The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 13, 1917, Image 8

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Low Summer Fares
"Withdrawn September 30
TO EASTBUN CITIES AND IlESOUTSTho entire ficlicmc of Eastern snm
nier fares will bo nvnllnblo during September, with return limits Rood un
til October Hist; this Is the Inst opportunity of the yeur to visit the oast ut
reduced rates.
TO THE PACIFIC COAST Tho low-rates circuit tours nro nlio available prior
to September .'10th; these are much lower tlinn tho winter fares. Our
Scenic Colorado California route Is especially attractive during the Autumn.
TO WESTKUN IIE30KT3 You can jro to Colorado and Estes Park at very
cheap fares during this month. Estes Park lu September Is an Ideal place
for a "rapldOiealth-come-bnck."
The big national Parks will be open until Septombor 13th. Tho Dlack Hills
arc available throughout tho month.
The ranches about Sheridan, Itanchestor and Cody will all be open and can
taho excollont care of you nfter the departure of the fmld-summer crowds.
Send for publication descriptive of any trip you have In mind: letus help you.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
loOl Ifornnm Street, Omaha, Nebr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
jyiade Right, Lettered
Right find Erected Right
Makers of ArtistlclMonuments
Red Cloud,
Auto Hedrse - Horse Hearse
Fred Andrews was lu Blue Hill Sun
Jens Westcnsou nutoed to Minden,
Win. Stanley of Itoscland was In the
S. M. Hall and Casper Hofrnn were
down from Hastings Saturday.
Miss Myrua Spoucc ts spending tlie
nvok with relatives in Lincoln.
Mlssilatlie Kuley of Red Cloud was
n guest at tho KmUson home Suudny
Win llailey of Edgar was lu town
Sunday, visiting friends and relatives.
Dr. Iliuvlcy and Frank Beynu were
transacting business in Hastings, Sun
day. Hobort Taylor of York Is visiting at
the homo of his son, John Tayfor, this
Tracy Knutson, Fritz Ruschke and
Frank McCoy uutoed to Red Cloud,
Fritz nnd Will Ruschke and Frank
McCoy spent Sunday evening with
friends lu Campbell.
Joe Rhea returned to Ulldreth, Friday
after a short stay at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rhea.
Fod Brewer came home from Lltch
fleld Saturday. Mr. Brewer has been
erecting a residence at that place.
John Hall and family autoed to Kear
ney, Sunday, where'the Misses Iva and
Fern will attend Normal this term.
Mis9 Bertha Meyer of Bruning is
spending tho week at the home of
W. J. Meyer and family south of town
George Ross of College View has been
visiting at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. O. Ross and family this
Rev. C. T. Moore was n passenger to
Lincoln, Monday, to attend the annual
conference at University Place this
week. ,
Jbs. McCoy was a passenger to Henry
Monday morning. Mr. McCoy will
visit at the home of his son, Elmer, n
short time.
Wants Better Service
l Record
S .. . . . . . .
Ihe United Christian thurch
Sunday Service
a. m.
Mrs. Nesbit of Lincoln will speak on the subject:
"Love and Patriotism in Time of War"
2:30 a. m. South Side Mission Seivice
8:00 p. m. Sermon, Subject; "Why don't God kill the Devil?"
No such questions discussed in the city before
A. L. Stoner of Innvalc, presi
dent of the Webster County Farmers'
Union, filed a protest with the railway
commission concerning the unsanitary
condition of tho coaches on the Burl
ington operating in this locality.
Following is his letter in part:
"First on entering the coach at Red
Cloud, Neb., September 6, 1917, wc
found it in a very dirty, filthy and an
altogether unfit condition to expect
men to ride in to accompany their
stock to market. To every appear
ance this coach had not been cleaned,
dusted or otherwise attended tq for
the comfort and convenience of,, the
cattle men for "many moons." Thc
floor was littered from one end to the
other with every conceivable thing
that you would ever expect to find in
a railway coach. In mid afternoon
for two hours or more wc were with
out water and in absolute daikness
from Table Rock to Falls City.
These last two conditions alone we
consider very negligent and discour
teous to a part of the men who make
this road pay dividends. Moreover,
the unsanitary condition of this coach
was a menace to the health, comfort
and convenience of the shippers and
wc respectfully ask that these con
ditions be investigated and remedied
at the earliest opportunity."
Job Printing of Quality, at the Chief Office
On Track!
ilttalone-Gellatly Go.
for "nur Efficiency"
Transportation as Well as in
Ncbinska is easily first in a gient
many things. It was first to agitate
the income tax, first to agitato direct
election of senators, first to agitate
direct election of president. It
is the first in per capita production of
agriculture nnd live stock. Tho
publicity arising fiom all these things
is valuable. Now is Nebraska's
opportunity to secure oven greater
publicity by taking tho front rank in
the matter of war efficiency putting
the punch into the service that means
tho speedy winning of the war.
Theie is a shortage of freight
equipment cars and j locomotives.
No time now to discuss the whvs of
J this fact. The government is taking
over the locomotive works, and car
shops are too busy on war stuff to
manufacture freight cars. The so
lution of the transportation problem
lies in "speeding up" shipments, mak
ing three cars do the work that four
or five performed last year. making
two locomotives do the work that re
quired three last year or the year be
fore. Let Nebraska take the lead in
this and the "big guns" of the busi
ness world will talk a lot about the
"Nebraska,, way."
How? Anticipate your needs and
order in large lots, loading cars to
maximum weight capacity. Notify
the railroads when you are going to
load, and load promptly. Notify the
consignee, and thenexpect him to un
load and release the car with prompt
ness. Systematize your shipments,
and remember that other people are
crying for the cars you are holding
up. une year ago tne treignt car
shortage was 150,000 cars. The
railroads have speeded up to their
limit, and the shortage is now less
than 30,000 cars. They used to make
less than 26 miles per car per day;
now they are making twenty-five per
cent more. They can double it if
you'll assist in the good work. One
great railroad is sending out an ex
port to "put the war punch" in its
employees; others will follow. When
Nebraska shippers and the Nebraska
public co-operate we'll get Nebraska
grain and live stock to tho market
p. d. q., and other states will envy us
and emulate us. They'll talk about
Nebraska's way of doing things
that's the kind of advertising Ne
braska needs. The Railroad's War
Board is hustling to help win the war
and to help the people. Now let
every Ncbraskan join in thn work
and while profiting directly get the
indirect profit that comes from favor
able publicity.
' United Church Notes
A soldier in Co. K. surrendered 'his
heart to Christ Sunday ovenlng nnd a
young lndy who expects to nttend the
high school nlso accepted Christ.
Tho Union ehhrch Is Increasing in
power nnd spiritual life every day.
When you Unci people praying for
n thing and at ths same time doing
everything they can to prevent God
answering their prayer you can know
they are not sincere.
Mr. Sherman, superintendent of the
South Side Mission gave tho children
a surprise treat of enndy last Sunday.
The mission is manifesting a gna.
deal of eilthusiasm in both Sunday
Ruhool and preaching servlee.
Treasurer's Statement
Mayor and City Council, City Rod
Cloud, Neb:
I submit herewith statement cover
ing receipts and disbursements of my
office for the period from Auv;. 7 to
Sept. 4. 1917.
Occupation Fund
Amount on hand Aug 7 1017.. t 120 71
Receipts ; 8 70o 00
' 820 71
Disbursements 320 75
Ualance... 493 90
Water Fund
Amount on hand Aug 7 878 22
878 22
Disbursements 077 13
Italance 8 201 00
Water Levy Fund
Am on hand Aug? Overdraft. t 47 13
Receipts C00 00
Halaice ' 552 87
General Fund
lialance on baud Aug.
9 03
1200 00
To The Public
Hiving bought the J O Caldwell
business, 1 would be glad to have a
share of your patronage. I will pay
tho highe 't price for cream, eegs and
poultry. Will also handle coal Come
in and Kct acquainted.
A. K. WiLSox.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcintosh, who
reside on North Webster Street are the
proud im re tits of a baby daughter
which wab born ou Sunday. Tho little
miss Is more fortunate than the aver
ago new arrival In o much h she will
bo welcomed by not ouly her parents
but also by four grand parents and
eight great grand parents, all of whom
we are informed reside In this county.
Miss Elsie Dietrich, who for the past
year has ably performed the duties as
pharmacist at Cook's Drug Store, re
signed her po&ltion the first of tho
weok uud left Tuesday morning for a
dmnf ilai titltli liat nnonntc n T mlr '
befo'c going to Freomont where she
has accepted a position with the Claik
Drug Co,, of that place. Tho young
lady has a host of friends In this vicin
ity who will regret to hear of her
leaving. --
Fruits and Vegetables Required Dur
ing the Nongrowing Season for
the Family.
A family of-five, including two
adults and three children under 12
years of age, under ordinary living
conditions, should have stored for
each month of the winter season the
following food supplies: 1 bushel of
Irish potatoes; J bushel of other root
vegetables such as carrots, turnips,
and parsnips; 25 quarts of other vege
tables and 20 quarts of canned fruits
and preserves These figures are
based on estimates by the United
States Department of. Agriculture,
which adds that most of this should
come from the perishable products of
the many home gardlns this year.
With these figures as a basis, it is
thought that almost any family may
calculate its requirements, taking in
to consideration the length of the win
ter season in any given locality. Thus,
in the South, where food crops may be
grown in the fall, the winter allow
ance may be less than for tho far
North, where one must count on sup
plies for several months longer.
There is still time, says the depart
ment, for a final drive in canning, pre
serving and drying. In using dried
vegetables, it may be assumed that a
given quantity of dried vegetables
is equal to four times its bulk of
canned vegetables; that is, one-fourth'
of a quart of dry string beans when
soaked over night is approximately
equal to one quart canned.
Red Cross Notes
12C9 09
Disbursements 704 75
BalaiKe -(44 34
Electric Light Fund
Amount on baud Aug 7 S 917 10
Receipts 1032 13
1049 23
Disbursements 855 G'2
lialance 810U3 01
' Electric Light Levy Fund
Amount on hand Aug 7 212 02
No receipts or disbursements. .
lialance 212 92
, Sewer Fund
Amount on baud Aug 7 8 42 CO
Receipts 3 00
lialance 45 00
Firemen's Fund
Amount on haad Aug 7 t 189 CO
Disbursements 50 00
lialance ; 139 CO
Sewer Bond Fund
Amount on baud Aug 7 133 10
Receipts 10354 22
10487 32
Disbursements..., 8457 51
lUlance 2029 81
Occupation Fund $ 493 00
Wator Fuud '.. 201 00
Water Levy 552 87
General 444 34
Electric Light Fund 1093 G I
Electric Light Levy Fund 212 92
Sewer ,.. 45 Co
Firemou's Fund 139 (10
Sewer 2029 81
5213 20
R. Floranco, City Treasuror-
Notice of Suit
Arnold Snyrc will tako notice that on the
8th day of Soptcmlicr. 11)17, A. I). Rnnuey,
County .ludgoot Webster County, Nebraska.
Issued nn order of attachment for tho sum ot
&0.00 lu nunctlou pending heforo him where
in John I,. Oalhreth, Is plalntltr and Arnold
Snyre defendant, that property of the defend
ant, consisting ot cigars, tobacco, canned
goods, etc. has been attached under said order
Said cause was continued to tho '-Mud day ot
October, 1917, at 10 o'clock n. m,
Dated Soptomber 12, 1917.
John U. Uai.iiuktic
38.1 Hy IIowakd S. For, Ills All'y.
Hamilton - Cathar
Clothing Co.
Mamaaan to Ptwd Star
Kvarythlng a Man
ar Boy Waara
mtt Clam Namraaka
Piano at a Bargain
m i ii
We havo a used piano in good con
dition that one of our customers was
unable to finish paying for. We will
place it free of charge lu tho homo of
any satisfactory party In tho vicinity
of Red Cloud who will pay tho balance
in cash, or payments as low as 80.00
per month. Address Gaston Muslo Co.
Hastings, Nebraska, 332 ,
- m
Read the Chief for news.
Ain't It tho Truth!
A follow who works for clothes and feed
And tries hard to keep out ot debt,
And yet hu nlwoyu seems to need
A llttlo more than ho can get.
Force of Habit.
Tho sermon was long-and prosy, and
tho tired telephono girl was enjoying a
little nap. Tho preacher ended his dis
course and nnnouueed:
"Wo will Blng hymn No. 432 four
th reo-two."
Tho tired telephone girl awoko with
a start when sho. heard tho number
and said in a sweet voice;
"Tho lluo Is busy." ' .
The Women's Red Cross Auxiliary
now numbers 120 members. They
work in groups as follows:
Monday Mrs. Geo. Pope, super
visor. Work for the day, shoulder
wraps, knitting.
TuesdayMrs. Ellis, supervisor of
girls' division. Work: handkerchiefs,
wash cloths and towels.
Wednesday Mrs. Eugenia Harris,
supervisor young women's division.
Work: batli robes, bed socks and knitting.
Thursday Mrs. I. H. Holmes, su
pervisor. Work: hospital bed shirts
and knitting.
At present there is a great demand
for knitted articles. The Women's
Auxiliary will furnish yarn to all
members of the Auxiliary. Members
aro requested to buy their own need
les. Whenever information is de
sired regarding knitted articles, it
may bo obtained from tho following
committee: Mesdames Alice Pope, F.
S. Henderson, Julia Newbury, Graco
Letson and C. E. Fcarn.
S.-T".V1 l
When the
Firemen. Appear
the insured man'i first thought it one of
thankfulncn that he is so. How abou
your thoughts ii a futeman should ap
pear at yout home?
The Da.y
Before the Fire
it the day to intute. At that day nuy
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellowt that prudence would im
pell you to stop in out office to-day and
have us issue you a policy,
R.eliaible Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
Quality Printers : Publishers
Does Its
Printed Matter
ot the "Better Quality"
gJXotlow Cteaii
J1 Jlut How OOOl)
Hamilton - Cathar
Clothing Co.
Sat oo to Paul Sttftr
Kvarythlng a Man
or Boy Waara
Rmd Cloud
C. II. Miner Dr. S. 6. Dcardorf, M, D. C.
, Manager 1. Veterinary lu Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
legal Notice.
r. C. ICcltoy, first and truo natno unknown
Mrs. I). C. Kelloy, his wife, llrst and tmio
name unknown; Herbert A. Tabor; Mrs
Herbert A. Talwr, wife ot Herbert A. Tabor
llrst mid true namo unknown; Tho un
known helm, devisees, legatees, personal ro
preventatives and other persons Interested In
the estate ot any or all of tho aboro named'
defendants If deceased will tako nollco that
on tho 13th day of August 1017, Charles V
Wnllln, plalntltr herein, tiled his petition In
tho District Court of Wobstor county, Nolirnv
kn, ni;nlnit each nud nil of tho abovo nnnud
defendnuts, nnd that ou tho lSIth day of Aug
list 1'J17, Hon. II. H. Dungau. Judgo of Bald
court, uindo hu order for service ot suiiuuons
on said defendants by publication lu tho I ted
Cloud Chief; that the object nnd jirnyer of
said petition nro to remove cloud from and
lutet title In tho nkovo named plalntlu" of
the following real estate, viz., Lots 8, D nnd 10
In Mock 1 lu Gulllford's Addition to tho city
of lied Cloud, Nebraska, nil In section :I0
Townshlp2 North, linage 11 west 0 I', M. In
Wobitcr county Nebraska, nud for equitable
You aro required to answer said potltlon on
or boforo tho 1 day bf October 1U1T.
Dated August 14, 11)17.
Ciiaiu.ks F.,
- lly Frank J. Munday
HU Attornoy. U-13
Wire er Phone at Our Expense
U. S. VeterhiarvLIcense No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Lvne of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
J Is no ; ready to place your salo dates 3
" ask nuy one ns to my qunnncations
, or whom I havo cried sales. ludcicnj
J dent phono 8 on 10. Write v're or tai
J Red Cloud, New?.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
EBTOffice Oveu Ai.nmaiiT's Stohe
Dv. Ctaas. 5. Cross
E. S. Garber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kindt
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures