The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 29, 1917, Image 3

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Mnp showing the region vVhere the British hnve broken a grcnt gap through tlio HlndcnhurK lino nnd nd
vanecd nlmost to Cnmbrol. At tho right, one of the huge tnnks thnt played an Important part In the ndvance, and
Lieut Gen. Sir Julian Byng, who led the victorious Third army In the attack.
General Byng Smashes Through
Hindenburg Line Toward
City of Cambrai.
Tanks Play a Big Part In the Sensa
tional Victory Italians Bravely Re
sitting Powerful Attacks of Austro
Germans Enemy Aliens In Amer
lea Under Surveillance.
Lieut. Gen. Sir Julian Byng smashed
a great hole In the Hindenburg line
between St. Quentln and the Seurpe.
General Diaz nnd his heroic Itulluns
put a stop for the time being to the
Teuton attacks on most of the Plnvc
river line. General Allenby and the
British army in Palestine moved
steadily on to the envelopment of Je
rusalem. Tho French struck tho
crown prince's forces n hard blow In
the Alsno sector. President Wilson
placed the severest restrictions on en
emy nllcns In the United States.
Altogether It wns not n pleasant
week for Kaiser Wllhclm.
General Byng's sensational advance,
which wns begun Tuesday and con
tinued through the week, wns hailed
ns the greatest British victory since
the Somme. Its Miccess was duo large
ly to the element of surprise, for the
British had been delivering their pre
paratory artillery Arc much farther
north and then suddenly attacked In
the Cambrnl sector, taking tho Ger
mans quite unawnrcs. General Byng,
who devised the plan and whoso army
carried It out, ilrst sent out u great
number of tanks, nnd ns these cleared
nwny the barbed-wlro entanglements
nnd broke through two of the strong
est lines In the German defense sys
tem In the west, tho Infantry and cav
alry followed with n rush that car
ried all before It. The Germans were
demoralized, and for ninny hours of
fered littlo resistance, surrendering
by the thousand, nnd the British
moved rapidly forward, taking village
after vlllnge, nnd quickly consolidat
ing the enemy positions, which had not
been badly demolished by shell fire.
Almost to Cambrai.
On Wednesday tho resistance of the
enemy stiffened considerably; but to
no nvall, for the British pushed on un
til they had put behind them the towns
of Mosnlercs, Mnrcolng, Rlbecourt,
'Hnvrlncourt, Grnlncourt nnd Flos
qutercs. The tnnks still were lending
.. the way, nnd co-operating with them
were the mounted forces, which have
find so little opportunity for rcnl ac
tion. By Thursdny noon Byng's troops
were but littlo more than two miles
from Cambrai, nnd his big guns had
begun to shell that most Important
German base nnd rnllwoy center.
The British swiftly built roads and
light railways across the captured sec
tion up to their new lines nnd also be
jan towlden out their snllent, which
at first wns dangerously sharp. Crown
Prince Hupprecht rushed up masses
of troops and took up a strong position
In Bourlon wood Just north of the
British salient, dominating tho imme
diate region. IIo also pushed the ad
vance posts of tho British out of Fon
taine Notre Dame, but they held nnd
consolidated all tho rest of the terri
tory they had gained.
Tho secrecy which enveloped the
preparations for this great movement
wns astounding nnd spenks volumes
for the skill o'f the British command
ers and the efficiency of the aviation
corps which prevented the enemy nlr
scouts from discovering the massing
of troops nnd tnnks. The Cambrai
sector had been quiet for n long time,
tnd the Germans considered that part
of their defense lines Impregnable.
They also thought an nttnek In force
on such defenses could not be made
successfully without artillery prepa
ration. At tremendous cost they have
learned they were mistaken in both In
itnnces. Attack Has Several Objects.
Aside from tho capture of Cambrnl
and tho possible forcing of a general
retreat of tho Germans on tho west
front, the Immediate object of this
British offensive probably wns to re
lieve tun pressure on the Italians and
to prevent n threatened nttnek by tho
Teutonic forces on the Snlonlkl front.
Very large numbers of German troops
hnve been taken from tho Russian
front, and whllo many of them were
sent to replace the worn-out divisions
In Flanders, others probnbly were
turned toward the Greek frontier.
Not mnny could be used In Italy owing
to the narrowness of the fighting front
It does not seem reasonable to as
sume, from the success of Byng's at
tack, that the allies have any Iden of
abandoning high explosive artillery
preparation for such, movements In the
future nnd depending on the use of
great masses of Infnntry, regardless
of tho consequent heavy casualties.
Either great droves of tanks such as
Byng used, or heavy shelling, Is nec
essary to open the way for Infantry,
nnd It Is likely the tnnks alone could
not have done It If the Germans had
not been taken so completely by sur
prise. The movements of tho French Inst
week were not so sensational ns those
of the British, but they were of great
Importance. A strong snllent of the
German line to tho south of Juvln
court was attacked and pnrtly straight
ened out, nnd all the positions recent
ly won north of the Chemln des Dames
were maintained. It Is not unlikely
thnt the Germans will be forced to n
Hue north of Lnon, losing thnt very
Important city.
Allenby Surrounding Jerusalem.
Jerusalem &ecms the certain prize of
General Allenby's expeditionary forces
in Palestine, for nfter taking Jnffa ho
moved on to the enst and northeast un
til he had the city nlmost surrounded.
If the Turks nttempt seriously to de
fend it, it may bo Allenby will draw
n cordon about It and starve them into
surrender, rather than shock the
Christian world by bombarding Its
holiest shrines.
The remarkable tenacity with which
the Italians held on to their Plnvc
river line nnd Its continuation In the
mountains between the Plnvc and tho
Brentn so checked the Austro-German
ndvance that attacks virtually ceased
during the first half of tho week. On
Thursdny, however, the enemy began
a great mass attack on the upper Pl
nvc where It bends to the northeast
Into the Belluno Alps. The German
commander brought Into action picked
troops of the Prussian guards, some
of the best units from the west and
Russian fronts nnd n large body of the
notoriously brutal mountaineers from
lower Hungary.
American Troops Going Over Fast.
It Is no breach of confidential Infor
mation to state now thnt tho transpor
tation of American troops to Europo
Is going forward with Increasing rapid
ity, nnd thnt Genernl Pershing prob
ably will have n million men In his
command by next summer. The train
ing of a great part of the National
army will be curtailed In America nnd
completed quickly on French soil.
The British government has now come
over to the view of the French war
commission that visited us, nnd Is
urging that our troops get Into nctlon
In ns Inrge numbers and ns swiftly ns
Is possible. This has been the pro
gram of tho, administration for some
time, and tho ship-building program
has been speeded up accordingly. In
fact, President Wilson Is Insisting on
swiftness In nil departments, nnd on
Monday he made his requirements In
this line clear to various cabinet offi
cers and other officials. At the same
time ho appointed Daniel Wlllnrd
chairman of the war Industries board
to succeed Frank A. Scott, who re
signed on account of ill health.
Rear Admiral Capps resigned as gen
ernl manager of the emergency fleet
corporation on Thursday because ho
does not believe the policy of con
structing wooden ships will result sat
isfactorily, nnd thinks the shipping
board should have extended existing
plants to their capacity Instead of at
tempting to build new yards. Chnlr
man Hurley, however, Is eradicating
many of the causes of complaint nnd
his program promises to be successful
If he can get enough labor.-
Mr. Wilson Is earnestly even In
sistently in favor of the creation of
n supremo war council of the allies,
and has Instructed Colonel llouso to
do all ho can to bring It about at the
Purls conference.
Triumph for Lloyd-George.
When Premier Lloyd-Georgo enmo
to reply to his critics In parliament
concerning his advocacy of the Inter
allied war council, he gained n great
personnl triumph and quite routed As
qulth and his followers. In the course
of his speech ho said the government
ceased to fenr the submarine menace
and thnt the only other thing thai
could shatter the allies' hope of vic
tory was lack of unity. Thnt, he as
sorted, wns now to he remedied.
Next day, In the Anglo-American
war council, the premier made his call
for as many American troops as pos
sible, and said the easing of the posi
tion of the allies depends entirely on
the dates on which the American pro
gram of launching six millions of ship
ping In llTlS comes Into practical ef
fect. Ho asserted that the most dras
tic food restrictions were about to be
placed on the people of the British
Isles, and said he regarded the tight
ening of the blockade as of next Im
portance. Russia Asks an Armistice.
The Russian government meaning
tho bolsholkl group In control of Pet
rograd on Wednesday instructed
General Bukhonln, the commander In
chief, to open negotiations for an arm
istice with the commanders of the en
emy armies. Bokhonln refused nnd
wns deposed, being succeeded by En
sign N. Krylenko of tho navy. Tin
knlser Is reported already to have
refused to treat concerning pence
with any but tho legalize, suc
cessors to the government of the
cznr or the constitutional assembly
when It meets, but the way In which
ho has denuded his eastern line of
troops shows he hns no further fenr
of hostile action by tho Russians.
Whether or not ho Is Justified in this
nttttudc Is uncertain, for there come
from Russln stories of violent protests
against n separate peace by the peo
ple, and in some enses by the soldiers.
Genernl Kaledlncs, hetmnn of the
Don Cosaeks, was reported to be
marching toward Moscow with n large
army, nnd In n very roundabout way
came the story that these troops had
been turned over to Grand Duke Nich
olas, cousin of the former cznr, In pur
sunncc.of n plnn to restore the mon
archy with the grand duke ns regent.
Latest reports of Kercnsky were that
he was nt Lugn with two urmy corps
that remained loyal to his faction. The
fallen premier, however, seems to be
quite out of the reckoning.
Tho dismemberment of Russia pro
ceeded with the declaration of the In
dependence of the Ukraine, nnd n com
promise between the Socialist nnd
Bourgeois parties In Finland directed
against the Russian soldiery. It is
snld 300,000 Ukralnlnn troops have
been recalled from tho front.
In vlejv of the conditions In Russia,
the United States has stopped the
shipment of supplies to that country.
Restrictions on Enemy Aliens.
President Wilson opened the week
auspiciously by Issuing the long-needed
order placing all enemy aliens un
der strict surveillance nnd Imposing
drastic restrictions on them. They are
barred from the District o Columbia
and Panama, from all shipping cen
ters nnd all domestic wuters except on
public ferries, nnd may not travel or
change their place of abode or occu
pation without permission. All enemy
aliens nro to bo required to register.
The proclamation applies only to Ger
man citizens or subjects nt present,
but congress mny be asked to declaro
war against Austria-Hungary, so that
the thousands of Austrlnn subject?
also mny bo placed under surveillance.
Squelching the opposition of n few
pacifists, the American Federation of
Labor, in convention nt Buffalo, em
phatically Indorsed tho position of
President Gompers, thnt union labor
must work hand In hand with Presi
dent Wilson nnd place the needs of
tho nation above all other considera
tions In questions Involving the work
lngmnn's part in the prosecution of the
As a result of n long conference
Thursday afternoon between President
WIlRon nnd the presidents of the foui
brotherhoods of railway employees,
tho chief executive believed the danger
of n genernl railway strike was greatly
lessened If not wholly nverted. Mr,
Wilson Intimated that he thought ths
men should have higher wages, and the
brotherhood heads said that, though
they could not promise there would be
no strike, they would "co-operate with
tho government to the utmost extent
In nrrlvlng nt n Just nnd equitable ns
well ns pntrlotlc conclusion,"
Germany has been working on a plan
for operating submarines along the
coast of Brazil, with bases in Brazil
Ian waters, according to disclosures re
sulting from tho nrrest of n promi
nent resident of Rio do Janeiro. It
may bo some of tho U-boats already
are there, for fishermen and coastwise
vessels report having sighted n peri
scope near Rio Grande do Sul.
Costs Less
and Kills
That Cold
The ttandaf d cold cure for 30 year
In tablet form aafe, aure, no opiate
cutta cold in 24 hourt grip In 3
days. Moneybacklfltfaltt. Get the
genuine box with Red ton and Mr.
Ilill'a cloture on It.
Coata leaa, glvea
more, aavra money.
AtAnyDrus Stora
A woman always nets surprised
When u man proposes to her.
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never nuppcct it.
Women's complaints often prove to bo
nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys arc not in a healthy
condition, they may causo tho other or
gans to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, are often times symp
toms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmers' Swamp-Root, a physician's pre
scription, obtained at any drug store, may
bo Just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Gef a medium or large size bottle im
mediately from any drug store.
lion ever, if you wish first to test this
eat preparation send ten cents to JJr.
ilmer & Co.. Binshamton. N. Y.. for a
sample bottle. When writing bo sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
There nro some sins which we can
forgive they nro our own.
That Itch and Burn Are Usually
Edematous Cutlcura Quickly Heal.
It needs but a single hot bath with
Cutlcura Soap followed by a gentle
application of Cutlcura Ointment to
tho roost distressing, disfiguring
eczemas, itchlngs nnd burnings to
prove their wonderful properties. They
aro also Ideal for cvery-day toilet uso.
Freo sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Variety Is the vice of life.
Backache of Women
How this Woman Suffered
and Was Relieved.
Fort Fairfield, Maine. "For many
months I Buffered from backacho caused
by female troubles so I was unable to do
my house work. I took treatments for it
but received no help whatever. Then
Bomo of my friends asked why I did not
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I did so and my backache soon
disappeared and I felt like a different
woman, and now have a healthy littlo
baby girl and do all my houso work. I
will always praiso Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to women who suf
fer as I did." Mrs. Alton D. Oakes,
Fort Fairfield, Maine.
The Best Remedy is
Tlousambof women kmjpmd this
When mnn wus given dominion over
the beasts It Implied self-control.
In tho great world's contest, tho
kaiser Is entitled to tho final gamo on
his homo grounds.
To keep clean nnd healthy take Dr.
Pierco's Pleasant Pellets. Thoy regu
Iato liver, bowels and stomach. Adv.
Solomon's reputation for wisdom
mny have been due to his having orig
inated the habit of giving advice.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
So Bnmrtlric J"t Kyn Comfort. 60 ccnta at
rcsnlaU or ma.IL Write for Free do Hook.
it T "J"' ,y aaaa-aaaaaa'
"YE8, I THINK 80."
Most any good soap will do, but Rod
Cross Ball Bluo Is tho only bluo.
Makes tho greatest dlftcrcnco. My
clothos nro a droam snowy whlto. I
can't uso liquid bluo. No, not mo. Glvo
mo Red Cross Hall Illuo and I'll show
you sorno beautiful clothes. Adr.
His Last Thought.
Bob So you fell from thiih win
dow, Jim? How fnr did yuh fall?
Jim Ten stories.
Hob Well, that was a groat fall.
What did you think of on your way
Jim I didn't think of nothing un
til I passed thuh fifth story. Then I
remembered I left me pipe on tho
window sill.
Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Slgnaturo of
In Uso for Over 510 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Things manifest need no proof.
Btato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas
County ss. . . . .
frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is
senior pnrtner of tho Arm of F. J. Cheney
ft Co., dotna; business In the City of To
ledo, County and Btato aforesaid, nnd that
said firm will pny the sum of ONE HUN
DRED DOLUAHS for any caso of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by the use of
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In
my presence, this eth day of December,
(Seal) A. VT. Oteason. Notary Public.
en Internnlly and nets through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free
F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio,
United States fears flax famine.
la a healthy, actlre, Industrious llrer. Small doses of these pills
taken regularly Insure that. You may also need a purgative
sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep that In mind;
It will pay you rich dividends In Health and Happiness.
signature tVfC Small Pfto
I ROSY CHEEKS or HEALTHY COLOR Indicates Iron la the BlooA Pals or
E uaSatiTsho u.oS.It0Ar,cVn,,. CARTER'S IRON PILLS
altlon which will b much helped by I lIViJWL.
. mm emit tpm trt
Nothing New to Him.
Snld a young Tommy, Just nrrlved In
tho trenches, to one who had been out
since tho beginning:
"This your baptism of fire?"
The old-timer glnnccd scornfully up
on the newcomer.
"Baptism bo hanged 1" ho snld dis
gustedly. "This Is my blooming golden
wedding 1"
Why use ordinary cough remedies,
when Boscheo's German Syrup has
been used so successfully for flfty-ono
years In nil parts of tho United
States for coughs, bronchitis, colds
settled In tho throat, esneclnlly lung
troubles. It gives tho patient a good
night's rest, freo from coughing, with
easy expectoration In tho morning,
gives nature a chnnco to sootho tho
Inflamed parts, throw off tho disease,
helping tho patient to regain his
health. Sold In nil civilized countries.
80 nnd 00 cent bottles. Adv.
An American Bridge.
A representative of an American
company recently nrrlved In Colombia
to Inspect tho slto for a bridge over
tho river Coello at Chlcorul, Depart
ment of Tallinn, which Is to bo erect
ed In connection with Tollmn railroad,
now under construction.
Womon can bo usefully employed 11
nursing tho wounded, in making np thsj
soldiers' kits, and n thousand other
ways. Many Amorlcan women at
weak, polo or anemia from woman's
ills. For young girls just entering
womanhood; for women nt tho critical
time j nursing mothers and every womaa
who is "run-down," tired, or ovor
worked Doctor Pierce's Fnvorito Pro
Bcription is n special, safe and certain
liolp. It enn nbw bo had in tablet form.
Writo confidentially about your caso or
send 10c for trial pkg. of "Fnvorito
Prescription Tnblots" to Dr. Picrco,
Pros. Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Lincoln, Ncbr. "When I wna si
young woman I helped my pcoplo with
out-door work to such an extent
that I was oftca
out in wot clothes
for hours at s
t i m o and f re
fluently nt the
times that a girl
should bo extreme,
ly careful of her
health. This cans
cd mo to suffer
with congestion
nnd pain. I took
several bottles of
Dr. Pierco's Fav
orltn Prnnrrlntlnm
and found it to bo exceptionally good.
I rcolly bollovo that this medicino kept
mo on my foot and enabled mo to do
tho work roqulrod of mo." Mrs. Win.
A. Bonzing, 2208 T. St.
Fremont, Nobr. "For several yoart
I suffered with woman's weakness. It
caused mo to becomo run-down, weak
and nervous. At times I could scarcoly
raovo I was so miserable. I took "Fav
orlto Prescription" and it gavo me mora
real relief than I had cvor gotten from
all tho other medicines I had taken. I
can recommend it as a woman's medietas
for I know it is good." Mrs. Id Me
Elvraln, 303 Pierco St,
it ?
usses sitar nevditd
srean. ftiuue,
weitm ttock
men. beam Ihtv
nrafatt whart stair
vuclita fall.
Wifa InttmiMrt and MtfmAnt.1a-
IB-daasskctlseklMPfllt. sl.M
I Mats sis. MseklM mis. 14.00
1 r. . ln!cfw- but Ctrttar! khnlcci amd abaaaeat.
Taa auperlorltr ol Cutttt etedacta la da f o U
auperlorltr ol Cutttt Btadacta la da t o U
olatrtcUtUlag la VACCINn AHO sutms
V. Insist ON CUTTU'S. II traohnlaiMa,
rcara ol
IN SSuSi ISMSaaay . SaTSSSf . aaa S. SSRSSa, Sa.
Done promptly.
Free price list.
Atolltt preparation of marlk
Ilalpa to aradlcata daadraC
Forftaatoriaw Color u4
Bsauty to Graf or Fadd Hair.
toe, and SLOi at UruCTUta.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 48-1917.
may b checked, snd more serlons condi
tions of tho throat will bo often srolded
by promptly firing tho child a doae of
BaHsSSBfeaSBai 2
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