f L f A RED 0LOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ::h::::-:::-x-:":-m..:x..:..::. AS TOLD TO US $ Powell .fc Pope Rood .things to cat. Goo. Holllstcr was in MeCook Mon day. Mrs. AUco Myers spent Mouday in Hastings. Wiley Swnrtz of Alma was iti the city Tuesday. Soe Warrick, the speclnlist, Tliurs. Oct. 11, 2 to 0. Jas. Loy canto down from McUook the lastrof tho week. We want your, crer.ni and chickens. Top prico. Wilson's. Mrs. Austin came down from Itlver ton Tuesday morning. Eyes tested, glassos fllted. J. C. Mitchell, tho Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ailcs spent tho first of the week hi Omaha. Mrs. Paul Popo spent Wednesday with her parents at Superior. For trade: Now S350 piano on n good automobile, llox COS, lied Cloud. Mrs. Gather and Miss Bess Kaley of Lincoln are visiting relatives in this city. 13. E. McNony left Wednesday morn ing for Lincoln aud Omaha on legal uslncss. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Powell returned homo the last of the week from a visit in Hastings. Dewey Saladen left Tuesday morn ing for Mollnc, Illinois, where ho will bpend several mouths. City Superintendent E. '.. Wood worth and J. A. llradford niRdo a busi ness trip to Omaha Saturday. Editor Edson, of the Argus, returned homo Saturday evening from a visit with relatives at Fredericksburg, Iowai Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sutton and son, Roy, left the first of the week via the Ford for Denver) and other Colorado points. Mrs. John Drake arrived Monday evening from Kansas City -to join her husband, who is an instructor in the high school. Mrs. M. E. Gecr returned to her homo at Dlller Monday morning being called here by the serious illness of her grand-son, Cecil Geer. Marion Slawson, who has been work ing at York, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Slawson Wednes day. Marion was drawn for the draft army and will leave Saturday, 'from York, for Ft. Riley, Kansas. f Z li m a i w Some lighting fads you want loltnow about i right now! Your dollar today buys less bread, less meat, less clothes than ever before, but your elec tric dollar buys MORE. And you can make it buy still more by using Mazda Lamps For MAZDA Lamps givo three times as much light as carbon lamps without increasing the amount of current used. Complete line carried in sftock at all times at right prices For wiring and any things in the electrical line, see E. W. STEVENS Plumbing Healing Electrical Work Morton Smith went to Cowles Mon day. A. It. Fierco went to Grand Island Saturday. Looking for our coal any time now. Wilson's. Mrs. Mary Polnlcky spent Wednes day In Hastings. Paul Polnlcky of Hastings spent Sunday with his mother. Ed Aubuskon and Manley Rakestraw were in Rlverton Sunday. Mrs. Oeo. Smelser returned home Monday from a visit in Inavalc, I have some privato money to loan on city property, also can furnish you low rates on farm loans. B. W. Stewart. Buy a Liberty Loan Bond today. B. P. Stdlo was down from ltladcn Saturday. Mrs. Wyeth Fogel spent Monday In ilabtlugs. Miss Blanche Barker a9 down from Inavalc Sunday McCnrdy Bros, shipped a car of mules to St. Louis Sunday. Delanej Bros, shipped a oar of hogs to Kansas City Sunday. Fiank Cowden intulo a business trip to Alllauco Monday morulug. Mrs. Will IMson returned home Monday morning from Oxford. Uood meals good service moderate prices Powell Pope's cafe. Miss Mabel liuilcy spent the fit st of the week with relatives at Cowles. Miss Fiuiuic Mihsch of Illverton spent Sunday with tier mother In this city. Mr. and Mrs, Koy Stevens spent Sun day with i datives at Smith Center, Kansas. Forrest Mountfoid, who Is attending college at Hastings, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mis. A. T. Walker autoed to Omaha Monday mbrning to attend tho Alt Sar-Hon festivities. , Win, Gates was called here from Elmo, Missouri, by the death of his daughtor, Mis. Ott Leggett. Just received fresh supply Chases box or bulk chocolates. Give us n trlnl. Ludlow's Restaurant. tf Mrs. Grant Turner and daughter ro turned homo Monday morning from a visit with relatives at Blue Hill. Messrs. and Mesdamos Skllos nnd Oliver Buzzard autoed to Omaha Tues day to attend the Ak-Sar Ben festivities Fred Stettin returned to his homo lit Hastings, Friday morning af tor a visit with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Stelliu. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaley of Atcrla, Ohio, arrived in the city Monday morn ing for a visit at the A. U. and D. II. Kaley homes. Roy Cramer, who has been brake ing on trains No. 4 and 11, left Monday for Alliance, near whloh place he will visit relatives and also do some hunt ing. Th.CMirtAT HOME EXPECT YOU Trie FOLK TO TELL 'EM ALL ABOUT "OMAHA'S Fll C0sJlf2!ft visrr Exhilarating BurtaMur, Vautftvtllt Still Alt in FHUdwlth rnttf Mrli. Fimi CtoiH.SwciMt Eqalpip, fcllllitl leule Eiilnanoiit L LAKES' IIME MATIREE EVERY MEEKIAT Everybody Got Ak Anybody UMTS THE IIMEIT HD IEST SHOW VEST OF CHIC1M A Limited Quantity of Beautiful New Crepe-de-chine and Georgette Blouses Bought Advantageously to be Sold Advantageously "i iViWiWB iu ,i i i 111 i-P."ki ii ; .-fu. vcj -v-"' i i Se- (52013 " A3 Here's an opportunity for real substantial savings on these beautiful new Blouses We bought thenji for far less than the prevailing price---anchin accordance with ' -..- f:J -!:- n .n iL r .. ' ''" uui iiacu ijuiitjr we ii sen mein ior less. Months ago before present day prices the silks were bought, months ago our order was placed just a few days ago the styles were designed, and here they are. These matchless values again evidence the pre-eminence of our Blouse values and demonstrate most convincingly how our pattons benefit from our co-operation wilh the makers. No. 3003 Made of beautiful quality of Crepe de-ohluo. Two pockets give some what of a military effect. Collar convertible. Front liborally and elegantly trimmed with hem. stitching. Fine tucks on shoulder for fullness, Prico 54.00 r - 1 No. 3004 Attractive mmuL tailored model jnado of excellent Crepe-do-chine. Collar can be worn either high or low. Refinement gained through tho unsparing use of hemstitching. ' , Pretty turn-back culls. Dainty gathering at shoulder adds at tractiveness Price $4.00 No. 4207 Stunning model of very line Georgette. Exquisitely o in brolderedon front. Large collar outlined with soft rullle and hem stitching; ruillo extending down front. All scams hemstitched. Distinctive culTs. Prico $4.00 No. 4208 Made of soft Jllmy Georgette of un excollont quality. Charming ly simple aud unusually appeal ing, Fino cross tucking trims front, with tucking to match on large collar aud cull's, Tiny pearl , buttous for fastening. Prico 90.00 Just a Limited Quantity to be sold at these Prices and No More of the Same Styles will be Obtainable Wirtl imore Waist, F. G. TURNURE & SON i , V. r m Mrs. Lnmborn went to Ayr, Tuesday morning, Rena Ilarwood spent Mondny In Superior. f Engineer David Lowcllan spent Sun. day in McCook. A. 0. llaiiseruian was In Almr. the ilrst of the week. Mis. KUa Cox spent Sunday wltl relatives at Cowles. Lew Uieakcv of Lebanon spent Sat urday in this city. l'ctcr Mcintosh and daughter, Gladys spent Friday In Hastings. Clyde Sehultx. of Guide ltock spent tho weekend In this city. Merchants lunch, for business man and farmer alike. Ludlow's Cafe. Simon 11 ii ire r returned to his duties at Cheyenne, Wyoming, Tuesdav. Get n cup of that dolleloushot choco late at the Olymplu Luncheonette. Dr. Henry Cook and Schuyler Hayes autoed to Klverton Sunday morning. Try oneof those combination lunches. They 1111 they bill at the Olympla. Mrs. George Harris left thu last of the week for lloulder, Colorado, .to visit relatives. Just received fresh supply Chases box and hulk chocolates. Ulvo us a trial. Ludlow's Restaurant. tf OMiss Bertha Potter returned to Lin coln Monday morning after spending Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Potter. 0. A. Sehultz, Win. Drown, Max Ml.or, Curt Htissolbaclccr ami Win. McPherson autoed to Bird City, Kan sas, Sunday. A high school girl, good worker, wishes a place to work for board aud room Communicate with Miss Mable Pope, CI I j. Miss Carrie Shute, who has bcon at tending college at Manhattan, Kansas, was in tho city Monday visiting rela tives aud friends. ' Roscoo "Fatty" Arbucklo in "His Wedding Night" at the Orpheum, Sat urday, Oct. Utli. Matinee 2:30 adm. 0 and 10c. Night 8:00 adtn, 10 aud inc. Dr. Warrick, tho specialist will meot eye, car, nose aud throat patients" and those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Dainercll's, Thursday, Oct. 11, hours 2 xto 0. Kenneth Wilson, Howard Foe, Dr. Nicholson and Floyd and Raynioifd Turnure autoed to Camp Funsten, Kansas, Sunday to visit the soldier boys. On Saturday, October 6, tho Red Cross Auxiliary will have charge of the 5-10-25c store and will receive a commission of 15 per cent of the gross sales of that Jay. For SJtfe; 34 sections improved laud in Washington County, Colorado also SiJsootionsunlmprovod land. For information write Earl Molfet, Akron, Colorado. ' Smith JJros. of Superior, Nebr , In form us they will hold their annual Poland China sale on Oct. 24, 1017. They will sell 10 boars and 20 gilts. Watch this paper for add. Chas Pease of Clayton, Kansas, who had been visiting his daughter at Ord, Nebraska, slopped of in this city Fri day evening and visited at tho N. M. Hayes home uorth of town. 'Wanted A good, steady, gentle manly salesman to handle a Ward's wagon in Webster County. No exper ience needed. For full particulars wrlto promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona, Minnesota, Estab lished 1850." I am now prepared to do all kinds of sewing, both plain and fancy, at a reasonable price at my home. Satis faction guaranteed. Call and see me. Miss Inez Strlokland, third door soutli of Catholic clinrh on Seward St Mrs. Susie Ludlow and daughter, Miss Lucy, wero called to Red Cloud, last Friday evening ns the oldest son 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gear was very sick. They made the trip in a car. The little fellow was on his road to rocov ery enough Monday morning so Miss Ludlow returned to her work on the Franklin Sentinel. Tho conductors of tho institute, Superintendent Gertrude L. Coon and Professor Whitehead, arc hopeful that as many as possible of the citizens of this community will hear the lecture by Superintendent II. II. Wilson of Topeka, Kans., at tho Methodist church on Friday evening. The sub ject will bo "Educating All tho Chil dren." No admission fco will bo charged. Attention Patriots! A benefit social will be held at the home of Mrs. Throckmorton, at the cminty farm,!) miles north of this city, on Saturday night, October (1th. Tho proceeds will bt donated to tho Red Cross to bo used for tho purchase of supplies aud to assist in other ways in the noble work of this organization. Hero is an opportunity for those re maining at homo to asgistour depart ed hcros in soourlug some of the need ed comforts and possibly a fow of tho pleasures of hfo.md there being no I ntho? way of reaching tho boys except through tho Red Crosb It is our duty to etintrlhutu what we can afford to this worthy causo. If you uto unable to intend a contribution will be thank fully received. S0!!!!T!!!'m''mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:r'''''''i''''!vii iu nuwwmrl LOU DE GARAGE DOOR HANGER .' uperates entirely Within the Uarage No tinjviohttv ftKctrifrflnna nnteul Tlw. .4. elM.. .Mntki.. ..- i .1. ' corner doesn t cut olf nn Inch cf valuablo spaceand when open lies Hat against tho inside wall out of tho way. , t, '' Ono section Swings hko an ordinary hinced door; a small door for man and1 a largo door for tho car, all in one, Is on exclusive Louden-patentetl feature. fcacli outfit Includes all of tlio hardware, for doors up to nnd Including illi in wiuin. x'iilu YiS.ii imisi ni Knrtfv Mminiima .m 'j iir..i r Y..wu -, - .w.j i.iwnuwiii wwt vyt-M ui ; mo mouniains. pSnsfr -i..-?uV Dan t tali in A fntirfn fZnmnm Hina J.M.n. sold here. t Ask fpr beautifully illustrated booklet, G. W. TRINE, Red Cloud i I &GUBukl i S'i kM Do You Really Know that Warner's & Corsets are Actually Rust Proof? Ifflsmi IwiyoH tcJtCliil to prorc this? We wish you would then you would know what we really mean when we say "guaranteed rust proof." It is not enough for a corset to shape well it must wear equally as well as it shapes. Every day it must prove its virtue through shaping comfortably, wear ing without splitting, with out breaking or rusting in these "piping hot" days , , that test even the best coisets. You Can Depend Upon Your Warner si Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns Powell & Pope ONE HALF BLOCK NORTH OF STATE BANK i ... Regular ilfcals Short Orders and Lunches $j.oo Meal Tickets $...50 Cafe Special atten tion to orders for all club luncheons, parties, etc. CHOICE LINE CANDIES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS Let Us Serve You "' "-' in . TTTi-wma October Jury List Jurorb drawn for the October term or the District Court for Webster county, which convenes October 22nd. Jurors summoned to appear tho 33rd. William Keut Kd Lewis Harvey Dledrloh Ford Marker John Aubushon It. It. Leggett Frank Dean Howard Hunter K. Garner Hert Grossman W. Lumphear Karl Crary Louis Walthams Charles Hurtuls W. U. Trine Fred linger Peter Lilhn A. C. Jaolcsou William Uerlach 11. A, .Johnson Chas. Itarrott Howard Hamilton Chu9, Ailes Alva Stoner. Acts on Exemption Claims Among tho number of casesbrought before- tho appellate exemption board to bo acted upon arc a number from Webster county. Tho following de cisions wore rendered: Earl A. Zimmerman, agriculture', cluim allowed. August Zimmerman, ngrlcultur: ', claim denied; dependency, claim d -nicd; action of local board afTirmeu. Claudo llichards, agricultural, claim denied. Koy C. Elwood, agricultural, claim allowed; dependency, clnim denied. Carl Ilcitz, agricultural, cluim do nied. Lloyd Schultz, agricultural, denied 4 ( M h . i:,- Wfol