The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 15, 1917, Image 1

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Slivto Historical Socloty
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k Newspaper That filves The News Fllty-two Weeks Ench Year Fsr S1.50. - """"" r7"""M3;l SOuV'iH
p - I .ill' 'i i --M fgn.
- """" NUMBER 47
wwwimwuwuwuwwwuu pay rjay for Soldiers
;i The Nation Depends
Upon Its Citizens
If (he Citizens are prosperous, (he Nation is
prosperous. If (lie Citizens are frugal and
saving (he Nation is firm and substantial,
even in i(s most trying times.
Are You Doing Your Share
to keep (lie Nation on a firm finanaiel
by putting aside a little each week?
Websler County Bank
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Regular Meals
Short Orders
and Lunches
$3.00 Meal
Tickets $.50
Special atten
tion to orders
for all club
parties, etc.
Let Us Serve You
1 Lasst .Sunday morning wo wcic
iuvnUoiiPil fiom our moinini; slumber
I13. tlio flit alarm being tinned in ami
thin we went to bed for an hour.
On Monday our liour.s weie changed
nrain on account of the fact that we
were being diilled at too fast a pace
and nlbo that a huge number of the
I men were down on the Hick list. The
i doctors come over and examine the
sick ones twice a day and most every
day two or tlnee aie sent to the hos
pital at Ft. Kiley. Four or five of
our company have the measles now.
Wo now diill from 8 to 12 in the
morning and in the aftclnoou listen
to a few Iodines by the Captain and
Lieutenants on Military Couitcsy and
(Juaid Duty, and spend the balance of
the af lei noon playing games. Wed
nesday those who pay attention and
diill good during tlio other days get
a half day oil" fiom now on.
This week our Fiist Lieutenant, Mr.
Towers, anived and took up his du
ties. Ho has had 18 years experience
in the aimy and is ceitainly a lino
officer. Lieutenant Miliken also came
back and took up his duties. It goes
without saying that we have the best
bunch of olficers in the tegiment, and
wo ceitainly appieciatc wiiat tuey aie
doing for us.
On account of so much sickness wo
now have to carry our bed? out doors
in the morning and leave them out In
the air alj day, and they got awful
dusty on windy days.
On Saturday the second battalion,
which we aie in, moved sevcial blocks
east fiom wheic we wore. The whole
logiment moved dining the past few
The first of a number of electric
markers has been installed on the
Fourth avenue and Webster square.
The same will not only regulate the
turning of shoit comers by autoists
but it also adds considciablc to the
beauty of the old town. Several more
will be installed within a short time.
They Win At Last
On the last dav of the Fnrmers' In
stitute, Friday, November Dth, occurred
one 01 uie most intcrosliim and excit
ing games of the season nolweon the'
homo boys and Supeiior. J
Lnst our Superior dofoated Hod
Cloud about 21 to 0, so oory one ox-J
pectod to see a good fiust game and
were not disappointed. Those who.
failed to see the yamc last Friday miss-
ed one ot tho best games of the season
but they can make up for it by nttond-l
the gnuie next Friday between Red.
Cloud and McCook. McCook defeated
Rod Cloud last vear at McCook by a
score ot about 17 to G. This year tho
boys expect to wipe out last year's score 1
and nlbo run up an additional score to
make up for tho lack of interest on last '
year's scoi e. Everyone who would like '
to see a good fast game bo sure and (
come to Koontz's tield at !h00 P. M. ,
next Friday, November lfith.
The, game started Friday with Red ,
Cloud loccivitigat south goal. Super
iorkept the ball well within Red Cloud's
territory all through the fust half but
could not make the few additional
yard& needed to make n touchdown. It
looked like they wore duo for a touch-
down several times but they were al-1
ways caunht within a few vards of tho ,
. goal and lost the ball on downs. Red
Cloud could not make much headway
through Superior in tho first half at the
end ol which the score was 0 to 0 with
the ball well in Red Cloud's territory.
At the beginning of tho second hnlf
Red Cloud kicked to Superior who ran
eighty five yards for a touchdown. Thoy
failed' to kick yoal makmtr tho scored
to 0 in favor ofSuperior. This soetned
To Accomplish Good Work
.V"ui. Ul" . "' vX5Aml i to somewhat nettle the Red Cloud boys
x,.u ruu u. uuuuuu, w C. 1, d.h ... . . . . . .-,.
H and we hvo , 1 Hkethbv could all the time if thoy half
Xil w5 Tho other trlcd- Ai tho " kick off, Red Cloud
iscics. ine otnei i...i , u.i ':..i.. ...,
4th platoon of Co.
three platoons of our company have a
bariack by themselves but when we
get the balance of our men tho bar
racks will bo full. We now havbwarm
water to wash with and it is a' pleas
ure to wash with it.
Sunday morning we had pay day
again. Tho roll was called and then
we matched down to the headquarters
building whore we received our salary
from the Captain. The pay for this
company amounts to $G,000 a month,
so the company cleik informed mc
today, but $1,200 of this is kept out
eveiy month to pay for the liberty
bonds for which we have subscribed.
Since the 4th platoon is by them
selves it is somewhat unhandy for us
as we have to go over to the other
bariack for meals and also for reverie
and retreat. We now havo to wear
our O. D. pants and shiits at retreat
and the band plays the Star Spangle.l
Banner after the bugle boys play tho
tattoo, and while the band pluys the
National Anthem we present arms,
after which we are dismissed for
We received the company picture
today which we had taken some time
ago. A. B. Mc Arthur.
"M -t gy r'
- "" 'TX.
Save Time -Thought -Energy -Money
by Coming Directly to Blouse Headquarters
for Your New Fall Blouse
The kind of Blonse you ,want is here, at a price doubtless, less than y6u''expect to pay.
The new styles the fashionable styles the wanted styles are here in all their Autumn
Simple, inexpensive Blouses charming suit B louses the more elaborate dress Blouses
we have them all.
You can always do better by buying Blouses here.
A Splendid New Blouse at $2.00
Two dollars is a popular price to pay for a Blouse and because
of this we have been making a feature of $2.00 Blouses. These
we obtain in a most economical way from the World's largest
maker of Blouses and they arc consequently the most unusual
in value.
We have Exclusive Sale for the Nationally
Favored Welworth Blouse v
received and marched straight down
tne neia ror their first toucnaown.
Nothing that Superior could do would
stop them and Blacklcdge carried the
ball over for the first touchdown for
Red Cloud. P. Ncwhouse kicked goal
making the score 7 to G in favcr of Red
Superior received this time but lost
the ball on downs. Red Cloud made
good gains for a ways and then Super
ior tightened up and they lost the
ball on downs. Superior then made
their downs for a couple of times but
thoy also lost the ball on downs. Red
Cloud then started using their tactics
and were making good gains when
time was called for tlio third quarter.
At the beginning of the last quarter,
it was Red Cloud's ball and they were
nlavintr fine. Thev werj working to-
gothcr and simply ployd Superior off , ,
their feet with the result of another J
toucuuown made uy uoner. r. incw
house again kicked goat making the
score 14 to G in favor of Red Cloud.
The came ended with the ball in Red
Cloud's possession, and they were
still playing good fast football. Our
High School is to be commented on the
morals of its team, thoy not having a
single smoker on the team.
To mention the stars of the team, one
would have to give the entire line-up
as thoy all certainly played a good fast
game. The game was a good clean one
with no crabbing or haru feelings and
all who saw it said they got their mon
ey's worth.
You Musi Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new slock contains
at $2.50 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
.23, $1.50 and $2.00
Make Sure Your Chi Ids KYES ARE RIGHT and Aide
to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work
,l0wtlr and Ottemetrttt
tare. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Christian Church Sunday
ju ''
1 0.00 a. m. Sunday School
1 1 :00 a. m. Sermon, Subject, "Christian Faith"
2:30 p. m. Service at South Side Mission
2:30 p. m. Service at Indian Creek
6:30 p. m. Young Peoples Service
7:30 p. m. Sermon, Subject, "Fraud or Mistake, Which?"
Prof. Geo. Doly will assist in the song service
1-1 Y Vs. 1
Enlarged Telephone
Service to Guide Rock
Arrangements have been completed
aud are in effect whereby the subscri
bers of the Lincoln Telephone Co. at
Red Cloud (Uuown locally as tho "Bell")
and the subscribers of the Guide Rock
Telephone Co are united into one ser
(oe, so far as local culls between sub
scribers of the two exchanges are con
cerned. No charge will be made
for calls from Red Cloud subscribers
to Guide Rock subscribers and vice
The toll rate of IS cents and 5 cents
war tax will remain the same to
0. J. Warren.
Farm Product Exhibits Light
The Farmers' Institute hold in this
city last week came to a successful
conclusion Fiiday evening. On the
whole the exhibits weie not as large
as in. former years yet in some in
stances thoy would compare very fa
voiably in quality with preceding ses
sions. '
The farm pioducts department was
especially weak in display. However
the cattle, horfccs and hoes were well
up to standard. The ladies as usual
filled their exhibit loom with all kinds
of excellent articles and in addition to
the usual quota they had a large dis
play of Red Cross garments. Mills de
partment was a busy one thruout the
entiro week. All persons, young and
old seemed much interested in these
knitted goods.
The evening programs held at the
Morhart opera house were well at
tended and ereatlv enioved. Tho mu
sic furnished by Prof. Miller and Miss
Nina Simmons was highly appre
ciated. Memorial resolutions in honor of G.
W. Hummel and Ed Pavne wore in
troduced and adopted. Mr. J. S. Gil
ham delivered the response to these
resolutions in a dignified, scholarly
manner. Rev. J. L. Bcebe delivered
an address on tho Red Cross and Hon.
Harry S. Dungan made a strong plea
fn.. l,n aunnmf nf Mm V. AT. C. A.
The city council held a meeting on uB iMMmw. r tl. Ktnto University
Wednesday morning for tho purpose c0scl the session with an address on
of determining the benefit derived or p00(j Conservation."
the loss sustained to pioperty owners Tj,e ci,00l parade on Friday aftcr
in the new paving district. , 'noon drew a large crowd to the city.
A restraining Older liaU nceil lllCU M'liia nnrnrln. nsneHnllv tho rural
F. A. Good Makes Report
Editor Chief:
Below will bo found a statement
setting forth tho amount of the Y. M.
C. A. War Relief fund us assessed to
the several districts of Webster Co.,
together with tho moneys pledged up
to Tuesday night, Nov. 13.
Assessed Pledged Over
Red Cloud $000 $770.00 $170.00
Cowlea 200 380.25 180.25
Guide Rock 300 325.00 25.00
Blue Hill 300 300.00
Rosemont 150 175.00 25.00
Inuvale 150 1G5.00 15.00
Uladen 300 250.00
Larrick's Cent. 100 150.00 50.00
Who'll Pay for the Bricks?
Totals $2100. $2545.25 $445.25
At several of tho above points tho
amounts will be increased.
LATER: Reports up to Thursday
morning show that Bladen has raised
$15 more than the amount appor
tioned, the committee now having
pledges of $315. Larrick's Center has
also increased the amount of pledges
to $258.
F. A. Good,
Chairman for Webster Co.
Y. M. C. A. War Relief Meeting
Last Thursday evening Judge
Harry S. Dungan of Hastings, who is
chairman of this district for raising
Y. M. C. A. war funds, spoke to a
large and appicciative audience on
this subject at tho Morhart opera
house. His addicss was full of infor
mation and was a great incentive to
active' woi k by the people of this com
munity. Six hundred dollars was tho
by .Henry Diederich, ct ah of tho so- school participants, was very pleasing. I amount set asido for Red. Cloud to
called "Antl-Piogrcssivc Club," refiis- Each school and each grade had its raise, ami tlio committee Bet to work
iiik ionium., on ujo Kiuuiitia "- " special "yell" and tnoy tried to outdo fitciay morning, xney report as nav
contract was not legally drawn up. each other in novelty and noise. Tho ing more than reached the require
will look after tho affairs :of tho "Anti- tho ontlro aftcrnoon was a very suc-
l'lOgrC881VOS" and m nit Probability mcafnl Wf.vl- vnnr wn Iinnn to
tho matter will bo "aired in court" be- n nvmu im.tnnau in tm oiiv nrn.
Lfore the contractors will be successful rented by a lloat.
hi uiictuui; inu Bum uiuhb uuu uiuiu. juucii credit is due tne oiucers 01
mo council uiijourncu 10 meet imo- tno association, tho heads of dcpait-'pu
vemuor Jjrd. monts, tho judges and all connected This is
mAir?mirMrq'i'ranvniivnRMiMnt.qiiii with tho work of t,ie Institute. The prico of
Mi HIIU Mrs. i-raoyllUJ 08 Spent ailll. - tl. nir,V.,.H nWtnrl -fnv unmn na
ment3 and as having met with good
spirit of loyalty and patriotism.
Dm ing tho week commencing Nov.
10th a handsomo set of cooking uten
sils will bo given away free to overyi
rchasor of u MAJUST1C range.
an out and out gift and tho
tho MAJESTIC icmaina tho
always. See them wliilo you
day with relatives at Ayr.
tho coming year:
arc at the special demonstration next
r m
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