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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1917)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ,JU O-"" .J A Colds Coughs Catarrh A trinity of evils, closely allied, that afflict most people, and which follow one on the other, in the order named, until the last one is spread through the system, leading to many evils. But their course can be checked. PERUNA CONQUERS It is of great value when ally checking it and overcoming it in a few days. Ample evidence has proved that it is even of more value In over coming chronic catarrh, dispelling the inflammatory conditions, enabling the diseased membranes to perform their natural functions, and toning up the entire system. The experience of thousands is a safe guide to what it may be ex pected to do for you. ' Liquid or tablets both tested by the public and approved. THE PERUNA COMPANY .... COLUMBUS; OHIO Yoiie Foolish To Suffer Wif Kidney Troi No on ntitt b aabject to contlant pain and lckntt from thl cam. Dodd's Kidney Pills 11 A REMEDYzD Save yourself from constant aches and pains, from lonc-contlnucd debility, from eventual Drlcht'a Disease and possible death. Don't despair. Don't neglect the warnlnc found In backache, pain In loins, stiffness, swollen joints, dlitlness, sediment In secretion, They indicate surely the ATTACKS OP DISEASE. Get Immediately the great Kidney and Bladder Remedy, DODD'3 KIDNEY PILLS. Start now to check the ravages of the enemies to health. De one of the thousands who rejolco In regained strength, vigor ond happiness. Dut be sure to get the genuine the bos with DODD'S on the cover the name with three D's. Every Drojgitt Sell Than Under a S4ti1UcU0n-er.M0Be7.Bcck GUARANTEL Carter's Little liver Pills You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Small Pill Small Dote Small Price MBf VITTLE mwmmmmw ivc.rc. f PILLS. Sr iMB 1 AIgKPiSs!B,SJSiS pARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people Canada's Liberal Offer of Wheat Land to Settlers is open to you to every farmer or farmer's son who is anxious to establish lor himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's hearty invitation this year is more attractive than ever. Wheat is much higher but her fertile farm land just as cheap, and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat chewan and Alberta 100 Acre Hamtsttads Are Actuillr Frte to Settlers and Other Lud Sold it from IS to $20er Acre The great demand for Canadian Wheat will keep up the price. Where n farmer can get near SJ for wnrat nnri rata 20 In 45 htthpls tn (he acre he Is bound to make money that's what you can expect in Western Canada. Won derful yields also of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farming- in Western Canada ts fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. Tt excellent grasses, fall of nutrition, are the only food required either for beef or dairy purpose! Good school, chu re lies, markets conYement.clltnnln excellent. There Is an unusual demand for farm Jabor to replaco the many jounst men who barn Tidnnteerea for the ". Vt rlu for literature and foP lis xvefr &mm larilculnrs as to reduced railway rates to bupt.of uimlgratlon, Ottawa, Can., or to HI W. V. Room 4, Dee Canadian New Ash Sifter. In nn ash sifter patented ly a New York mini toothed wheels break clinkers its u bundle Is turned. Red Cross Ball Blue, made in America, thereforo the beet, delights the housewife. All good grocers. Adv. Jn time of pence the Tnuifcvnnl mines ure the largest consumers of explosives In the world. Stop That Cold At Once CASCARAgpUININE The old family remedy In tablet form safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 34 hours drip In S days. Money backif itfalls. Oct the genuine do wttn Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on It 24 Tabulator 25c. At Any Drug Store Every Woman Wants vnn nrncnwAi uvp.iemp Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam mation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinlthnm Med. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and soro eyes. Economical. H cxtitordWry clcaniina and germicliial power. Sanipls Frea. 50e. all tliussUti, or rHPU by .tntil. Thal'aiton roilel Company. Dwton. Mm. .j . N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 47-1917. KKC used prornDtly for a cold.usu A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living mulne bears signature BENNETT Dldg., Omaha. Neb. Government Agent Guess Sol IIuko Stonnlw, the Dutch puhllclst, said nt a Holland society dinner In New York : "The Hermans are tleiunnstrntlng In nil sorts of wnys tlint America's In tervention In the war won't amount to anything. They're scared, you see. "The Cologne Gazette, said the oth er day that when the American armies arrive In France, they'll he hampered h.v their Ignorance of the various lan guages. Well, my wife laughed when sho rend that. "'I guess,' she said, 'the Americans can shoot In any language.' " Easy to Rid Home of Rats and Mice There Is no need of suffering from the depredations of rata and mice now that Btenrns' Pas to Is readily obtainable at nearly every store. A smnll box of this effective exterminator costs only 35 cents and Is usually sufficient to com pletely rid the house, Btoro or barn of rats and mice. The U. S. Government has bought thousands of pounds of Steams' PriBto for use In cities where rats and mlco oro plentiful. The Paste Is also efficient In destroying cockroaches and watcrbugs. Adv. Poor Roads Expensive. The farmers of the United Stntes have heen allowing ?:WK),(MK),000 In real money to escape from their pockets each year of poor roads, ac cording to the testimony of experts. If you don't helleve that men are Just as curious as women, tlo up one of your lingers and pour liniment over It. URINE Granulated Eyelids, 23i!TS.ISorePve, Eyes Inflamed by 2finjV?Sun. Dut land WindctulMv lOrLJUr' relieved by Murine. Try It in ,. ,Ji-rit C your Eyes and In Uab Eyes. iUuK LYLJNoSfflMtins.Juit EyeCoafott MarlneIoRemcdyi,tepMV:S,.iJ y Salve, In TuUl tie. Par Hook uf f At t'.v fro. Ask Bliirlae Eye Keaudjr Co., ClUcaaa 4 IPi aviviAl'Ai VvJVHsK9 PCijOrAljJvrFiagr mm v 'T"..rt i MOMnONAL SlINMrSOlOOi , Lesson (Br IlEV. V. 11. F1TZWAT13P-, D. D., Teacher of English Blblo In the Moody Bible Instltuto of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1817. Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 25 A PSALM OF THANKSGIVING. LESSON TBXT-Psalms 103. GOLDEN TKXT-UIcbs tlio Lord. O my foul, and forgot not all his benefits. ro. 103:2. 1 This Psalm Is innn's rcsponso to tho goodness nnd mercy of God. It ex presses tho Joy nnd gratitude of it for given sinner as ho worships heforo God. There is too much in this Psalm for ono to attempt to set it forth, so wo must ho content to display some of Its most prominent notes. I. Man's Entire Being Should Sing God's Praise, v. 1. The true worship per praises God with -every faculty of his heltig; his Intellect, emotion, de sires, affections nil nnltc In praising Jchovnh. Tho entlro being responds In n song of harmonious praise. Somo praise God with their voices but not with their hearts; some with their in-, tellcct but not with their affections; some with their emotions hut not with their wills. Thnt prnlso which involves the entire being nlono Is pleasing to God. II. Tho Benefits Granted, vv. 2-fl. Tho Psalmist exhorts man not to forget nil God's bcncllts. This seems to be need ed now ns well ns then, for most of us ore better nt remembering our troubles nnd adversities, our losses und our sor rows, thnn we are nt remembering our mercies nnd blessings. It would bo a good thing for some of us to keep n record of tho good things of life and sco thnt, after all, our blessings out weigh our burdens. Wo linvo more days of sunshine thnn of clouds, mora Joys than we hnvo of sorrows, mora hours when wo nro free from pnln thnn wo suffer with pnln. If God were ns forgetful of us ns wo nre of Him, life would be Indeed. (1) Forgiveness of sins, v. 3. In forgiveness wo nro freed from tho curse of sin nnd its blight und burdcns nre removed. Wo arc not only for given, but wo arc healed of sin's dis ease I not only freed from tho burdens of sin but of Its effects, so that wo do not go nfter the things of this world. To bo saved for heaven meuns that we nre saved from the world. (2) Itedcmptlon, v. 4. Wo hnvo been saved by Christ giving Himself as a ransom for our souls. (8) Satisfaction, v. C. When God redeems, He so thoroughly renews tho man that the good things which ho gets from God sntlsfy him. His bless ings nre so renl that ho finds satisfac tion in God. Men and women of tho world are reaching out nfter fleeting thlugs. They nro ever grasping after something, but are never satlstled. Not so with the redeemed soul; he llnds absolute satisfaction In tho things which God gives him. Worldlngs may bo satiated, but God's redeemed alono aro satisfied. (4) Executing Judgment In behnlf of the oppressed, v. 0. He Is always on the side of the oppressed. God under takes for his own, nnd sooner or later Ho will mete out justlco to all. Thero Is n reckoning day for tho world com ing. Those who have done evil shall suffer loss ; those who have done good shall be rewarded. III. Attributes of God for Which He Should Be Praised, vv. 7-18. These attributes have been displayed In God's dealings with his chosen people. (1) Merciful nnd gracious, v. 8. He is slow to anger and plenteous In mer cy. An example of his mercy Is seen In the father of the prodigal son run ning to meet his son and kissing him. A very little thought will make very evident how God withholds his anger nnd waits patiently for nn opportunity to extend his mercy. (2) He will not always "chide," w. 8-12. When God forgives he forgives forever. Men say they forgive, but bow often they "chide" and "keep anger." God has not dealt with us ac cording to our sins, for, as the heav ens aro high abovo tho earth, so great Is his mercy toward them that they fear him. So really has God forgiven us that our transgressions are as far removed from us as tho East Is from the West, an incalculable distance. (8) Ho Is compassionate and tender, v. 18-1,4. This reveals God's fatherly' heart. Ho fully knows our weakness. Ho docs not deal with us as though wo were' strong. Ho knows how weak and fallible we are through the fall. It Is consoling to know that God considers our "frame"; Ho knows that wo are "dust" (4) nis mercy Is everlasting, eternal, w. 1C-17. Man Is nt best transitory, but God Is eternal. The one who rests his hopes In God Is eternally safe. This should encourage us to lean not upon man but upon God. (5) God Is gracious to thoso who are In covenant relationship, v. 18. If we would enjoy these blessings revealed In God's attributes wo must be God's children. His mercies nro restrictive, only bestowed upon his own children. IV. A Call to All the Universe to Praise the Lord, vv. 10-22. Slnco God Is such a wonderful Being, He should have universal praise. Ills kingdom Is over all; his Lordship should have recognition. Tho true copquerors nro often thoso whom tho world calls tho vanquished. Max Mullen OLD PRESCRIPTION FOP. WEAK KIDNEYS ITavo you ever stopped to renfon why ft is thnt tn mnny product thnt nre ex tensiyrly ndvertioed, nil nt onco drop out of siRht nntl nro soon forgotten? The reason ii plnin the article did not fulfil the promise of the innnufncturcr. This nppllc more pnrtlculnrly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation thnt hns rcnl curative vnlue nlmot rell itrelf. ns like nn cmlIrR chain system the remedy Is recommended by those who have been I benefited, to those who arc in need of it. A prominent dttiRirist says, "Tnke for example Dr. Kilmer's Snnip-Root, a preparation I hnvo sold for ninny years nnd never hesitate to recommend, for In almost every case it shows excellent re suUs, at many of my cutomers testify. No other kidney remedy that 1 know of has so largo a wile." According to sworn statements nnd verified testimony of thousand who hnvo used the prepniation, the micccm of Dr. Kilmers' Swamp-Hoot is due to the fact that, so many people claim, it fulfils al most every wNh in ovetcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, cot reels ur innry troubled nnd nentrnlirc tho urio ncid which causes rheumatism. You may receive n sample bottle of Swamp Hoot by Parcel Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., llingli.tmlon, N. Y., nnd enclose ten cents; nlso mention this paper. Large nnd medium sizo bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. Submerged Forest. A submerged tutk forest, covering scleral sipiarc miles, from which logs more than 100 feet In length have been taken, was discovered by Russian en gineers while dredging 11 river. SOFT, CLEAR SKINS Made So by Dally Use of Cutlc'ura Soap and Ointment Trial Free. The last thing nt night nnd the first In the morning, bnthe the face frcelv with Cutlcurn Sonp nnd hot water. If there are pimples or dandruff smear them with Cutlcurn Ointment before bathing. Nothing better jthnii Cutlcurn for dally toilet preparations. Free sample, each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcurn, Dept. L, Moston. Sold everywhere. Adv. War Lord's Temple of Peace. According to the Norddeutsche Zel tung, the kaiser has ordered the erec tion of a temple of pence on one of his estates. It Is to be Inaugurated sol emnly after the conclusion of peace. $100 Reward,.$100 Catarrh is a local ulseaso greatly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It thereforo tcriulrcs constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATAItHU MEDICINE Is talton Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfnccs of tho Sys tem. HALL'S CATAURII MEDICINE destroys tho foundation of tho disease, Rives tho patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature In dotnK Its work. flOOOO for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICIND falls to cure. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. No man will admit that he would marry a woman smarter than himself because he doesn't believe there Is one. Dr. Pierce's Plensant Pellets are the orlglnnl little liver pills put up 1() years ago. Thoy regulate liver und bowels. A d. Make Farmers of Soldiers. Now Brunswick, Canada, will give returned soldiers a real training In ngrl culture. Are Told How to Find Relief from Pain. Nashua, N.1I. "I am nineteen years old and every month for two years I had such pains that I would often faint and havo to leavo school I had such pain I did not know what to do with myself and tried so many remedies that were of no uso. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in tho newspapers and decided to try it, and that is how I found relief from pain and feel so much bettor than I used to. When I hear of any girl suffering as I did I tell them how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound helped me." Dklina Martin, 20 Bowers Street, Nashua, N. IL Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and is, therefore, LYDIA . PINKHAM S VEGETABLE COMPOUND If nnilD developing' KUUAIvh PRINT1NO and ItUUnnV ENLARGING Bend tor Kodak cutulog and flnUriilng price Hat. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. (UASTMAN KODAK CO.) Dept. K, 1212 O St. Lincoln, Neb, COUGHING nnnoys others and harts you. tUlleTethront Irritation ntuItlcklhiK, and setrldofcouKlis, colds nnd hoarseness by taklntr at onto PISO'S GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER 'I has been 11 household panacea all over the civilized world for moro than hnlf a century for constipation, Intestinal troubles, torpid liver and the generally depressed feeling that uccompunles such disorders. It Is a most valuable remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on headache, coming of up food, palpita tion of heart and many other symp toms. A few doses of August Flower will Immediately relieve you. It Is n gentle laxative. Ask your druggist. Sold In all civilized countries. Adv. No Chance. Fortune favors the brave, but some people hnvo an Idea that she also smiles on tho tightwad. Wash dnv is smile tiny if you use Heel Cross Hall lllue, American made, therefore the best made. Adv. Some Remedy. There Is no aid to food conserva tion that equals a Hat pockclbook. Holland makes 10,000.000 pounds of sonp a year. MHIwroE33C3XCns'lirN jjirj-Tf viiitt TrT 1 FVrrrsaaWgri 1 Anpt flnntants 15 Fluid Drachm 'JTVfl k 1 kM fi.pj.i.uii I rTr .:.." I ALCOllOL-iU'liKVJun.. o ' 1 AVn.toiAMffWpnnrafioniofAS'J !.-t:-Aih.rrl hvlfcrftila- II aiiiHiuMini'",'-"v" "i .. HlWhthr.StrmnfIirmdlKMCUW. Z '-n "I'iiAntdMlian ' '"crcK' Mtel i i.t. n.i... MnrnhlnCnOrl J nciUHXvpiu'-i irl tllncrni. xn ot ww . ' ..... n. -j uirrrrmXK m jHeptcruHUK-xx btUUiStttl Mb" MmJM (hnbdSVn- Md FerolstocssjiKl LOSS " giiu1 rcsutun ihcfcfromjnjivfanty- ,. W.E1 ' SftfE.?fa WxpnP SEA ft K FWcSImllcSijnntnrei TBECCSTAWnCoHPAWr. rjEwjfygsi l!nTVrt ElESi Exact' Copy of Wrapper. C) Pot THE PERFECTLY SAFE REMEDY LYDIA E.PINKriAM Bridget's Answor. Although not ovcrnurtlcuhir about her work, Mrs. Drownstono's new iimiIiI, fresh from thu Kvergrocn Isle, was soinowhnt of n stickler for preci sion In lnnxuiiKo. "Is It nflcr elKlit yet?" nsked Mrs. H of her ono mornlnc ns sho citine In from the kitchen on somo ernnil. "Yls, 11111111," replied Hrhhjet care fully wcIkIiIuk lier words. "It Is nf ther It nil rlj,'lit, but It linsn't sot Ihero yltl It has live minutes yit tq travel 1" Iluwnll has 14 volcunlc crutcrs. Nerves All Unstrung? Nervousness nnd ntrvo pains often como from weak kiilncis. Mnny a tier son who worries over trillcs nnd ! troubled with ncurnlgin, rheumatic fains nnd Imcknchc would find relief hrough n good kidney remedy. If you have nervous attacks, with headaches, backaches, dizzy spells and sharp, shooting pains, try Doan's Kidney Pills. They have brought quick benefit in thotisnnds of such rose. A Nebraska Case Mrs. lsnne W. Iirown, Ravenna, Ncl says: "I wns In a critical condi tion with kldnoy complnlnt and 'Kvrry I'ltturt fflll a SUnT riioumntlo pnln s,. tin ono dnv nrul down tho noxt, un lit for work or any thing. I lint such terrltilo n 11 I 11 n through tho small of my bnrk I could unruly onuuro thorn My Kidneys dldn net rlclit nnd lldn'tNl id 17 .tiiiniA1 knew nntiipthlni! must ho dnno. Klnnlly, I used Doan'B Kidney Pills nnd thuy cured mo so completely thnt I hnvo been froo from kidney trouhlo ever olnco." Cat Doan's at An? Store, 60a siBom DOAN'S'y.'irLV FOSTEX-MILDURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA tm ecMTauR oMSAirr. mwoaa orrr. I fy (L nr rTVWpfnf WWwir (, u cAsio ma J Jr mmA ' &j(ir m m HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that when you soil or buy through the sales you have nbnut one chunce In fifty to escape HAI.U HTAI1I.B lUSTEMi'iCit. "SPOHN'S" Is your truo protection, your only safeguard, for aa suro an you treat all your horses with it, you will noon be rid of tho disease It acts as a euro preventive, no matter how thoy are "exposed." CO cents and 11 a bottle; $C and 10 dozen bottles, at all Kood dniR-RistB, horso ROOdB houses, or delivered by the manufacturers. 81'UllN MHDICAL, CO., Manufacturers, Goshta, fad., V.SJU MmM A MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska EUI10PEANPLAN UoomH from Jt.00 up single, 75 ceuts up double. CAFE PUICES REASONABLE PLEATING Done promptly. BUTTONS Free price list. H& .t.l 'at 'I :m