The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 29, 1917, Image 1

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Volume 45
Orpheum Theater
An Event of Note A Magnificent Production
"Les Miserables"
One Day Only Thursday, Nov. 29
Presented by Pathe Written by the Great
Victor Hugo Directed by Albert Cappellani
Matinee 2:30, 10c and 25c. Night 8:00. 10c and 25c. war tax 3c
"no Children Count?"
Friday, November 30
Admission 6c and Hg
"The Deep Purpfe"
Saturday, December 1
The most thrilling adventures ever known to have
been experienced by a country lass are those portrayed in
this great screen triumph, "The Deep Purple." Clara Kim
ball Young as Doris Moore, in this production, has excelled
all previous efforts to attain screen perfection. This wonder
ful stage success, which played on Broadway for over two
years, gives her ample opportunity to, display her ability as
a screen star. It is a play that opens with a touch of human
midnight but ends beautifully with the sunrise of eternal love
Matinee 2:30 6c and 17c Night 7:30, lie and 17c
Business Men Favor
One Telephone, System
"Where there me two telephone
systems serving n community a per
son who has one telephone only, pays
full price for half service, while the
person who has both telephones pays
I1UUUIU fJlllU 1U1 HUlIllikl OU1 VJVU J iJ - I
ing a lull price twice and getting
only half what you paid for, in each
case, does not appeal to the business
men of today."
The above is part of a lengthy
article appearing in the Lincoln Tele
phone News, September issue, 1917,
under the caption, "No Advantage in
Duplicate Telephone System."
Evidently the business men of Red
Cloud agree with the publicity man
of The Lincoln Telephone Company on
this subject, as at a meeting of pract
ically all of the business men of the
town, held at Sattley's furniture store
on Monday they decided to sever
connections with the Lincoln Tele
plranc and Telegraph Company's lines
both -in business houses and resid
ences. After November 1st it will be
impossible to call a business man,
either at his residence or place of
business over the Bell phone.
Upon request, a representative ,of
the, Independent Company attended
the meeting and stated that this com
pany would bo able to handle the in
creased business and as soon as the
contract could be filled a new common
battery system would be installed, and
that fhe Independent company was
willing to give (the best service pos
sible, now that they were convinced
that the merchants will stand bythem.
Soldier Boys Eat First
Meal in the Trenches
Lowest rates, best terms and option
aud in any amount. No inspection ex
pense, BPd absolutely no delay. Six
plans to choose from. Sole agent for
'J'rcvett. Mnttls & UnUer.
J. II. Bailey
A large crowd of Lebanon rooters
attended the football game here Fri
day. Mir. llessle Cain and Miss Vera Hut
field were Hastings visitors, Wednesday.
K. of C. War Fund
The following numes have bcenadd
ed to the list of surscribers to the
Knight's of Columbus Fund which, syef
published in last weeks issue.
Mrs. Alice Hurris $ 1
B. McNeny 2
J. W. Auld 10
John Yost 1
Dr. Stockman 1
J. A. Bradford 1
H. E. Grico ....: 5
Messrs. Ryan and Nolan, who are in
charge of the soliciting wish to state
that subscriptions will be received to
and including Saturday, December 1st.
Any one wishing to subscribe notify
cither of these gentlemen.
II 'L. .! 1!1JJ.." ' "i I1 1 L! - "W ' ' ' I V L!
Save Time - Thought - Energy - Money
by Coming Directly to Blouse Headquarters
for Your New Fall Blouse
The kind of Blonse you want is here, at a price doubtless, less than you expect to pay.
The new styles the fashionable styles the wanted styles are here in all their Autum
Simple, inexpensive Blouses charming suit Blouses the more elaborate dress Blouses
we have them all.
You can always do better by buying Blouses here.
A Splendid New Blouse at $2.00
Two dollars is a popular price to pay for a Blouse and because
of this we have been making a feature of $2.00 Blouses. These
we obtain in a most economical way from the World's largest
maker of Blouses and they are consequently the most unusual
in value.
We have Exclusive Sale for the Nationally
Favored Welworth Blouse
On Monday the company was re
organized into platoons and vc aic
now drilling under the system which
the French use on the battle fields. '
A platoon consists of seven squads.
The first squad consists of bombers, '
2nd and itrd automatic riflemen, 4
grenadiers, D and G riflemen and 7th
bombers and riflemen. Each after
noon the men who are in the bombing,
automatic riflemen, grenadiers and
bayonet squads go to school and learn
this art of warfare and will then help
teach the rest of us after three weeks
of schooling.
On Wednesday afternoon, which we
have ofT, we were called out of the
barracks twice on account of fires and
then to top the climax, we were called
out of bed at about 3:30 Thursday
morning on account of fire. On Wed
nesday night the water supply was
shut oft and wo went thirsty until
about six o'clock Thursday morning
and on account of the water being
shut ofl" did not have colTce for break
fast. In the afternoons of the past week
wo have spent the most of the timo
at rifle sighting. On Friday morning
we marched up to a hill four miles
northwest of here, where we spent
the day digging trenches with shovels
and picks. At twelve o'clock our
Mess Sergeant, Byron Vaughan, and
his able corps of cooks brought out
the dinner and wo then ate our first
meal in the trenches. There were
four companies out there workingthat
day. Wo worked in shifts of twenty
minutes and had twenty minutes of
rest. The trenches we dug were G
feet deep, and it the bottom were 2J
feet wide and at the top 3 feet wide.
About 31 feet fiom the top we left a
ridge to stand on. The trenches out
there nre a great sight to sco and it
Would be hard to explain it unless
pictures pictures were taken of the
same to give you some idea. All of
us worked hard and were glad to have
the chance of learning the art of
trench digging.
On Saturday afternoon we had gal
lery practice with rifles and some of
the boys made very good scores. In
the afternoon our company went on
sentinel duty again nnd about 36 of
the men did sentinel duty on a shift
of two hours on duty and four hours
off. Several men received appoint
ments as non-commissioned officers
also that day and Guy Scott of Cowlcs
and Hugh Baird of Red Cloud were
awarded commissions of duty ser
geants. As wo were washine our
I dishes the fire alarm was turned in
and some of the boys had to let their
dishes go until tho bugle blowcd rc-
I call. In the morning about twenty of
the men along with two thousand
1 other privates and officers accompan
ied tho Camp Funston football team
to Kansas City, whore our team met
the Navy team from the Great Lakes
training Btation at Chicago on the
gridiron. The army boys won tho
game by a score of 7 to 0. When tho
Nebraska University team comes down
on Dec. 8 they will, no doubt, go back
to Lincoln somewhat wiser as tho
Funston team consists of men who
arc stars at tho game of football.
On Sunday mominir wo had to sicrn
allotment cards and in tho afternoon
we received tho rifles which wo will
use when we go across the pond. It
is Eomo job to clean theso rifles as
they come covered with grease.
On Monday morning part of ua will
go up to rango at Ft. Kiley and try
our hand at shooting at targets.
Well, this is all for this timo as I
will bo home tho last thrco days of
this week to visit my folks nnd many
A. B. McArthur.
To Accomplish Good Work
You Musi Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new slock contains
at $2.50 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
$1.259 $1.50 and $2.00
Make Sure Your Chi Ids EYES ARE RIGHT and Able
to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work
tT. B. fc Q. Watch Itupta ,
Jmy9l9r andQptottftrft
The Nation 'Depends
Upon Its Citizens
If the Citizens arc prosperous, Qie Nation is
prosperous. If (lie Citizens are frugal and
saving (lie Nation is firm and substantial,
even in its trying times.
Are You Doing Your Share
to keep die Nation on a firm finantkl basis,
1 by putting aside a little each week?
Webster County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Powell & Pope
HVANTED-A Rood, sFendy, Rontle
manly sulesmnn to liaudlo a 'Ward's
wagon In Webster County. No cxper.
loneo needed. Fur full particulars
write promptly to Dr Ward's Medical
Congregational Church Notes
Services on last Sunday wore well
Attended, , Visitors from other church
es wore welcomed by tho Pastor und
Subject of the sermon was the need
oi usblNiniicu in wur tuncHuii uuuiitura
Tho collection for tho suffering Armen
Inns and Syrluns amounted to 810.
1'rof. and Mrs. Miller added to the
sTvlceH by nccompHntug tho choir
with clarinet and piano.
Cecil Durrett came homo from York,
the first of the week, to spend bis vb,hcT
cation with homo folks.
TL- r Al U AT
in rv.nTo tell.
I Burin; Vaw
Exhilantidf BhfImmm
MUMii, Klliiait Icmio lattrtMMH
Everybody loai Ah Anybody
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