The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1917, Image 6

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Commissioner of Internal Revenue at
Washington Issues Statement to
Guide the People In Co-Operating
With Hm.
Washington, Oct. 8. Persons falling
to mako returns to tho government
ndcr tho new war revenue law will
bo regarded an tax slackers, and penal
tics will be enforced against them, ac
cording to a statement Issued on Fri
day by Daniel 0. Itopcr, commlssston
cr of Internal revenue.
In no caso will tho government tako
tho Inltlutlvo In procuring returns.
However, all returns are to bo veri
fied, and nil advised to get Into com
munication nt onco with tho nearest
revenuo ofllclal.
Alreudy the war tax law Is strain
ing tho extensive resources of the fed
eral bureau. Mr. Roper, tho new com
mlstoncr, Is confronted with tho larg
est and most exacting revenue mens
uro ever enacted in any country. It
Is now clear thnt many new clerks
at Washington and throughout tho
country will bo needed In order, to
keep pneo with tho work.
Tho following Individuals, colora
tions, etc., arc within the Inw and aro
notified by Mr. Itoper to mako re
turns :
All Individuals receiving Incomes of
more than $1,000 a year. y
All corporations, Joint stock compa
nies and associations.
All distillers, rectifiers, wholesalers
and retailers, holders of distilled spir
it) Intended for sale or to bo used for
manufacturing purposes.
All dealers In fermented liquors or
malt liquors, wines, cordials, liqueurs,
domestic and Imported.
All deulcrs In soft drinks, table wa
ters and carbonic acid gas.
All manufacturers of and dealers In
cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, snuff and
clgnrctto papers.
All carriers of freight, express or
passengers, and all operators of pipe
AH dealers In life, marine, Inland,
lire and casualty Insurance.
All manufacturers and wholesale
dealers In motor vehicles of every
kind, musical Instruments, motion pic
turo films, Jewelry, boats, sporting
goods, perfumes, cosmetics, medicinal
preparations, chewing gum and cam
eras. All proprietors of amusement places,
Including cabarets.
All persons executing legal docu
ments of any type.
All traders on produco or stock ex
changes and boards of trade.
All Importers of merchandise.
All manufacturers of Importers of
playing cards.
Sixth National Conference to Be Held
in Chicago October 15
to 17.
Chicago, Oct. 0. Tho sixth national
conference of tho National Housing as
sociation will bo held hero October 15
to 17 with delegates present from nil
sections of tho country. Tho Chicago
branch of tho association Is making
elaborate preparations for tho confer
ence and announce n program that
will tako up In all of tho phases tho
housing problem ns met with In tho
mall towns and tho big cities. Among
tho promlucut speakers will bo Fred
O. Smith of Minneapolis, William II.
Ham of Bridgeport, Conn., Itlchurd
Henry Dana, Jr. of New York city,
James P. McCrudden of Phllndedphlu,
iHenry F. Vaughn of Detroit, John E.
Gonzelinan of St. Louis and Dr. E. V.
Hill of Chicago. There will bo morn
ing, afternoon and evening sessions.
Germans Leave Mounds of Dead on
Battlefield In Flanders Fall to
Regain Positions.
London, Oct. 4. ncavy fighting
, raged over n wldo section of tho west
Flanders front during Monday night,
the Germans directing savago counter
attacks at numerous points. All of the
assaults were repulsed, tho war oflleo
An effort by tho Germans to recap
ture Zonnebeko failed under Intense
gunflro of the Hrltlsh batteries and tho
'Gcrmnns were rolled back, leaving
mounds of dead and wounded behind
, them.
Along tho Yprcs-Mcnln road tho Ger
jtnan.s launched live powerful counter
attacks, using Immense forces of men,
but ns often as tho waves of attackers
dashed forward, they were repulsed.
Refuses to Answer Draft Call.
New York, Oct. 8.- -Jesus Martinez,
Mexican vlco consul here, has failed to
i unswer a final summons to nppeor be-
foro a local draft exemption board.
Tho caso has been placed In tho hands
of tho United States district attorney.
New Regulations Ordered.
Washington, Oct. 8. Tho state de
partment announces thnt It has been
I Informed by tho legations of Norway,
'Sweden' and Denmark thnt Americans
i must hnvo their passports vlowed by
idlplomutlcofllcersln tho United States.
Sayo Berlin Is Willing to Accept Me
diation to End tho War Re
ply on Way.
Buenos Aires, Oct. f. A special dis
patch to I.ul'rcnsn from Rome says:
"Tho Giornal do Italia announces
that tho pope, In communicating to the
cntento powers tho official text of tho
central powers' peace unswer, udded
a second note declaring thnt Germany
was ready to evueuuto Belgium nnd
northern Franco nnd asking tho en
tente governments If they desire to
answer. Tho note adds that Gcrmnny
Is ready to detail conditions of evacua
tion, offering to accept direct media
tion. "The pope declares that conversa
tions were had with tho papal nuncios
nt Monnco and VIcnnn. While Ger
many and Austria denied tho recent
Berlin reference to a verbal note ex
cludo the fact that conversations were
held at the moment of delivering the
central powers' reply, when dellnlto
Idcns wero mndo known.
"Tho result obtained lu the conver
sations permits tho popo to assure tho
cntento powers that Germany Is dis
posed to cvacunto Belgium und tho
provinces of France.
"One of tho verbal notes to the nun
cios explains that tho conditions raudo
as to Belgium are not ubsolute, but
will be discussed In futuro diplomatic
War Has Imposed a Stupendous Task
on Railroads of the United
Chicago, Oct. 0. Since tho declara
tion of war tho ralltoiuls have moved
720,000 American soldiers from their
homes to training camps' or embarka
tion points, tho railroads' war board
announced. All of these, except tho
first 5 per cent of tho Nntlonnl army
that moved by regular trnln Septem
ber 5, have required special train serv
ice. This involved tho uso of 18,500
passenger cars, 2,000 baggago cars and
1,500 freight cars and required prep
arations of special schedules covering
1,531 cities designated as points of
local concentration.
Tho longest hnul In tho Nntlonnl
army movement was that of a special
train from Yumn, Ariz., to Fort Riley,
Knn. Tho longest National Guurd
haul wan from Snn Francisco to a
point on tho Atlantic coast.
Three American Ships Sunk and 44
Prisoners Left on Island Teu
tons Renew Operations.
Washington, Oct. 0. Operations of
Germnn raiders In the south Pacific
were revealed In n dispatch to tho
navy department on Thursday from
Tutulln, Sninonn Islands, telling of the
arrival thero In an open bont of tho
master of tho missing American
schooner, C. Slndo, with a story of
how tho famous Seo Adlcr had strand
ed on Mopelm Island after destroying
threo American schooners nnd how
members of the Germnn crew had set
out for further depredations on com
merce on other enptured vessels.
Soukhomtlnoff Saved From Siberia.
Petrogrud, Oct. 8. Tho provisional
government hns decided to permit
Soukhomltnoff, tho former minister of
war who was convicted of trenson, to
servo his term In tho St. Peter nnd
Paul prison Instead of Siberia.
Becomes U. 8. Boxing Instructor.
Montreal, Oct. 8. Sergt. William
Armstrong, Instructor of tho Montreal
Amateur Athletic association, has been
nppolnted boxing Inspector In the
United States army. Ho occupies a
similar position In Canada.
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$2,700,000,000 MEASURE SIGNED BY
Senator La Follette Cast the Only
Dissenting Vote Against the
Big Money.
Washington. Oct.'l. The 2.700.000.-
000 war revenue bill passed tho senate
on Tuesday .wltlKthu only announced
dissenting vote coming from Senator
La I'ollcttc. although the "senator illd
not seek n roll call on the measure and
offered no objection to Its passage.
'J. lie bill was slgucd by tho nresldcnt
nnd Is now luw.
Senator Simmons explained why the
conferees had reached agreement
through compromises and snnkn In
justification of tho newspnper and
magazine tnxes, against which there
had been a protest. lie had Inserted
In tho record n long letter from Post
master encrnl Burleson defending the
taxes as carried In tho bill.
Senntor Simmons mndo tho state
ment that capitulations of estlmntcil
revenues to bo derived from the bill
showed It would yield about $200,000,
000 less thnn was orlglnnlly estimated.
The losses would come from overestl
mntlons of tho yields from the Income
and war profits taxes largely, but, ho
asserted, the hill was the most eqult
ublo and evenly distributed burden
bearer that could be drawn. Senator
Smoot of Utah, Republican lender, de
fended the bill as a fair and Impartial
Farm and Garden Association Launch.
C8 Recruiting Plan for Conscrip
tion of Idle Men.
Chicago, Oct. 5. Women of Hue,,
land nnd France, trudging behind the
plow or swinging their scythes, pas-ed
In phantom procession before tho
Woman's National Farm nnd Gnrden
association, called out by the clnqtienco
of various speakers, and furnished tho
Impulse for the formation of a service
committee by the association for the
recruiting of American women for
work on the farm.
With tho formation of this land serv
ice division, this country will have a
farm labor bureau for women, working
In practically tho same way as tho com
missions for tho recruiting of women
In England. Tho Immediate plan of
tho association Is to enroll an army of
women for farm work before tho open.
Ing of seeding time next spring.
Another step taken by the associa
tion wus to petition President Wilson
In n resolution wired to Washington
to conscript tho Idle men of tho coun
try for work on farms. Tho woman
land service bureau Intends to bo of
national Bcrvlce.
Officer and Eighteen Men Killed by
Explosion on the Drake Sinks
In Harbor.
London, Oct. 0. Tho British cruiser
Drako has been torpedoed and sunk,
according to nn admiralty announce
ment. Tho Drake was torpedoed off
tho north const of Ireland. Sho
reached n harbor, but then -sank In
shallow water. One officer and 18 men
were killed by the explosion.
Big Raise to Shipbuilders.
Washington, Oct. 0. Agreement on
n navy yard wage scnlo Increase of
more thnn 10 per cent wns reached
here on Thursday afternoon. The new
schedule goes Into effect November 1
for one yenr.
20,000 Planes Being Made.
Washington, Oct. 0. Twenty thou
sand airplanes for America's fighting
forces In France, authorized In the
?0 10,000,000 aviation bill passed by
congress lust July, nctuully aro under
WJ tilsSfJS.'A
43 VmfK.&irfnssrj-t&-ZirairA
Public Is Admonished that In No
Case Will the Government
Mako the Initiative
Washington. Notlco to tho nubile
to mako Us tax returns to tho govern-1
mont under tho now war revenue 'has
nas uecn Issued by Internal Rovonuo
Commissioner Roper, In an intorpro
tlvo statomont of tho law's operation.
Warning was glvon that In no case
would tho government tako tho Initia
tive in getting in roturns, although all
returns would bo verified nnd thnt ov
orybody concerned should cbmmunl
cato promptly with tho nenrost rovo
nuo ofllccr.
Persons falling tomako returns, Mr.
Roper announced, would bo regarded
as tax slackers and penalties will bo
enforcod against them. As outlined
In tho statement, tho following per
sons nro affected and must mako ro
turns to tho govornment:
All individuals receiving Incomes of
moro than 51,000 a year.
All corporations, Joint stock compa
nies nnd associations.
All distillers, rectifiers, wholesalers
and rotailors, holders of distilled'
spirits intended for salo or to bo used
for manufacturing purposes.
All dcaleis in fomented liquors or
malt liquors, winos, cordials, liquors,
domestic and imported.
All dealers In soft drinks, tablo
waters and carbonic acid gas.
All manufacturers of and dealors in
cigars, clgarets, tobacco, snuff, and
clgaret papers.
All carriers of freight, express or
passengers and all operators of plpo
All dealers in Ufo, marino, Inland,
flro and casualty insurance.
All manufacturers and wholesalo
dealers in motor vehicles of ovory
kind, musical instruments, motion pic
turo films, Jewelry, boats, sporting
goods, perfumes, cosmetics, medicinal,
preparations, chowing gum and cam
eras All proprietors of nmusemont places,
including cabarots.
All persons exocutlng legal docu
ments of any typo.
All traders on produco or stock ex
changes and boards of trade.
All importers of morchandlso.
All manufacturers or importers of
playing cards.
Tho statement continues:
"Tho law makes It tho duty of every
person, Arm or corporation whoso pos
sessions or incomes are taxable to
mako truo and correct returns upon
which the tax may bo assessed and
collected. This information is of vital
lmportanco to ovory citizen, because
notwithstanding that tho bureau of in
ternal rovenuo is tho agency charced
with tho administration of tho now I
law and tho collection of tho taxos, it
is not regarded that tho bureau of in
tornal revenuo shall find out nnd id
form persons, firms or corporations
oi inoir responsibilities, sucn per
Bons, firms or corporations must for
themsolvcs mako returns, which, In
tho courso of administration, tho bu
reau of intornal rovenuo will vbrlfy.
"Sovero penalties aro provided 'for
falluro upon tho pnrt of any parson,
firm or corporation to mako tho cor-
rect inventories and roturns
One Cent Will Be Added Aftor 1st of
Washington. Detailed instructions
to postmasters on tho increased letter
mall ratos which becomo effectlvo No
vember 2, under tho terms of tho war
tax bill, bavo been issued by Postmas
ter General Burleson. They do not
apply to mall to most foreign coun
tries, which aro fixed by international
troaty, but they do apply to all domes
tic mall and under that classification
is Included mail to Canada, Mexico,
Cuba, Panama, tho United States pos
tal agency at Shanghai, and all per
sons in the military servlco of tho
United States in Europo.
Tho postofllco department has is
sued thoso Instructions:
Postmasters shall on nnd aftor No
vember 2, seo that postago is paid at
tho rato of 3 cents nn ounco or frac
tion thoroot on .lettors and othor first
class matter except drop letters. All
drop letters, that is, letters mailed for
dollvery from tho onlco at which post
ed, Including thoso for dollvery by
city, rural or other carrlor of such
oflleo, aro required to liavo postage
paid on thom at tbo rato of 2 cents an
ounco or fraction thereof. Postal
cards aro required to bo propaid, 2
cents and, theroforo tho 1-cont postal
cards must bavo a 1-cont postage
stamp affixed to them in addition to
ono cent stamp Impressed on such
cards. Post cards (private mailing
cards) bearing wrltton mossagos, must
havo 2 cents postago pepald ou them.
Soldier Boys to Get Their Mall
Washington. To make sure that
American troopers abroad get tholr
letters from homo, 150 postal clerks
will bo dlspatchod to Franco and tho
war department has given ordors that
transports bound toward the battlo
front shall carryall tho accumulated
mall avallablo and thus koop tho ser
vice upto tho last mlnuto. Appeals
for lottors, magazlnos and newspapers
havo boon pouring In on congressmen.
Investigation disclosed that the mails
wore far behind because transport
were repeatedly sailing without them.
Want Country Returned to Them as
the Price of Peace Ne
braska Boys Soon to
, Go to France.
Washington. In tho midst of a
day'B thrilling debate on alleged dis
loyalty of Sonator La i-'ollotto of Wis
consin, tho extraordjnary session of
congress which bognn April 2, and
gonorally regarded as tho most mo
mentous in American history, was ad
journed at 3 p. in. Saturday. Veho
mont criticism of tho Wisconsin sona
tor and his own defense, occupying
virtually tho entire day, marked tho
close of tho war session, with other
customary adjournment and legisla
tive procedure, including Prosident
Wilson's attondanco at tho capltol.
Tho usual eleventh hour grist of legis
lation waB put through, following six
months of important war action, and
most of tho momberB who had ro
romalncd for tho final days have gone
homo to await tho call of tho next ses
sion, December 2.
Nebraska Boys to Go to France.
Lincoln, Neb. Reports recelvod In
Lincoln nro to tho effoct that tho Fifth
Nebraska, regiment, under Colonel H.
J. Paul, thoonly Nebraska regiment
loft intact at Dcming after the army
reorganization plans had been put
Into oTfect, has received orderswhich
will shortly tako it to France.
Tho report was current nt tho state
houso that Colonel Paul had been In
structed to got his command In shopo
for entrapment to Now York City,
whoro transports will be waiting to
carry tho force overseas.
Tho Fifth, reinforced by somo com
panies from tho other two Nebraska
regiments, nnd an Iowa regiment, com
pose tho Ono Hundred nnd Thirty
third Infantry division.
Want Country Given Back to Them as
Price of Peace.
London. What tho famous peace
formula of "reparation, restitution and
guarantees" means to Belgium is set
forth In an Interview given by Emilo
Vnnderveldo, tho Belgian statesman,
who is now in London.
"Tho reparation nnd tho restitution
that wo demand," ho said, "Is first
that our country itself shall bo given
back to us, and then that its despoil
ors .shall bo made to provide tho
means whereby our nation may bo re
created. Wo demand that Germany
return the money exacted from us, tho
restitution wherewithal to mako good
tho general havoc of war. It will bo
a big bill, but it will have to be met,
and by Germany.
"Let mo not bo misunderstood.
Reparation must not bo confused with
indemnities. I am no supporter of
any policy of fining Gormany. But
Bolglum must bo restored. That Is
our demand."
Birth of New Po'lltlcal Society.
Chicago'. Tho first action of tho
now national party, which has becomo
a realty, will bo to establish western i
headquarters in Chicago and eastern J
headquarters in either Now York or i
Washington, according to momberB of
tho conference which effected tho
amalgamation. This will bo done
aftor tho executive commltteo com
posed of four roprescntntlvca each
from tho prohibitionist, progressive,
social democrat, singlo tax and iudo
pondent parties has boon chosen. This
done, the work of rounding up tho ,
million dollar fund with which tho
campaign in 1920 is to bo prosecuted
will begin.
Mexico Denies Report
Mexico City Tho Mexican foreign
oflleo has Issued an ofllclal statement
that citizens of Moxlco aro not being
pressed unlawfully into tho American
army. Tho announcement was made
in answer to roports to tho contrary
bollovod to havo been fostered by Ger
man ngonts.
Chicago. Forty-flvo governors havo
approved tho plans tu proccod at onco
with tho physical examination of .tho
7,000,000 mon registered under tho so
lectivo draft act, who wero not In
cluded in tho first call.
Typhoon Renders 100,000 Homeless
London A Shanghai dispatch .to
Router's says that as tho result ot"a
typhoon which swept over Tokio
100,000 porsons are homeless, 183 aro
doad and 217 missing. Tho number
of injured is 1C8 and 1.34G housos were
demolished. Telegraph and telophono
sorvlco and railway traffic wero in
terrupted. Even worse damago is re
ported to havo boen indicted in tho
rural districts. Many villages between
Kioto and Osaka have boen inundated
by overflowing rivers and it is feared
considerable loss of Ufo has resulted.
Luxburg on Way Home.
Buenos Alro3. Confrmation was re
ceived hero that Count Karl von Lux
burg, former German minister to Ar
gentina, who recently was glvon his
passports for his connection with dls
patchos sent thru tho Swedish legation
to Germany, was spirited out of Ar
gentina In a pollco automobllo in
charge of a pollco captain, and rushed
to Tlgro, a suburb, whero tho formor
minister-took n tug to Calonln, Uru
guay. From there ho proceeded by
train to Montevideo, whoro he boarded
a Spanish steamer.
Woman Tells How $S Worth
of Pinkham's Compound
Made Her Well. '
Lima, Ohio. "I was all broken down'
In health from a displacement Ono of my
lady friends camo to
see me and sho ad
vised mo to com
mence taking Lydla
E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound)
and to use Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative
Wash. I began tak
ing your remedies
and took $5. 00 worth
and in two months
was a well woman
after thrco doctors said I never would
etand up straight again. I was a mid
wife for Bfvcn years and I recommended
tho Vegetable Compound to every wo
man to tako before birth and after
wards, and they all got along bo nicely
that it surely is a godsend to suffering
women. If women wish to write to
me I will be delighted to answer them."
Mrs. Jennie Mover, 842 E.North St,
Lima, Ohio..
Women who suffer from displace
ments, weakness, irregularities, ner
vousness, backache, or bcaring-dowa
pains, need the tonic properties of the.
roots and herbs contained in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Died of Inward Guilt.
Wu Ting Fang Is nt the hend of the
Chinese foreign office, and you enn't
put much over on n man with ns good
a sense of humor as Doctor Wu.
A newspnper man recalls his famous
wheeze nbout the Chlnnmnn who com
mitted suicide by eating gold leaf.
"But I don't see how thnt killed him
how did It?" Inquired n society
"I suppose," said Wu seriously, "that
It was the consciousness of Inward
gilt." Exchange.
s Thev Reason.
Nell That man over there Is star
ing straight nt my nose.
Bell Perhaps he's a reporter.
Nell And why should n reporter
stare .nt my nose?
Bell They are supposed to keep
their eyes on everything that turns up.
"Do you remember In your days of
adventure the story you told me about
the trouble you had In one voyngo to
dodge a mnnentlng shark?"
"Yes, but that's nothing to tho
trouble I have to dodge my wife when
Bhe wants money for shopping."
Back Lame and Achy?
There's little peace when your kid
neys are weak and while at first there
may be nothing more serious than dull
backache, sharp, stabbing pains, head
aches, dizzy spells and kidney irregu
larities, you must act quickly to avoid
tho moro serious trouble, dropsy, gravel,
heart disease, Bright's disease. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that
'is so warmly recommended everywhere
by grateful users.
A Nebraska Case
"Svtty Pictun
a. W. A u 1 t,
prop. City Feed
Store, St. Paul,
Neb., says: "Slnco
I havo been In
tho produco busi
ness, I havo of
ten boon broken
down with back
ache At times
I couldn't lift tho
lightest weight
nnd went around
In mlHory. I of
ten got dizzy nnd
felt gonorally run
down. Donn'H
Tf Mnnv T)lla hnvft
fixed mo up in good shapo and I am
very grateful."
Gat Dots' at Any Stora, 60c a Box
In One Pound of
Corn Crackers
you get 1 862 calories of food value
in tasty, appetizing and nourishing
Just compare this value with
that of any other ready-to eat food
sold at 16c to 18c per lb. You'll
find that you get full money's worth
Try this splendid new food
now. Your grocer has 1TEN CORN
CRACKERS or can get them for
you quickly.
from first to last bite.
Nebraska Directory
Omaha, Nebraska
Rooms from 11.00 up stogie, 75 cents up double.
Done promptly.
Free price list
Bend lor Kodak catalog and finishing price Jlet
tHASTMAN KODAK CO.) K, 1212 O St Liacola, Nek
v -rllMtimnTii
w ." Tiiiiirniniiii
"'""""I ii nn
" .HM,