'WWSifVWin ... "Ntt i Hlj-WAJ 1 RED CLOUD, NIBRAIKA, OHIlf ' "-H ..1 1 II m El 11 I m I Pi " i vj .in 1 fll i Hi ll I I I i I Winter Toirist Fajres Now AvileJble The entire pclicmo o Southern tourist fnros becomes effective this year October 1st. All rcnortn and principal cities of the Gulf Coast and the Southeast arc included; Florida fart-a include circuitous routes. With Hb great military cantonments, the Southland, during the coming winter, will be a most interesting tourist region. HOMESEEKEKS' FAKES SOUTH. On the first and third Tuesday of each month, are available to many Southern destinations, Texas, Florida, etc. TO CALIFORNIA: The Usual OUUIIUI1U IIUllllCilWUIIH. llltlUUlll lliu lluillllKluim ,""'"- Tnnrloi lnnn.it. With Its main trunk vcr, Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago, the Burlington is essentially the route for southern travel. WVy,.VAVV.V.V.VAV.VAV.V.V.V.VA'.VAV.V.V.V.W ;! The United Christian Church $ I Sunday U R WELCOME 1 0:00 a. m. Mrs. H. C. Gcllatly will have charge of the open- and closing services of the Sunday School 1 1 :00 a. m. Short Sermon and and Communion Services 2:30 p. m. South Side Mission Service '7:00 p. m. Young Peoples Meeting 8:03 p. m. Sermon, Subject, Justified by Faith WVVV.V.VV,V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VJ,.V.V.V.V.VV.V.VV WSWArV.V.VAVAVUVV.VVV.VAV.V.V.V.V.V-.".VUV.V Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ij ED. AMACK I UNDERTAKING (LADY ALL THE PHONES . VtfVPJVuJVAVAVAAvAuvAv.v.vlAVAvvw 5t i Keep Improving 2? - Do not vorry about the shortage of crops another year is coming Do not wait for ohottpor building materiul Ho not let the war fcure you Do y u know material will increase, when the warisover? Europo must be rebuilt Supply and domain! will tnlco a hand then I Do you know wo have up to dati Do you wnnt ideas on farm buildings? Wo furtilsh thorn FItEK JIalone-Gellatly Go. "TALK WITH US uuww, SMITH BROS. S'ffi SALE bIgtype Poland China Boars and Gilts t the Orchid Home Stock farm, 9J mi. northeast of Superior, 2 mi. houth of Cadami, Neb. on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1917 60 Head of Spring Pigs : 40 Boars and 20 Gilts Theie te all Match pig and are up to our utual standard of big type easy feeding and quality type of Poland Chinas. These pigs have been raised in the usual way with lots of exercise and not pampered with fat but ate in good to do you good. We have some new breeding along with the blood lines we have been selling. There are two litter from the Von Forell herd at Chester, Nebr., one from Spot Wonder the grand champion boar at Lincoln fair from the herd of O. E. Wade. Big King Price hns one litter included in the sale, several by Orphans Price, a few by Jumbo Jr. and this will be about your last chance to get Jumbo Jr. pigs. Amazon Ben has his iial number of good ones. These boar ate a toppy bunch, being selected from two herds and ihey ate all good. The tweniy gilts are those nice smooth ptgs that will male good brood sows that you will be proud of. As you are aware the conditions the past summer have been very unfavorable fot the hg business but we stuck to it thru the dry weather and ate able to offer you at your own price as good a bunch of boar a usual. It is almost certain that hogs will be a good price for some time to come and each one should raise few at least. They are all immune and safe from cholera. Whopc to meet you all sale day and bring the boys with you. Sale begins at 1:00 p. m. Sharp Free Lunch at Noon TERMS: Cash or 9 months at 8 per cemt. Write for Catalogue SMITH BROS., Superior, Neb. .. W. Thompson, W. C. Henderson, G. G. E. S. Gojrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds , Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures winter tourist fares via all routes. The linen to the southeast, either via Den L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1001 Farri'im Street, Omabit, Ndbr N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. Service U R WELCOME ASSISTANT) I; RED CLOUD, NEB. j? Your Equipment information on nil farm buildings? ABOUT LUMBER" Denny Auctioneers. John Young, Clerk Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tSTOFKICE Oven Al.niilOIIT'S Storb Dy. Cas. S. Cross DENTIST OVEtt STATU BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA INAVALE Tho W. C. T. U. met Tuesday after noon with Mrs. A. E. Strong. Tho M. K. Ladles Aid met Wednes day in the M. 15. church. II. E. Hunter and family spent Sun day in Reamsvilli with relatives. Guy Darker and family spent Sun day in Red Cloud with his parents, J. Darker and wife. Mrs. Will Tabcr and Mrs. J. Rut Icdfjc were shopping in Red Cloud on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Topham of Red Cloud spent Sunday in Imnnlc with their son, Will, and family. Quite a number from hero attended the sale at Mrs. Ella Carpenter's on Tuesday afternoon. Ralph Stiekney and wife and Guy Sticknoy autocd up from Ruskin and spent Sunday with relatives here. Dr. Cook of Red Cloud was called hero Monday to attend the illness of Mrs. Gates' mother. Mrs. Bernicc Atwood and children returned Sunday from a visit with rel atives north of Rivcrton. J. Darker of Red Cloud spent Fri day in Inavale with his daughter, Mrs. Roy .Palmer. , Mrs. L. W. Thompson and son spent Saturday night and Sunday in Rivcr ton with Mr. Geo. Thompson and family. Miss Genevieve Miller left Wednes day night for Maywood, Nebr., to teach her first term of school. Her many friends wish her success. Roy Rutlcdge, Blanche Barker, Margaret Rieg and tho Misses Jessie and Bessie Rutlcdge autoed to Red Cloud Sunday and spent the after noon at Mr. J. Barker's. Mrs. Glenn Olmsted of Red Cloud (formerly of Inavale) had the mis fortune to step on a nail and wa3 un? able to step on her foot the fore part of last week, but is again able to walk. Tho C. W. B. M. ladies went to Red Cloud Thursday of last week with well-filled baskets and surprised Miss Inez Strickland, who is one of their members. i BLADEN Mmlc Werner was in Hustings Satur day. Mrs. G. L. Murymee was in HntiriRs Saturday. T .1. Kiglus and sons weie in Camr liell Friday. Joe Rhcsi wont out to HlUlrcth Mon day evening. Mrs. It. L Gnodull visited telatives in Cliiowa this week. Helen lledner was a Dewcoso visitor thu last of the week. J Mr. and Mrs Uoy Spence wore in Campbell over Sunday. Jones Williams was in Hastings the forepait of tho week. Robert Hooker was a passongor to Hayard .Monday evening. Mr and Mrs. Clifford Cnrr of Kansas City visited Al Rust and family over Sunday. Ed Von loifoolit returned tho first of Hie wouk from Casper, Wyoming, where lie b is boon working the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Marsh of Cal loway wore- visitors at tho R. J'. Essert homo this week. Howard Meyer and Kdgar Chamber lain visited fibmdn in Alexandria nud Hellion over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Piatt left Sattir dy uvening for Kitllii, Ohio, to visit relatives Beefles3 Tuesdays On Burlington Diners Beeficss Tuesdays are to become the vogue, as far as the traveling public is concerned. In a bulletin issued by the Commissary department of the Burlington railroad, the now order of menus is outlined. "Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 2," reads the bulletin, "and continuing there after until further notice, in accord ance with the wish of the United States Food Administrator and agreed to by all of the railroad dining car de partments of tho -country, beef will not be served in any form in our din ing cars on Tuesday." Devotees of the succulent lamb chop will also be made to do without their favorite meat, as lamb and veal will both be on the proscribed list. Wheat cakes, so desired by many for break fast, are to be eliminated from tho menu, leaving bacon as the supreme attraction for the early morning meal. And, too, under the new order of things, breakfast will be bacon's only appearance, as it will not be served on Durlington diners at any other meal. White rolls will be servedbut onlv for breakfast. This docs not mean, however, that the traveling public is to be denied complete satisfaction in a gastronomical way. Tho railroad management,' in thus co-operating with tho government wish in this war time, is exerting every effort to en courage tho eating of soups, potatoes, fish and other nourishing foods. Other railroads, it is understood, will follow the example of tho Bur lington system. Quality Job Printing at Right Prices Minden Wins From R.C.H.S. Football Team 28 to 6 A real football gnmo was witnessed by a large and e'litlimlustlo crowd on Inst Friday afternoon when the Min den lliuh Soliool team placed the Red Cloud High School tomnj on tlioKoont, field. The game 'wns callpd promptly at .'J:.'lo; a coin bolng tossed by Umpiro (Jeflutly, to seo which team should get the klojioir Tlu- klukoir full o Miu den and they Itieked to the lOytird linn. Tim bull wiwuearrleil back to the !.'0 yard line The local boys then tiled a J few Hum smashes but soon found Itwasl useless lo try to plow through the lines of their husky opponents, pllhnugh some good gains wore piadu by Doner. Tho ball was lost to Minden on a fum ble. The Minden boys started out with line smnshes and their big full back made sternly gslns and soon mado the ilrst touchdown and kicked goa1, which made the score 7 to U at the end of tho (list quarter. The second quartor started out with a very diitermlned bunch. Tho local boys knowing they were not going to have n snap as they bad had the Fri day before. Minden had the IdolcotT and punted to the 10 yard line asaln, our boys carried tho pigskin to the 40 yard lino. The local boys then suc ceeded in pulling off some neat fakes and forward passes and Barrett catch ing a lino forward pass, went over tho line for the first, and only touchdown. "Dutch" Newhouse failed to kick goal . Tho Minden boys seemed to gain so easily on line smashes and soon had niiotlier touchdown to their drcdit. In the next quartor it was followed up by another and in tho last quarter by an other, each time they kicked goal, this leaving the score 28 to 0 In favor of Minden. Minden High School is to be compli mented mi turning out such a fine bunch of boys, for it football team. Not a dirty play wasseeu to come from any of the players; just renl football. The home boy;, played a good game and considering the fact that, their op ponents were atiout lfi or i!) pounds to the ni'tti heavier, was a great draw back. tJood plajs wore made by Bar rett, Drnlitier and R Nowliousp. The high si-hoil team will mix with the high suhnul team from Denver t'lty tomorrow and from all indications It will be a fast game Red Cross Notes The Women's Red Cross Auxiliary reports the following donations to Bed Cross work since Aug. 13, 1917: Webster county chapter $100.00 C. J. 1'Iatt 10.00 Chas. Cathcr 10.00 D. II. Kalcy 10.00 Geo. Pope 10.00 Methodist Aid Society 10.00 H. C. Gcllatly 5.00 Alf. McCall 5.00 Mr. Wilmot 5.00 Win, Thomas 5.00 W. D. Edson 5.00 J. L. Bcebc 5.00 E. J. Peterson .' 5.00 Edith McKcighan 5.00 Gertrude Coon 5.00 Grace Shorcr 5.00 U. K. Phillips 5.00 I Alison and Rachel Cowdcn . . . 5.00 1 Pearl Pope 2.75 ' Belle Spanogle .' 2.50 Father Fitzgerald 1.00 . Mrs. F. S. Henderson 1.00 P. L. Hansen 1.00 1 mra. r . ij. omiin l.ut) Mrs. Hassingcr 1.00 Donation 1.00 Proceeds of entertainment "Lit tle Housekeepers" given by . Miss Igou's pupils 77.00 Proceeds of Piano and Voice Re cital given by .Mrs. Grecn halglt, Mrs. Squires and Mrs. Gcllatly 1 (J4.7o Brethren Church, Garfield.... 1G.75 Will Auld 10.00 A. B. McArthur 5.00 Prof. Whitehead 5.00 Mrs. Hummel .. 50 Mrs. Wm. Crabill 1.00 P. C. Pope 5.00 Girls' Group of Women's Aux iliary, sale of candy 4.00 Sole of Red Cross memberships 5.00 Sale of Red Cross membership's Women's Auxiliary 13.00 The Royal hotel donated the hotel bill of Mrs. Nesbit, instructor in sur gical dressings, during her nine days' work here. Roy Sattley has donated tho use of a sewing machine for the Red Cross rooms. Mrs. Ed Amack has also do nated natcd her sewing machine. A similar donntion has been made by Mrs. W. T. Bohrcr. Tho Lincoln Telephone Co. placed a phono in tho Red Cross rooms. Mr. Kailey has donated all his ser vices in and about the court house in tho most cheerful friendly manner. Turnure & Son, Mrs. B. Phares and E. M. Ego are selling supplies to tho Women's Red Cross Auxiliary at cost. Mr. and Mrs. Egc donated $25.50 to the Auxiliary, tho same being 15 per cent of their Saturday sales. Aultz Bros, have delivered without charge articles for tho Auxiliary. Tho newspapers have donated space used by the auxiliary. Tho women of tho Auxiliary wish to thank one and all for theso liberal donations. During tho seven weeks tho Wo men's Auxiliary has been at work 9141.92 has been spent for yarn. With a few excentions. our annor- tionmont of 35 knitted sweaters, 35 knitted mufflers, 35 knitted wristlets and 35 pairs of socks has been mado and all articles will bo completed in tho next few weeks. Over forty dollars has been snont on surgical dressings supplies. Over ono hundred dollars has been spent on materials for hospital garments. At a business meeting of tho Wo men's Auxiliary on Monday, Oct. 1, a motion wns mado and carried to hold a monthly business meeting on the first Monday of each month, when all reports should, be given. COLD AND HOT ZONES BELOW Theory That Heat Uniformly Increases With Descent Into Interior of Earth Is Proved. Tho question Is often asked: "Arc there cold and hot zones below tho surface of tho earth Just ns there arc on the surface?" Recent developments would tend to prove Hint such Is the case and thnt the long-rtcccptcd theory that heat uniformly Increases with de scent Into the Interior of the enrth Is Incorrect. It lias been shown that heat gener ated by oxidization Is often n deter ring or determining factor in deep min ing. In sundry localities it has been noted that the Increase in tempera turo with doptll is not regular, being subject to tho amount of pyrites In the ground, or to the tlmo thnt the holo In tho ground Is opened up. At Sandhurst, Victoria, New South Wales, Australia, a fall of five degrees Fahren heit In temperature was noted after tho ground had been opened up for ono yenr, and after four years had passed there was a further fall and then an unchanged temperature. In telling of an lnstnuco at Corn stock, Nov., a government olllclnl snys: "At a depth of 1,700 feet boiling wa ter was found, and tho statement wns then made that a little further down all matter was molteu ; yet on passing tho 2,000-foot level the temperature de creased, tho union shnft at a depth of 3,500 feet having a more comfortable temperature than could be found half wny to the surface." In the Lake Superior region theso Irregular conditions nro conspicuous. Here thero nppcnrs to be a local cold zone, ns Is demonstrated In the Cal umet and Hecla shaft, where at 4,700 foot tho tempernturo wns 70 degrees Fahrenheit, or only 20 degrees warmer than at a depth of 100 feet. How December Got Its Name. The first appearance of December In tho calendar wns in tho role or the tenth month of tho year of Romulus, Its name being derived from "decern," meaning ten. In 713 11. C, Numa In troduced January and February before March, and December was relegated to twelfth place. The name thus ceased to bo etymologlcqlly correct, nnd sev eral attempts were made to change It, but without success. For a decade In tho second century of the Christian era, In tho reign of Comtnodus, Decem ber wns called Amazonlus, In honor of one of the light lady loves of the prince, but soon after the death of Commodus he wns poisoned by his fa vorite mistress, Martin Romans dropped the name of Amazonlus and restored the old nnmo of December. In the original calendar of Romulus December had 30 days. When Nuina reformed tho calendar ho reduced De cember to 29 days, but Julius Caesar gave it 31 days, and It has been thnt number ever since. By the nnclcnt fiaxons December was called Wlnter motlnt, which was changed, nfter the introduction of Christianity, to Hcllghmonnt, or Holy month. Buffalo Times. A Wrist Watch in the Desert. Ono night a company of Arabs at tached themselves to onr party. This Is customnry in these wild lands. They saw that we wero well armed and came with us for safety. Ono of them, a dignified young chief, wns accom panying n woman across tho desert She was well dressed, this Arab girl, with a yellow turbun and a silken robe. On her wrist she wore n Swiss gold watch, and, though bare-footed, she was ns dignified as the queens of Lenox nud Newport. Ono of my men apparently made an Insulting remark to her, and slid called htm down just as an American girl would have done. According to the custom of tho desert, we had to give him n thrashing, which Mahomet did lustily with a big stick. After that the Arab party always showed us white men tho deepest re spectPeter MucQucen In World Out look. . Chinese Woman Students In Japan. Chinese girl students In Tokyo nro no longer tho curiosity thnt they wero In former years, there being scarcely any girls' school in tho metropolis but has among its students young ladles from tho only republic In tho far East. Many of Uieso girls are studying for teachers, while others nre only unxlous to acquire new knowledge nnd become worthy citizens of their country. There nro 20 Chinese women, mostly mar ried, studying at Mine. Yosmlokn's Medical School for Women, Kawada cho, Ichlgaya. Theso naturally wish to go into practice when they'havo completed their studies. Cheated His Widow of a Pleasure. Tho will in which a testator direct ed that his nshes, after cremation, should bo burled ut the foot of a pear treo In his garden wns inspired by a dislike of' tho needless and largely in sincere pomp of mourning. Perhaps tho mo$t eccentric choice on record was that of a testator more than a hundred years ago who directed thnt his coffin should be dropped into the sea a nillo below tho Needles. It Is Bald that his wlfo had vowed sho would danco on his grave, nnd he grimly re solved that if she did it should cost her her life. London Globe. Deadly Weapon of Submarine. In niost cases tho submnrlno dis charges its torpedo when submerged. The water enters the torpedo tube, but this does not interfero with the dis charging of tho torpedo, nor, does this water enter tho body of the subma rine. This Is secured by a sot of valves. Most torpedoes hnvo an ef fective rango up to 2,000 yards. The time is hero to seleot the seed corn fur next year. Farmers can not be urged too strongly to select their seed corn In the mini nor approved by our ngrlculturul experts, In brief, it should be remembered that corn should be selected from varied jiarts of the field, from only the beit plants which nro superior by no reason of betteiboil and that tho type of ear should be closely Inspected. It Is also well t have the seed from different fields .of the same kind of corn. An fxchatigo with a neighbor farmer and mixing of the two batches ofs-.-ed will prove ad viititaKeous. Let every onoseioct niore seed than ho expects to use. This will Insure against shortage of seed next spring and there is no reason to believe that corn will bo worth less then than now. Rather it Is to bo expected that tho contrary will be true. Notice to Stockholders Tho annual meeting of tho Farmers Independent Telephone Co. will be. held at the Court House at Red Cloud, Nebr., Saturday, Oct. 13, 1917 at' 2 o'clock P M,, for Iho purpose of elect ing olllcors and transacting any other business wbloh may be proper. A full attendance is desired. w O.C.Tkel, Secretary. Legal Notice J. I). Crnns, defendant Mill take uotteo that 'on tho 8th day of October 11)17, O. K. IIIrIu bolhani, plalntlll' filed his petition In tho District Court of Webster County, Nebraska against Bald defendent, tho object and pray, cr of which Is to obtain Judgment against said defendant In tho sum of 1 181.10, and Interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from Ortnhcr 3, 1917 upon a eertaln promts, sory lute lor t'l" principal sum of J915.00 dated Ji.l. 9. 11il'., and due October 9, 1915, and on x'.vh Intro has been paid various amount, Io'.iiIiiik In the aggregato &8I.12 leaving a balance of fclSUO duo this plalntll' No part of .ald Inst named amount hao been paid and Is still due and owing this plaint!!!. That In connection with said petition llled In tho District Court of WelHter County, Ne. hraska, was also llled as a part of tho same proceeding an allldavlt for tho purposo of securing an attachment against said defen. dant on tho ground that he Is a lion resident of Wctatcr Comity. Nebraska and has no per. Nonal property In Webster County, Nebraska subject to execution or attachment but has real estate In said county which Is subject 'o execution and attachment. You are required to answer said petition and attachment proceeding on or bcfuio the :ird day of DtccmlH-r 1917. ('. 12. llKII.VllOTllAM, by K. a.CAt.nu'Ki.i, j, Ills Attorney. Not let; of Probate'. In Tho County Court of Webster County Nebraska. Statoof Nebraska, I .... Webster County, f bs' To all persons Interested In the cstaiaaC .T. W. O. Thlormau, Deceased: , TakkNotick, that a petition has been llled praying that tho authenticated Instrument llled In thlR court on tho Srd day of October, 1017, purporting to bo tho last will and testa ment of said deceased, may bo proved and al lowed and recorded as the lant will and testa incnt of J.W.C.Thlcrman, deceased; that sold Instrument ho admitted to probate, and tho administration of said estato be grant ed to Wayno Thlermau, A. K. Klegal, and IC.J. Ilurklmrdt, as executors. It Is hereby ordered by tho court, that all persons Interested In said estate appoarnn,t tho County Court to bo hold In and for said county on tho 20th day of October 1917, at ten o'clock a. m to show cause, If any thoro ho, why tho prayer of tho petitioners should not bo granted, and that notice of tho pond oney of said petition ami tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this ordor In tho Hod Cloud Chief, a legal woekly news paper printed In said county for thrco con secutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and thoseal of said court this 3rd day of October, A. 1)., 1917. 5 A. I). UANNEY, Seal. County J udgo . O. H. Miner Dr. k. B. Deardorf, M. D. 0. Manager Veterinary In Charge JWJWVMWJVSfJYmVJ'AVJUt. COL. J. H. ELLINGER AUCTIONEER Is now ready to placo your sale date Ask any ono as to my iiuallllcatlona or whom I have cried sales, lndcpon dent phones on 19. Vrlto wire or la Red Cloud, Nebr. AVV.VJUVyVAVVJWiSVV-WA C. H. Miner Serum Co. PUODUCEKS Anti Hog Cholera Serum Red Cloud, Nebraska Wire r Phm at Oar Expense U.S. Veterinary license Ne. 45' KODAKS Better Kodak Finishing And Developing. .:. A Full Line of Supplies ' ROLLS DEVELOPKD-'lOc NAIL Y0DR OBDER TO US Stevens Bros. Thm Hamilton - Cathor Clothing Co. S.oceMon to Puil Stony Everything m Man or Boy Wears Kid Cloud Nebraska X i c- ,1' f o A $ LA'i.. .. . . . LiVJjJSJil11UaUiUM.-islJJu., . . ... r kt- "Uate-sfettffoqMtMrircgg: n ipj. . iiw.n.pj, t rw . inmmilX!lHttmmmtUMM.uimK 55t-"