The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 25, 1917, Image 1

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    S?rteii!;lggT:gar?7 n timtm ,
-- '"' '" " ' ' . .. f ,-..JW. if
A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50.
1 lOrpheum Theater I
the big family proclaim
"The Hole In the Ground" ami 'One Athletic Reel
Wrestling and Boxing Masked Marvel vs Joe Wallace
Admission 5c and 10c
Saturday, October 27
North Amecican Film Corporation Presents
WILLIAM RUSSEL. the Star of Starsta that
Kill Vftlll
UJJlA'fcvt J5"nffxH 1? r -85
iBf ik VIHmn
WW- 11'
'the Great Stanley Secret1
Part One 'The Gypsy's Thrust9 Four Acts
Part Two The Fete atid The Child Four Acts
Making Eight Reels in All
Do No Niss This Big Attraction
Matinee 2:30 5c-15c
Night 8:00 10c-20c
ij The Nation Depends ;j
Upon Its Citizens .
I If Che Citizens are prosperous, (lie Nation is jl
5 t prosperous. If the Citizens are frugal and jj
J saving the Nation is firm and substantial, -
J even in its most., trying times. ;
5 Are You Doing Your Share :
$ ::
C to keep flie Nation on a firm financial basis, ;
J by putting aside a little each week? t
Webster County Bank
i Red Cloud, Nebraska
ij Sunday Program.
Christian Church
Co. G. Invests Heavily
In Liberty Loan Bonds
Last week we put in most of the
tlm drilling. On Wednesday night,
last, the real tiling we were hoping
for conic oir when the company lined
up and eied roll call and then
marched over to the headquarters
building whole we received our first
money fiom Uncle Sam. On Thurs
day afternoon wo matched in early
and assembled over at u barrack where
our battalion listened to a patriotic
address by Captain Sims. The object
of the meeting was to get the boys
enthused in buying liberty bonds in
stead of spending their money foolish
ly. During the past two weeks the
boys in our company haVe taken over
15,000 woith of liberty bonds. They
have the privilege of paying $10 a
month on a bond instead of paying it
all at once.
Two of the platoons in this com
pany, the and 4th, now have old
Springfield tides and bayonets to drill
The people at homo should be glad
that they ate not hero us the dust
storms ate certainly fierce. Lots of
days we cannot sec more than fifty
feet in front of us.
Our battallion is now drilling on
the hills north of the camp. The
hills that wc have to climb over are
very steep and there are none in
Webster county that compare with
them. There arc a good many thous
and men, in the infantry who arc now
People who come here to visit their
sons or friends now have to get a pass
in order to visit the camp. Last Sat
urday afternoon several of the pri
vates in this company were taken over
to the hospital and given their third
shot in the arm. On Monday evening
wc had "shott arm" inspection and
the dentist looked over our teeth and
wo did not hae to turn out for re
treat. Several tliousand men from
hete have been shipped to Camp Cody,
Doming, New Mexico, for training.
We spent most of the week at skir
mish and extended order drill, also
had platoon and company drill. On
Thursday afternoon before goingout
to drill this battallion listened to a
patriotic speech by a Captain in this
battallion. On Saturday morning wc
woie to have teginiental inspection
but owing to the fact that it rained a
little we had company inspection in
stead and also spent a short time at
rifle aiming and oidcrs of sentinels,
The Grim Reaper
Summons Two More
Mary J.i ie Walking was bom at Mt.
Vernon, Kno Co., Ohio, August C,
1811, and paved away at the homo of
her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Albright,
October 20. 1017, at the age of TO
years, 2 months and M days. When
ten yca old the moved with her
parc"'i to Monmouth, 111., and at 11 f
teeneais of age moved to Hod Oak,
Iowa. Here she wes united in ntai-j
Wage with Svhester Day, December
HO, 1871. Five children wcie boin to
this union, two of whom, Frank L. and .
Anna C. died in infancy, ami Ftcd A.I
died at the age of sixteen years. Two ,
children, Guy, living nrfith of Rod
Cloud, and Mabel, of this city, and
five grandohildicn are left to mourn
her loss. She also leaves two brothels
living at Red Oak, Iowa. She was
called to pait with her husband Jan
uary 3, I'Ul.
Mrs. Day, with her husband honie
steaded in Webster county near Hln-
don in May of 187!5, and moved to Hod
Cloud in 1SS1, wheie she luis since re
sided. Mother Day was n true homemakcr,
her whole interest centering around
her family. She was untiring in her
efforts to do for others, and was loved
by all who knew her.
v She was converted and united with
the Methodist church when sixteen
ycara old, and transferred her mem
bership to the Methodist church of
Red Cloud upon locating here, and re
mained a faithful Christian until her
death. t
Funeral "services were conducted
from the home of her daughter, Mrs.
M. A. Albright at 2:30 Monday, Oc
tober 22, 1917. Out-of-town relatives
present at the funeral were: A broth
er, Mr. It. Watkins and a niece, Mrs.
H. A. Stevens of Red Oak, Iowa; a
niece, Mrs. M. L. Doyle and husband
of Campbell ,Neb.; also a nephew, Mr.
II. C. Ben, and daughter of Eagle,
At an early hour on Tuesday morn
ing deuth came to relieve the suffcr
ings of Arthur Meiliu Butler, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Butler, of this city,
and removed from our midst one of
our highly respected young men.
The deceased was born on a farm
three miles north of Cowles, Juno 1C,
1880. At the age of 15 ho moved,
with lbs patents, to Cowley Tntce
years later coming to Red Cloud,
To Accomplish Good Work
You Musi: Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new slock contains
at $2.50 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00
Make Sure Your Childs EYES ARE RIGHT and Able
to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Work
o Jeweler and Optometrtat
E7C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
whew he has continued to teside, with
and then were off for the balance of I1'";, exception of tluee years spent at
lirt flnv Wo U'nni' nilr loircrinir lillll , ,6"ll "
... .j .... .. ... ... .riri... ......
full overall suit when drilling. Dr
Pine was over to our barracks Satur
day afternoon and informed "ye edit
or" that ho had been transferred to
Besides his parents he leaves two
brothers, Meredith and Vernon, both
residing in this county.
Funeral services were conducted
l il r M l ,..,....,
the remount station. He said thati11" u,c Ium"y nomo on vecincs(iay
ihnv worn inr in n-M. in 7.nnn linnd afternoon nt one o'clock,' Rev. Diul-
of horses over there very soon to train ' nc1' in, d,BrKC Interment was made
for the cavalry.
Wc are now marching farther every
day and working harder. The steam
heat will soon be turned on which will
help very much.
A. B. McAtthur.
Wedded Fifty Years
On Wednesday afternoon and even-
in Maple Grove cemetery.
IVew r all otitis
mSSSm 55S5 "l
Jj 1 0:00 a. m. Sunday School
; 1 1 :00 a. m. Gospel Sermon
;! 2:30 p. m. Mission Sermon
I; 6:30 p. m. C, E. Service
3 7:30 p. m. Address, "Shall we make peace with the Kaiser?"
t Special Music - All Welcome
It Pays to Advertise
The value of printers ink and paper
when judiciously applied to any spe
cial article or line of business has been
clearly demonstrated and today there
is no less than two more of our busi
neso men who willingly acknowledge
IngMr. nnd Mrs. John B.Stanscr, who inat U1y vo urougnc ine ucsireu
reside in the north cast pnrt of the Iesults.
city entertained n largo number of For "mc time past the realty firm
their friends in honor of their fiftieth of Hutchison and Saladen have been
weddiug univeisary. Over 100 woro advertising western lands in tho col
prcscut. Umn8 of the local papers. One day
Concerning this highly respected ,this wcck Mr- Hutchison called at tfiis
conplowegtvothefollowiiiginformat..0,Tlco an(l voluntarily testified that
Ion which will bo of interest to their their a(l in t,lc PaPers hnd gained for
many friends: .them sevetal buyers of these lands.
Mr. hihI Mis. Stanser wero both born He also showed us some of thoprod-
iti Nottinghamshire, England,
yjl I N Our Seperate Skirt
dk Section we feature the
newest creations ror sport,
utility and dress wear.
Our present showing
includes a complete as
sortment of novelties and
plain colors in the mosT:
desireable fabrics.
Pretty flared models,
full pleated styles and
fancy pockets, belt and button trimmed.
Sizes for women and misses and extra sizes for
large women-with complete assortment of each.
I II MM & uu Tr."B,
xTvli u H 1 rVJ
fntt 1
$6.00 to $18.00
liberal terms being offered. Coal can
be purchased for ? 2.50 per ton. This
land is located just north of Denver
and is in the irrigated section. There,
great opportunities await the man
with limited capital and a determin
ation to win.
Let There be Light
Tho visitor in our city no longer
flrwlci if. nnnnsanrv in Snmilrn U'linro Tin
tho ucts of these farms, i. c. oats that will i , ,. ,. nLnnnintr ,i ,.
I former In I8t and the latter in 1811. Ko 00 bushels to the acre; spuds that'Innch ag a iarg0 0icctrjc sign jn front
inoy wero married in tno xuxrora vKo w uuwh-iii 10 uib ucrv. vn0r tho Powell and Iopo cafocnllghtcnii
parUh church on October 21, 1807. hill produced five, the largest of which j tj,0 traveler on this subject. This
Thoy landed In American In 1871, coin- weighs two pounds and five ounces wjtn tno many 0ther up-to-date meth-
Ing direct to Wcl)9ter county, making ana tne smallest better than onoi0(j8 cmployccl by the proprietors of
tneir nomo inuuriieiu tovvnsiup, wtiere iuiiu. ougur uuuib average io 10 -u
they resided for about 25 years. Thoy tons to the acre; wheat GO to CO bush
liion moved to tht city. , cls to tho acr0'
Tho niilof unlink wiiii Oinif mrinv He stated that the man who rents in
this popular eating house demon
strates that thoy are giving attention
to tho wants of the hungry. If a few
more of our merchants would invest
tliolr mativ
friends In wUhing them ...any friends , ! l0n,T nbout.?1'000 Qr,1" this kind of an advertising medium
, , , , , ' and above his necessary farm equip- it would add greatly to tho beauty of
in wishing then, many more happy mcnts can g0 to thia western1 country ' our city and thus inform the visitors,
wedding adversaries. . , and buy a farm and pay for it, very' and citizens, that Red Cloud is alive.
Higher Postage
The new postal, law governing post
age on first class mail will go into
effect November 2nd. On and after
this dalo letters must bear a three
cent stamp instead of two cents as
heretofore. Two cents will bo tho
tato for post cards that heretofore re
quired one cent. By bearing this in
mind and complying with the ruling
you will avoid unnecessary delay.
' Resolutions
We, Itosobud Camp No. 20.18 R. N. of
A. extend to Neighbor Eva Butler and
family our deopest sympathy on the
death of their son nud brother, Arthur
Merlin, on Oct. 23, 1917.
Ho will be.mlssed by his friends and
satnlly, but wo havo good ground to
hope and bollove that his life has pass
ed "into a broader and more joyous
r-mnmittnn J 'ft Warren
Committee f Llzzlo Stroup.
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