The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 06, 1917, Image 2
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF NIC OF BALLOON GUARDS IN FRANCE MISS TATIANA ROMANOFF NEW DRAFT RULES DR. RAFAEL mENOCAL 1 & 11 i ft. AEQIMENT8 FROM NEARLY EVERY STATE JOIN PER8HINQ'8 FORCE8. RAINBOW DIVISION IN CAMP Americans Welcomed Enthusiastically by the French Guardsmen Have Been Going Across for Many Weeks. Washington, Doc. 0. American Itnlnbow division Is In Frnncc, nlonj; wltli other Nntlonnl Gunrcl units. They include Illinois troops, most from CIiIciiko. Wlillo the wnr depnftment mndo no nmiouuccment upon receipt of dispatches telling of the Gunrd units' nrrlvul, tliu nnny censor snld It wuh pfiiiilsKihlo to refer to tli" Ilnln how division ns Hint wns obviously meant Inasmuch ns General Pershing's censor hnd passed the news. With the American Army In France, Dec 0. Nntlonnl Guurdsmen from every stute In the Union hnve arrived In France, It Is now permitted to bo announced. They nro among tho troops now training or Intcly arrived. While It Is not permitted to disclose tho Identity of units, It may bo snld that all of those which sailed from the United States hnve arrived safely nnd thnt some nlrcndy arc In training with in sound of tho guns' on the bnttlo front. Tho former stuto troops are billeted over a wide urea nnd nre pronounced excellent soldiers. Tho Gunrdsmcn have been arriving in tho American zone for mnny weeks. They nro scattered somewhat, but n8 far as possible the units from tho snmo dtnte hnve been kept closo together, except In one case, They found tho i regular army had made good prcpnrn tlons for them, nnd wlillo ninny nre billeted In bouses In French towns, others have been quartered In low wooden barracks specially erected. The troops from the various states have been recognized by tho French population and have been welcomed enthusiastically. After a sufficient tlmo to rest from the Journey, which In some cases has been extremely tire some, tho troops have been set to work training for actual service at the front. During the last few days one unit has been working with grenades and automatic rifles, while another has been working out military problems in maneuvers. Another unit lias been in the instruction trenches which bring them ns near as possible to ac tual fighting conditions. Many of the former Guardsmen In training have beard guns roaring In the distance. They arc all being given tho same courso of Instruction ns the first con tingents of regulars havo under gone. Tho Guardsmen nro all In good hcnltli. Every one of tho Gunrds who sailed from tho United States has arrived safely in France. WOMEN SLAIN BY TEUTONS Mothers and Babes Used as Shields by Kaiser's Troops During In vasion of Italy. Washington, Dec. 3. All tho oppres sive measures which characterized tho German Invasion of Belgium nnd many of tho acts of barbarism which re volted the civilized world, semiofficial dispatches from Rome sny, are now being practiced by the Austro-Gcrman invaders of Italy. Near Zenson, the dispatches say, the Invaders placed Italian women and children before their troops ns they Advanced and the Italian soldiers were compelled to sacrifice their Inno cent countrymen. Austro-Gcrman prisoners tell of Ital ian noncombatants massacred by tho Invading troops and loot from Italian homes and shops has been found on the bodies of dead troops. Soldiers on( the Plavo declaro they bear the screams of women and children from the opposite sldo of tho river. The invading armies have taken away cattle and other property nnd burn household furnlturo for their bivouac, fires at night. Bosnian troops, the dispatches say, have committed unnanmblo atrocities. LENINE GOVERNMENT OUSTED Succeeded by Coalition Cabinet of Ad vanced Socialists Bolshevlkl Aro Represented. London, Dec. 8. Tho government of Nikolai Lenlne has fallen, according to a Petrograd dispatch to tho Dally Chronlclo dnted Wednesday. It hap been succeeded by a coalition cabinet of advanced socialists, In which, how aver, tho bolshevlkl nro represented. . v East Africa Fight Near End. London, Dec. 3. -The end of tho East African cnmpalgn before Christ mas Is predicted by tho Rcuter cor respondent at Ndara. II o declares that by that tlmo tho German com mander In chief will be a prisoner. Gertrude Smith, Author, Dies. Brookllne, Mass., Dec. a. Gertrudo Smith, author of many books for chil dren, nnd best remembered for her "Arabella nnd Arnmlntn" stories, pub 'llslicd more than twenty years ugo", led at a hospital here. B V vassssstf HKSHLX-rV J', "XMgaSBSH in rsw .,., a, ftxjm Miss Tntlann Nlcolnovnn ltoinnnoff, second dnughtcr of Nicholas ltoinnnoff, deposed emperor of ItusBln, lina cs enped from Slbcrln through n fictitious mnrrlngo to a son of n former cham berlain of the emperor nnd Is now on her wny to tho United Stntes chnper oncd by nn English woman. In this country sho will dance, lecture, nnd write fnlry tides for tho benefit of the Itusslnn civil relief organization. 100 ITALIANS ARE HELD ANARCHI8T 8U8PECT8 TAKEN NORTHWE8TERN CITIE8. IN Charged With Plotting to Aid Germany by Fomenting Revolt In Italy. SeatUe, Wash., Nov. 20. More than 100 Italians, most of them miners nnd shipyard employees, snld to belong to mo urcoio stum Hoclnll, an alleged anarchistic society, were arrested In Seattle, Portland, Spokane, Tncomn and other Northwestern cities by fed eral agents in raids which ended Tues dny night, uccordlng to nn announce ment by II. W. White, federal Immi gration commissioner, who had chargo of the roundup. According to federal agents, the Italians plotted to help Germany win the war by fomenting a rebellion In Italy to overthrow King Victor Em manuel. Federal officers in disguise, it was announced, attended ono of the so ciety's recent meetings, at which calls 'wcro Issued for volunteers to bring about disturbances In this country. Ofllclnls planned to assemble all the prisoners In one camp, where they probably will be Interned for tho dura tion of tho wnr. Pamphlets entitled "Throw" Down Your Arms" wcro among the papers und documents federal agents mild they seized at tho society's headquar ters here. The propaganda, It was said, urged Italians everywhere to rise against governments nnd resist nil military service. BREAK ISOLATES PETROGRAD No Word With Southern Part of the Country While Germans Arrive to Help Lenlne. London, Nov. 20. All communica tion has been broken between north and south Russia. The foreign em bassies at Petrogrnd nre unable to es tablish touch with Odessa nnd other points In southern Russia. Official messages, however, aro reaching Odes sa by way of Persia. Information was received here from Petrograd that a number of German staff officers had arrived there and wero acting In an advisory capacity to Nikolai Lenlne, the bolshevlkl pre mier. Washington, Nov. 20. Official con firmation of the news from London that German staff officers nro In Petro grnd acting ns military advisers of the Lcnlno faction probably will be fol lowed promptly by action on the part of the United States nnd her allies definitely to place the bolshevlkl regime In the list of Germany's al lies. TWO U. S. MEN DIE IN FIGHT Pershing's Soldiers Killed In Artillery Battle Five Others Severely Wounded. Washington, Nov. 20. Two Ameri can soldiers were killed and five wero severely wounded In nn nrtlllery com bat with the Germnns on November 20, General Pershing reported. Those killed wero: Private Ilarry L. Miller, field artil lery; nddrcss, Mrs. L. Copeland, 1002 Center street, Baker, Ore. Prlvnto Charles Rlssmlllcr, field ar tillery: mother, Mrs. Clara Rlssmtller, 1321 Moss street, Reading, Pn. Captain of Raider Jailed. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Capt. Max V. Thlerlchens, former commnnder of tho German Rea raider Prlnz Eltel Fried rich, was sentenced to M months' Im prisonment. He wns convicted of vio lating the Mann whlto slave not. Yaquls Fire on Train, Wounding 15. Nognles, Ariz., Dec. 1. Four pas sengers, threo of them women, and eleven federal soldiers were Injured when n bund of Ynqul Indians fired nn a Southern Pacific Do Mexico train near Lynch, south of Gunymas. FEDERAL AGENT8, P08TAL OFFI- CIAL8 AND POLICE TO HUNT DE3ERTER8. $50 REWARD FOR PRISONERS Registrants Who Fail to Return Ques tionnaire, or to Appear for Exam ination, or to Perform Any Act Will Be Punished. Washington, Dec. 1. Federal agents, tho entire postal machinery of the nation and police of nil cities nro drafted into the pursuit of the men wlfo attempt to evade tho conscription law In regulations made public on Thursday by Provost Marshal General Crowder nnd approved by tho presi dent. The regulations also set the penal ties which shall be Imposed upon the men who attempt to cscnpo military duty or who by their own Indifference fall to comply with tho letter of the law. iltf...1... il... ..!.... 1. ....... ,lnilt.L uiiiiui m ... ui inc u ..,,- oniclns prcpnrnto8 for the field bos ment every police official, high or low, p,nI nm, , t lo be 8cnt t0 ' IllldllgllUUl me lllllll, mil ui.-v.miii; n part of the army-building machine," declared General Crowder. "This great agency will be put In operation from 5,000 separato points by the local boards. "The postal authorities under direc tion of the president mid postmaster general nlso will work bond In hand with the local bonrds In every direc tion nnd every possible clue will be run out to trace registrants who have disappeared from their homo districts In order that they may have no pos sible excuse for their failure to return their questionnaire within the seven day period prescribed by law." It also was stated that the postal au thorities through their ability to trail persons through tho uddresscs on let ters wilt turn their wholo machinery toward the apprehension of men who fnll to report for servlco when or dered. The agents of the department of Jus tice throughout tho country also will curry on this work, in addition to tak ing a large part In the prosecutions. In a new regulation promulgated on tho method of dealing with draft evaders, Provost Marshal General Crowder asserts : "Those who fall to return the ques tionnaire, or to appear for physical ex amination, or to report change of Btntus, or to report for any duty, or to perform any net nt the time nnd place required by the regulations or by directions by local or district boards In pursuance thereof, are guilty of a mis demeanor under the selective service law. Under authority granted by that law, it is hereby mndo the duty of ull police ofllclnls of tho United Stntes, or of any stntc, or any county, munici pality, or other subdivision thereof, to locate nnd tnke Into custody such per sons nnd to bring them forthwith be fore local boards to determine whether their cases shall be reported to the federal department of Justice for prosecution, nnd to serve the summons to witnesses Issued by local or dis trict boards. "Persons who, uftcr Induction Into military service, with Intent to evade such service, willfully fall to report to local boards for military duty, or fall to entrain for n mobilization camp, or who absent themselves from entrain- merit or from their parties of selected men en route to n mobilization enmp, nro deserters and nro subject to mili tary law. It Is hereby made the duty of nil such police officials to apprehend nnd nrrest such deserters nnd proceed ngntnst them. "A rewnrd of $50 Is pnynblo for the apprehension nnd delivery to a mill; tnry camp, post or station of a deserter from the National army when the per son making such delivery presents the certificate of n locnl bonrd." KAISER WOULD MAKE PEACE Chancellor Tells Reichstag He Is Eager to Discuss Truce With Russia 8lavs Quit Fighting. Berlin, Dec. 1. Count George F. von llertltng, the new Imperial Ger man chancellor, told the rclchstng that ho was ready to enter Into peace nego tiations as soon us the Russian gov ernment would send representatives having full powers to Berlin. "I hopo and wish," ho said, "that these efforts will soon tako definite shupe nnd bring us peace." Petrograd, Dec. 1. Tho bolshevlkl government received foraial notifica tion from Ensign Krylcnko, Its com mander In chief, that a complete ces sation of nil hostilities on ull fronts wns in sight, through ncqulescence of all German front commanders to tho negotiation of nn nrmlstlcc. Preliminary unofficial reports had Indicated that agreement for a meet ing to discuss an armlstlco had been obtained on tho fifth nrmy front. Arrested as a Traitor. Brnntford, Ont., Dec. 3. E. L. Hun selman, graduate of a school of chiro practic In Chicago, who 1ms been prac ticing hero In tho daytime und work ing nt munitions at night, was arrested on u charge of treason. Schoolboy Robs the Kaiser. Berlin, Dec. II. A seventecn-yenr-old schoolboy was arrested In connection with the robbery of the Imperlrl resi dence, Wllhclmshochc, at Cassel. Most or tho objects of urf which wo stolen havo been recovered. ?!& V, '-asssssssssk sssW KnasBBBBBBBsm IbB S' ?SbsbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbB " " "maaiffieBBBBBB iibbb 'i '.JHfliHPlJBnilllV sassm ,i ,Bm s'A&si'&'iffi&m a. LbbbbbbbkI':' JpS9r .bH'2 bbbbbbbbbVl Ibw.bbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbbbbbbW. -&$9&BuBKy H .3 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWRbbb JtfJ&SiSSaanBW LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI:S iBBBBBBBBBBmflBBW anBB'aBfllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl '3 BBBBBBBBBMbBEBBBT fffssTM MHSSKk 3 LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbIbbbbbbbbbbbbV LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 1 IHI'iM i st1'.b T ii;j bbbbbW , J w Dr. ltnfael Mcnocnl, n leading Cuban surgeon, has arrived In this country to tnke up with the American Red Cross pltnl ond equipment i'iuiiuu uy mc uiiunn nut! uruss. xnu organization of this unit Is due to tho cfTorts of Mme. Mariana Scvn de Mc nocnl, wife of tho president of Cuba. Doctor Monocnl brought with him the news that more tbnn half of the million-dollar fund necessnry to maintain the Cubnn Red Cross hospital unit line already been paid In. TEUTONS HURLED BACK .' t. a. ri.. t-. y. mi.. ITALIANS MOW DOWN FOES GREAT BATTLE. IN Big Allied Armies Arrive on Latin Front After Long March Eager to Fight Rome, Nov. 28. Utter fnllure of vio lent enemy nttneks In the mountnlns between tho Brentn nnd Plnvo rivers wns announced on Monday in the offi cial statement. At Tnsson tho Monte Rosa buttallon of Italian Alpines annihilated strong enemy forces massed In attack. "Enemy masses, supported by heavy artillery, again attempted to at tack our positions between the Bren tn and Plnve rivers," the statement snys. "On our left wing the enemy's ef forts wero directed against the Monte Pertlcn aren. They were crushed promptly and a deadly and well-exe cuted counter-nttack on our part was made In answer to every fresh nttempt by the enemy. "At Tnsson, the Monte Rosn bat talion of Alplnl annihilated Its assail ants. "At our center, where the enemy's pressure wns strongest, the Fifty-sixth division lived up to Its envlnble repu'n Hon. "Enemy columns, which with stub- born fury, attacked from the north west nnd north In the direction of Monte Cnsonet, Col Del L'Orso, Monte Snn l.nrolo nnd Monte Spinonln, were mowed down by our fire, repent edly met by furious counter-nttnoks nnd definitely repulsed, leaving more than 200 prisoners In our hnnds. "On our right tho enemy nttnek started from tho eastern slopes of Monte Monfcnera. Tho assaulting waves were first checked by our artil lery and afterward counter-attacked several times and repulsed by our gal lant. Alplnl. A few score of prisoners wero taken." Itnlinn Army Headquarters in Northern Itnly, Nov. 28. Solid ranks of Franco-British lnfnntry, with nrtll lery nnd supply trains, were seen by the correspondent within sound of the battle on the Italian northern lines. They hod been on nn eight-day inarch. WOMEN WIN "STRIKE;" FREED Militants Exultant When Twenty-Two Are Released at Washington Be fore Terms End. Washington, Nov. 20. Twenty-two woman's party militants who have been on hunger strike in the District of Columbln Jail hero wero suddenly released on Tuesday, long before the expiration of their terms for picketing nt the Whlto House. Among them wcro Alice Paul, chnlrmnn of the parry, ond Lucy Burns, vlco chairman. Woman's party headquarters exultant ly announced that tho Jall'officlnls "had gotten enough" of tho first American hunger strike. In a procession of taxi cabs the heroine militants, some of them showing the rigors of enforced feeding and willful starvation, wero taken In a triumphant procession to headquarters. British Casualties Go Up. London, Dec. 8. November's casu alties among the British army forces wero greater by far than thoso of any recent months. Britain lost 120,070 officers nnd men In killed, wounded nnd mlsblng. William E. Chandler Dead. Concord, N. II., Dec. 3. William Eaton Chandler, who, as secretary of the navy In President Arthur's cabinet, was largely responsible for the beginning of tho modern United Stateu navy, died at his homo here. WAR MACHINE BREAKS LOOSE AT OMAHA. BRUTAL GZRMAN OUTRAGES Thinks Kaiser Should Be Made to Pay Extreme Penalty National Guardsmen on Soil of France. Wichita, Kan. A hugo United StL js army balloon of tho new French typo, inflated with 35,000 cubic feet of gas, broke away in a high wind Sun day -nt Fort Omaha, Neb., and trailing six thousand feet of steel cablo, was carried rapidly south through Kansas. Tho cablo played havoc with tho tolc phono and telegraph wires, tearing down long stretches nnd breaking off poles. Tho balloon is snld to havo carried five tons of steel ballast. It passed over Nowton, Knn and tore down eight blocks of wlro in tho city and broko off many poles. Consider able damagn also was said to havo been done to homes and office build ings by tho heavy cablo. Tho bag, ac cording to reports received here, was being prepared for an ascension whon it broko away. There wore no occu pants in tho basket when tho balloon broko away, according to tho roports. National Guardsmen In France With the American army in France. National guardsmen from every stato in tho union havo arrived in Franco. They aro among tho troops now training or lately arrived. While it is not permitted to dis close tho Identity of units, it may bo said that all thoso which sailed from the United Stntes have arrived safely, and that somo aro already in training within sound of the guns on the bat tle fronts. They are showing a spirit in keep ing with the purpose of all concerned to make the American expeditionary force a homogeneous American army in which each division whether regu lar, national sjuard, or national army, cannot be distinguished in cfficlenc from the others. The former state troops aro billeted over a wide area, and are pronounced excellent soldiers. Tho guardsmen have been arriving in the American zone for many weeks BRUTAL GERMAN OUTRAGE8 Congressman Stephens Thinks Kaiser 8hould Pay Extreme Penalty Fremont. Declaring that the Ger mans are perpetrating the most shock ing and brutal outrages the world has known, Congressman Dan V. Stephens, upon his arrival in Fremont from the western front in Franco, declared he would like to see tho kaiser, Hinden burg and Buelow shot. "Thero is no question," said Mr. Ste phens, "who prepared for this war, who started this war, and there is no question who is perpetrating the most shocking, brutal outrages the world has known. Prussian militarism Is making tho world bleed. Tho misguid ed German pcoplo are suffering ns bad ly as anybody. I would like to seo tho kaiser, Hlndenburg and Buelow shot. Hanging would be too good for them. "Our troops and our undertaking in Franco are magnificent, but it is a hard task. Tho French have nothing to spare. We hew tho lumber In tho forests to mako our camps In Franco Tho allies will win. Thero is no doubt about it. But it will not bo in a month, or a year or two years." National Guard Is Merged. Washington. The Nebraska na tional guard, under the war depart ment's plan of militia reorganization, has been absorbed in the' Thirty fourth division. Under this name, which gives no hint of the identity of the states furnishing tho com ponent units, national guards from Ne braska, Iowa, North Dakota and Minnesota are merged. Fort Snelllng. Commissions won by students at the socond officers' training camp at Fort Snelllng in the past three months of intensive mili tary study have been announced. A large number of Nebraska men, out side of Omaha nnd Lincoln, have also been announced as commissioned of ficers as the list progressed. The suc cessful applicants wero generally be tween the ages of. 25 and 35 years. N. N. G. Enlisted Men Promoted Camp Cody, Doming, N. M. More than one hundrod onllstod men of tho Nebraska national guard bavo boen promoted to tho rank of com missioned officers. This sweeping campaign of promotion was mado posslblo by tho shifting of company officers to now organizations whero they are acting as commanders and Instructors. Tho names of tho men promoted aro being withhold until the appointments have boen ap proved by tho war department. Indianapolis, Ind. II. Barnard, food administrator for Indiana, has ap pointed a commission of forty men rep resenting state councils of dofenso, bankers, corn growers and distillers of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri and Iowa, to go to Washing ton and impress upon tho administra tion the necessity for the distillation of Industrial alcohol as a moans of sav ing millions of bushels of frosted corn In tho six states. Tho commission In :ludes Governors Goodrich of Indiana, Lowden of Illinois, Cox of Ohio, Stan ley of Kentucky, Gardner of Missouri and Hardin of Iowa, BIG Thousands Find Relief IN THE RELIABLE OLD SAFEGUARD DO D DS Kidney Pills IN all ptrtt of the country, every day. sufferers from kidney troubles re eaylnei Qoodbye, backache; noodbye, point Dodd'a Kidney Pill have settled you for Rood." They koow the efficacy of tills fine old remedy which ao many people have employed with success. Yoa can bo .free trtm kidney JH ua and p from orcntoai ungnvs uueua and mhidk death. If you start Immediately lo tone ilbla the kidneys WIU DoM's. Kidney fills, lie sura yoq sea on the box the name with three D'a. It protects jroo. Evry DrattM StlU Dottd't anil r fundi your money If dUiatUfUd ('. (2. Dniilelsou of Hardin, Colo., cleared ?.10 nn nere this yenr on 1U nercH of outs ; expenses deducted. To Cure.a Cold in nn. nw Take I.AXATIVH IlltOFO QUIMNaT TsbleU. DrncclMi retnnd money If It falls toenre. H. W. UllUVH B Signature is on eacuBua. wc T. L. Burnett of Louisville, Ky eighty-eight, Is the Inst survivor of the. confederate congress. Opposltcs Opposed. " "Whnt did do when he ques tioned her sharply?" "She refused flatly to unRwcr." Beautiful, clear white clothes delights the laundress who uses Red Cross Hall Blue. All grocers. Adv. Expediency. "A wise ninii mny chiiugo his mind." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "But n man sometimes gets credit for changing his mind when caution hns caused him to shift his line of talk." A multitude of smacks follow in th wake of courtship. New South Wales cuts unripe wheat for liny. Based On Cost Per . Tablet It Saves 9Vfec. CASCARAt? QUININE No adrancv In price for this 20-year-old remedy-25c for 34 tablets Sooso cold tablets now 30c for 21 tablets Figured on proportionate coat per tablet, you save 9tfc when you bow Hill's Cures Cold in 24 hours trip In 3 days Money back If ft falls. 24 Tablets for 2Se. At any Drug Store W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 49-1917. Nebraska Directory - VAN ARNAH DRESS PLEATlfi BUTTON CO. 336-7 Paxton Block Omaha, Nab. Accordion, knife, aide, space, box, Hunburst and combination pleat ing, hemstitching, plcot edging, pinking, ruchlnff,coTerlnir buttons, all styles ana sites, nice List free. REPAIRS FURNACES BOILERS and STOVES Please order through your nearest dealer. Qulokahlpmentsourhobby. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, OMAHA, NEB. PLEATING . BUTTONS Dona promptly. Free price list CREAM WANTED Market your cream where It will net yon the saott sooner. Tbe Kulnuont Creamery Company offers too the benefit of IU tblrtj-f our Tears of ex perience. Br shipping jonr cream to this company you will receive fall market ..value In par menu your cbeek will be aent you dally; yon will save ex- . press charges and your cana will be returned mora promptly. Tney guarantee la net you from Wo to ll.Ok more per can for roar cream tban you can get by selling It at bome. Bnlp to the nearest Nnbraskafae tory. selriessnlesU4U0MlutCtteeeifaa'Ilae. KODAKS DEVELOPING PRINTING and ENLARGING Bend 'or Kodak catalog and finishing price list. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. (HASTMAN KODAK CO.) DpL K, 121 2 O St Lincoln, Neb, THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Booms from $1.00 up single, 75ceuta up double. CAJTKPRICE9 REASONABLE Ship Turkeys, Poultry Capons, Veal, Rabbits, Butter, Eggs, nides, etc. to PERRY CO., OMAHA. NEB. We pay promptly CABU. Coops and Cases furnished. SO years la Omaha. Write for tags. ir RADIATOR YOUR IS FROZEN OR LKAKS . RKMn n to na. t r en.";i.... r. r. unit, uiu iiunoi 212 S. 19th ST., OMAHA, NEB. ana 212 8. 12th St.. LINCOLN. NEB. ALSO LAMP AND FENDER REPAIRING. m m m BSBiPlfcMMsPiBaM PERSISTENT COUGHS are dangerous. Relief is prompt from Plso'a Remedy for Coughs and Colds. Effective and safe for young and old. No opiates la PISO'S A 1- I. I; 0..fcwtt SKWwaat-o j-