The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 25, 1917, Image 7

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Mr. W. S. Brown, It. F. D. No. 4,
Box 82, Rogersvllle, Tennessee,
"I feci It my duty to recommend
Pcrunii to all sufferers of catarrh or
cough. Iu the year 1009, I took u
severe case of the la grippe. I then
took a bad cough. I had taken all
kinds of cough remedies but pot no
relief. I then decided to try Peruna.
I used flvo bottles. After taking live
bottles my cough stopped and my
catarrh was cured. My nverngo
weight was 115 nnd now I weigh
14S. Any one suffering with ca
tnrrh In nny form I will advise them
to take Peruna."
Genuine bears signature
Small PHI
Small Dose
Small Price
This has been the good -
Puts a ...
Stop to all
They Just Had to Walt.
Something was the matter with the
Btop-stgnnl bell of the Toonervllle trol
ley car, and thu conductor had to
whistle to the niotormnn, that trip
ono whistle to start, two whistles to
go ahead.
This wasn't the real Toonervillo
trolley, but a certain suburban "dummy
line" which Is so denominated by the
facetious car riders.
At one place, thu other morning, the
enr made a long stop, and some of the
passengers began to got uneasy. One
Bought the reur platform ami found
the conductor eating a frugal lunch
con. "Say, how long wc goin' to stand
here? What arc wc wnltln' for?"
asked the passenger.
The conductor swallowed hard and
was understood to reply.
"Looky here, I nln't got notbln' but
dry crackers fer my lunch. An' you'll
hafter wait till I git 'em all swallered
good before I kin whistle!" Cleve
land riaiu-Dculcr.
Women nre pretty, but few of them
are us beautiful as they think they
Any community can endure n cow
ard who s afraid to do wrong.
Keep Yourself Fit
You enn't afford to be laid up with
gore, aching kidneys in these days of
high prices. Some occupations bring
kidney troubles; almost any work
makes weak kidneys worse. If you feel
tired all the time, and suffer with lame
back, sharp pains, dizzy spells, head
aches and disordered kidney action, use
Doan's Kidney Tills. It may save an
attack of rheumatism, dropsy, or
Bright's disease. Doan's have helped
thousands back to health.
A Nebraska Case
J. U. Mctcalf. 815 Pa-
cine St.. Omaha. Neb.,
says: "My kidneys were
badly disordered, and
tho secretions were re
tarded nnd painful. I
was laid up In bed for
six months and kept
Retting worse until I
wns a wreck. One of my
Icks became powerless
and the pains In my hips
were awful. Flnnlly I
used Doan's Kidney
Pills nnd they drove
away the rains and re
stored mo to goody:
Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a lies
DOAN'S "iasy
Every Woman WamV
DuwoItm la water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and Inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkham Med. Co. for tea years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
ore throat and sore eyes. Economical.
Hu atnaiduianr dcaatiiia and oermlrvl.l tnwrf.
l&aawUfrM. JOt, all JdruwMto, of putraid by
VjBAThajfotcorcil Company. Portoo. Mm.
will reduce lntlamed, swollen
Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft
I Bunches; Heals Uolls, foil
Infected sores quickly
as it is a poiitive antiseptic
and germicide. Pleasant to
uki Joes not blister ot rcmort
Ibc blr, ind joa can woik itc botM.
12.00 per bottle, dcllrcrcd.
Book 7 M free.
ADSORMNE, JR.. Ox tntlicpne llulmeM lorcitnHnl.
rtduct PilolaL Swolltn VcU. Went. Ctttlni. BrulKii
Kopi pain and lofUminatloa. Filce (1.00 per bottle U
inltn or dellrcrcd. Will Kit you mote II yoit write.
Llbtnl Trial Bottle for 10c In lUmpa.
Inttmmt In Ci1 llar h" nadn mllltnna. Wrll
inVe$( in Utl IlSWow AuUUUK.,Tula,,Okl
r Afgc
M fi
Suffering: with (,
Catarrh in
Any form
I will
Advise them
To take
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can procure Peruna Tablets.
TrainYour System
through the liver, to net na
turally, at a fixed time every
day. The best habit in the
world is the habit of health.
Take one pill regularly (more
only if necessary) until you
Buccecd. Then you can rtop
taking them without trouble
or annoyance.
health - rule for fifty years.
Usually Need Iron in the Blood. Try
Anil prevents others havlnpr tho dlscnso no matter how
exposed, no crnm nml SI ii hnttlr, S, nnd 910 n duces
bottlta. AH good dru;gluts and turf goods houses.
Spohn Medical Co., Manufacturers, Goshen, Ina,U.S.A.
Learn Every Day.
Life Is educational. He is indued a
dullard who doesn't learn something
every day and become wiser In his
methods of doing. ,
That Itch, Burn, Torture and Dlsflg.
ure Use Cutlcura Trial Free.
Tho Sonp to nnd purify, tho
Ointment to soothe nnd honl. They
usually nfford Immediate relief In Itch
ing, burning cczemns, pimples, dandruff,
nnd most bnby skin troubles. They
also tend to prevent little skin trou
bles becoming grent If used dnlly.
Free sample eneb by mnll with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. I
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Aircraft Promises Such Swift and Easy
Transportation That Peoples Will
Not Be Rooted In Soil.
If you went In the ordinary way
from the Itnlinn city Turin to Eng
land, you would change trains three
times, cross tho channel by boat, force
yourself to be patient while locomo
tives conled nnd took on water, pas
sengers embarked or nllghted along
the railway, and customs' oillccrs went
through their fussy examinations. A
proper allowance of time, we would
say, would be .10 hours.
The other day, Captain Laurlat of
the Italian aviation corps made the
Journey by airplane In 12 hours nnd
2 minutes. For him, there was no
such thing as frontiers, no delays ex
cept those be himself willed, no olll
clnls In seedy uniforms to make n
mess of bis baggage unless be selected
to let them.
It Is the Idea of Internationalists
that we'll have a world state when
everything Is so mixed that there Is
no strulghtenlng it out by national
command, when borders can be
crossed as one would county lines,
when transportation Is so swift nnd
easy that no peoples can bo or will
desire to bo rooted In tho soil. Well,
should this come about, the world has
tho Instrument which will compass It.
It Is the flying machine. Toledo
Tho War Tax.
"The war has come home to me.
I'vo Just bad to pay six cents for n
nickel cigar."
"Cheer up, old pnl. Perhnps some
body will get up a four-cent smoko
they'll sell you for n nickel."
Now Rides In an Auto.
Kirs. Russell Sage, who is now pnst
eighty-eight yenrs of age, only recently
consented to rldo In nn automobile.
Prudery Is better than shnmeless
V 10 Jf
111 x.
k&$&&3$ :i7T!S"M-r ? mjMmxm ' 'gnr ri
1 American troops receiving supplies at u village somewhere In Kraneo. '.'
J but the rcHtlng place of Wllhclm Knitter, a humble grenadier, In the cemetery
field guns up thu tttcep sides of Monte Sunto.
Germans Capture Ocscl Island
and Defeat Overmatched
Russian Fleet.
Kaiser's Hurried Trip to Bulgaria and
Turkey American Destroyer Tor
I pedoed, One Man Being Killed
President Wilson's Latest
i Move Toward Bottling
Up Germany.
The week brought no real relief to
beleaguered Germany, externally or In
ternally. While the kaiser was hurry
ing down through Bulgaria to Con
stantinople to mend his crumbling
fences, and Chancellor Michuells was
struggling to hold on to his Job, and
the German armies on the west front
were making costly and futile counter
attacks and slowly giving ground be
fore the British and French, tho land
and sea forces of the empire did strike
at Russia what, considered supertlclul
ly, might be thought to be a serious
blow. But the operations In the Bal
tic cannot be considered of prime im
portance and cause no special concern
among the nllles.Miot even Russia be
ing greatly worried.
Troops landed on the Island of
Ocsel, supported by tho fleet, have suc
ceeded In capturing or driving off tho
garrison, which resisted stoutly, nnd
the kaiser's warships arc pushing back
tho Russlnn naval forces toward tho
Gulf of Finland. In the sen fighting
both sides lost several vessels. Tho
Russlnn licet fought well but was hope
lessly outclassed In strength. The Ger
mans made acrlul attacks on Pernau,
and It was reported that they wero at
tempting to gain a footing on tho main
land. At last reports both sides wero
hurrying up strong naval re-enforcements.
The renl objective of tho Ger
man high command Is not , re vcnlcd,
but It docs not seem probable Von Hln
denburg, who Is directing the opera
tions In person, will attempt to capture
nnd hold Petrograd. That would mean
a perilous extension of his lines in
view of the fact that winter Is at hand.
South of Riga the Russian artillery
prevented the Germnns from throwing
bridges across tho Dvlna.
Trying to Hold His Allies.
Increasing signs of a break-up of the
alllanco of the central powers prob
ably sent the kaiser on his trip to the
near Enst. First he Jollied the Bul
garians, who, Uko the Austrlnns, are
sick of the war; and It was significant
that Emperor Charles grasped n puny
excuse not to accompany his overbear
ing ally. Then William run down to
Constantinople, whero Turkish girls
strewed flowers In his path and he nnd
tho sultan exchanged decorations. If
the kaiser can hold his coalition to
gether much longer, It will bo because
tho allies do not make suftlclcntly at
tractive separate peace suggestions to
Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Tur
key. As wns expected, tho opponents of
Chancellor Mlchnolls were quick to
take advantage of tho WUhclmshnvcn
naval revolt Incident. Tho Socialists
now present a united front against him
and have decided to vote against tho
war credit of $2,500,000,000 at the De
cember session of the relchstag unless
ho resigns. Foreign Secretary von
Kuehlmnnn or Prlnco von Bulow Is
said to be his probable successor,
though tho war party still fears Count
von Bern8torff mny be appointed. In
the offort to save himself Mlchaclls
offered Frledcrlch von Payer the post
of chancellor, displaying readiness to
throw overboard Doctor Ilelfferlch und
also Minister of Marino von Capellc.
Thcro arc rumors that Mlchaclls is
contemplating tho establishment of a
military dictatorship.
On the West Front.
In Flanders tho British practically
completed their occupation of tho Im
portant Pnsschendaolo rldgo and the
Germnns were observed to lie hurried
ly building a long dam for tho purpose
of flooding the low land enst of tho
ridge. Meanwhile tho French on thu
left Hunk of the British steadily wid
ened the base of the wedge that Is be
ing driven In between tho German
"2jx. - i - ' w -?j.att,m '.
r 1'i- ,SM:ttW!WWS)WJCSA4MMK
nriuies and the Belgian const. The nl
lied :i lutorM made many raids and
dropped vast quantities of explosives
on (termini military establishments
with destructive u-sidts. The Gorman
nlriniMi were not Idle, but thel' main
raid was made on Nancy, where a num
ber of civilians were killed.
The British government on Tuesday
announced formally, through Bonnr
Law, ehnui'i'llor of the exchequer, that
reprlMils would be made for the Ger
man raids over London and other tin
fortified places. German towns. Mr.
Law said, will be bombarded so far as
military needs will release the neces
sary machines. The threat may be suf
ficient to check the barbarity of the
Germans In this respect.
Realizing the danger of a collapse
of the Austrian forces that are oppos
ing the advance of the Italians, the
central powers have withdrawn at
least forty divisions from the Russian
front and hurried them to the rescue
of the defenders of Trieste. Large
numbers of Gorman, Bulgarian and
Turkish troops are now on the Italian
American Destroyer Torpedoed.
The llrst real American casualty list
from ' the war zonu was given out
Wednesday by Secretary of the Navy
Daniels. It Included one death, that
of Osmond Kelly lugrahum, gunner's
mate, of Pratt City, Ala., and the
names of live other men of the navy
who were slightly wounded. Theso
men were of the crew of nn American
destroyer which was torpedbed by n
German submarine while on patrol In
British waters. The vessel was not
sunk and soon reached port. The re
port came from Rear Admiral Sims
and said Ingruham was blown over
board und his body was not recovered.
Naval ofllcers think it remarkable that
until this occurrence Admiral Sims'
fighting units should all have escaped
damage in the' fight against tho U
boats. From Amsterdam the other day came
tho report that Germany wus about to
Include American waters In tho sub
marine zone. This meant nothing to
American naval authorities, for they
had considered our waters so Included
since we entered the war. The best
Informed opinion Is Hint American
transports, with their speed and their
convoys, will be quite safe from the
The week's list of victims of U-boats
was small in number, but the loss of
llfo was greater than usual. This was
duo mainly to tho destruction of tho
French steamer Medic with the loss
of 250 persons, including soldiers and
prisoners of war. It is an undisputed
fact that service on German subma
rines Is becoming more dnngerous ev
ery day, and this probably is respon
sible for the latest reported mutiny
In the German navy. Sailors at tho
port of Ostcnd refused to go aboard
tho U-boats and nre snld to have
thrown ono commnnder Into the sen.
There Is troublo in the Austrian navy
also. Soldiers and tho crews of sub
mcrslblcs havo had several conflicts at
Poln, ofllcers on both sides being killed
Tho Austrian government thereupon
decided to change the naval base to an
other port.
Wilson's New Blow at Germany.
Determined tbut Germany and Its al
lies shall not benefit from thu trnde
and Industry of the United States,
President Wilson started off tho week
by setting in motion machinery to stop
trade with tho enemy nnd transmission
of Information valuable to him, to con
trol enemy nllcns nnd enemy property
and to check thu activities in America
of German sympathizers. By execu
tive decree the president created a war
trade board, with Vance McCormlck as
chairman, supplanting thu exports ad
ministrative hoard, and a war trade
council to advise tho bonrd on ques
tions of policy; gave tho secretary of
tho treasury power to regulate the ex
port of gold, silver and currency, trans
fers of credit, transactions In foreign
exchange, nnd enemy insurance com
panies, nnd nuthorlty to prevent tho
transmission of written or photographic
Information from this country except
through tho malls; created a censor
ship bonrd to prevent tho transmission
of Intelligence to tho enemy by nny
menns; gave tho trado commission full
authority over enemy patents; gnvo
tho postmaster general power to regu
Into tho publication of war matter by
foreign language papers, and In other
wnys took control of enomy Interests
In tho United States.
The provisions of this sweeping de
cree when put into full forco should
help a lot In tho process of bottling up
tho German empire. The United Stutes
Not the grave- of Knitter Wllhelm,
of I'nrgny. 3 Italians hoisting
and Its allies show no disposition to
lehl to the pleas of the so-called neu
tral nations that have been supplying
Germany with food and other, mate
rials. According to reports received In
Washington, the food situation In Ger
many Is growing acute. The weekly
ration there amounts approximately
to four and a half pounds of bread,
a half peck of potatoes, a cupful of
beans, peas, or oatmeal; a half pound
of meat, twelve cubes of sugar, six
Individual patties of butter und an
equal amount of other fats. The cuhric
value of these foods In the aggregate,
Is less than half the amount estimated
by tho American food administration
as suillclent for a person In a sedentary
Coal Strike Makes Trouble.
The coal situation, especially In Illi
nois, caused the administration a great
deal of trouble. Strikes, unauthorized
by the union, stopped production and
the operators declared they could not
pay thu wages demanded unless they
were allowed to charge the general
publlcTiO cents more u ton. Coal Ad
ministrator Garfield was swamped with
appeals and protests, and sent out u
message to the effect that unless min
ing wns resumed the federnl govern
ment would seize the mines. The whole
nffalr has the appearance of greed fos
tered by underhanded nro-Gcnniin In
fluences. Food Administrator Hoover has
been brought to n realization of the
fact that tlie retail grocers of the coun
try nre robbing tho ultlmntc consum
ers, nnd ho proposes to go as far as his
powers permit in stopping the extor
tion. In a statement Issued Thursday
Mr. Hoover said that though neither
tho food administration nor the gov
ernment has authority to regulate tho
retailer as It docs the wholesaler, ho
would, beginning November 1, expose
tho former ench week by publishing
the wholesale prices of all commodities
in every section. Thus tho purchaser
will know how much the retailer is
paying and how much unduo profit ho
Is exacting. Mr. noovcr cites particu
larly tho retail price of flour, which Is
out of all proportion to tho wbolesnlo
price fixed by the government, and al
so the recent unwnrrnnted advances
In tho retail price of sugar.
Unless the retnller grocer behaves,
the food ndmtnlstrutor hints, congress
may be asked for legislation giving the
government power to regulate him. Mr.
Hoover asserts that the corner has
been turned in high prices nnd that If
the farmer and retailer co-opernto with
him, the essential commodities one af
ter another should continue to show re
ductions between now und the end of
the year.
Tho war department issued orders
Thursday for the entrnlnmcnt of tho
final quotas of the first draft from the
northwest states and the entire mobili
zation of tho 087,000 men of the first
army Is expected to bo complete by
tho middle of November. The call for
the second draft Is not expected be
fore the first of the year, but arrange
ments for it nre under way and it may
bo thnt tho remaining 7,000,000 cllgl
bles will bo examined In advance so as
to establish a waiting list. Prepara
tions for the winter In tho. training
camps are being made rapidly and
there Is reason to believe that there
will be no shortage of warm clothing,
arms and nil other necessary supplies.
Tho Liberty bond campaign went
with n rush last week, despite the dis
loyal opposition displayed In some lo
calities. The government has tuken
steps to punish the pro-Germnn work
ers who have fostered this hostile sen
timent, nnd Secretory McAdoo has ask
ed banks to report the names of those
who have sought to Intimidate bank
ers by threats to withdraw their de
posits. Tho senatorial commlttco Investigat
ing Senntor La Follette's loyalty held
several sessions but was temporarily
foiled by the wily fellow's demand thnt
ho bo given tho opportunity to cross
exnnllno those who had contradicted
his assertion regarding Bryan's state
ment to President Wilson nnent the
Lusltnnln. As the commlttco cannot
well summon tho president or Mr.
Bryan, It adjourned to think tho case
Former Senator Pettlgrow of South
Dakota Is emulating the record of La
Folletto and defying tho government
to have him Indicted. His utterances
nre if anything more reprchenslblo
than thoso of tho Wisconsin man, but
ho himself Is much moro negligible.
If nil their renders and hearers wero
persons of sound sense, neither ono
would ho worth tho powder It would
tnko to blow him over to Germany,
Eight Hundred Pupils Are Undergoing
Training for Places In Uncle Sam's
Army of the Air. Field Open for
More Applicants. Sterling Quali
fications Essential.
Omaha, Oct. 2.1. ICx-l'icsIdent Tuft
Inspected the big balloon school ut
Fort Oniithu last week, suw tho hugo
sausage shaped forms carry the ob
servers -J.OOO feet In the air, from
whero thuy signalled the activities of
tho occupants of trenches five or six
miles uwny to tho dummy artillery,
and at tho conclusion of his tour ex
pressed his opinion of tho work of
this new brunch of tho service tbut
has come to bo known as "tho cyos of
the artillery," as "wonderful."
At Fort Omaha there am being
trained nt present nearly 800 keen
young Americans who will In tho near
future, from their lofty perches In tho
clouds In France nnd Belgium, direct
the fire of the American artillery that
Is to pnvo the way for tho drlvo to
As the men at present In training nt
Fort Omaha leave for active service,
their places are being taken by men
"' ''""jjsrjr
kJV i
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&.'-.. -T
'wrivi i&
siraastt wsb.m
WW'' VJttJs
ihe cause offreefJom
from all ovor tho country, nnd as tht
quarters are being constantly en
larged, thero Is still room for a con
siderable number of men having the
proper qualifications.
In nnswer to mnny inquiries, tho
commanding ofllcer of tho Unltod
States Army Balloon School, at Fort
Omaha, says that tho qualifications of,
men applying for the commission of
1st Lieutenant as Observation Balloon
Pilots aro as follows:
Tho Balloon Service cnlls for n high
class of work and applicants for com
missions In tho lino must possess
sterling qualifications.
First they must be citizens of United
States and not under 10 years of ago
and not over 35.
Tho must be energetic nnd forceful,
and of good moral character nnd clean
After passing the examinations re-i
quired the applicant is enlisted as a
first class private in the aviation sec
tion of the Signal Enlisted Reserve
He Is then assigned to a school for
training, and the time of training de
pends upon the man's ability.
After qualifying as nn observation
balloon pilot ho Is commissioned as
a first lieutenant, Avlntion Section
Slgnnl Ofllcers Reserve Corps.
From the time of his entrance lntet
the school until he Is commissioned
ho receives $100 per month, quarters
and food allowance. As a first lieuten
ant $2.000. a year.
Application blanks can be secured
by addressing tho President Aviation
Examining Board at Fort Omaha,
Merge Match Factories.
Stockholm, Oct. 22. The merger of
all tho match factories In Sweden Is
announced. Tho now corporation will
havo 400,000 shares at 200 crowns
Recount in Iowa Election.
Des Moines, Oct. 22. Attorney
General H. M. Ilavncr has ordered a
recount of tho ballots cast In Mon
day's special election on tho question
of constitutional prohibition.
Unofficial returns glvo tho wets an
advantago of approximately 1,000,
with a total vote of 430,000. In some
quarters It is believed the official
count may change tho final result.
Rues Fleet Bottled Up.
Petrograd. Twenty Russian war
Bhlps of various classes are bottled
up In Moon sound, with a cordon of
Gorman warcraft barring their egress
northward back Jnto tho Gulf of Fin
land or to tho south Into tho Gulf of
Riga. The Russians attempted to
forco tho Germans back off Oesel
Island, and In the engagement the
battleship Slava a relic of tho days
before the Russo-Jopnneso war was
sunk and other units were so badly
damaged thnt the Russian flotilla was
forced to seek refuge In Moon sound.
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