The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 11, 1917, Image 3

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I' 'vZ?mflm8bMftma&HBtiKxn m uu iBI tWIm hi lim aiir ilWlM WTPH i ' ' Uliii ll UVSkaW
iftSMiil I ill
toricrorlo!rwLm!!!l nfv !h"v? fiit Hhowlng German Miells bursting near one of the British forward bat
1;! f f ' YorH U(Jvcrtl8"'R tho Liberty loan In the lower part of the city, ottu of their listen-
A BuS. lbiiSKLnTH!i ! JL ' A"- -- "re Mr. .Tamos p. ca& and Mrsm
British Again Smash Germans'
East of Ypres and Capture
Important Positions.
Austria's Warning to the Allies Re
peated Air Raids on London Final
ly Determine England on Re.
prlsats America's War
Tax Bill Now Law.
Field Marshal Hulg begun bis week
ly forward movement ns usual on
Thursdny, tho advance being again In
tho district east of Ypres on a lino
that seriously threatens Prince llup
recht's communications with Ostend
and Zeebrugge. This snllent of tho
British front has been giving the CJer
ninns much anIety, and all the llrst
part of Uio week they directed at It
furious though futllo attacks that
proved very costly.
By Saturday tho British offensive
hod developed Into one of tho most
pretentious yet undertaken nnd prom
ised to result in n victory unequalled
since the battle of the Marne. On u
nine-mile front Ilalg's troops rushed
forward for about a mile nnd n half,
nnd gained possession of many Ger
man strongholds, including tho rldgo
between I'usschenduele and Zonne
beke. Great "numbers of Germans
Tho allies doubtless hope to cut In
between tho submarine bnscs and tho
main German army, but according to
the belief of well-informed army men,
It is not their Intention to force tho
Germans back over any very wide
area, because tho territory they Would
be forced to abandon would first be de
vastated. Bather do tho allies plan to
demoralize tho enemy with tho contin
uous bombardment by guns of jill cull
bcrs to which they liavo been sub
jecting them of late1 nnd most of
Ilnlg's advances nro mnde for the pur
pose of gaining possession of com
manding positions, from which tlds
terrific gunfire may be directed. That
, the morale of tho German soldiers nl;
ready is beginning to break down is
evidenced by their rcndlness to surren
der nnd tho complaints of some divi
sions when ordered back to tho front
after a rest
Germans Short of Shells.
Reports from tho front during tho
artillery duel that preceded tho Thurs
day advance wcro that tho British fired
twenty or moro shells for every ono
that came from tho Germans. Tho al
lies' supply of munitions Is nt)v unlim
ited, nnd thero Is good renson to bo
Hove that tho Germans nro running
short of shells nnd guns, owing part
ly to reduced productivity cnused by
tho poor food of the workmen, nnd
partly to n shortngo of certain metals.
Tho denlnl of General Schuech, tho
kaiser's new minister of munitions,
thnt thero la nny such shortage, Is not
convincing. Copenhagen dispatches
sny tho leaders of German labor
groups wcro called to main nrmy head
quarters n few days ago, not to celo
brnto Von ITIndcnburg's birthday, ns
was Intimated, but to discuss plnns for
Bpecdlng up tho production of muni
tions. Probably It was necessary, also,
to take steps to nppeaso tho workmen
of Essen nnd their wives, who held n
riotous meeting recently, demanding
penco and better food.
In Frankfort, too, an immenso penco
meeting wns held on Sundny, but that
was engineered by political groups,
nnd thercforo may not hnvo been bo
Indlcntivo of the sentiment of tho peo
ple. Czernln Warns the Allies.
In tho way of penco movements, tho
most Important event of the week was
tho speech of Count Czernln, Austro
Hungarian minister of foreign affairs,
In which ho threatened that unless the
allloa speedily consented to a pence
"iviuutm ut uiu auimiii'HL' mission reviewing tiie West I'olnt cadets.
without annexations or Indemnities,
Austria-Hungary would revise Its pro
gram nnd demnnd compensation for
further costs of war. He sold ids
country had proved that It was per
fectly sound and could not be over
thrown by force of nrms, nnd conse
quently wns In position simultaneously
with Its allies to lay aside nrms and
regulate conllicts by arbitration. Austria-Hungary
certainly seems Just now
to be more united against the Idcn of
n separate peace, det.plto the feeling
of the Croats and other of Its peoples,
nnd foreign correspondents warn tho
United States that neither Bulgaria
nor Turkey Is likely to separate Itself
from Germany ; they must be whipped
together or not at all.
Count Cr.ernln's bold words are
scarcely supported by the develop
nientK on the Austro-Itallan front, for
though the Austrlnns have been hang
ing on desperately to the edge of the
Rnlnslzzl plateau and making repeated
attacks to recover lost ground, tho
Italians hnve not yielded nn Inch.
There were indications that Cadornri
wns about ready for n renewal of his
offensive, nnd that the enemy expect
this wns shown by the rushing west
ward of largo numbers of Austrian
nnd German troops from Bukowlnn
and Boumanln.
Kcrensky Plan Voted Down.
If only Russia were In condition to
take advantage of this troop move
ment, It might accomplish much. But
Russia Is still struggling with Its In
ternal affairs, nnd only In tho Riga
sector are Its soldiers showing any
disposition to fight. Up there they
pushed the Germans bnck In several
plnces. Meanwhile, Premier Kercnsky
Is hnvlng desperate 'trouble In estab
lishing n firm government. Ho np
peared before tho democratic congress
nnd used very plnln, even defiant lan
guage, which at first had Its effect In
a vote approving n coalition cabinet.
lint next day the Bolshcvlklsts and
other extremists gained control of the
gathering nnd voted down tho plan.
To add to the perplexities of tho pro
visional government, n serious revolt
broke out In Turkestan.
Tho nllles nro following tho lead of
America In cutting off supplies from
Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Uol
Innd, tho nctlqn determined on being
not Joint but uniform. Lust week
Grent Brltnln extended tho principle
heretofore followed by prohibiting tho
unlicensed exportation to those coun
tries of ull articles except printed mat
ter nnd personnl effects.
Air Raids to Bring Reprisals?
Repeatedly last week the German
air lleets raided London nnd the towns
nnd countryside of Kent und Essex.
Flock after Hock of grcut nlrplnhes
flew across nnd dronned their londs of
bombs, killing n few clvlllnns nnd do
ing somo dnrango to property. Not
mnny of tho dendly missiles fell on
London, for tho anti-aircraft guns put
up n barrage fire that ringed tho city.
Theso raids roused the pcoplo nnd
press of Englnnd to renewed demands
for reprlsnls, and tho government
seems to he ready at last to yield to
the demnnd, for Premier Lloyd-Georgo
sniu to n crowd of poor people In tho
southwest district of London who
clnmored for revenge: "Wo will glvo
it all back to them, and we will give It
to them soon. We shall bomb Germany
With cninnnnnri Intnrnsf " Tim n-
'mnns themselves nro expecting ro-
prisnlsand nro removing to plnces of
snfety the art treasures of cities that
arc believed to bo within reach of tho
British airmen.
Tho French, less squeamish than the
British havo been, mado reprisal raids
on a number of towns Inst week, fn
eluding Stuttgnrt, Baden, Frankfort
nnd Coblenz. This wus In return for
tho bombing of Dunkirk nnd Bnr-le-'
Due. Though somo of tho plnces at
tacked by tho French nvlntnr nro
open towns, tho Immediate objectives
of tho raids wcro military establish
ments, nnd tho results wcro good.
Tho British merchant vessels sunk
by submarines wcro fewer than In nny
week 8lnco tho opening of unrestricted
U-boat warfare, but nmong.tho vic
tims of tho submcrslbles wns tho
British cruiser Drake, which wns tor
pedoed off tho Irish coast and sunk In
shallow water. Ono ofllcer nnd 18 men
wcro killed by tho explosion.
Another romantic story of sea war
fare comes from Samoa In tho ex
ploits of the crew of the German com
merce raider Seeadler, after their
vessel stranded on a South Pacific
Island. The master and six others put
to sea in n 1110W sloop armed and
provisioned, nnd the others seized a
Frf-nch schooner, equipped It with guns
and bombs and started out again.
Since that time they have been prey
ing on merchant vessels.
Curbing the German Preos.
The trading with the enemy act
went Into effect Tuesday und almost
Immediately Postmaster Burleson
barred from the malls tho .Milwaukee
Lender, former Congressman Berger's
paper, for seditious und treasonablo
utterances. Many other publications
have been cited by the post otlice de
partment to show cause why they
should not bo suppressed, among these
being the Illinois Stuuts-Zeltung.
On Thursday federal agents raided
the olllce of the New .Jersey Frelo
Zeltung In Newark and arrested Its
two proprietors and throe editors on
charges of publishing seditious and
treasonable articles.
In connection with the trial In Paris
of Bolo Pasha, alleged spy, It Is re
vealed that Bolo, who was In tho
United Stutes for a few weeks early
last year, arranged the transfer of ut
least $1,000,000 of German uey
through New York bunking houses to
Purls to further the peace propaganda
in Frahce. It Is olllclally slated that
thero Is no doubt oft Count on Bern
storff's complicity In the Intrigue.
More than one-hnlf of the 100 I. W.
W. leaders who wcro Indicted have
been arrested and the government If
ready to put them on trial.
War Tax Bill Signed.
President Wilson slimed tlu war im
bill Wednesday, and most of Its 'sec
tions became operative at once auto
matically. It levies for this jonr more
thnn $2,500,000,000 now tuxes for war
purposes and In one way or another
calls for money from everybody In
the country. The two largest sources
of revenue will he excess profits, $1,
000,000,000, and Individual and corpor
ate Incomes, ?8rl,000,000.
Tho soldiers' and snllors' Insurance
hill, which wus passed by the senate,
carries tin amendment promoting Ma
jor General Pershing and Major Gen
eral Bliss to the rank of general und
making all commanders of army corps
lieutenant generals. Tho bill to re
patriate all Americans who have
Joined tho allied military forces also
wus sent to tho president for his sig
nature. The shipping board gave out a state
ment last week showing thut u largo
number of vessels urc being built nnd
within n few weeks tho concrete re
sults of tho board's energetic work
will begin to slide down the ways In
many shipyards. Tho aircraft build
ing program also Is well' under way,
Secretary Baker stating that 20,000
airplanes and their motors nre now
under construction.
Liberty Loan Going Well.
Under tho competent leadership of
Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo,
the dumpalgn for tho salts' of thoisec
ond Liberty lonn, of $3,000,000,000,
sturted olt with a rush, and the en
thusiasm and determination of the peo
ple mudc tho success of tho loan un
doubted. Thero wns lust ono blnek
spot In all the country tho action of
Mrs. II. O. Havemeyer of New York
and other ofllclnls of tho National
Womun's party In advising women not
to assist tho loan because they have
not been given natlonul suffrage. The
Maryland suffragists camo back at
them with a scathing denunciation, de
claring thnt they bad descended to
political bribery, had disgraced tho
numo of woman nnd wcro "mud sisters
of La Follette."
Tho senate has been flooded with
petitions from nil parts of tho land,
rrom organizations; nnd Indlvidunls,
nsklng thnt-Scnntor La Folletto bo ex
pelled for his dlsloynlty und many of
tho petitioners suggest much boverer
punishment thnn mere expulsion. At
first tho senate committee on priv
ileges nnd elections wus dlsclncllned
to tuko any action at this session, but
tho universal demand evidently had
Its effect for on Wednesday tho com
mltteo began consideration of the petitions.
Visitors Not Permitted to Intrude on
Great Inventor, When He Is Busy
at Hla Experiments.
Thomas A. Edison's favorllo pur
suit Is chemistry. Even ns a hoy
telegraphist getting his first stnrt to
wards u career, this Inclination wns
manifest In his experiments with bat
teries and electric devices, nnd It still
remains his greatest pleusure, observes
nn exchange.
Ills new laboratory Is splendidly
equipped. Every known sulistancc
ranging through nil the kingdoms of
mutter from lanthanum to shark's
teeth and Including over 200,000 speci
mens, Is kept on hand for Immediate
nuillnblllty. It Is n collection of over
80 years' standing, encouraged from
time to tlmo by prizes for now addi
tions offered by tho luventor to his
men. N
Ills own Inborntory tnblo Is novcr,
In nny circumstances, allowed to bo
touched. A notice posted on tho door
way reads to tho effect that Mr. Edi
son Is not to bo dlstui bed In the course
of his experiments except for matter
of the utmost Importance. So fond Is
he of his beloved pastime that he de
clares his Idea of heaven Is to bo able
to continue It, and his Injunctions to
his staff are: "When I die I want my
table forwarded to mo by wireless."
Does Cutlcura Ointment Assisted by
Cutlcura Soap Trial Free.
On rising nnd retiring smenr the nf
fected surfaces gently with Cutlcura
Ointment. Wash off in live minutes
with Cutlcura Sonp and hot wnter.
When tho skin Is clear keep itso by
using Cutlcura for evory-day toilet nnd
nursery purposes.
Free sample each by mnll with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Hello Profanity.
Tho rule Is strict against using pro
fane languago when talking over the
telephone. A telephone experiment
has proved a fnlluro In Lynn, Mass,
Tho manager noticed that "wrong
number" cnlls woro frequent, and ho or-
lVroil tlm "llnllr" nlrla tn n.,11 .,!. .1I..I.
separately and to Insert tho word
"(insn" nrter each one. Tho method
was slow, but tho climax was reached
when n Lynn mnn wns In u hurry to
'get a Boston newspaper olllce. Ho
railed for "Beach 3000" nnd heard a
sweet voice at "central" say : "Beach
three, dash, oh, dash, oh, dash, oh,
That netted tho Lynn man nnd ho
culled out:
"Well, what nro you cussing nbout?"
Tho order wns abolished, and no
more dashes aro being said by tho
telephone girls at Lynn. Buffalo Com
Eight years ago wo commenced selling
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd during this
timo it has found many friends among
-- -, . ivr civui i WIC lilIlLab
the uso of Swamp-Root, Wo have never
utuiu a niiigiu criticism.
Very truly yours,
June 15, 1010. Ccnterville, Ala,
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer & Co.
Dlnahamton. N. Y.
Prove What Swamp-Root! Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binffhamton, N. Y., for a namplo nize
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also rcccivo a booklet of valuable in
formation, telling about tho kidneys and
bladder. When writing, bo sure and men
tion this paper. Large and medium size
bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv.
I Has More Endurance.
Tests carried on ut Princeton uni
versity have proved that tho man who
welfihs about 140 pounds nnd Is ubout
flvo feot nnd six or seven inches high
Is really of tho best physical type. He
can do more In proportion to his size
than n larger mnn and hns moro en
durance. Likewise tho brunette Is apt
to havo more endurance than the
From Washington
The Food Administrator Writes Us:
"The use of baking powder breads made of corn and other coarse flours instead of
patent wheat flour is recommended by the Conservation Division of the Food
Administration. The wheat needed for export is thus conserved, and at the name
time healthful food for our own people is provided. The circulation of recipes, pro
viding for these uses would be of assistance in carrying out our plans."
The following recipes for Corn Bread and Rye Rolls save wheat flour
and make attractive ,and wholesome food for every day when made with
lji cu
1 ft
cuoi com tnal
cup flour
Irvel tesiDOoni RotaI Biklnr VnwAtr
1 tetipoon salt
i cupi nunc
8 Ublei
bleipoons ihortenlnf
Ulx thoroughly dry ingredient!) add milk and melted
snortenlng: beat well; pour Into well greaied p&a
and bake In hot oven about 25 mlnuiei.
Our red, white and blue btohht " Dett War Time
aunt 1r on request. Addr$
bgV'Nct Contents 15 Fluid Draonmj
t Jvj.5 L , . :-j
sag Ihlv f " Win
. r-rtririT -fl Tltfll flHKT.
I AVTutntnlifAlVi'n'iMtinflrarAs
J similntimjlhclbod by Rcjjutv I
Thereby rromoilnpifcstonl
UtCCnuincssanaiwiuw" -j
neither Opium, Morpmue ,
Mineral. Not NAttcoTiCj
rcsutUni focrcfromjnjnflincy.
ltc. Ul
l: r i
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
As Age Advances
Small Pin, Small
Dose, Small
Price But
Great in
i. n?i .iL.
l3J0r Kiw , in ' ' ' ' n
5ci2A mi
fc&s" viX2immMm
SL, rt ,,, -, mil Illi
BH r
ad UHK I CK0
WPjiIa Xmgmm
hich will be greatly
condition which
In the Language He Understood.
Clarenru S. Keevcr, division superin
tendent of the Indiana Union Traction
company, with headquarters ut Mun
cle, reads everything dealing with clec
trlclly and electrical subjects that
conies his way; so much so that ho
sometimes falls to keep up with pub
lic affairs as presented In tho newspa
pers. Ho mentioned this to n friend
tho other night when tho latter chlded
him for not knowing nbout an Im
portant war development.
"A man In your particular kind of
business I should think would nlways
bo Interested In current cventB," said
tho friend, "that Is if vou exmwt to Im
a live wire." Indlnnapolls News.
Help to Save
Nation's Food Supply
prevent wasto und to help save fSod. nS
ono mcanH can bo moro offeetlvo than n
iTi?U? cfnl"Paen to exterminate r"u
which destroy over two hundred million
S"ra worth of foodstuffs annually. KmS
pttrbago In rat-proof cans, stop up their
b ?.,2"d-.?lJ?.v.. ..??tnnlSteP them
m "-""l" . nij, which can do uouKMt
for a fliw ccntH nt-nny store. A two ounco
and watcrbujfs as well. Adv.
Uses Cat for Penwiper.
Visitor What peculiar murklngs
your cat has I
Wife of Author Yes. ulinn rvimrt
gets excited over his war articles ho
doeRn't mind whero ho wines his non.
Puslnk Show.v
Whero petticoats nre, thero will tho
men bo gathered together.
A Letter
t taps ryo flour
H tejpoon salt
3 level teaipoona Itoyal Baking Iwdtr
cup milk
tablespoon shortening
Blft dry lngredlejts together, add milk melted
shortening, Knead on flouted board! shape into rollt.
Put Into greaied pans and allow to stand in warm
place ?q to 25 minutes. Bake in moderate OTsn 86
to 30 minutes.
Heeioea" rnnfnlnltto aArl!Hnwtl .?... .-J..
Royal Baking Powder
Company, Dept.W,l3S
For Infants nnd Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
the Liver Requires
J Jr lA '
usually Indicate the abeenceof Iron la
tho blood, m '. i D'll
helped by Carter SlTOIirillS
Ostracized. v
Mrs. Justwed Never bring that
wretch Jones hero again. Ho novef
noticed the buby until ho f-nt on her.
How's This?
Wo offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by HALL'S CA
MKD1CINI0 is taken Internally and acta
through tho Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of tho System.
Sold by druKKlsts for over forty yean,
Prlco 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney Se Co., Toledo, Ohio,
' Fooling the Horse.
Major Why havo you put that cloth
over hlB head?
Prlvato Mlko O'Flunagun, (harassed
by rcstlvo horse) 8o as ho won't
know he's being groomed, sorr.-
Dog Did His Best.
Jack Say, boy, your dog bit mo on
tho nnkle.
Tom Well, thnt is as high as he
could reach. You wouldn't expect sv
llttlo pup lllce him to blto you on the
neck, would .vou?
A Possible Reason. ,'r
"Ileanborough nlways looks on the
bright sldo of things."
"Well, tho other day I went with
him to buy a pair of shoes. Ho didn't
try them on "at the store, and when he
got homo iio found that a nail was
sticking right up through tho heel on
"Did ho take them back?"
"Not much. Ho said that ho bud
posed tho nail was put thero Inten
tionally to keep the foot from sliding;
forward In tho shoe."
William Street, New York.
X,,A, "i?'