The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1917, Image 7

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Number Five
and a German Boy Clash
Mutt Do Three Things to Save
I It was a warm evening, bo Uncle
Dan went out to n Inwn seat under the
spreading branches of the great trco
that suggested the farm's name of Oak
mil. Blllle and Jlmmlo had been lav
ing for htm, so Uncle Dan wns cap
tared by the boys on short order.
"Say, Uncle Dan," -BIlllo began. "Wo
had a red-hot argument at school yes-,
terday with Carl Newman. Carl said,
that German schools were miles ahead
of our schools and that no one could
come up to the educated German. Well,
Jlmmle got hot under tho collar and'
handed It back to him good and plenty.,
Jlmmlo said if their education taught,
them to tnroprtn T.nsltnnlnq. sink hos
pital ships, murder hundreds of worn'
en and children, mako slaves of
the Belgians, poison wells, destroy fruit
trees and commit nil sorts of crimes,
then we did not want that kind of!
education here. What do you think
about It, Undo Dan? I told Jlmmle
you spent n lot of tlmo In Etiropo and
knew all about schools, so give us your
opinion," ,
"Well," replied Uncle Dnn,
tcly, "the German Bchools are very
thorough; they furnish exceedingly val
uable nnd practical Instruction. The
Industrial training given thero Is prob
ubly tho best to bo found. The schools
as a whole, however, In my opinion,)
nppcnl to the hend only, nnd never to
tho heart. The nlm nnd trend Is to
Sanko the Individual blindly submis
sive to the Trusslnn plan of world do
minion; they teach that It Is tho des
tiny of Germany to rule the world, and
that to the glory nnd ndvanco of Ger
many, In this plan, all things roust glvo
way; that the kaiser as head of tho
state, can do no wrong If he carries
forward the- plan of world control.
Some of the greatest teachers and
preachers even defend and Justify her
heartless crushing of Belgians ana the
many other atrocious crimes ahe has
committed In this war. Thank God,
our American educntlon reaches both
the head and the henrt. It Is nn edu
cation with n soul, and we must main
tain the high Idenls we have fired. In
a word, In Germany, the people are
tnught that they exist for the govern-
iment, while here tho government ex
ists to serve the people."
"Just wait n minute," Interrupted
jBUlle. Sny that over again slowly, so
I can wrlto It down."
Uncle Dnn, smilingly, complied.
Bllllo exclaimed : "Now, we will hand
Ithat nut out for Cnrl to crnck.
Cnrl, you know," continued Blllle,
"has n very smart father who keeps
Ihlra posted on the Gcrmnn arguments.
!Cnrl snld our- government wns only
tin experiment nnyway; thnt It would
not last twenty years, nnd thnt It
might burst up tmy old time. Jlmmle
asked him If Gcrmnny was so mighty
tood, why they did not go back there
(to live."
i "Our government will go on forever,
won't it, Uncle Dan?"
S' "Now," said Uncle Dan, "you arc
alslng a big question, and ono that
ms troubled mo for years. Our gov
irnment is still in the experimental
Istage; in fact, it is the greatest ex
Jperlmcnt ever undertaken, and If pop
ular government is to be successful, a
'few things must be done, otherwise, to
jparaphraso the great Lincoln, the gov
ernment of the people, by the people
ind for the people, will perish. It is
my Arm conviction," snld Uncle Dan,
'in a very Impressive manner, "that if
our country is to go on, as we hope
and pray, we must very quickly do
nt least three things, and I will name
Ithem in the tjrder of Importance as it
'appears to me:
' "First, adopt compulsory universal
jrnllltary training of all young men
physically fit before they reach the
lege of twenty years.
i "Next, require that every foreigner
,iwho comes here to live must, within a
treasonable time, sny a year, declare
his intention of becoming an American
jcltleen and take the necessary ateps to,
lido so, thereby, from that moment, as
suming all the obligations of citizen
ship of our country, and that means he
ipusi ueieuu our nag uynu eiium icrinn
pith our native born, and If he Is not
Willing to do this, he should be sent
ack from whence be came."
"That's the stuff," exclaimed Blllle.
"And, finally, enact such legislation
bs will make voting compulsory. Pop
ular government is based upon the
participation of all nnd tho rule of
the majority, nnd democracy cannot
continue and be successful unless we
live up to the spirit of the instltu-
tlOlj. g, i J '., II
' '"The first ntep, however, is the pass
ling of the Chamberlain bill for univer
sal military training. If you will get
the lending citizen, and especially the
editor of your paper, to write personal
Jotters jo your congressman and both
senators, tfrgtng their support, it will
help enormously. ' f9.
is "i gee by tnoThornlng papers," snld
iUncle Dnn, "that the Rotary clubs of
the entire country, the llvest, most efll
clent organization to be found, have
unanimously decided to get back of
the Chnmberlnln bill nnd give It loyal
and enthusiastic support. They will
work' with tho Universal Military
Training league to uccompllsh this Im
portant piece of legislation, which will
do more than nnytilng else to make us
n real nntlon with u common view
point, bring us bnck to sane living, and
teach us the patriotism of uervice," ,
fb b 4 -b ! I- I b
What kind of music will there be
in your home this Christmas?
.JM!- 1
Read Our Liberal FREE Trial Offer
It is Mr. Edison's wish that you hear his Diamond Amberola in your home. In order that
Mr. Edison's wish should be fulfilled, we will place a New Edison Diamond Amberola and a
choice selection of Blue Amberol records in your home for three days. Play them to your
heart's content, invite your friends in to enjoy the music with you. At the end of three days
tell us that you want to purchase the instrument and records for cash, that, you want to buy
them on terms, or that you do not care to purchase at that time and request us to call for the
Amberola and the records. We leave it entirely to you whether you keep the instrument and
records or whether you send them back. Whatever your decision, we shall consider the matter
at an end. You will be under no obligation whatever. We will be the ones to feel obligated to
you for permitting us to place the instrument and records on trial in your home. Thousands of
families throughout America are enjoying these free trials because of Mr. Edison's desire
that no one should miss hearing his marvelous invention. Why not you? You art just as
much entitled to the opportunity as anyone else, and there is no reason why you should not
take advantage of it. When requesting your free trial, please use the coupon at the bottom of
this page.
The Music
Music was never more welcome in the American home than it
is today. Home has never meant more to Americans than it does
today. With'Sme-of'OUvboys-at'the front and. many preparing to
go, the tenderest and deepest emotions surge through our souls.
It is then that nothing is more appropriate than good music as the
companion of our leisure hours. Whatever your tastes, whatever,
your mood, there are many selections in the Blue Amberol Record
Catalog to suit beautiful old hymns that seem to just lift you out
of your immediate surroundings to a higher plane where the spirit
is free and unfettered by the irksomeness of the daily routine 1
,"n"' For Christmas
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Bells of Christmas
Birthday of a King
Hail! Hail! Day of Days
Hark! Hark! My Soul
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear
Joy to the World
Night Before Christmas
Old Jim's Christmas Hymn
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Once in Royal David's City
Ring Out tho Bells for Christmas
Ring Out, Wild Bells
Santa Claus
Silent Night
Star of Bethlehem
Sweet Christmas Bells
When Christmas Bells are Ringing
Ave Maria
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere A, j"
E. H.
Licensed Edison Dealer
- b I -b ! 4 4 4 !
You Get When You
God is Love, His Mercy Brightens
My Ain Countric
Rock of Ages
Face to Face
Tho Bridge
Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming
Darling Nellie Gray
Maple Leaf Forever
Massa's in do Cold, Cold Ground '
Laughing Song
The Rosaiy
Wo're Tenting To-night
way uack Homo
Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee)
Kamehameha March
Medley of Hawaiian Airs
Moani Ko Ala i
Wuialao (Waltz Song)
1 .
b ! I i .$. far$. 4,44 .
IHRISTMAS AND MUSIC are inseparable. You
cannot think of Christmas without thinking of
music all kinds of rood music. What kind
of music will there be in your home this Christmas?
What instrument and what voices will entertain you?
Have you over stopped to realize thnt all voices and all musical instru
ments, excepting one, have their limitations? . As wonderful as a piano is,
it can give you only piano music; as beautiful as an organ is, it can give you
only organ music; as marvelous as the human voice is, it can only sing.
It is the same with the violin, the cornet, the accordion or any other instru
ment which you might have in your home or might consider purchasing.
.These are excellent in their way, but we arc sure you will agree that none
of them is completely satisfying.
It is different with the New Edison Diamond Amberola. It has no
musical limitations, for it is all voices and all instruments in one and it,
brings into the home all kinds and classes of music, from the greatest of
operatic numbers sung by the most famous of singers to the simplest of
popular and comic songs sung by the cleverest performers in their line;
from the performances of great military bands and symphony orchestras
to the snappy music of the ever popular banjo.
The New Edison Diamond Amberola is not an instrument that you
must forbid the children touching for fear of putting something out off
order. Even a very young child can readily learn to operate this marvelous
instrument, for it is simplicity in itself and is not readily put out of order,
and the Blue Amberol records arc almost unbreakable and unwcarable.
With the Amberola you do not even have to bother to change needles
There are no needles to change. Instead of needles Mr. Edison uses aj
GENUINE DIAMOND, ground and polished to fit perfectly in the grooves
of the record, and so perfectly round and smooth that it has no effect on the
record. As you know, a diamond never wears out. To operate the Edison
Amberola all that is necessary is to put on a record and lower the repro
ducer so as to bring the diamond stylus (reproducer point) into contact
with the record. Besides keeping the Amlerola wound up and oiled, there
is nothing else to do.
thrilling band records that just make you feel like getting up and
marching around the room noble patriotic numbers that would
stir the heart of a traitor tender old and new songs and ballads
that go straight to your heart majestic grand opera that appeals
to the deepest of human emotions lively dance pieces, ragtime
and funny records entertainment of all kinds for young and old.
So that you may have an idea of the many wonderful selec
tions to be found in the Blue Amberol Record Catalog, we have
picked a few here and there and they're printed below. Look
them over. You are sure to find many of your favorites.
At the Mill March
Battle of the Maine Descriptive
Benediction ofthoPoignards Huguenots
Humpty Dumpty Rag
In the Clock Store Descriptive Fantasia '
Jolly Coppersmith with Anvil. Singing
and Whistling
My Old Kentucky Home Fantasia
United States Passing in Review
Instrumental Solos
I Hope I Don't Intrude, Bells
King of Air March, Xylophono
Kiss Waltz, Saxophone
Lullaby Jocelyn, Cornet
Medley of Southern Airs, Banjo
Old Black Joe, Piano
reg or My Heart, Violm
. Dance
Carnival One-Step h,
Destiny Waltz '
Good-Night Waltz
Money Musk Medley Virginia Reel
Red Cloud, Nebraska
-.j .j. .j. .. .$. fr.j. ;f. .f.;tj. l 4. t! frUfl
Oh. You Silv'ry Bells Medley Two-Step
Old Comrades March
Stop! Look! Listen! Fox Trot
Ticking Love Taps Fox Trot
Leg of Mutton Ono Step
Grand Opera
Klisir d'more Una furtiva lagrima
Faust Mr des Bijoux
Pugliacci Prologue
Rigoletto Caro nomo
Trio from Faust
Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin
Mignon Ah! Non credevi tu
Vocal Duets
All Aboard for Blanket Bay
As We Parted at tho Gate
Auf Wiedersehen Tho Blue Paradiso
Barcarolle (Oh, Lovely Night) Tales
of Hoffman
Kvery Little Movement MadameSherry
For You
Good-Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You
Land of Golden Dreams
I Was Never fearer Heaven in My Life
Please send mo tho Amberola Book
nnd particulars about your FREE
TRIAL offer on Edison Amberola.
. ;
.J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. J J. .J. J. .J. .J. l fJ .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .J. .T...J. .J. ,. ,J. ,J. ,J, .J. .J. ,J .J, .T. .T, .J. .J, .J. J.J. ,J. J. ,J. .J. .J. .T, J. .J, .J. .J. .J. ,J ,J ,J. .J.
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