Jr y ' b-A- J M atriotss tome to the Court House Tomorrow Nfeht A Newspaper That Gives The Hews Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Tor $1.50. VOLUME 13 ni&i) ;jluui), Nrii:ii.;.iVsrvA. dec ism wait o, nn. NUM.HEB. 60 UYWV.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V."AVAV.V.V.' f The Nation Depends f Upon Its Citizens s If Qie Citizens are prosperous, (lie Nation is prosperous. If flic Citizens, are frugal and saving flic Nation is firm and substantial, even in its mosl trying times. Are You Doing Your Share to keep flie Nation on a firm finanowl basis, by putting aside a little each week? Webster County Bank Red Cloud, Nebraska Why don't You buy her " W?- mxctifgc.i Sr i iz .-it 1&zm?mtoS T -TVI III fflr. k - t f HffiT 1 KHgHi SI ,V! ? " ' v.''7 The most important part of home equipment is the cooking range. Look at the range your wife or mother is using. Ask her if she is perfectly satisfied with it. Then come and see us. We will show you The Walls Are 3-Ply TL SOUTH BEND D. 1 lie MALLEABLE KailgC All-Ways Preferable he Oven Is Air-Tight Commissioners Proceedings The hoatd of county commissioners net Tuesday, with all members pres ent. After due consideration the petition of Clyde Pitney ct nl. for a road in Innvnic piccinct was granted. C. W. Renkel was allowed damages in tlio sumof .$000 and W. II. Cloud was al lowed $300. The county surveyor was instructed to lay out the road accord ing to the petition and the road over seer was instructed to work same. The lesignation of C. L. Columbia as constable for Guide Rock precinct was accepted. The bond of Andrew Guy, who had been appointed by a justice of the peace as constable to fill the vacancy, was approved. The matter of Road 1G7 now coming on to be heard and it appearing that petitioners of School District 70 have paid to county treasurer $863.40 and the order heretofore made by the board was filed in the county clerk's office on Oct. 9, and that said school district nor nny party interested has appealed, and all parties owning real estate taken aro satisfied with the damages awarded, it was owlet cd thut the county treasuier pay out said money as follows: John Claik and wife $170.00 C. P. Cather 108.40 Roscoc Fcarn C0.00 Edwaul Hcaton 25.00 James Hcaton 25.00 For road work a" Hedge 17.20 CaYf Rudd . . .,., 25.50 H. Feam ....."..,..... ;." . . "14.40 9.20 13.60 8.20 18.40 12.80 TRINE Your Hard-wareDealer WWNVWWWWftVJViWV.VAVASVWAV.WAV.VVWW Christian Church Sunday i i 1 0,00 a. m. Sunday School, 1 1 ;00 a. m. Sermon, Subject, "The Christian Spirit" 2:30 p. m. Indian Creek Service 2:30 p. m. Sunday School South Side 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples Service. 7:30 p. m. Preaching No place for moral cowards, but lovers of Christ will find light and liberty and the spirit of Christ WVIWiArtrtAVbVAV. 0 Try an Ad in the Chief C.. Detrpw , -. JasHcaton . EH Hcaton '...., Thos. Heatori ..'.:;',' Frank Sibert .v.....f. ..'?. The following claims' were allowed; BRIDGE FUND Steve Schuttc $157.25 Wm. Sawyer 50.00 II. J. Saunders 28.50 Vencil Zajic 13.75 Aug. Lampman 28.10 R. B. Mclllcce 24.30 J. H. Martin 20.73 GENERAL FUND E. A. Creighton 55.00 J. B. Dicrker 118.00 C. R. Laird 30.00 Wm. Dcrr 76.00 B. F. Perry 071.85 C. D. Robinson, Co. Exp 204.33 Edith L. McKcighan 70.15 Frank Ellingcr 22.00 A. B. Spanogle 41.66 It. B. Leggett 12.00 Geo. H. Overing 174.90 E. S. Garber 9.29 R. C. Cem. Assn: 10.00 Seth F. Greene 5.20 J. V. McCracken 36.00 J. S. Marsh 17.35 Powell & Pope 13.00 Lineatime Mfg. Co 21.00 T." H. Flood & Co 7.50 H. Ludlow 4.55 W. Throckmorton 41.95 J. E. Yost 9.80 Farmers' Ins. Guide Rock.... 25.00 Feeble Minded Institute 187.13 Board adjourned to meet Dec. 31. K. C. War Fund Increasing The following names have been ad ded to the list of subscribers to tho K. C. War Fund. This brings tho total up to $200. H. A. Johnson $1.00 Mrs. W. A. Sherwood 1.00 Mrs. Ida Marshall 1.00 Vincent Nolan : 50 Chas. Besso 1.00 Mr. Clutter 1.00 W. B. Conley 1.00 M. D. Regan 50 Ed. Burden 1.00 John Zajic 1.00 Kathryn Burke 1.00 Jas. Doyle, Sr. 1.Q0 John Hollern ,1.00 Jim McCormol 5.00 Marie Pulsipher .'. .50 Mrs. J. J. Ryan 1.00 Emmet Ryan 2.60 Messrs. Ryan and Nolan wish to thank tho. pcoplo for their gonorosity in responding so liberally to this call for funds. Spends Thanksgiving Here Among the ninny who enjoyed "tur key day" with tho home folks was Editor A. B. Mc Arthur. "Mac" is looking fine and says that he never felt better in his life thnn he has since ho Joined the boys at the training camp. Ho tells us that Uncle Sam treats the boys down there royally and that soldier life appeals to him. During Ins brief stay he was kept buoy meeting old friends and answer ing iiuesuons concerning life at the camp, lie wishes to state thatvtimo limit placed upon him did not permit him ,to call on all of his friends and takeu this means of extending best wishes to them. He returned to Camp Funaton Sunday night. 100 Per Cent Schools The following schools have reported one hundred per cent signers on the' Food Pledge Card campaign: ,1 Dist. Teacher Address 13 Vestic Hubatka Blue Hill 16 Lillio Rickard Guide Rock 27 Anna McPartland ....Red Cloud 32 Edith Siebrass Blue Hill 37 Titena Rose Blue Hill 55 llomer Shcminrd Blue Hill 58 Mrs. Maymc Waskom .Red Cloud 62 Bonnie Blankcnbnkcr .Red Cloud 64 Zolla Chaplin CowlcS' 66 Jennie Miner Campbell 71 Transports to, Guide Rock. 83 Vcrna Francis Blue Hill 84 Clara Gocrig ........ .Lawrence 87-rGladys iVinne Guido Rock 89 $dna Swlgart ,..... Guide Rock 8JL Howard Arnold Blue Hill 85 Mildred Polnicky ....Red Cloud 40 Anna Brommcr Bladen Farochial Rev. C. F. Schrcin, G. R. Parochial Rev. Robt. Wagner, Cowles Gertrude L. Coon, Co- Supt. Schumacher-Rickcrson At four o'clock Sunday afternoon occurred the marriage of Miss Louise Schumacher to Mr. II. J. Rickcrson, of Red Cloud, Nebraska. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Hahn, of the Immaculate Conception church at the rectory in the presence of a few relatives, Miss Gertrude Schumacher and Will Schu macher acting as bridesmaid and groomsman. Tho bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. M. Schumacher having grown to womanhood here. She is well known as one of Red Cloud's ' fore most teachers, having been primary teacher in the schools of that city for the past four years. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rickcrson, of Chillicothe, Mo. He is a young man of sterling qualities and has a wide circle of fricnd3 in Red Cloud where he has resided for several years. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the Schumacher home where the sisters of tho bride had prepared a four course wedding dinner. The young couple left on tho even ing train for Red Cloud and Chil licothe, Mo., where they will spend a short time visiting relatives and friends, after which they will be at homo to their host of friends at Red Cloud, Nebraska. Tho Chronicle ex tends congratulations. Orleans Chronicle. To Accomplish Good Work ' ' - .!.!. .1 I II.IM, ! I- I .1 1 . ,1 l , . . , You Muft Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve Self Filling Fountain Pen - is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOUNEED at $2.50 to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00, MakeSure Your Childs EYES ARE RIGHT and Able to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work We Make EXAMINATIONS FREE E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist WC B. fc Q. Watch Inspector .f. ...gay - yf " -. - W'.'T )Tft WeS VJ (Serve OnfcleSl - I.. ii wm. blwi. uml. I DINE AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope Fall Causes Painful Injury E. W. Stevens, who conducts a plumbing and electrical business in connection with tho Trino Hardware store is confined to his home as a re sult of a fall from a sixteen foot ladder. Wert was at work on the top of the ladder when ho lost his balance and in order to save himself from what might have resulted in instant death, ho jumped from the ladder, lighting on a cement floor. Somo of the small bones in his heel wore frac tured and tho muscles torn and strained. , MKETING MONDAY NIGHT AT THIiJ COURT HOUSE FOR THE PURPOSE OP ORGANIZING A HOME GUARDS COMPANY. COME AND HELP DOWN THE KAISER. Bring It to Steve . That good negative on your lasl film, or the one - 5 you have laid away will make a good enlargement r j? and a nice Christmas gift , 'i STEVENS BROS. ? g J PUtogitphcii in Youi Town Notice A call is extended to tho citizens of Red Cloud to meet at the court-house on Ffiday evening at 8:00 p. m. The purposo of this meeting is to form ft company of Home Guards and to out lino plans for a Patriotic Day, tho date of which will bo announced later. Every patriotic citizen Is requested to be present. Joint Ev. Lutheran Reformation Festival at Naponco Sunday, Dec. 9, at 10:30 a. m. Both German"and Eng lish services held in tho morning. Tho local congregation is cordially invited. Freo lunch will be served by tho ladies of tho Nnponco congregation. No in structions this week for Senior and Junior classes. ' A. Schaal, pastor. M rrt ) eio ,&U te&iJNflf vh riSl . 'jtott ',h W -s. tK?: ,''CA,, t