The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1917, Image 6

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We nave arranged for a
aerlea of alx Interesting articles,
"War Talks, by Uncle Dan,"
written by Mr. Howard H.
Gross, president of the Unlver
al Military Tralnlnp League, of
which thla la the first They tell
In a graphic way why military
training Is of value, both to tha
nation and to the Individual, and
our readers will find them of
unusual interest
Number On
.America Must Fight Hard or Oermany
May Win Necessity for Mill
I tary Training.
"Now, BlUlc," said hln mother, "your
Undo Dnn Is comlnjr tomorrow to
upend a week with us on the farm, and
ilf you want to know about the war,
here's your opportunity. Uncle Dan la
probably one of the best-Informed men
In tho country." nillle clapped hla
hands and gave such a whoop that he
wakened tho baby, but what could you
expect of a fifteen-year-old boy who la
a living Interrogation point and wants
to know abput war?
Uncle Dan arrived In due time and
Bllllo watched for an opportunity. It
came that evening after dinner wben
Uncle Dan bad lighted a cigar and
.taken a seat on the porch.
Tm mighty glad you came, Uncle
Dan. I want to talk to you about the
war. We .have Just put mllljnry train
Mng In our township high school, but
we had a hard time to do It. The
'jonesoH and the Greggs objected. They
hh Id the war wouldn't come over here.
Qrandma Jones said: They ain't no
use to worrit, It will soon blow over.'
Well, we put the training In Jusf the
same. You ortcr hoard Judge Brow--nell,
the president of the school board,
do the slackers up. lie said unless we
take off our coats and go to It, Ger
many may yet win, and if she does, sbo
will take over the great British fleet as
u war trophy und compel us to do what
ever she wants to ; that she could make
us puy all the cost of the war; the
kaiser could tax us as he pleased and
that we couldn't help ourselves. He
could make every one pay over a part
of what he earns ; that he could make
the farmers pay rent for their own
fnrms, etc. Now, Uncle, what do you
-think of that?"
"Well, my boy," sold Uncle Dan,
"all that Judge Brownell says might
oflslly come true and may unless we go
quickly to the aid of the allies with
large numbers of men and help them
break the German line. Unless we can
beat the submarines, they may pre
vent us from getting enough food to
Iho olUes to keep them golnj:. In that
rase Germany would win. As matters
Mnnd today, our greatest need Is
trained men. If we had had several
millions of men with military training
in our Industries and on our farm)
when the war came, who could
linve been called at once for Bervlce, I
do not believe the kaiser would have
forced the war upon us. As It was, he
hud no respect for us, nnd now we are
In It and must go through with It. But
never aguln must we be caught so
wholly unprepared.
"There Is only one safe way," said
Uncle Dan, "and that is to adopt per
manently universal military training,
apply It to every young man who Is
physically (It, say In his nineteenth or
twentieth year. The training enn ii
carried forward In the United States
training camps that are now being es
tablished for training men called by
the selective draft. Ah soon iih these
men vacate these stations, they should
be tilled by younger men, nnd this
should bo made the permanent policy
of the country."
BIlllc's mother, airs. Graham, had
overheard the conversation. She came
out and sold: "Really, Brother Dan,
ure you serious as to the dangers of
our country? If It Is as bad as that, It
1b high time for us to wake up and do
something about It."
"Exactly" replied Uncle Dan. "It
Js better to wake up now than to be
rudely awakened later. We may as
well understand, Bister, that thla Is our
war and we must win It or God help
America. Everything that we have
or hope to have our liberties, oar
blessings, our opportunities are all In
volved In the great Issue before us.
Ntfthlng must stand between us and
winning thla war. It la a questloa
whether the peoples' right or the kat
cra might shall dominate the world.
If there ever was a holy war, this la
It. We are fighting for world liberty.
We are fighting for the freedom of
humanity. We are fighting for the
right of men to govern themselves In
bteud of being governed against their
will by a war-mad overlord. Perilous
times are ahead ot us. We must be
prepared to make any sacrifice, to per
form any service that may be required
of us."
"Oh, Uncle Dan," exclaimed Billie,
"may I bring my chum, Jlintulo Col
lins, when we have our next talk? He
Is a bug on this war business and Just
crazy to see you."
. "Certainly," said Uncle Dan, with a
hearty laugh. "If we ore to have more
talks, I shall be glad to have Jinimio
Jolu us."
Dlllle clapped his hands and ran to
the 'phone nnd told Jlmmle to be over
at seven o'clock the next evening.
I. Introduction.
1. Wo endorse all real Christianity
nnd fellowship nil real Christian peo
plo in spito of their errors and lack
of information. Our purpose in bring
ing this indictment against Congre
gationalism is not to condemn any
misguided disciplo of Christ, but to
assist all such peoplo to appreciate
tho truth of God and to enjoy GOSPEL
LIUEUTY. This complaint will bo
bused upon tho symbols, creeds, cov
enants, history and usage nnd manu
uls of Congregationalism, and will be
amply sustained by tho word of God.
2. Thcro are three ways of judging
error. While error as a system of re
ligion will harmonize with some truth
it will always conflict with one or
moro revealed truths of God. And I
take tho Bible as the very truth of
God. It will also contradict itself and
its fruits will reveal error.
3. Those who adopt a system of
religious error when they have abun
dant opportunity to be rightly inform
ed, sin against God. Those who sin
should bo reproved. Moses said:
"Thou Bhalt in anywise rebuke thy
neighbor and not suffer sin upon
Him." Lev. 19:17.
4. Congregationalism being a sys
tem of religious falsehood and in con
flict with the Bible and inconsistent
with itself, must be rebellion against
II. Congregationalism Against The
Word of God.
1. It allows a group of uninspired
men to set a test that can not bo put
in Bibta language by which it judges
others contrary to the word of God.
Paul asks, "Why dost thou judge thy
brother." Rom. 14:10.
2. This system assumes the right
to make man-made covenants a condi
tion of church fellowship, thereby vio
lating tho word of St. Paul, "Receive
ye ono another as Christ also received
us." Horn. lo:v. Did unrist ever maKe
any such condition a test of fellow
ship? 3. Congregationalism robs Christ
of His Divine Sonship, by confusing
Father, Son and Holy Spirit into one
God. (Red Cloud Manual, Article II)
Potcr contradicts this error in Matt.
1G:10, when he said,"Thou art Christ,
tho Son of the living God." Christ
proclaimed this doctrine a revelation
from heaven. Matt. 1G:17. Congre
gationalism makes Christ equal with
God. This is against the testimony
of Christ, s who said "My Father is
greater than I." John 14:24.
4. It teaches created holiness or
that holiness is a creation in oppo
sition to the Bible which makes holi
ness simple obedience. "Be ye holy
for I nm holy."
C. The Red Cloud Manual, Art. IV,
sets aside the inspiration and the au
thority of the Bible and proclaims the
absurd notion "thnt Christ was truly
God and truly Man," and refers to
John 1:1-4; 5:17-23; 14:9; Phil. 2:7-8;
John 3:1G-. These scriptures ab
solutely refute this notion. John 1:1,
when translated, says "In (n) begin
ning was the word und the word was
with the God nnd the word was a god
(divine). Paul in Phil, says Christ
was in the fashion of a man not a
literal human being. Christ "between
God nnd men." I Tim. 2:5. The no
tion that Christ was truly God and
truly man is to affirm and deny ev
ery attribue of divinity and humani
ty. If he was God He was Infinite.
If He wns man, finite. If God then
ho had no beginning. If man, then he
had a beginning. What nn absurdity!
G. This system sets aside tho New
Testament practice of baptism by bap
tizing unconverted households. "Je
sus made and baptized disciples."
John 4:1. Disciples were baptized.
Acts 19:1-5.
7. It baptizes those that have nev
er been taught nnd are not even capa
ble of being taught, contrary to Matt.
28:19. "Teach all nations baptizing
8. "Confession of Faith" is substi
tuted for confession of Christ. Luke
"confess me before men," "shall con
fess Jesus is the Christ." I John 2:15.
9. This system sets aside "confes
sion of sin," nnd tenches a "confession
of penitence for sin." God commands
confession of sin, not penitence. "Con-
lcss your limits," Jas. U:1G. "If we
confess our sins." 1 John 1:9.
10. Congregationalism teaches
thnt a local society has the right to
make creeds and set them up as tests
of membership contrary to the word
of God. "Receive ye one unother as
Christ also received us." Rom. 14:5.
11. It insists on its own interpreta
tion of the Scripture only being ad
missible, violating the word of God
which says "Let every mnn be fully
persuaded in his own mind." Rom.
12. It insists on submission to mnn
made rules of Church Government,
contrary to the exnress word of God.
which says Christ "is the head over
all things to the church." Eph. 1:2.
13. They virtually assume the
principle of infallibility. (Red Cloud
wanuai; "wejgn well tnese engage
ments from which you can NEVER
escape." Nevertheless God says "your
agreement with Hell shall not stand."
Isa. 28:18.
14. This system of error teaches
Infant Baptism, against tho practice
of the New Testament "For Jes'is
made and baptized disciples." John
15. It makes too much of Water
Baptism and sets up this ordinnnce
as the Seal of Grace. Paul denies this
for he says, we are "sealed with the
Holy Spirit." Ep. 1:13. (See Red
Cloud Manunl.)
1G. It puts Water Baptism in the
place of the Holy Spirit and utterly
degrades religion in these words
"Baptism is the seal," contrary to the
words of St. Paul, who says "Scaled
with the Holy Spirit." Eph. 1:13.
17. It teaches bantism on the faith
of another, while tho Bible allows
baptism of those who belicvo for
themselves. (Covenant of Infant
Baptism.) "He that believeth and is
baptized' Mark 10:1(5. "If thou be
lievest with all thine heart." Acts 8:
18. It makes Baptism a rite with
out any divine authority for Peter
says "it is nn answer to a good con
science." I Pot. 3:21.
19. It tenches man to unito with
the church by conforming to man-
mado conditions, against the express
teaching of the word of God. "Except
n man bo born from above ho cannot
see the kingdom of God." John 3:3.
"The Lord added to tho church daily
such as should bo saved." Acts 11:47.
20. This system makes the salva
tion of infants depend on the faith
of parents. Red Cloud Manual says,
"Redeeming grace on condition of your
faith (parents') is unto you and to
your cniidrcn." This is against the
testimony of Christ. "Except ye bo
converted and become as little child
ren." Matt. 3:18. "For such is the
Kingdom." Luko 18:16.
21. This system claims tho right
to name tho church and give it an un
warranted nnm, setting aside the au
thority of God. "Thou shalt be called
by a now namo which the mouth of
the Lord shall name." Isa. 02:2,
"Called Christians at Antioch." Acts
22. This system boldly advocates
Sectarianism. (Pago 100-7, Law of
Cong. Usage). God says: "Avoid them
that cause division." Rom. 16:17. Paul
advised "that there be no division
among you." I Cor. 1:10.
23. It sets up artificial and man
made devices for church fellowship.
"Give creditable evidence of faith and
works and assent to the prescribed
covenant of admission." This is a
virtual denial of the authority of
Christ. Jesus says: "I am tho Door."
John 10:9.
24. This system impeaches the
characters of its own membership. Je
sus taught that "He that cnterctn not
by the door into the sheep fold
(church), but climbcth up some other
way, the same is a thief and a rob
ber." John 10:1. This system votes
peoplo into church, this is "some
other way," and makes fhem "thieves
and robbers."
25. By voting men into the Church
it claims tho power that belongs to
Christ exclusively. Jesus says "I am
tho Door." "By me if any man enter"
John 10:9. Here Jesus claims that the
power of taking peoplo into the fold
church, is entirely in his power. "By
me if any man enter."
26. A standing committee in this
denomination has the keys of the king
dom. Those who desire to be in this
so-called church must first appear be
fore this committee for inspection and
should this committee not be anxious
for "joiners," nnd bring in an adverse
report, the candidate would be left out
in the cold world and the door would
be closed by human authority! What
mockery! Jesus took this question out
of the hands of all committees when
he said "By me if uny man enter."
John 10:9.
Rev. 3:7 shows that no mnn can op
en or shut the door of the kingdom of
27. This system makes itself a
judge and unless it is disposed kindly
toward a candidate it may utterly re
ject him and blacken his name! This
committee might be mistaken and re
commend a sinner for membership or
that some righteous person be refused
fellowship unlfcss this committee
might claim infallibility No such
power was ever entrusted to man.
This puts the moral interests of an
immortal soul in the hands of a com
mittee and some times this committee
is nothing but n group of backsliders
and sinners. God utterly rebukes this
sinful practice. "Who art thou that
iudgest another man's servant? To
his own master he standeth or fnlleth.
Yea, he shall be holden up, for God
is able to make him stand." Rom.
14:4. "Let every man be fully per
suaded in his own mind." Rom. 14:
5. Not in the mind of some committee.
28. Pardon and church membership
under this religious scheme is not con
ditioned upon the same facts. They
teach pardon outside of the church,
while Jesus teaches those that "enter
in shall be saved." John 10:9.
29. This system makes an unscrip
tural use of the word church and ut
terly deceives the people. They ap
ply the term to a society composed of
saints, sinners and hypocrites while
the apostles say that "the church is
the body of Christ and the temple of
the Holy Spirit.
30. This system of religion tenches
doctrines not found in the Hible and
can not even be presented in the lan
guage of the Bible, thereby rejecting
the words of the Holy Spirit.
III. Inconsistencies in the Congre
gational System.
1. They prnise the founders of
their movement as spirit-led men and
yet dare not preach or defend their
2. They claim Christ is the head of
their denomination and yet nickname
themselves Congregationalists, there
by refusing to honor Christ as head
of the church.
3. Tho first Congregational bodies
in this country called themselves
Church of Christ, or Christian church.
"Tho first Christian Church of Boston,
Salem, Brooklyn," yet modern Con
gregationalists denounce the word
Christian and criticise those who fol
loy the example of their own found
ers! 4. They say "the Bible is the only
rule of faith, order and practice" and
immediately deny by making creeds,
covenants, manuals ana iorms or gov
ernment not found in the word of God.
5. They teach that Christ is the
author of church government and dis
cipline and then assume the right to
change both discipline 'and rules of
6. They claim to be the Church of
Christ, and yet refuse to call them
selves Church of Christ.
7. They claim to be the body of
Christ, and yet reject the name of
the head.
8. They claim to be the lnmb's
wife and yet refuso the name of
Christ the husband.
9. They admit Christ should have
tho preeminence in nil things and then
proceed to rob him of his glory in the
nnmo of the Church and exalt a sys
tem of government- Congregational
ism! 10. They teach thnt creeds are not
essential and yet proceeu to ina tnem
on men's consciences. The Red Cloud
Manual, mado and adopted April 1st,
1892, has a creed and some of tho
doctrines stated in tho articles are ab
solutely false!
11, They claim to be a Christian
church but refuse to call themselves
such. Arolhey ashamed of Christ?
12, They condemn sinners for vio
lating tho commands of God nnd yet
they violate tho command of God in
making division and usurping legisla
tive functions,
13. They talk union and practice
14. They claim to bo religious and
yet adopt an irreligious name, Con
grcgationalist 15. They admit that other denomi
nations are as good as their own, yet
compass land and sea to make Con
gregationalists. 1G. They claim their system keeps
out bad people, yet they have Unitar
ians, Trinitarians, Evolutionists, Ad
ventists, Millenial-Dawnitcs, Second
Chanco advocates and criminals in
their ranks.
17. They claim apostolic succession
and yet refuse to teach and practico
what the apostles taught and practic
ed, "one truth, one Lord, ono baptism,
ono body-church, nnd one mind and re
ligion. 18. They teach infants should be
baptized, but refuse them a place at
tho communion table.
19. They baptize peoplo into
Christ's name and then' call them Con
gregationalists! 20. They pretend to love God and
yet devote more time, money and ener
gy to proselyte peoplo to Congrega
tionalism in many communities than
they do in building up the body of
unrist tne unurcn oi Uhrist.
These statements showing the char
acter of Congregationalism will be suf
ficient to caution every honest soul
against this system of error and re
ligious superstition. If any advocate
of Congregationalism cares to defend
his position or answer this complaint,
arrangements can bo made to accom
modate him to his full satisfaction.
IV. Remarks.
1. Congregationalism is rebellion
against God. It repudiates the au
thority of Christ by its practice and is
in no sense a Church of Christ
2. We do not un-Christianize sin
cere people, but wp caution them
against sinning against light, for
"light is the measure of guilt"
3. If you nre "persuaded in your
own mimr'that Congregationalism is
not Bible Christianity, then you im
peach yourself by giving it your sup
port, and give comfort to the enemies
of God.
4. As a matter of common honesty
and self-respect, every well-informed
person will be forced to abandon Con
gregationalism or stand condemned
before every honest heart in the land!
5. The Holy Spirit is not a denomi
national or party spirit You can not
have the spirit of God and a party
spirit at the same time, for the snirit
of God is not divided. The Holy Spirit
is not a denominational spirit. It is
the spirit of truth, love, union, and of
ONE BODY -the body of Christ, and
outside of the body of Christ the
Christian Church there is no Holy
Spirit or salvation.
G. Finally, God invites his mis
guided saints, his people, to come out
of these sectarian institutions, That
ye bo not partaker of her sins, and
that ye receive not her plagues. Her
sins have reached unto heaven and
God hath remembered her iniquities.
She shall be burned with fire for
strong is the Lord that judgeth her.
Alas, Babylon-Sectarianism is fallen.
Up! Get you out of this religious So
dom lest the curse of God and the fires
of Heaven consume your soul for
God will overthrow all sectarianism.
In Christ only, J. L. BEEBE,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Sale of
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Tht Liquid Hot Conditions, FatUnar and Worm Ktmovir
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the Liquid Hog Tonic, Conditioner and Fattencr and tho runt didn't.
The blaone is the kind that tops mar.
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It helps them to combat disease and eli
c. L
No Premiums
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