RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF J4- V i- .s'.z- A'JARANTEID REMEDY FOR ASTHMA Tom moiri wiu. n airoreto by your drotvist Without any qnettlon If thl remedr doM not bt nest OTerrcaieof Asthma, llrnnrtilal.Aathnta,llay raver or Difficult Hrenllilng. No matter bow Violent Uie attacks or obsUnate Ibe cat a DR.R.SCHIFFMANN'S H ASTHMADOK In either form (Cljrartte.Plpt Mtttnrs or Ponder) poalUrelr Bliwi INHTANT HUMHF In every cue and hu permanently cored tbonnandsnno bad been onildered Incurable, after baring tried ererr other neant of relief In Tain. Bnflfrori are afforded an opportnnltr of availing tbeoitelres of this -Money Hack" guarantee offer as through purchasing from tbelr own regular Drnsgltt, they are enre tbelt noney will be refunded bjr him If the rrmedr falls. Ton will be the sole Judge a to wbetber Ton are benefited and will get roar moner back If you are EA xM do not know of any fairer proposition which we could make. v " H. ScMffmarm Co., Proprietors, SI. Paul, Minn. Anything for Comfort. "I wouldn't grieve 80 nbout your-boj going to war." "It Is drendful; I enn't bear the thought." "I know, hut Just remember thnt It he stayed home lie nilglit tnkc It Into his bend to marry some girl you bnve no use for." When He Howled. "Hubby, the mnlil linn gone nnd she look my diamond tlnrn." "Well, I don't like notoriety. Let It go." "She nlso took n peek of potatoes." "Send for the police 1" Why Isn't the golden rule nn excuse for the girl who wnnts to propose? hflMttgtlUXa' .Net Contents 15PluidDf3ohn w-s --"jfe l Siai-j' srl -'tt-:'.mm i-'iii ? IPi at rnimr.-.l PER QEMTi I KVc6ot flhklVenarau'oniirAs a i ,,.r"" cim iniinoinerooaDvimuui.- a tintftheStomachsnndlkwctsofJ nicrcoyftoraotlnBKcston niPPrfViincs ana kcsiubu neither Oplam.MoTphlnenorl Mineral. NotNahcoticI jouacsdnesafffoa JUSrtma A fcMnfiiinemedYfoC ConstlpaUonnnd Diarrhoea ana revcnsuHVM Toccftlf SLEEP ItxsiiiilniKt!1' ataCEjrrAtmCowWt NEW JI?iU CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always -Bears the Signature of txr p i f M afU Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA twt eaarava easmiMV. new veaa it. COSTLY CHIMES FOR CADETS Big Set of Bells It Being Made for Chapel at United States Military Academy at West Point. What Is said will bo tho most coBtly chlmo of bells In America nnd one of the most musical sets In cxlstenco Is now being mado at tho foundry of tho Menccly Bell company of Troy, N. Y for tho massive tower of cadet chapel, Hev. H. P. Silver, chaplain, at the United States military academy, West Point, as the gift of, Mrs. James M. Lawton, In memory of her father, the late. MnJ. Gen. Robert Anderson, who was graduated from the academy In 1825, nnd whose brllllcnt command of Fort Sumter at the outbreak of tho Civil war has thrilled millions of rend ers of American history, says tho Watchman-Examiner. There will be 12 bells In the chime, the largest weighing nenrly two tons nnd measuring 50 Inches nt its mouth. The cadet chapel Is of stone, qunrrled from rock found on the military grounds, nnd cost to build about half a million dollars. Its commanding po sition on the hill back from the Hud son river makes nn Ideal place for bells, and the patriotic airs from the chime will sound throughout the beau tiful highlands, In the midst of which the military academy Is Bltuated, and provo n source of Inspiration to the fu ture generals of the United States army that will always linger with them pleasantly. For Unruly Window Shades. When a roller window Bhnde refuses suddenly to remain unrolled at a cer tain point, n hnndy kink is to Insert n small wooden wedge, such its u match or toothpick, between the unrolled cur tain and the roller. This 1b only an emergency device, und may Injure the fabric if repeated often at tho sumo point. Plenty of It. "Brngley says his new house Is heat ed with hot air." "Then It Is well heated. I've heard Ilragley talk." CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION While You Sleep With Cutlcura 8oap and Ointment Trial Free. On retiring, gently smear tho faco with Cutlcura Ointment, wash off In flvo minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water, and contlnuo bathing a few minutes with theSoup. The Influence of this treatment on the pores extends through the night. v Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Nitrogen From Air. The production of nitrogen from tho nlr In Germany, which was only 30,000 tons in 1013, has been so successful that 800,000 tons were so produced In 1910, nnd It Is expected that 320.000 will be produced tills year. According to the Frankfurter Zeltung, the cost Is only six cents a kilogram. LIFT YOUR CORNS 0FE WITH FINGERS Left Them Outside. "YVherO are your manners, sir?" asked tho crusty business man of a Btrnngcr who unceremoniously rushed Into his private office. "I left them out in the main office," answered tho irato caller, 'Jjwhero I T was Insulted by two or thretTof "your Impudent clerks." Damning Description. She What's ho like? lie Oh, he's the kind of a fellow that counts the clgnrets In a box. Whoiwtntt brad and butteriwhen a feller vari.naivo P TOASTIES says ost r UtMv Sg . MADKOFl HL SURFACE OF ROADS Methods to Be Employed in Con struction Depends on Con ditions to Be Met. fOUR SETS ARE SUMMARIZED How to loosen a tender corn or callus so It lifts out without pain. Lef folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes' a size smaller If you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. Ho says that a few drops of a drug called frcczone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, Instantly re lieves soreness, nnd soon tho entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at onco and simply shrivels up tho corn or callus without even Irritating tho surrounding skin. A smalt bottle of frcczone obtained nt any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to got a small bottle of freczone for you from his wholesale drug house. odv. "Wife a Good Sport." W. S. Desmond, n carpenter of Huntington Lake, Cal., Is above the se lective draft age limit, but he wanted to Join the army. lie told his wife. She objected. Do offered to match pennies with her. She agreed. Ho suggested heads, stuy at home, tails go to the front. ' They mntched and tails won. Des mond enlisted In the field artillery. "My wife's n good sport," he told tho recruiting officer. An electrically heated Incubator for the production of bacteria 1ms been developed by a Salt Luke City scientist. Location, Design, Drainage, Grading, Etc., Are Important Eaoh Fea ture Described Separately and. In Full. (Prepared by tho United Stntos Depart ment of Agriculture.) Tho proper method to employ In constructing a sand-clay roud surface depends on the conditions to be met. In generul, there arc four distinct sets of conditions, all of which may occur In the same locality, or even on dif ferent sections of the same rond. These nre: Case 1, where the original roadbed Is sandy and It Is desired to construct the surface by admixing clay; Case 2, where the original rondbed Is composed of clay nnd It Is desired to construct the surface by ndmlxltig sand ; Case 3, where It Is desired to con struct the surfneo of topsoll or other natural sand-clny mixture without nd mlxltig any of the roadbed materia! ; Case 4, where it Is desired to supply the clay nnd snnd separately and mix the two materials together In place to form the surface. Before discussing the different cases separately, the general ends which nil can best be described separately for each of the four sots of conditions mentioned above. Case 1. To construct n sand-clny surface by admixing clay with snnd from the roadbed, first grade the road bed In the manner already described fur earth-bed construction, but keep the crown Hat on the portion to be surfaced. Then spread clay over that pnrt of the roadway which the sur face Is to cover, to such depth that, when It N mixed with the snnd of the roadbed, n surface about eight Inches thick, after compacting, will bo ob tained. The loose depth of clay neces sary to secure u finished surface eight Inches thick usually will vary from four Inches to six Inches, according to the amount of sand the clay contains After tho clay has been spread, plow up sand from beneath In sufficient quantity to make tho net proportion of snnil to clay nbmit 2 to 1. Ordinari ly the plow furrows should extend down Into tho sand from four to six Inches, depending on the compactness of the roadbed and the amount of snrid originally present In the clay. But It Is better to bnve too little than too much sand, because It la easier to ndd saod from the roadbed than tn haul additional clay. Next harrow the sur face with a disk harrow. Itepent the operations of plowing and harrowing until the sand nnd clny nrc mixed thor oughly and uniformly. Then shape up the surface with a grading machine or road drag and pi.mlt trafllc upon It. After the first soaking rain, plow nnd harrow tho surface ngaln until the surfacing material prnctlcolly becomes mud. after which shape up tho surfaeo and keep It In shnpe by repeated drag ging until It has dried out ,nnd 1? thoroughly compacted. Watch the rond carefully for several months ufter It I" ' v ' - 8 'I I rut or sHjhtly crownsfr I ''F$$$' & dto ty to receive the surfacing materia) '" '3$?ft0.y W' rSe tet for thla depth nn fin fir i-i-'j'-'"-r'----- '-if-i-iii'i?hii -ff-Tii ill. I. .41 V. lV. Jll.'ll..t.l.. 11... .11.1 lliv. . '.'lW vti. . .a . - . . . tin. . " ii i.iii.. ; . :.ii. .... '. r.iiv i !. i . . . - .v'".-i-'v ''' v ' ''''Ni-vf- flTK. rr.i.iA,iyuk.V.: - i! -t- :- .1 :-, J il ' J.-.-:i-'.." "-.TSs.,.v.,i s uw seciwo. snowing msienai sprcag oninc rwo 'v.v.iTTs-ii. ?''' rey for mixing "'V:fihV' S n J iz syv 8 to W Indus -SBaBaBI i s-6toO ipch -. TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS SHOWING METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING SANO-CUY ROAD BY MIXING SAND OR CLAY WITH THE ROAD BED MATERIAL. iVshouk) be at least 12 feet forsinftle track road, and "S generally not less Sfeet, for double trackVir should be not less than 14 feet, anti'S not leu than i Tl crown varies from 1 to the root for leva arsd. to I to ths foot tor a flrads theft'. Sfeet. of5X. tfi 1 of the construction methods should aim to attain will be summarized briefly. (1) The questions of location, de sign, drainage, grading, etc., nre, If anything, more Important In the caso of sand-clny roads than in the case of earth roads. (2) The amount of clay contained In a ' finished sand-clay road surface Bhould bo only slightly more than suf ficient to fill the voids in tho sand. Ordinarily about one pnrt of cloy to two parts of sand gives satisfactory results, though the proper proportion for any particular case can be deter mined best by experiment. (8) For nvernge country-road trafllc and a stable roadbed, the depth of a sand-clny surface should be nbout eight Inches after it Is compacted. If clean sand and puro clay wero used to make the mixture, the rcspectlvo depths of the sand layer and the clay layer required would be approximate ly eight Inches nnd four Inches, meas ured loose. It Is customary to decrease the surface thickness from center to sides, with n feather edge extending out over the shoulders, but this prac tice makes It necessary foremost of he traffic to use the center of tho Is first constructed, to correct defi ciencies of sand or clay and to keep the surface In shnpe. Cobo 2. To construct n sandy-clay road surface by admixing sand with cluy from tho rondbed, the process.. 1.. exactly similar to that described fot Case 1, except that sand Is spread over the graded roadbed and clay Is plowed up from bencnth to mix with it. The depth to which the sand should be spread for an eight-Inch finished sur face usually vnrles from four to eight Inches according to tho nmount of snnd contained originally in the clay of tho rondbed. The depth to which the plow furrows should extend down Into tho clny usually varies from nbout three Inches to about five Inches, nnd depends on the sand content of the clay nnd the compactness of the rond bed. It should be borne In mind thnt, In this case, it Is better to have a sur plus of snnd than 'a surplus of clay In the surface, because the former Is more easily corrected. Caso 8. Figure 2 illustrates the two principal steps Involved In construct ing a sand-clay surface with topsoll or other nntural Hnnd-olny mixture. Tho roadbed should be graded In the usual way, except that the portion to ri gfswi ir Sk, J11 i:KsgB.uwi W - I s -M Ul - -"nv-.v" "fwOTW L si? Crosi section ready to recehi the turf acirg maferlat r $ tajpetsw W Hc-ffpg3flffi rf"l'- 3MP :'in':-?.:'.i' imxmm 3 , to JO Inches S--l 6to8incHl ion, of completed road 9r Cross sect . TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS SHOWING METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING ASANO-CIAY ROAD, USING .TOPSO.'L OR OTHER NATURAL MIXTURE. . VshouM be at least 10 feet for slnAle track road and "S generally not leu than 5 fet for double track.'Wthoukl be not less than I4feet and '5 not less than 5 feet. H. crown. varies from to the fed fer.kvel trade, to Tto the fot for .rW5X rood, and heavy vehicles using tho edge of tho surface are liable to break through the surfacing material. (4) In constructing a sand-clay sur face, the two constituent materials should be thoroughly and Intimately mixed together In till cases. In mak ing artificial mixtures, therefore, much plowing and harrowing are required. (0) No matter what method Is fol lowed In constructing a sand-clay sur face, trafllc usually must bo depended upon to puddle nnd compact tho sur facing material, and tho road never should be considered completo until nfter It hns been subjected to trafllc for n considerable period. During this period the surface should be kept in shnpe by repented drugging, and If necessary additional sand or clny should bo supplied at points which show weakness owing to these ma terials not having been mixed In proper 'proportions. I Other features of the construction bo surfaced should b trenched out with the grading machlno to rccelye the surfacing material. Tho surfacing material should be spread to such a depth that 11 will bo at least eight Inches thick at tho center when com pacted. Case 4. Where it Is necessary to 1 bring tho sand nnd clay on tho road I separately and mix them In place, the method employed should be a combi nation of tho methods already de scribed. That Is, a trench should be formed with tho grading machlno to receive tho bottom layer of material, which may bo either tho sand or tho clay, and tho top layer should then bo spread and tho mixing dono as de scribed In Caso 1 or Caso 2. Tho depths of tho rcspectlvo layers Bhould be such as to secure a completed sur face at least eight inches thick, and the proportions should bo fixed lu tho manner already described In discussing the other cases. IEYS sjr s As beneficial as It Is enjoy able in other words, doubly beneficial; that's why WRIGLEYS is popular the world over. Many a Ion watch or a hard Job Is made more cheerful by this (oiuMastittai refreshment; WAWCO After Every Meal Atdtawttttt MddlMtttoo The Flavor Lasts m iijia mi mi tvm ?. afimuLti kih" i mmmm, ftltoa thirst ntf fatUrat 758 The Limit. Belle Is Jack's wife so critical? June Drendful 1 She'll pick flaws in a perfectly good He, Jack says. Tho wise mnn mnkes two tracks to ward tho cellar when the barometer In dicates n brain storm. A new rapid printing machine for photographers will make 10,000 print In a day from negatives. A Mean Hint. Belle I had till I could do to keep Mr. Jims from proposing. Nell To some other girl? SAXON $395 With full tltctric tquipmtnt ytEHsZBBBBBBBBsHjtSav $395 Buys Saxon Roadster Greatest Automobile Value Ever Offered Never has there been an automobile value that can compare with this. Just stop and figure up all that you get for $395. First and foremost, full electric equipment (Wagner 2 -unit type starting and lighting system); high-speed Con tinental motor; demountable rims; 30 inch by 3 inch tires; 3-spaad transmission; Hyatt quiet bearings; Feddera honeycomb radi ator; smart stream-Una body; Atwater-Kent ignition systam; cantilever type vanadium steel springs of extra length and strength; Schebler carbureter; dry plate clutch and twsnty further feature of costly car Zuality. Price, now, $395, tab. Detroit Saxon "Sin $833, tab. letrolu , Saxon Motor Car Corp., Detroit See your local dealer NOW or write to us direct. Responsible representatives, wasted la all open territory. Feed the Fighters ! Win the War!!, Harvest the Crops Save the Yields - On the battle fields of France and Flanders, the United States boys and the Canadian boys are fightingside by side to win for the World the freedom that Prus Bianiem would destroy, while doing this they must be fed and every ounce of muscle that can be requisitioned must go into use to save this year's crop. A short harvest period requires the combined forces of the two countries in team work; such as the soldier boys in France and Flanders are demonstrating. The Ctmblnei Fighters In France and Flinders and the Cemblncd lirvesters In America WILL Iring the Allied Vletery Nearer. A reciprocal arrangement for the uae of farm workers has been perfected between the Depart ment of the Interior of Canada and the Departments of Labor and Agriculture ot the United States, under which it b propoaed to permit the harvesters that are now engaged in the wheat fields of Okla homa. Kansas. Iowa. North Dakota, South Dakota. Nebraska. Minnesota and Wisconsin to move over into Canada, with the privilege of later returning to the United States, when the crops In the United States have been conserved, and help to save the enormous crops la Canada which by that time will be ready for harvesting. HELP YOUR CANADIAN NHGHBOURS WHEN YOUR OWN CROP IS HARVESTED III Canada Wants 40,000 Harvost Hands to Take Care of Its 13,000,000 ACRE WHEAT FIELD. One ceat a mile railway fare from the International boundary line to destination and the same rata returning to the International Boundary. High Wages. Good Board, Comfortable Lodgings. An Identification Card Issued at the boundary by a Canadian Immigration Officer will guaraa tee bo trouble la returning to the United States. AS SOON AS YOUR OWN HARVEST IS SAVED, move northward and assist your CanadUa Ratahbour in harvesting his; in this way do your bit in helping "Win the War". For particulate as to routes, identification cards and place where employment may be had, apply to Superintends si Imaagratloo, Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. BENNETT, Reeae 4, Dee Bid., basaba, Near. CsnsiMsn Cererasaent Agent. & r . , 0 T vi-yj vj , F- ,W 1 .- liSi.-S&JWMfl.'nU Jtl'lKi