The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 01, 1917, Image 3

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1 Holy Gate of tho Kremlin In Moscow, the buildings which will be occupied by the Russian government when It
moves from Potrograd. 2 American soldiers In Franco manning an nntl-nlrcraft gun to fight Germnn nvlutors who nro
beginning to trouble them. 3 This photograph taken on an American vessel carrying many Y. M. C. A. men to Europe,
shows the passengers climbing coolly Into the rigging to watch a submarine that had Just been sighted.
French Drive the Germans Back
Toward Laon, Taking Many
Prisoners and Guns.
Austrlans, Re-enforced by German
Troops, Open Offensive Against
Italians Teuton Retreat In Riga
Region Liberty Loan a Sue-
osss Burleson Warns the
Traitor Press.
The French army made last week
one of the most Important advances of
tho fall campaign on the front north
east of Solssons. After n furious bar
rage by the artillery, the troops rushed
forward for a gain of moro than two
miles, and when they rested, they wero
In a position to enfilade the German
lines all along the valley of the Ailettc.
Petaln also now directly threatens
Laon, the big railroad center that
forms the southern extremity of the
Hlndenburg line, and can enfilade the
crown prince's troops that still hold
the northern edge of the plnteau that
parallels the Ghemln des Dames. The
German line running north to the for
est of St. Gobaln Is in danger, nnd if
this gives way, the enemy would have
to glvo up his present front from
Chavlgnon to St. Quentln.
In this operation the French cap
tured Fort dc In Malmalson and other
strong positions and routed some of
the finest troops In the German army,
taking more than 8,000 prisoners nnd
a great number of guns. The French
aviators did especially good work dur
ing the battle, flying at a very low al
titude and breaking up with their machine-gun
Are several German nttempts
to counter-attack.
The first French smash was made
on Tuesday, and again on Thursday
Petnln's forces struck hard, driving
the Germans from Monkey mountain
and other strong positions and advanc
ing to within eight miles of Laon. The
number of prisoners was Increased to
Another Advance in Flanders.
The British, In Flanders, with the
French co-operating, pushed forward
bout a thousand yards on 'a front of
a mile and a half on Monday, taking
some Important positions and getting
astride the Ypres-Staden road. The
Germans made desperate attempts to
recover the ground, but succeeded In
regaining only one farm at the edge
of the Houtholst forest.
All week the allied aviators made
destructive raids behind tho German
lines, dropping many tons of explo
sives on munition works, lines of com
munication and other military estab
lishments. Austro-German Drive on Italians.
Responding to Austria's call for help,
the kaiser sent largo bodies of his
troops to the scene of operations north
of Trieste, and the combined forces of
tho central powers began a big offen
sive there on Wednesday. The Italians
were expecting the move and declared
themselves ready. Berlin admitted
that the Teutons on tho first day
gained only some advanced positions
of the Italians near Flitch and Tolmlno
and on tho northern part of the Bain
sleza plateau, but claimed to have ta
ken 0,000 prisoners. In tho matter of
terrain General Cadorna has rather the
best of It, though tho Austrlans hold
some lofty mountain positions. A Brit
ish correspondent at the Italian front
says the object of the enemy In mak
ing this drive Is as much political as
military, the Germans having the mis
taken Idea that tho Italian people are
tired of tho war.
Whence came tho German forces
that are aiding the Austrlans has not
been revealed, though it Is likely they
are from tho Riga sector of tho Rus
sian front. Tho Germans announced
at tho beginning of tho week that they
had retired for n considerable distance
thero without telling why.
Kerensky Attacked' In Russia.
In other respects the week's develop
ments In Russia were unsatisfactory.
laBaaaiBBBiaaaaaBBHBflBr j.Jy vX jpWrrw. iiiwmyyWBBHy saaaaBaatt!TaaiMv!faaaar f-K Bk,
Though the fleet succeeded In keeping
the German sen forces out of the Gulf
of Finland for tho tltno being, 'the
enemy completed the occupation of the
Islands at the mouth of the Gulf of
Riga. The civil population of Rcval,
Kronstadt and In part of Helslngfors
was removed, and the government pro
ceeded with its plans of moving to
Moscow. The worst of the news, how
ever, was that the council of soldiers
nnd workmen had adopted a resolu
tion declaring the salvation of tho
country lay In the conclusion of peace
as soon as possible nnd that all power
must pass Into Its hands, and accusing
Kerensky of openly favoring the kniser
nnd seeking to give Petrograd Into his
hands. Furthermore, the council has
given to Its delegate to the coming con
ference of the nlllcs In Paris Instruc
tions that cannot fall to be displeasing
to the other allies. They cover the
whole ground nnd would result In n
peace In somo respects more German
than Germany Itself dnres to hope for.
Another source of anxiety to the al
lies, Great Britain especially, Is Ire
lnnd. With the able assistance of Ger
man ngents, the militant Sinn Fclners
ore becoming more dtlnnt every day
until now the whole west pnrt of the
Island Is said to be on the verge of
open rebellion. Several of the con
spirators have been nrrested In the
United States nnd others In Ireland.
Germany Loses Zeppelin Fleet
Germany, ridiculously indlgnnnt nt
tho promises of reprisals for her mur
derous air raids, threatened that "for
every brick which falls from penceful
German homes whole rows of buildings
will be overthrown In Purls." Then
she sent a big fleet of Zeppelins over
England, their bombs killing 34 per
sons. From there tho monster airships
sailed across to Franco to punish
Paris. But the Frenchmen were awake
and such an army of nvlators and
storm of antiaircraft gunfire met the
Invaders that four of them were
brought down nnd three others were
partly disabled and fled. One of tho
Zeppelins was captured uninjured nnd
as It Is of the latest type It has been nn
interesting object of study. A mighty
ronr of exultant laughter rose from
France when the result of the kaiser's
attempt to carry out his threat became
Preparing for Two Years More.
Although Amerlcn's land forces have
not yet begun to participate In the con
flict, It becomes more apparent dally
that we will take a commanding pnrt
In tho war. Great Britain and Franco
make it plain that they rely on the
United States to clinch the victory,
nnd Uncle Sam Is girding up his loins
for the mighty task. We are to be well
represented in the coming conference
In Paris, when it is probable thero will
be mapped out a more definite and co
hesive plan of military operations than
has yet been followed. Lloyd-George
nnd other leaders assert that peace Is
not In sight because no terms have
been suggested that all can nccept,
nnd the nations are laying their plnns
for at least two yenrs more of war
fare. It Is understood, nnd ndmltted
by captured German officers, that the
morale of tho German army Is weaken--Ing
and that the food situation in the
central empires Is bad, but those who
know do not claim that Germany's
flchtlng power Is nearly exhausted.
Tho political turmoil thero continues,
and there wero unconfirmed reports
Inst week that Mlchaells had resigned
the chancellorship.- But all that dis
turbance does not help the allies a
great deal. The emperor returned to
Berlin on Wednesday nnd began to
deal with the political crisis. The first
result was tho tnklng of tho portfolio
of Internal nffalrs from Vice Chancel
lor Helfferlch.
Secretary of War Baker Intimates
that the American troops may get Into
nctlon In France very soon, that they
will take part In the winter operations
of tho allies, nnd that they will be
heavily re-enforced In the spring, no
says they nre In splendid physical con
dition nnd efficient fighting trim. They
nnd their commanders have made
themselves well liked there, nnd Gen
eral Pershing mndo himself moro pop
ular than ever last week during the
French advance north of tho Alsne. Ac
companying the French commander as
nn observer, "Blnck Jack" quietly in
sisted on being taken to tho first Ger
man trenches, and then on to tho sec
ond line, nnd stnld there under fire
until he hnd seen all he wished to see.
, Tho success of tho second Liberty
lonn Is n source of Immense gratifica
tion to the government nnd to the en
tire nation. During the last week sub
scriptions came In with a rush, under
the urging of thousands of patriotic
workers, and even the Philippines,
Panama and Cuba responded nobly.
Wednesday, by national and state proc
lamation, was celebrated everywhere
as Liberty day. Great parades were
held In every city and smaller ones In
every town nnd village, nnd In the
army training camps the boys carried
out special programs and hnnded In
their dollars for the cause of freedom.
In some places the people dealt la
their own way with certain pro-German
obstructors of the loan, but noth
ing was done to Mayor Bill Thompson
of Chicago, who took no pnrt what
ever In the city's demonstration. His
recent half-hearted conversion to open
patriotism seems to have suffered n re
lapse. Curbing the Traitor Press.
Postmaster General Burleson lias
made public his plans for enforcing
the espionage law against seditious
publications, nnd gives this outline of
whnt he will consider unmnllable
printed wnttcr:
Advocating or urging trenson, In
surrection, or forcible resistance to
any law of the United States.
Conveying false reports or falso
statements intended to Interfere with
tho operations or success of the mili
tary or naval forces of tho United
States, or to promote the success of
Its enemies.
Intended to cause Insubordination,
disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty
In the military or naval forces of the
United States.
Intended to obstruct the recruiting
or enlisting services of tho United
States, to the Injury of the services of
United States.
Matter the circulation or the pub
lication of which Involves the vlolntlon
of any of the numerous other criminal
provisions of tho esplonnge act, but
which are not of special Interest to
Any matter printed In n foreign
Inngungc containing nny news Item,
editorial, or other printed mntter re
specting the government of the United
States or of any nntlon engaged In
the present war, Its policies, Internal
relations, the state or conduct of war,
or nny mntter relating thereto, unless
the publisher or distributors thereof,
on or before offering the snme for
mailing, or In nny manner distributing
it to the public, hns filed 'with the post
master nt the place of publication, In
tho form of nn affidavit, a true and
complete translation of the entire nr
tide containing such matter proposed
to be published.
Food Regulation In America.
The food administration last week
began the dally publication of whole
sale prices of prime commodities so
that the housewives might know what
the retailer should ask. But the con
sumers speedily found out they could
not buy nt the suggested reasonable
prices. The retailer said tho whole
saler wns to blame In that he was not
coming down to the figures set by Mr.
Hoover nnd his aids. The licensing of
wholesalers goes into effect on Novem
ber 1, however, nnd thereafter It will
be easy to bring the balky ones to
terms. Tho Nationnl Association of
Wholesale Grocers met In Chicago and
pledged Itself to the support of the ad
ministration regardless of diminishing
profits, so the outlook for the consumer
is bright.
Throughout tho country generally
there 1b evidenced n desire to tonform
to the regulation for one whentless and
one meatless day each week, The ho
tels und restaurants nro being watched
by the ngents of tho food administra
tion, but obedience to tho rule In tho
home must depend on the patriotism of
tho Individual.
Relief from the sugar shortage Is
ncur, for the beet sugar crop will come
In soon, and also tho authorities per
suaded Southern producers to put on
the market a great amount of cane
sugar that wus In storage. Now Mr.
Hoover Is turning his attention to fats,
and urges that wnstc in these be elim
inated. The conl situation Is beginning to
straighten out nnd tho men uro going
back to work, though supplies of the
fuel are still very small.
President John P. White of the
United Mlno Workers hns resigned to
bocomo adviser to Fuel Administrator
Garfield, and Frank J. Hayes, who suc
ceeded him, says he has no sympathy
with local strikes or shutdowns.
will quiet your cough, soothe tho in
flammation of n sore throat and lungs,
stop Irritation In tho bronchial tubes,
Inspiring a good night's rest, frco from
coughing and with easy expectoration.
In tho morning. Made nnd sold In
America for fifty-two years. A won-1
derful prescription, assisting Nature In
building .up your general health und
throwing off the disease,. Especially
useful In lung trouble, iisthmn, croup,
bronchitis, etc. For snlo In all civil'
hod countries. Adv.
Should Make Soldiers Happy.
"When I was first admitted to the
bar, I pictured myself as engaged In
making Impassioned addresses to
Juries," writes Kmcrsnn Hough. "Later
I found that a lawyer had u great
many things to do besides making lin
passioned addressee We picture to our
selves a soldier as engaged always In
tho Imminent deadly breach, his sword
waving above his head. Ah n matter
of fact, a soldier has to do a great
many things besides wave bis swoid.
lie bus to eat, drink smoke, piny cards,
sew on buttons, wash, shave and
read. Tho soldier who does not rend
Is neither as good or as happy a sol
dier as he might and ought to be. It
Is our duty to make our soldiers not
only good ones, but happy ones. Krgo,
books, and plenty of them, for the boys
at the front."
Is Cutlcura for Purifying and Beauti
fying the Skin Trial Free.
For cleansing, purifying nnd beauti
fying the complexion, hands nnd hair,
Cutlcura Soap with touches of Cutl
cura Ointment now nnd then nfford tho
most effective preparations nt tho mini
mum of cost. No mnssaglng, steaming
creaming, or waste of time.
Free samplo each by mall with Book.
Address postenrd, Cutlcura, Dcpt. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
"Whnt swagger yon fellow Is walk
ing with."
"That's to match his stick."
A medicinal preparation like Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, thnt lian real curative
value altnoBt tells itself. Liko an endless
chain system the remedy is recommended
by those who have been benefited to those
who arc In need of it.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is a physi
cian's prescription. It has been tested
for years and has brought results to count
lees numbers who have suffered.
The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
is due to the fact that it fulfills almost ev
ery wish in overcoming kidney, liver and
bladder diseases, corrects urinary troubles
and neutralizes the uric acid which causes
Do not suffer. Get a bottle of Swamp
Root from any druggist now. Start treat
ment today.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Hinglmmton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Adv.
Pittsburgh has a bank consolidation
which now has 50,000,000 capital.
tied c nsideir
fiwse facts
1mm statemes&t
mado m. our M4k
wi?isfinnt m
Emm testitnsiM we
pMmh Is
... 4
3s; the greatest
EHpNct Contents ISPluid DntohrJ
J ArttfivT ! In nwn OHNT.
ftw a a s.Tl aIo fni A 1
similntitHjUicrood try Rcfiula-
j TttcrctTj'IVomoiJniDiicsUon
Uiccnuincss ana iwsi.--
rcnm:jruii' " - ,
fnitwf Jrtw
. , . t in .l.lfP
Constipnbon nnd Diarrhoea
...i Vrkhncss anil
Bxact Copy of Wrapper.
Small Pill, Small
Dose, Small
Price, But
Great in
to bo
Genuine bears signature
tvjll f f f Til? Alt! 1?
rALLlli rtUrLfc
They Never Do Then.
"Do you object to your husband
staying out lute nights?"
"Not If I am with him."
Every woman takes great prldo in
having nor homo well kept, In having
tho family wash dono early In tho
week. Good bluing in nocdod oven
more than good soap. Uo euro to uso
Rod Cross Poll niuo. Adv.
Mnny sentimentalists forget 'tis a
soldier's business to innko war un
comfortable. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets nre tho
original little liver pills put up 40 years
ago. Thoyreguluto liver nnd bowels. Ad.
The more man knows that should be
forgotten the better his memory.
The best part of love to a woman
are the preliminaries that lead up to It.
mmum mm
41 js'l
W iU.
fticSlmilc Siinatoreor
Kr Viucd
MH pills.
lrDiFrr cntml
remedy i&ff wm&m Ills JknwM
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
little Liver Pills
you feel the Joy of living. It is Impossible
happy or feel good when you are
old remedy will act you right over Might
UtuaJfy Need Iron in the Blood, iry
carter's iron pills
His Wish.
"Do you wish the kaiser III?"
"Do I wlnli him III? I wish he were
DLllLIV cunnt's tucitut pills
Baa i.ow-pfic.0,
J BJB) r-a lnh. relliMei
BB7 V pioletfcdtx
ami aT my .nifm .lock.
iBm. rl laen. tirctua thfv
atMJB9Blmer, prsfiot whirtsthir
.cigii mi.
Wm Invrwikt. .ml IuiI.mI.I.
10-SSMDkC.ailcMMPMt. tl.00
BO-dtltpkz.BIcklii nils. 54.00
Vu inr Injector, but Cutter. .Itnplnt nnd itnornr.
The (upnlorlty ol Cutter prMuctt I. due to over 11
Tun oliprcUIUInf la VACCINia AND (MUMS
only. Insist on Cuttiu'l 11 unclAilmU.
onler direct.
naPrfli. ilinTM. bAAM. ral MPfcIMM m
" - " """ "
A toll.t preptretlon of merit.
Help, to .radical- dandruff.
For RMtorinc Color and
BMuty to Gray or Faded rUtr.
60b. and $1 00 at UnnrUta,
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 44-1917.
J JF.l
T 41
Largest cash buyers In tho middle west.
Blilp direct to 11. Quick return of empty
cans guaranteed. We pay dally. Our motto
Is "a square deal." write tor price Havana
shipping tags. llvo us u trial.
" Ji
.. w?
.' J