I , i .. I ti .9' a .1 j .X y. yMAV- f!li(i1!! a