RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i L 'my , v V 'f fco , ML. . . P itTf " 4 ! f a , V) ff .X IU' 1 $$"$x$$$Mfr$M0$$.:. AS TOLD TO US I mjx:..X'm-:: Powell fc Pope kooiI things to eat. Joo Crow 8pent Tuesday in GuiJc Rock. Earl McKltniney spent Tuesday in Hustings. Uoy Hnssinger spent Monday in Hastings, Mrs. Ned Grimes spent Monday in Hastings. Wilbur Hamilton spent Monday in Hastings. I'eto Lewis was down from Hivorton Saturday. Miss Ine Strickland sront Sunday in Innvalc. Mrs. Liz.le Oroat spent tho weekend in Hivcrton. Win. Puttcn went to Ashland Mon day morning. Mrs. Bert Stunkard speut Tuesday in Guide Rock. See Warrick, the specialist, Thurs. Oct. 11, 2 to 0. Miss Nannie Wright spent Wednes day in Cowlcs. Miss Minnie Christian wont to Lin coln Saturday. E. E. Uurr of Guide Rook, spout Sun day in this city. Charles Richardson went to McCook he first of tho week. Curtis Gear and Carl McArthur were in Hastings Sunday. Jas. Hubatka was down from Dladen the first of the week. We want your cream and chickens. Top price. Wilson's. Eyes tested, glasses "fitted. J. C. Mitchell, tho Jeweler. Sam Jones and Paul McDowell went up to Blue Hill Monday. Fireman C. II. Hart and wife were McCook visitors Sunday. Roxje Weaver and Will Sunberry spent Tuesday in McCook. Mrs. Nate Piatt spent Wednesday with her parents at Cowles. Miss Nellie Francis went up to Cowles Wednesday morning. A. G. Ilauserman was in Alma the first of the week on business. Mrs. Smith and family spent Sunday with relatives in Guide Rock. Mrs. E. R Slawson was a passenger to Hastings Monday morning. Dr. II. Cook and Schuyler Hayes autoed to Guide Rock Sunday. Mrs. Pat Kellett spent Wednesday in Hastings with her daughter. , u Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woods of Grand Island was in the city Tuesday, Mrs. M. Wallace of Dcs Moines, Jowa.vwere in the city Tuesday. Merchants lunch, for business man and farmer alike. Ludlow's Cafe. Sam Saunders oamo down from Grand Island the last of the week. Miss Fannie Mlksoh of lUverton bpent the weekend with her mother. Try one of those, combination lunches. They fill they bill at the Olympia. Merchants lunch at Ludlow's Cafe 12 to 2, for any and all who wish to partake. "Wanted A good, steady, gentle manly salesman to handle n Ward's wagon in Webster County. No exper ience needed. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minnesota, Estab lished 1 Br0." Some lidding fads you "want id know about right now 1 Your dollar today buys less bread, less meat, less clothes than ever before, but your eec rricdollarbuysMORE. And you can make it buy still more by using Edison Mazda Lamps For MAZDA Lamps givo . three times as much light as carbon lamps without increasing the amount of current used. Complete line carried in sliock at all times at right prices For wiring and anythings in the electrical line, see t STEVENS Plumbing Healing EleclricftI Woik ( Txn aw latua i Mm? c " Vy Buy a Liberty Loan Hond today. tJood mealsgood service moderat prices Powell Jfe Pope's cafe. The oil derrick Is up and tho chill log will soon commence. Got a cup of that delicious hot choco late at the Olympia Luncheonette Kenneth Wilson, Paul Uucklos, Will Hoffman and Will Schcnk nutocd to Uladcn Suttuday evening. Z'hist received fresh supply Chases box and bulk chocolates. Give us a trial Ludlow's Restaurant. tf Mrs. S. C. Kills and daughter, Miss Helen Lemon, spent a few days the last of tho week In Lincoln. .John and Frank Person spent the weekend with their sisters at Wichita, Kansas. A. J. Kaley, Jas. Kunglo and Kd. Monntford went to Lincoln Monday morning. Mr. anil Mrs. Claude Cramer and family of Hladen spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Riley Hayes, who is working In Hast Ings spent tho weekend in this city with his family. Just recolvod fresh supply Chases box or bulk chocolates. Give us a trial. Ludlow's Restaurant. tf Miss Opal Eggleston, who has been visiting reatives at Hastings returned to this city Tuesday evening. Supt. C. 'A. Woodworth autoed to Kenesaw Sunday and accompanied his family to this city. Mrs. George Hadell and sisters, the Misses Clara and Bertha McMillan were Hastings visitors Wednesday. Attorney H. S. Foe spent Wednes day in Hastings looking after legal af fairs. Jako Sal 7 mm went to Brush. Colo, rado Monday morning, whote he will work. Eddie Brinkman, George Atkinson, Tulsa Gurney and 13111 Carper went to Ashton, Monday, where they will join the Abel Construction Co. Mrs. Fred Stcilln returned to her home at Hastings Wednesday morning after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Steflln.t Mrs. Fred Wittwcr aud daughter, Nannie, left this morning for an ex tended visit with relatives at Clarence, Missouri. A high school girl, good worker, wishes a place to work for board and room Communicate with Miss Mable Pope, City. Miss Minnie Kellett spent the week end in Hastings with her sister, Miss Teresa, who was recently operated upon' in a hospital, at that place, Miles Wilmot returned home the first of tho week from Lincoln where he had been with his mother, who Is In a hospital at that place. Tonight at the Orpheum a powerful drama' in ! reels. Clara Kitulmll Young in "Without a Sonl". Adui. let aud IGc. Mrs. M. V.. ijnigley of Galena, Il linois, arrived in the city Wednesday evening to visit her son, M. K. Quiglev and family. Mrs. Cathcr and Miss Bess Kaley who biu been visiting at the Kalej homes in this city left Tuesday morn ing for St. Joe. Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Overman and Miss Y.Ola Swart, autoed to Fhlllipsburg, Kansas, and spent Sunday with rela tives there. Help tho Red Cioss by attending tiic benefit pluy at the Orpheum, Oct. 18th. A big special in five acts-1- "War and the Woman." 25c and 15c. Be a patiiotic booster. Mrs, 11. Boyce, Mis. John Merril, Mrs. John Coon and daughter, Miss Qeorgetta, were in' Guide Rook Mou day attending a dinner at the Colum- blajhome. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet eye,' efrr, nose and throat patlests and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Damerell's, Thursday, Oct. 11, hours 2 toO. J, H. Iiailey returned home the tirst of the week from a visit at his old home at Salem, Wisconsin. ' Mr. Iiailey stopped ofi in Chicago and saw the White Sox defeat tho Giants in the first two games of the National League Haseball Series. Saturday Oct. 13th the program at the Orpheum will be a comedy drama in r reels. Kolb and Dill In a new play, "Belovod Rogues". They are cast as Heinle and Louie, two Holland ers who set out to beat the hardware trust. Mat. 2:.')0 adm. 5 and ltic. Night adm. 10 aud 15c Chas. Slowaitl nnd son, Not ton, ic turned home Tuesday evening fiom Kmsas City uheio Norton had some stock at tho American Royal Live Stock Show. He it-ports a having won 4th prl.e on 2 year old bull, and 10th on junior bull calf. That is doing pretty good considering the amount of stock in competition. May tho good work continue TbFniKSAT HOME EXPECT YOU im ruLiva-ro tell 'em all about "MAM'S FIJI f I?- s-au VISIT CEITtEVTHE -y y ITI Exhilarating Burteqitt; Vavfcvillt Kill Aliitt NIMtltk rnttfBIHi. FiMf Ctmt.litu , MtlU. MIIImI Sf Ml f iilfttMil .LIllEf MME HATMEE EKIV WEEKIAY Everybody Ak Anybody UMTI Til WMIST AH HIT SOT WIT N MIC4M Direct from the Empress theater, Omaha, "War nnd the Woman." Big special in five nets. Proceeds for Women's Red Cross Auxiliary of this city. At tho Orpheum theater, Thursday, Oct. 18. 25c nnd 15c. Thcie will be preaching and com munion service at the Congicgational church next Sabbath morning at 11:00 o'clock. Preaching at 7:30 in the evening. The Rev. W. S. Hampton of Omahn will officiate. For Sale; il4 sections improved land in Washington County, Colorado also il , sections uuitnproN od laud. For information write L'ail Moifot. Akron, Colorado. Mih. Roy Ebock aud brother, Emit Sherman, rctui tied to their homes at Detroit, Michigan. Monday after a visit at the homo of their sister, Mrs. Ernct Starke. Mrs. Starke accompan od thorn home. Mrs. A. Ncsbit of Lincoln will have charge of tho patriotic service to be held at the United Christian church on Sunday evening at 7:30. An in vitation is extended to all patriots and also all who wish to become patriots and boosters for our country in this hour of strife. Spcnce Potter, S. H. Bogard, A. J. Kailey, James Kcugle and Ed Mount- ford wcie in Lincoln Mondav nnd Tuesday of this week, having been summoned to appear before federal authorities in matters concerning the conduct of some of the German sym pathisers in this community. The Four Minute Men sneakers for Thursday, Friday and Saturday even ings of this week will he Attorneys L. H. Blacklc'dge and B. McNcny and Rev. J. L. Bccbc. Remember these addresses will be after the third reel of pictures and will be of four minutes duration. Geo. Engstrom and Miss Nora Shan non, two well and favorably known young people of this vicinity, wero granted a marriage license by Judge Rauney on Oct. 0, and were quietly married by Rev. Drulincr on Sunday cvooing. The Chief extends congrat ulations to tho happy couple. Mr. aud Mrs. Noble Ball of Guide Rock are moving their household goods to Tuft, California, where Mr. Ball has secured a position as switch board man ager for tho Standard Oil Company's private line. Mr. Ball's many friends In this city will be pleased to hear he hab secured the position. The ucw plant for tho Lincoln Tele phone Company's local exchango has arrived in the ulty and will be install ed in their new quarters in the Kaley building as soon as workmen complete the eraction of the same. It is one of the new common battery systems and ono will not be compelled to grind the crank to call central just raise the receiver from the hook and central's sweet feminine voice will say "dumber please" Mr, G. S. Fogg of Inavnle was in the city Saturdity and called at this office, the object of his visit being to say fare well as ne iccentiy lieiu a sale, dispos ed of his stock, machinery, etc., nnd will move to Fleming, Colorado. It is Mr, Fogs; intention to engage in farming in that state, licfore leaving us the gentleman gave us hischeck for the amount necessary to advance the date on the label of his Chief for a period of three years. B. A. Sutton and family returned tho last of the week from an auto tour through Colorado, Wyoming and Nebiaska. Mr. Sutton states that while he is a real Nebraskan, the mountain country strongly appealed to him and that many opportunities await the persons who an anxious to succeed, both in agricultural and busi ness lines, and that from the general appearance the farmer in that section would be lewarded with a bountiful crop. A complimentary banquet in honor of Mayor" Damerell, given up the Royal hotel on Monday evening, was enjoyed by about forty gentlmen, the occasion being to fittingly observe the completion of Red Cloud's first street paving. The Orpheum orchestra furnished music for the occasion and many words of praise are heard for tho delicious "spread" that Landlord Oatman had prepared. Attorney F. E. Maurer presided. Addresses were delivered by Prof. Whitehead, At torney J. S. Gilham, Dr. II. P. Hoxsey and C. F. Cathcr. Thoie is no excuse. In this day aud age for a fnimer to admit that he doob not know how to handle any crop or any farm pioblom The United States Department of Agriculture in Washing ton, 1) C, exists for the, ono spool (In purpose of Informing tho farmers of the country upon tho questions that arise of which they inuy have no know lodgo It takes but u stamp to bring tho best thought of thu agiicnlturul ex perts of the country. All thatis need ed is to ask for intormatlou upon at y given subject and a pamphlet or bulle tin covering the subject will be sent free or at a nominal cost. Card at Thanks We tako this means of thanking tho many kind friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sym pathy extended dining the illness and death of our loving wife and mother. O. K. Leoijktt. Fiiep Leooett. Mux. Hei. llEit::ich Exhibit of Red Cross Work The War Relief Club will have on exhibition in the window of Smith's shoe store on Thursday and Friday, October 18th nnd 19th, tho completed woik ready for shipment to Chicago, III- Tin's club was formed in April and, was tho first oriranization in Web- 8ter county to give money to the Red woss. I he members wero making hospital guimcnts before the foim- ntion of the Webster county chapter. ine club has twentv-four ninmhci-s and lias been self sunnortiiur from tho beginning, having made about five nuiuircd dollars. Out of this has been given fifty dollnis to tho War Relief dealing House, ono bundled dollars to tho Red Cross drive and twenty-five dollars to tho Y. M. C. A. fund. Woik completed consists of twenty aprons for Belgian children, nine dozen towels, four dozen hand led chiefs, ono dozen nankins, nlnn dozen shoulder wraps, two dozen suits of pajamas nnd ono half dozen bed shiits. The three Inst named ai tides aio all dccointcd witli tho Red Cross. Foity dollars worth of yam has been put chased to make the garments as signed to the club by the Sunnlv Com mittee of tho Chapter. Many of the knitted articles aio completed and will be on exhibition on tho nlmvn ilntn Consideinble material remains on hand and fifty dollars in the treas ury. Mrs. C. J. Piatt, Sccietary. Institute Huge Success On Thursday. Friday and Sntuiilnv of last week a joint city and county institute was hold at tho court 1iour and high school building. The ses sions were held at that time for tho puiposc of emphasizinir readinc. nnn- manship, arithmetic, spelling, indus trial art and play ground work. Committees were annointed to recommend plans for developing these subjects. Contests will be held in the spring in each of these suhWts as an incentive to tho children to put ioi tn their best droits. Much help in the course of studv was given by Supt. H. B. Wilson of lopeka, Kans. He showed in a vcrv convincing way how the non-cscntials can be eliminated from the course of study. The primary instructor. Miss Allen Cusack, proved what can bo done with children by using the right methods in teaching readme. Iane-unco and in dustrial art. Miss Zoo I. Smith tauirht the Palmer method, penmanship in such an interestin'r way that fiftv-soven teachers are to study the method this year and earn Palmer ceitificates. .Miss Grace Svlla. who in thn ni supervisor in Hastings, lectured to the teachers Saturday morning on practical ways for conducting the drawing class. m ' Accidently Killed A very sad accident occurred at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Strobl, who reside north of this city, when on last Thursday their five year old son accidentally shot himself. On going to his work in tho field the father placed a icvolvcr in the wagon, intending to use the same to shoot rabbits, and during his absence from the wagon tho boy secured the gun and while playing with the same accidentally shot himself thiough the breast, death resulting almost instant ly. The boy was born in this county, June 15, 1912, was unusually bright and was loved by parents and friends alike. Funeral services were con ducted from the farm homo at ten o'clock Sunday morning, Rev. Beebe officiating. United Church Notes There is a certain people scattered abroad through Canada and tho Uni ted States numbering more than ono hundred thousand who believe that tho Bible is tho only real creed to which Christian people should sub scribe, that ail the followers of Christ should be allowed tho right of private interpretation of the Bible, that Christ is the only moral leader, that the dis ciples of Christ should accept no name but Christian, that Christian charac ter is tho only Scriptural test of fel lowship, and that all Christians should fellowship ono another. The United Christian church of Red Cloud is a part of this great apostolic movement. Mrs. A. Delph came into the fellow ship of tho church Sunday evening and gladly identifies herself with the Church of Christ. No wan can join tho chuich of the living God, you must be born again or you can never see tho kingdom of Christ. Tho notion that a man can join the chuich of God is a delusion. You can join somo sect or religious denomination but you cannot get into tho chuich of tho first bom except thiough the avenue of conversion. Some time when you have tho no tion ask some Bible student to show the chapter and veisc whero God in His revealed word authorized or com manded any convert to hold member ship in any church save the Church of the Living God. If God never sanc tioned such practice why do you ? A beautiful communion set has been purchased by tho Disciple Indies and donated to the Christian chuich. Mr. Trace Shorer had charge of the com munion scrvico last Sunday morning in tho absence of tho pastor. , Mr. Curtis Friday, a' former mem ber of tho choir, passed through the city Monday on his way to tho avia tion camp at "Austin. Texas, " IOUDE ISH ,m a. ak . .M. m .. tj - j ii t m " v Operates Entirely t4a Unsfphtlv nhctrllMlnna AtiteM corner docsn t cut off on Inch of valuablo space and when open lies flat ocainst tho tnsido wall out of Urn ua v v ..' ...- - r - -l r Ono section twings lllto an ordinary hinged door; a small door for man and' a urgo door for tho car, all In one, is an exclusive Loudcn-patcnted feature. 7 , Lf?,10U,tt, includes all of tho hardware for doom up to nnd Includinc 11 OAt in mrutn . Drlt ten. r- -. t- I... . T n . ... r. . -, ' - taw TTiuiiii a m. a it.u .n.-iia iu?ti rial nniiniiinn m. .Hta ..khih. & MIMI((M1II4, Don 't fail to $ee the Louden Garage Door hangef w". 'iwntnjwi icuuiiiuii IHU91TUICQ OOCftfCl. G. W. TRINE, Sleepy Hollow Gowns Garments of Unusual Merit Here are garments that will keep you snug and warm on tho .coldest winter nights. They are made of selected flannels, noted for1 -warmth. ( ' But "Sleepy Hollow" Gowns give you more than warmth they give you solid comfort. There is an abundance of material in the sleeves ample room in the armholes plenty of room across the bus'l and through the shoulders and just the right length in the skirt of the gown. v You will never know how different these garments are until you make comparison then you will see the superiority of "Sleepy Hollow" gowns ata glance. Ask to see them the next time you drop into . the store. 1 to 2 per garment Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns Powell ONE HALF BLOCK NORTH OF STATE BANK Regular Meals Short Orders ami Lunches $5,00 Meal Tickets 7.50 Cafe CHOICE LINE CANDIES. TOBACCOS, CIGARS Let Us Serve You Pluno Doctor Here A. L. llurton, tho Franklin piano tuner, is in Red Cloud this week. No advance in prices, but please leave orders with either tho Sattloy or Amack piano stoics to avoid loss of time. A patriotic mass meeting was held at Bladen on Monday evening. Row Bcebo of this city delivered an a Jdiess on "Patriotism and Pretense" which was received with enthusiasm. Tho Red Cross drive in that community ic sultcd in nbout $1200 being collected. They are now planning on monthly meetings. HANGFD i m " m mtm Jfc WithmJthejGarage( TI.m Am .1M. -..-jt.t.. , .. " iinruv nnminrninp &.M t ii.i ..a- -.j twwuiNiiiff, r- jrr i oi Red Cloud & Pope Special atten tion to orders for all club luncheons, parties, etc. 1 T. W. White and family of Garfield township have just returned from an extended auto trip through Colorado and while in that state viblted Mr. ' White's folks at Pueblo. Denver was included in the various towns enrouto and before leaying there their son, Paul, joined the navy at tho recruitirg station in that city. He was sent fa California whero ho will receivo fl': weeks' training before going to sea. Paul is well "and favorably know in this city, having graduated from our high school in tho class of 191C. His many friends will bo pleased to know ho has answered tho call of his country, I mmv wem i ti ii wi . I 1 is II I M .lu Uii It "77 . ...-'.rv)i.ini'4r:r-ry;