The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 18, 1917, Image 5

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Powell fc Pope Rood things to eat.
Mrs. Luelna White spent Monday In
Guide Rock,
Cm t Has9olbaekor spent Tuesday in
Guide Rock.
Meredith Butler of Blue Hill pent
Sunday in this city.
We want your crccm and chickens.
Top price. Wilson's.
Eves tested, irlnsscs fitted. J. C-
EF MHnl.nll. Itm Jeweler.
Win. Bowen went down to Guide
Rock Moudoy morning.
Donald Cook of Oxford was in the
city the last of tho week.
John Topham and Schuyler Iluycs
ppent Saturday In Hastings.
Good mealsgood scrvico raoderat
prices Powell it Pope's cafe.
O. T. Day of Alma was In the city
the lost of the week on business.
Jako Salzman and niley nayes went
down to Superior Monday morning.
Jake Salzman returned home tho
last of tho week from Brush, Colorado.
J. W. Corbott made u business trip
to Lcbauon, Kansas, Monday after-
Jake Kinsor of Edison was visiting
relativos lu the city tho first of tho
Sherwood Phares of Blue Hill spent
tho weekend In this city with his
Mrs. Bert Stunkard nml children
spent Saturday in Guide Rock with
George Stokes left Monday morning
for a visit with n friend at Hatfield,
Mrs. Bert Leonard and daughter,
Mrs. Joe Topham spent Friday in
John Scheuk spent the last of the
week in Hastings with his daughter,
Mrs. Roy Sanderson.
Mrs. J. II. Bailey and daughter, Miss
Mabel, and Mrs. Alico Hosmer were
Hastings visitors Friday.
.lust received fresh supply Chases
box and bulk chocolates. Give us a
trial. Ludlow's Restaurant. tf
Mrs. George Van Camp of Lincoln is
visiting at the homo of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Damcrell.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwerdtsfegcr
nutoed down from Ayr Sunday and
spent the day with relatives heic.
District court will convene Monday,
the 22nd, with Judge W. C. Dorscy pro
hiding and Goo. M. 'Balrd, reporter.
An unu'ualnumbcr of jury cases arc
on the docket for this term of court
Our Lines arc
US, n.
Our Quality is
Buy n Liberty Loan Bond today.
Miss Oeorgotta Coon left' Monday
morning for, n visit wllli relatives at
Merchants lunch at Ludlow's Cnfo
12 to 2, for any nml nil who wish to
Paul Pitney returned homo Wednes
day morning from a business trip to
Kanas City.
Mrs. Joe Hcwott returned homo tills
mottling from a visit with her parents
tit Republican City.
Lee MuAtthur, who hits been ilring
an engine out of McCook, .spent the
weekend In this city with his parents
Mrs. A. Miillck and daughter, Miss
Chun, spent Sunday in this city with
tin Ir daughter and sister, Mrs. Rlsii
Mrs. Jack Masters returned to her
home at Grand Island tho ilrst of the
week after a short visit with relatives
Roy Cramer, who has been enjoying
a short vacation, is back to his wot k ns
brakeman on the "poly" between here
and Hastings
Chas Brubakcr, Mrs. Belle Keaglo
and daughter, Gladys, Mrs Aubushon
and Miss Hazel Saladcu ntitocd to
Hustings Friday.
I.. B. McKlmmey, who has been
visiting rolatlvcs at Brule, arrived lu
the city tho first of tho week to visit
his sou, Wm H. McKlmmcy and family.
M. Tj. M. Ntnnclirenker and Brand-
son, William Lctson and Mrs. Ella
Stonebreakcr returned recently from
Wisconsin where they spent tho sum
mer. Quito a number of tho young people
from here autocd over to Burr Oak,
Kansas, Friday ovculng to patronize
the skating rink which is holding forth
in that city now.
Mrs. Fnrri Ttntsttnnn returned home
Tuesday morning from a short visit at
Alma. She was accompanied home by
her father, Mr. Seylor, who will visit
here a few days.
Samuel Buck of Superior, Food Ad
tnlnistrator for Nuckolls, Webster and
Franklin comities, spoke, on conserva
tion of food at a meeting hold at the
court houso Tuosduy evening.
Beginning Sunday, October 21st and
continuing1 each Sunday hereafter, our
markets will be open only until ten
o'clock, a. ni.
Tub City Mkat Maiikets.
Do You Want a Farm Loan?
I have S20CO or S2u00 private monoy
to place in n good farm loan Will
take second mortgage if Hist class.
Also smaller amounts on baud. Loans
in any amount made at lowest rates.
Xo delay as I passupon title and lands
llltf J II. Bailey
Hamilton -Gather Clothing Co.
M Aft"
Some ligliling
fads you want
to know about
riglil now !
Your dollar today buys
less bread, less meat,
less clothes than ever
before, but youp eec
frz'cdollarbuysMORE. And you can make it
buy still more by using
Mazda Lamps
For MAZDA Lamps give
three times as much light
as carbon lamps without
increasing the amount of
current used.
Complete line carried in Aock
at all times at right prices
For wiring and any things
in the electrical line, sec
Plumbing Heating Electrical Work
In our last week's issue wo stated
tliad the Red Cross drive at Bladen
had resulted in the raising of Si 200
Stnoe that time wo havo been inform
ed that this was an error and that the
sum of 11051 fit) had bcon secured In
one day. v
"Wanted A good, steady, gentle
manly salesman to handle a Ward's
wagon lu Webster County. No exper
ience needed. For full particulars
write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical
Company, Winona, Minnesota, lihtab.
Ilshed lsriO."
Tho Itev. Mary Helser Mitchell wife
of O. W. Mituholl, Principal of Franklin
Academy will preach in the Congrega
tional church tioxt Sabbath morning
and evening. Rev. Mrs. Mitchell has
tho reputation of being an excellent
speaker and all are cordially invited to I
attend tlioso services Morning' ser
vices ut 11 a. in. Evening services ni
7:.'U) ji. m.
1. hi jut "
Prices arc Right
K.V' "
Styles are Correct
m ni
Xmas Mail for Soldiers
Tho bulletin rocontlv issued bv tho
Post Office Department lays consid
erable stress upon the fact that tho
time is approaching to give thought
to the bringing of Christmas cheer to
tho boys abroad. Arrangements have
been made whereby Christmas mail
will bo delivered to tho Soldiers and
Sailors in Europe on Christmas morn
ing. In order to make this possible;
each and every one must cooperate
with th'6' postal authorities. To do
thin you must observe tho following'
instructions: Post not later than No
vember 15th; Mark tho package
"Christmas Mail" and place upon it
tho complete address of the person
for whom it is intended and in upper
loft-hand corner write tho name and
address of the sender; Pock and
wrap in such a manner that it will
permit tho postmaster to inspect it.
Royal Neighbors Meet
Tho Royal Neighbors met inrcgulur
session last evening, there being 22
members present. Tho Oracle being
absent, Mrs. Ellen Burccss presided.
After tho meeting was closed, the
Misses Lucilo Stroup, Eva Clark,
Goldio Fry and Clara Warren enter
tained those present with an athletic
meet and geographical game. The
young ladies invited as their guests
besides the lodge members: Miss Cor
rinc Ncuerburg and 'the Misses Julia,
ucva and Mildred Warren. After
spending an enjoyable evening all de
parted for their homes. One who was
Red Cross Notes
All finished articles for tho Women's
Bed Cross Work, for Webster county
will bo shipped on October 20th and
the coining Saturday they will bo on
exhibition in the window at tliu Frank
Smith shoo storo The final shipment
will be made October Hist.
Miss Bessie Strobl spent .Saturday
lu Hastings.
John Cruns of Lead, South Dakota,
was In tho city the (list of tho week.
Mrs. Ed. Amack rolurned homo the
first of the week from an extended
visit witli relatives in Indiana. ,
01 the condition ol the H. E. Grlco Drug
Co., (Incorporated), October 1st, 1017
Stock and fixtures on haud..S 8313 .'1.1
Cash on hand G83 01
Bills receivable 1GU1 OS
gior.18 !)3
Capital stock 5 77CO 03
Bills payablo 7.18 02
Surplus fund 200 3.'l
$10.-18 J).')
11. E. Oiiick, Pres E. L Oiiimeh, Seo.
.Of Interest to Clothing Buyers
F. W. Cowden of the Cowdon-Knley Clothing Company has just returned
from Chicngo, whole lie attended the Seventh Scmi-Annual Buying Conven
tion of the United National Clothiers. Mr. Cowden states that nnothcr link
in tho strong chain of co-operation was firmly welded by the United National
Clothiers nt tho Convention of that association held last ucck, when several
hundred of its members met to dincuss tho various mcichnndifling problems
and buy their goods for spring 1918.
Our government, through tho Economy Boaul, is uiging tho conservation
of nil useless waste. Tho members of the United National Clothiers nt their
convention pledged their efforts to coopcrato in every way in conserving tho
products which enter into tho making of apparel, in order to help keep tho
supply above the demand. As prices of merchandise depend upon Bupply
and doninnd, it is plain to see that by conserving tho supply, prices will bo
held to tho lowest level.
""""The. United National Clothiers is a co-operative buying association with
a membership of more thnn two hundred morchnnts in tho 14 mid-west states.
Tho members "pool" their purchases, buy direct from tho manufacturer, elim
inating all useless waste and expense from manufacturer to retailer. This
saves the consumer the middlemen's profits.
Through this collective method of buying tho members of tho United Na
tional Clothiers secure their merchandise at prices as low as tho largest oper
ators in the country, making it possible for them to undersell tho mail-order
houses, tho big department stores and the chain stores, because of tho lower
overhead in conducting a local store.
Mr. Cowden was very enthusiastic in his praise of tho United National
Clothiers and the standardized quality merchandise ho purchnscd through
his association. It is his pmposo to distribute this merchandise to tho buying
public of this community at tho lowest possible prices.
The efficiency of the United National Clothiers' system of convention
buying is secured by eliminating every poBsiblo expenso and waste. This,
gives each member's store tho advantages of collective buying, making it
possible for tho merchant to own Ids merchandise at tho samo low prices
as' the largest buyers.
Tho individual member has tho benefits of tho combined judgment of
more than two hundred successful merchants who arc members of tho asso-
ciation In tho buying of his merchandise. Tho members of Mr. Cowdcn's
association nro able to give customers of their stores tho very same morchan
diso benefits as the big department store's, chnin stores and mail-ordor houses
give their patrons, with the added advantages of individual management.
This means better Btoro sen-ice, closer attention to the individual needs and
interests of tho customer, and lower operating costs, which keep prices
By patronizing the homo store you arc helping to build up your com
munity. When you buy from the mail-order house, you drain from your com
munity that which is needed to make it better.
Hi Jpti -;2'"
- - i
leepy KffM
Hollow ffFal
Gowns " H
t -' ' ,8LEWr4,
Garments of MV S ntt
Unusual Merit W WEftR
I - -
Here are garments that will keep you snug and
warm on the coldest winter nights. They are made of
selected flannels, noted for warmth.
But "Sleepy Hollow" Gowns give you more (nan
warmth they give you solid comfort.
There is an abundance of .material in the sleeves
ample room in the armhofeplenty'ofS-oom across the
bus't and through the shoulders and just the ,righ,t length
in the skirt of the gown,
You will. never know how different these garntents
are until you make comparison then you will see the
superiority of "Sleepy Hollow" gowns at a glance.
Ask to see them the next time you drop into the
store. $1 to $2 per garment
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Erlckson nro
tho proud parents of u baby boy which
was born Sunday afternoon.
For Salo;-34 section? Improved
laud in Washington County, Colorado
'also f)4 sootlons unimproved land. For
information write Eail Moffot, Akron,
"OMAHA'S FUN irtg4i?l7 VISIT
Exhilarating Burlesqut; viudivilt
tliu Aluii rilltd tltk rrillr Oltlt, Fir Cli . 0ii
qulpttt, lililliil teiili Eiilftitaiit
Everybody Qstti Aak Anybody
- 1 -X
t t
Butterick Patterns
, Merchants lunch, for business man
and farmer alike, Ludlow's Cafe.
Hamilton - Cathtr
Clothing Co.
Suectnon la Ptul Storty
Everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Had Claud Namratkm
. ."i
w" tf
r . .