The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1917, Image 8

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    t 4o
The signs of the times tqll you that you will have to pay a lot
more for good farm lands within a year and that it as going to be
rnich harder than now for yoirto get hold of a Government ir
rigated farm in the Big Horn Basin.
Owing to war conditions it so happens that there are yet avail
able for homestead entry probably 50 Government irrigated farms
near Denver, Wyo., out of a total of 184 that were opened for settle
ment September 20th. These have excellent soil and are located on
our main line, adjoining the prosperous Government irrigated
localitv of Powell, Wyo. If you will take steps quickly, within
thirty'davs, you can secure one of these farms. Nothing like this
chance will occur on the Burlington Route for several months. Land
js free, 20 years payment no interest, for a permanent water right.
At the Government opening of this new locality $30,000 worth of
town lots at Denver, Wyo., were sold in one day and over 100 farms
were filed on.
Write me. I am paid to help you.
Auto Hearse -
'i Keep Improving
Do not worry about the fdiortHRe of crop, another year Is coming
Do not wait for cheaper building materia!
Do not let the war scare you
Do y mi know material will increase when the war Uovcr! Europe
must be rebuilt Supply and demand will take a hand -then
Do you know we have up to datB information on nil farm buildings?
Do you want ideas on farm buildings? Wo furnish them FREE
I f j) Go. j
U gYS-Cg T ,. .. . ...
ft 3 " r
Notice of Referee Sale
.Notice Ik lien 1i uImmi that under anil by
vlrtuoof anurilir inuilo ami entered hy the
ilKtrlct court ol Webster county Nebraska
on tliiMlth il.iy ol November lot In an action
thirrltt iiLiitllin: wherein Cora M. Cutter Is
tlnlutfll and Amilla II. Htauton ct al are do"
li miaul, (or hiilool Miti followliiK described
real entnto xltimlcd In lied Cloud, Webster
I'ounty, N'chiasku, tn nil:
l.ota I in'JI both incluxUn In lllock M In
Kaley A .lackton'H Addition to lted Cloud,
Nebraska; also lots I to 10 both IiuIuhIvo and
lots 1.1 to 'J I both luelUHlvo la lllock II In
Kaley A .Tnekson's addition to lted Cloud,
Nebraska; also loth K to 17 txith inclushe In
lllock 4.Mo( original town, now city ot lied
Cloud, Nebraska: also lots 1, 2, :t all In lllock
I In Uitrbur's addition to lied Cloud, Ncbras
ka;alNo a tract o( land commonclni; In thu
center o( an alley on the south side ol lllock
.Vol lted Cloud, Nebraska; which point Is
u the north line ol Drst avenue, thence east
il'i (cut; thence south JV, feet, tlunco west
ijj.ect; tlienco porth bi tjia ilac of, bogln
mcalsoa tract of lanTl "on the south end ol
1 m Street pi Ucdrioud, Nebraska which Is
dlnttl) east allots 8 to 3 IxHh Inclusive In
Hlock 'i ol.lle'd Cloud, Nebraska; also thu
tmtciidot rirtdncnue which Ilea directly
south ol lot ill, Mock 23 of Kod Cloud, Ncbras
Xn. tho undersigned refcrco duly appointed
Ity tliunald court In said action, will on tho
17th du ol December. 0", at two o'clock p.
in,, standard tliuoof suld day, at tho south
tloorol tlu- court house In said county, In
Webster county, Ni hraska, sell tho said real
estate to tho hluhcst bidder for cash. Suld
lot shall llrst boollered as a whole; second
In lots or parcels, or any number of lots U-ss
tli nil the whole, and shall bo sold under that
oncot theafuiesald iiialliodH of sale by which
tlte (lioht money shall be reallmt,
Dated November Hth, U7.
itornry 47-0 . Ketone.
Hamilton - Gather
Clothing Co.
Saccevon to Pal Storir
Everything a Man
or Boy Weara
Hmd Cloud Nmmrmmkm
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Agent,
1004 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Horse Hearse
Your Equipment
A Christmas Suggestion
When you make a present of the
Youth's Companion you are giving not
nieroly the means of wholesome pleas
ure and fascinating information every
week. The Companion is all that.
Hut It is something more. Ilundreds
ot letters to the Companion speak of
the influence of the paper in binding
homo tics. The mothers and fathers
and tho boys aud girls in Companion
families are vety closo knit in their af
fections. Tlioy have a common inter
est in the samo duties and recreations,
and they all regard Tho Companion as
ono of themselves. It has a personal
ity and a character unique among pub
lications, and you cannot, introduce it
more inspiring lutlueuce into any home
circle. y
It is not a publication merely it's a
friend. Tho Companion alone i $2.00
but the publishers make an extraordin
ary double Christmas present offer the
Vouth'h Companion and MeCall's Mag
azine together for $"2 M.
This twout one-price oHer iuoludes
1. Tho Youth's Companion r2 issues
in 1913.
S. All teniainihg 11)17 Unties of tho
Companion free.
',. The Companion Home Calendar for
. .McCall't. Magazine 12 fashion
numbers in 10lg. All for only J2.2.1.
Commonwealth Ave., Uoston, Mass.
Now Subscriptions received at this
Moan Brutel
"What nro you wearing that silly
grin for?" demanded Mrs. O-ibb.
"I was Just thinking of something
funny," smiled Mr. Gnbb
"Well, what was It?" asked Mrs.
"I was wondering whut would hap
pen to tho flllont voto when women
got Into politics," replied Mr. Gabb.
Because I Lovo Thsm So.
Dear Luke:
Won't you tell un, pleaae.
Why you llko so much to teaao
Va Klrls, fat and lean and tall,
But tho corn feds most of all?
Qt In Line, Mn Don't 8hovet
Let mo hatch your eggs. Terms rea
sonable. Mrs. J, A. Jones, S17 Fait
Htreet, Otsego, Mich. Otsego (Mich.)
Where Is Sunny Jim?
Dear Luke In St, Mary's, O., we
have John Xlnlc, Jacob Ico, William
Rain and Jacob Snow.-Ucader.
Million Letters In the
Bearing Magic Words "With the Colors'
Keynote of the Splendid Work
Our Men In Uniform
Touch With the
Multifarious Ways in Which tho Association Appeals to Your Boy,
Your Neighbor's Boy, or Some Boy You Know and Love
Creates a Helpful Environment in Cantonment, on Way Overseas,
in Front Line Trench and Boyond First to Aid as He Comes
' Tottering Back Give Your Share of the $35,000,000 Required to
Accomplish This "Last Evidence That Somebody Cares."
T was evening on the broad
Hempstead Plain, Long Island,
where the Rainbow division was
spending Its last night before embark
ing for France. It had been raining
hard In the afternoon a cold, steady
autumn downpour and there was
nothing to suggest the rainbow In the
outward aspect of the camp. Lines
and line of sodden canvas housed
27,000 men, gathered from 27 different
state. The ground was dotted with
pools and quagmires. Under the wet
canvas it was damp and cold, with a
penetrating chill. Lit by flickering
candles, the tents were far from cheer
ful shelter for a man's last night la
his native land.
But there ware seven big teat
where electric lights, number and
friendliness made the night pleasant.
VBBBBrBBHiHiBBBHaWllife .-'', v 11 ''; ' , LsMMBBBBBfBBBBBBBBl
BBrBsKBBrBT bv2k(7 -tt v' wTsi$i assftTiwBassssssM
BsaMfttssaPy &$ jKaBBsffSSKaBBBBBm
!!!CRbbbbbbbbbksbbbbbbbbbb --NaHlKyifg!ssBssssgBW''i?BsnassBB5ssssssssB I
BiMaJlM?"' vAHbbbb9Eubb1E ,L flsBBrBBBsrV HsbbbbbbbbbbI
Mualc, Game, Good Reading andlcorrespondence Facllitiealn Y. M. C. A.
In each of tse a soldier was strum
ming on a piano; others were reading
books and magazines; hundreds were
writing otters home Behind ,the.
raised counter at obo end three or four1
young cen wero busy passing out.
notepaper and envelopes, Beijing
stamps and weighing parcels, which
tho men wore sciullnc homo. UncLof
tho soldlors said to me as I Iwod' lhl
tho tont used chiefly by men from
Iowa: "Wo cam" all tho way hero
from Des Mclncs, and wo' were mighty
lonely. Than wj found tnla Y. M-C.
A. on the Job, and It's been a homo
and more than a home- to us. It gav
us what wo wanted when we needed
It mon. We'll never rorgeL It ,The
boys', host friend l tlo Y. M. C. .A.';
Fine, Clean-Cut, Upstanding FclroWs.
How closo those bonchos wero pack
ed with men. bending 'over the long
tables absorbed In, their writing!
What an appeal to tho eympathlds
those great groups of soldiers make!
Fine, clean-cut. upstanding fellows,
some of thorn mere boys, one thinks
Immediately of tho sacrifice they havo
made for the rest of .us and how pre
cious they aro to some one back homo.
Somewhere, in far off farm or village
or city street, there aro parents or
brothers or wives who would glvp all
thoy possess for ono gllmpso ot thoso
sunburned faco3 as you and 1 soe
them on their last night before going
across. And It was with a throb of
tho hoart that I watchod them, bont'
ovor their lottor paper, In one after
another of thoso seven big tents.
Thcso wero tho tents ot the Y. M. C.
A. On that last night In America the
association was sorvlng tho soldlors
In tho bojt of all ways giving thorn
an opportunity to write homo. On
previous nights they had enjoyed box
ing bouts, movies, concorts, dramatics
and a acoro of healthy entertainments
as well as religious meetings. But on
this lost night homo ties wore strong
est And perhaps that is the keynote
of the splendid work tho Y, M. C. A.
Is doing among our men In uniform
keeping them In touch with home.
, Magic Words, "With tho Colors,"
In these times there are somo let
ters that moan moro to ua tnan any
-wo have ever road before. They aro
written on eheets of paper stamped
-with the Stars and Stripes and the
red triangle of the Y. M. C. A., and
they boar tho magic words, "With the
Colors." Thero aro many moro than
a million such Iottors In tho malls now
While you road this. Perhaps one at
Firft-class job' printing at right prices -
the Y.M.C. A. Does Among
Is Keeping Them In
Folks at Home.
least Is on Its way to you. Each one
of our 18 cantonments, where the new
national army is being trained, Is
using more than a million sheets of
thla paper every month. In the draft
army alone that means 16,000,000 fila
ments of love every month reaching
out from the great encampmont where
the men are being trained into the
greatost army thla nation has aver
dreamed and binding tnem to the
heart at home. Multiply that by
thinking of all the Other places where
Uncle Sam has men with the flag in
navy yards, on the high seas, in arse
nals and officer' training camps and
"Over There" in France. In all these
places men are writing home. Those
unassuming little aheets of notepaper
gladden millions of hearts a day.
They transfer more love from one
part of tbo world to another than sta
tistics can' express Statistics ore
pretty poor anyway when It comes to
lcckoning In terms of lovo and human
tondorneaB. Let's put It this way:
That tho Y..M. C.'A." Is the biggest ex-
; press company the world has ovei
seen, and the parcels it Is handling
aro tho love and devotions of human
World's Dest Loved Trademark.
This war has mado us think hard
and ?fast. Your boy or your .neigh
bor's boy or some boy you, know and
lovo has, been called to do his enure
In the big Job of policing' tho world for
democracy autl human liberty. Is It
any comfort 'tor you "to know that wher-ever-.
ids duty mayrcall him your boy
will navo a friend that will sorve him
in body, mind and soul? Are you
glad to know that this frleqd.wllirplace
books and magazine's at his 'disposal,
organize classes to teach him" 'what
ever no iwanis lo.iearn, giVo mm n
pocket testament and inylto him to
Join religious meotings of thd faitt,
that he was brought up In? Did you
reallzo that tho association provides
athletic equipment for his favorite
games, teachos him games it ho knov.6
none and holds concerts, lectures,
movies, Bible classes, dramatic, enter
tainments and every kind of whole
some amusement to keep him Interest
ed': Are you glad to know that this
friend wl'l go with lilra ovoraoas, help
to shield him from a ecoro of dlfllcult
and dangerous temptations and follow
him right up to tit front lino tronch
and boyond it? Tho last contact tho
soldier has with this life ho lovos so
well Is a cup ot tea glvon him by tho
Y. M. O. A. tree Just boforo ho goes
"ovor tho top" to a hand to hand strug
gle with the enemy. And aa he comes
tottering back from No lien's Land,
wounded, but strong enough and
plucky enough to keop on his feet,
even botore his wounds aro drossed
the Y. M. O. A. is waiting for nlm with
tea and sweet chocolate, the great com
forts of the man In the trenches. Do
you wonder that the Red Triangle Is
called "the boat loved trademark la
tho world?" One soldier In France baa
called it "the last evidence that any
body cares."
It every thinking citizen could aoe
with his or hor own eyes something
of the actual work being done for our
men by tho association there would be
no quostlon of the Y. M. O. A. having
to appeal to the public for money.
Ilathor than let this essontial work
falter for an instant rich men would
sell their motorcars, poor men, 'would
Mails Today
(forego coveted possessions or even na
jccsaltloa. Tbo work must go on, be
causo there ia no one thing that con
tributes so much to the aplrlt and of
fflclency of the troopa. The Y. M. O.
,A. Is working night and day to help
the government win this war. And
every penny that Is given to aid the
work la a direct nsslstanco to tho
health, happiness and strength or your
i-iuj. UIIU U1IIIU.
Snapshots of Kaleidoscopic Work.
' In nil tho big cities In Trance whero
our men pass through In largo num
hers, tho Y. M. C. A. Is operating
'hostels, whero they can get beds and
-moals at a minimum cost. In London
tho American Y. M. O. A. nas erected
a largo building for our soldiers and a
clubhouse for American ofllcors.
!, n-.fl -..Inn
Thoro are Y. M. C. A. dugouts right
tbohlnd tho front lino trenchos, whero
tho soldlors can got hot drinks, crack
,ers and other comforts at all hours.
Over 2,000 men who had been reject
d on account of physical disability
have been able to got Into tho British
army by reason of the physical work
of the British Y. M. C. A.
A fleet of motor cars leaves the big
!Y. M. C. A. headquarters Ip London at
midnight every night to pick up sol
diers who are wandering about the
streets without any wholesome lodging
In which to spend the night These
cars are operated by Englishwomen
of position and refinement, who report
that they never meet any discourtesy
at the hands of the soldiers. The im
portance of this service can be esti
mated by the fact that at least 60,000
soldiers are oa leave la London every
week. Over half of these sleep tn Y
M. C. A. beds every night.
Entertainment on Vast Seal.
The Y. M. C. A. tuw erected a big
auditorium, seating 1,000, In each ot
the big draft campa, and huge Chautau
qua tents, seating 2,600 In the otner
iancampments. The association la run
ning a 22 week entertainment circuit
among the camps and Is paying 18
companies of entertainers, who are
-traveling to 30 camps performing be
fore the aiea.
' In each ot the draft camps the Y.
M. C. A. has ten secretaries engaged
'in educational work. The association
'la seeing to It that every man who
cannot spoak English Is taught to do
so. In many of tno ctynps the asso
ciation ha a singing director, who Is
'teaching tho men to sing the popular
tand martial airs that do so much to
keep up their spirits.
Ot G4 Y. M. C. A. men at Camp
DIx only three are being paid full sal
aries. In all the camps tho majority
of the Y. M. C. A. men have left lucra
tive positions to do this work simply
because its appeal Is irresistible to
any red blooded man. Harry Lauder,
tho famous Scotch singer and come
dian, now on hLs farewell concert tour
in the United States, Is giving all his
spare time to tho service of tho asso
ciation and is alnging to tho soldiers
at all tho camps ho can reach.
In one of tho draft camps the Y. M.
C. A. Is supervising athletics on 120
playing fields, providing full nthlotic
equipment. Tho winners of the Inter
regimental games will play the cham
pions of the other camps.
One of tho greatest services render
ed by the association Is tho making
A Red Triangle Dugout in the
out of money orders by which the mon
can send their pay homo to their fam
ilies. In somo of tho blc camps the
Y. M. C, A. is providing bunking fncil-
I'ltles for tho men as well.
i Do Your Bit With a Tenner.
This month (November) tho Y. M.
C. A. must ralso J35.000.000 to carry
on Its work among our soldiers and
their allies until next July. Of this
$35,000,000 about $24,000,000 will bo
j spent on the work with our own troops
it nhniit 10 fni Avnrv mnn In TTnnln
! Sam's uniform. It everybody who has
received letters from soldiers and sail
iors wero to contribute $10 tho task
'would bo easy. Are your boy's health
and happiness and clean soul worth
I $10 to you?
Your town mayor, your pastor, your
school superintendent will know who
Is the treasurer of tho campaign com
mlttee In your county or town. Other
wlse send a check or money order to
(Cleveland H. Dodgo, treasurer, 124
'East Twenty-eighth street, New York
Only sacrificial giving by millions ot
givers will mako possible the contin
uance of this vast work for American
soldiers and for those of our nlllea.
! - phone the Chief
j'iBBBBBflBBBfcB3BWa1fa. SaT "lSjfchjiSB
"-JjitSHiJ; .. F3?''tvBflg4KsjgSBl
V';: JsbbbIHbSMB
Buy a Home!
I will sell you n
hmiiM in Ut'd
Cloud 'o cheap
mid on such
Knay Payments
that you can not
tiff oid to pay
rent. ' Six per
cent interest on
deferred p a y
ments. Have
four locations.
Get first choice.
1620 O Street
Lincoln, Nobr.
When the
Firemen Appear
the insured maa't first thought is one of
thtnkfulnets that he is so. How abou
your thoughts if a fiireman should ap
pear at your home? ,
The D&y
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in our office to day and
have us issue you a policy,
R.elia.ble Insura.nce
E. S. Grber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed!.' "
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures i
U. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Dcardorl, M. D. C.
Manager Veterinary lu Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serai
Red Cloud, Nebraska ;
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
U. S. Veterinary License No. (45
Thm , .
Hamilton Cathor
Clothing Co. 1
Everything a Mam)
or Boy Weara
Hd Cloud NomrmJ
Hayes Auto Bus
To and from All Trains
Baggage Transferee! Promptly
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
fSTOvFicE Oveh ALnniaiiT'a Store
Is now ready to place your sale dates
Ask any ono as to my qualtflcatlotys
or whom I havo crlod galea. Indepcn
dent ihonc8 oa 19. Write wire or call
Ran Cloud, Nebr.
Dv. CXi&s. 5. Cross
si a jS-iMiw'
J0 ZrmW 111 llHr 'VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
I tho church by' conxurmmi?