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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1917)
ItBD CLOUD, KljlAgKA, OUt i r- V i - M I .. r I. $ AS TOLD TO US I 5 m Loo McArthur spent Sunday In Me Cook. Loo DeTour was up from Oniric ltocl Monday. Horace Brown spent Wednesday li. Hastings. Roy HflBsingor epent Monday in Hastings. Low Urcakcy was over from Leb anon Friday. Chas. Sntton wont to McCook Sun day morning. Miss Sadie Trampc went to Hebron , Tuesday morning. E. E. Burr was up from Guide Hook the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Unllcy spont Wednesday in Cowles. Roxlo Weaver left Monday morning for Rosette, Wyoming. Eyes tested, glasses Qtted. J. 0 Mitchell, the Jeweler. Morris Groat came down from Ina vaIc Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alfa Sherman went to Bladen Monday morning. Mrs. Win. II. Thomas wont to Blue IUll Monday morning. Frccxc-Proof? Got It at Cooks Attorney II. S. Fog made a business trip to Lincoln Monday. Ralph Shepherd carao down from McCook Tuesday morning. F. It. Householder was down from Iiladuu Friday, on business. Bert 1'cnbrook spent the weekend , with his family at Harvard. Good meals good service modcrat prices Powell & Pope's cafe. J Mrs. 1 A. Jcmberg and daughter, , Elsie, spent Friday in Hastings. , E. C. llergeson and j; J. Wagoner of i Aurora were in the city Friday. f J. A Crawford and family of Atwood, ' iCiinsus, were in the city Sunday. " W. L. Weesner spent the first of the week in Kansas City and St. Joe. F. C. Luce and family of Sterling, ' Colorado spent Sunday in this city. i, To Trade Good 5 passengor car for bhoats or live stock. See L L. Yost. Mebdames Robert Damerell and E U. Overman spent Friday in Hastings. t Earl Saladen, who is attendiug Cot " ner University, spent the week end in this city. Charles Uicliunlson. who lb working nt McCook, spent Sunday in this city with his mother. fc Miss Fanuic Mlksuh, who is teaching 1 bchool near Rivcrtou spent Sunday ' with her mother here. Engineer and Mrs. F. E. Whitney at tended the football game at Red Cloud Friday.- McCook Tribune. Miss Mildred Hayes returned home Wednesday morning from Itiverlon where she had been working. Mrs. F. A. Ilildebrandt returned home Tuesday morning from Alma where she had been visiting relatives. Protect tho radiator on your car in the coldest weather by using Johnstons Freeze Proof. Sold under guarantee Ht Cook's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Lester tiurney and family left Monday morning for Ver million, Kansas, where they will make their future home. Zero weather has no terror for the BUtoist, if lie uses Johnston's Freeze Proof. Sold under guarantee by Cook' Drug Store. Mrs. E. L. llerkey arrived Wednes day evening from Pino Bluffs to visit at the homo of her parents, Mr. und Mrs. A. N. Delph. Mr. Car Owner, you won't have to worry abont your radiator freezing if jou use Johnston's Freeze Proof. For eale at Cook'H Drug Store, fh f Donation to the h tl Mlted Cross . Realizing the amount of good that this organization is accomplishing among our boys across the water and in the training camps and desiring to assist them in their work I have decided on the following plan: The regular price of the SOUTH BEND RANGE is $85. Until December 15 I will sell this range for $80, and for each one sold I will give $5 of this amount to the Red Cross. Here is an opportunity to get the best range money will buy, at a reduced price and help a worthy organization. Geo. W. Trine John Hayes was down from McCook, Wednesday. E. J. Orcrlng made a business trip to Guldo Rock Wednesday Jas. Robinson went down to Guldo ilock Wednesday morning. Mrs. Max Miser and daughter spont Vednosday in Guldo Rock. John Garbcr returned home the first of tho week from Scutts Bluff, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chancy went down to Suporlor Wednesday morning. JNcut Sibert of Haztun, Colorado, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Harry Stroup Music lovers read the E. II New house ad on another page of this issue. Paul Storey returned homo thU morning from Sioux City, Iowa, where ho had been on business-. Miss Retta McDowell accompanied Mrs. J. H. Anderson of Stella, who had ,beon visiting here, to Axtcll Tuesday morning, where they will visit the for mer's sister, Mrs Ernest Davis. For Sale; 3) sections Improved land in Washington County, Colorado also 3 Bootions unimproved land. For information write Earl MofTet, Akron, Colorado. Bortllatflold, the popular dispenser of fancy eats, at tho depot, is mourn ing the loss of two big, fat goese, which somo person or persons obtained from the kitchen of his restaurant, ono night tho past week. "WANTED A good, steady, gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Webster County. No exper ience needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minnesota. Estab lished J8ot). -18 G C. II. Hnrt, formerly of Red Cloud, having purchased the furnishings of tho l'oston restaurant, opened up busi ness, to the public, last Thursday Mr. Hart says, getting the interior of the building in a respectable appear ance and attending to transient, keops both himself and wife busy. Republi can City Ranger. Considerable excitement was caused in our llttlo city ono day this week when it was reported that oil had been struck in the Big Chief Oil &. Gas Com pany's well in tho north part of the city. It is reported that the clay and crushed stone which is pumped out of tho well will burn and that this is a pretty good indication that the same contains oil or gas. At this writing tho well is down about 100 feet. The drillers are working twenty four hours u day m m Books For The New Library Any person who has books todonatc will please notify one of tho under signed book committee as soon as pos sible. Wo wish to know at once so that we will not include the same, books in tho order wc are now prepar ing for new books. Your help and liberality will attest your interest in educational matters, and will be duly appreciated by tho Library Board and the reading public. Respectfully yours, C. F. Cathcr Mrs Alfred McCall Mrs. D. H. Kalcy E. J. Overing, Jr. Committee Corrections in Premium List The following corrections in the premium list of the Farmers' Insti tute, as published last week, have been handed us: Girls' Department Hand made work bag Beatrice Ha dell. Quilt patches by girl under ten Elizabeth Mizcr; Margaret Hadcll. Pickled cherries Beatrice Hadcll; Irene Pegg. Composition Mary J. VanDyke. Patchwork pillow Do Etta Corner. Hand made article Jessie Crabill. Discretionary Carrots; peas and carrots Beatrix Florance. Apricots Nellie Fry. Rhubarb; pineapple Irene Pegg. Kansas Pickups Smith County Joe tlpp is putting down a woll on the Jerry Dunn farm this wcok. There will be a plo social at tho Oriole school houso Friday evontng. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown visited at the Elmer Spurrier homo Thursday. Mrs. F. M. Brown vltdted with her mother, Mrs George Rbon-r, Monday The Oriolo Ladies Aid meets with Mrs. Jess (lockings Thursday of this week. Mrs. Ethel Slonlckcr 9 spending a oouplo of weeks with homo folks at Htirr Oak. Audrow Upp who has been very sick with pneumonia fever Is much better at this writing. A revival meeting star tod this week at the Pawnee Union ohurch by the U. B. Pastor, Rev Edgar. Little Louise Brown entertained a number of her girl friends at dinner Sunday, in honor of her eleventh birth day. Mrs. E. E. Spurrier and daughter, Molba, attended the Red Cross meet ing at Mrs. Henry Nybergs last Wed nesday. - ' INAVALE L. V. Thompson was a passenger to Rlvcrton Saturday night. Will Topbam and family autoed to Red Cloud Tuesday night. Mrs. Elda Reed and sou arc visiting relutivcs and friends here. Misses Inez, and Silva Strickland of Red Cloud spent Sunday in lunvnlc. Lolauder Price'of Dewceso camo in Monday night to visit his nephew, Guy Bather und family. Erma Mitchell of Red Cloud spent the weekend here with her sister, Mrs Clarence Rood and family. Arthur Davis of Ratton, Mexico, spent a few days horo with his sister, Mrs. Edith Miller and family. A large crowd attended tho first number of the Lecture Course at tho Christian church Saturday night. Guy, Ralph and Roy Stlckney and family of Raskin spent a few days here with relatives tho first of tho week. Miss Hodges of Guide Rock is again attending to her duties as Intermedi ate teacher after an illness of three wcoks. Sunday Nov. 2r, E. U. Overman and Rev. F. M. Drullner of Red Cloud will be at New Virginia at 1 1 a. m , at tl at .'I p. m. and in Inavale at 7:110 p. in. Tho services will be in tho interest of the fuml for retired preachers but no subscription or collection will bo taken except the regular church incidental collection. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to tin- kind friends and neighbors who as listed at the time of our recent tieieavement and for the bountiful lloral offerings. We also thank tho male quartette of Red Cloud. Mitn Sadie E. Holuredoh Mn. and Mrs Wim, Tofiiam Mh. ami Mits. Guv Baiikku Mn. and Mits Chah. Joyce Mil and Mkh. Di:on Thompson. Christian Church Notes Prof. Geo. Doty of Cozad is helping in the music at the Indian Creekmeet ing. Evangelist Hibbs of Fort Scott, Kas., will speak at the Mission Sun day afternoon. Friday evening at close of meeting the Indian Creek Farmers' Union will hold their monthly meeting. Albert and Ethel Delph accepted Christ Sunday evening. Rev. Elmer Ayers preached last Sunday afternoon at the Mission. Rev. Hibbs also made a short adclrcss. The pastor of the Christian church binds none by his sermons or by his published articles or lectures but him self, and is ii no sense an official representative of any ecclesiastical body. The church is not responsible for the uttcmaces of the preacher and is bound toJhced what the preacher says only "as far &s it agrees with reason and Revelation. Christ alone is MasCer and" Soverfg'n and can bind the ichurch It is the duty of all peo ple to search" thVScripture and when any statement is found contrary to the. express-teaching .of the Bible, re ject it, but if it agrees therewith it is tho duty of all people, to accept it. . Tho Church of Christ. in .1 rnvnl In. jstitution" and includes' 'all people who make Christ their Soverign and Lord. Christianity fs sfrange'Vthan fiction, hut when once discovered and brought to light will transform the world. Our greatest need in tho world is a Christian consciousness, and the great est hindrance to union and piety is a sectarian consciousness. Will those who believe in Christ and are honestly trying' to conform to the will of God help us remove this awful hindrance to Christianity. Thft Ffll K& AT HOME EXPECT YOU ine ruLnTo TELL em all. about "OMAHA'S FH t&riMXtFflM. VISIT PvliilaraliMr ln "-- aiuIuiUA itili Unit rinrftltk frtHf Writ, hMf CtMM.fariNH (HMt. 111111111 MMlt IlllTMMIt LAMES' WIK MAT1IEE EVttY WEEKIAY Everybody Ooaat Ask Anybody AUNTS m MMUT AID MIT WOW VEST M CNICKO Dress Up for Thanksgiving Both Suit a?id Overcoat for $35 to $50 How Can They Give You Both at $30 to $50 The wonder grows each time you wear the coat. It's hard to see how you could iave got both the suit and the coat for what you've sometimes paid for one alone. If there's the slightest streak of thrift in your make up you'll see what we can show you in Clothcraft and Kuppenheimer Clothes at $15 to $27.50. Good-looking,, long-wearing garments at these prices seem almost like a miracle in value-giving. Come in and see. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE t :. 7 - CO) m THE CLOTHCRAFT STORE IN THIS TOWN BLADEN C. T. Davis was in Blue Hill Mon day. Harry Yost was up from Red Cloud Saturday. W. J. Hyncs made a trip to Hast ings, Monday. (,E, H. Fox came in from Lincoln Saturday evening. Mrs. Jas. Anderson visited Hast ings friends this week. Lawrence Bailey and Virtus Helton were in Hastings Saturday. J. L. Hyncs returned from a busin ess trip to Hastings, Saturday. Mrs. J. L. Ashmorc and son, Donald, visited relutivcs at McCool this week, week. Daniel Dexter returned Saturday 4a- .jLAiXhassub , . ... . m -. ij. m .-. I. ll' 'T-wmi S$rW? - - 1 ' - jT-., - Jl i-jjmnm i-VAr, . fir, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE&: - "'''w-1, 'EEEBP!s?''jEEEEfc ' " s 'I ?f, EStiIj,WEEEEf is3 y'EW'wnJM;r.y?iVW1Ey,-if(fgi'; t5S'itiT' EEEEEEEsV vittT3wJtl'iS ? pr " f 'nXi-- EEEEPEt'.V 'JJEFWiWvv JtWj$? V-CaEEEEEk 'J& ililHrii-.fEEEEEEEEEl eMI-eeeeeeeeI gt'LiEEEEEEEEEES EEEEEEEEB 'f'EEEEEEEEEEE&PsEEEEEEEEEEEEEl kEEEEEEEEEEEEVV-EEEEEEEEEEEl EEEEEEEEEEEEEBEEEEEEEEEEEi " eeeeeeeeeeeeeeB VeeeeH 51 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKI EEEEEEEEbEEEEEeI FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Tt rk;UnAn fniinfO Five and MJM v1H w1 WUAll A large gang of men are busy uhiing' lug the lines und liihtHlllug the new hwitch board for the "Bell" Telephone Company in their hp.w quarters in the lviiloyi:,bulldlng. They are working both day and night shifts' and expect to "cut over" tho llneb Saturday of this week. 1 ' 1 ' V EEEEEEEEEEEEEEf' EEEEEEEEEEE1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEr "tEEEEEE EaSEk Ujofkr7 B Herman Lindgrcn was a passenger to Atwood, Kansas the first of tho from a visit with relatives in Oklahoma. Miss Evelyn Hughes visited her parents near Pauline the latter part of the week. Miss Clara Miller of Campbell visited at tho Geo. Miller homo tho end of the week. Frank Otto camo in from Lincoln Monday for a visit with his brother, John Otto, and family. Dewey Meyer of Bruning camo in Monday evening for a visit with his uncle, W. J. Meyer, and family. Misses Clara Kehler, Anna Soucek and Elva Rath were in Blue Hill Sat urday taking the teacher's examinations ORPHEUM Commencing Mon., li V mOIH Frank Hillman's Ideal Stock Co. !. I "t General Admission, Adults Seats now on sale ten ceuts i Orpheum, Thursday, November 29 th Victor Uf XC MICrDADI 1?C99 Eliht Hugo's Matinee 2:30, Night 7.30, lOc-iSGo i-n i.. . -- -,l .ll I ' ' ' t KM l .L Mrs. B. Giro has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Werner tho past few days was a passenger to Roso mont, Monday. Mrs. Arendell who has been spend ing tho past few months at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Wood, returned to her home at McComb, III., Monday. Tho rain caught Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simington of Rlvcrton, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Wood of0 Omaha while going to Rlvcrton from a visit at Ashland, Neb., and caused their isolation until Monday. v, R. E. and Dave Adams and vive3j of Mindcn, were marrooncd hero a couple of days last week wtile enrouto to Camp Funston. They wero caught in the rain Friday and abandoning their car here, returned to Mindcn via tho railroad Saturday evening. 50c, Children 25c. Reserved at Cook's Drug Store Saturday Roicoc Aibuckle will be shown in '!His Wedding Night" Alio .Travelogue, Picluregrph and a Cartoon five reek in all. Matinee 3:30, ft and ICc Night 7:30, 10c and 15c RU Special Orohestru at Night Vil i'-.. ti l