RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF -ti f)L &?, . r k . ite , UR" "' "! AS TOLD TO US .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..A.:.A.VM.A.:. """"".--""""' .""""" Ivan Camp spent Vednusdny lit Blue Hill. Jas. Hubatka was down from llladcti, Friday. Miss 1'cnvl White wout to Lincoln Saturday. Peto Lewis of Rlverton spent Sutur day in the city. W. U. Smith spent the weekend with his mother at Denver. Eyes tested, glasses flttod. J. C Mitchell, the Jeweler. Mrs. A. C. Hale spont Tuesday with her husband at Hastings. Wanted A Rood second hand corn binder. Inquire at this ofllee. J. II. Elllnger shipped a car of cattle to the eastern market Wednesday. L. A. Graves of Grand Island spent Tuesday evening in this city Chas. Coleman and daughter, Mrs. Lillle Pierce spent Tuesday in Blue Hill. Paul Polnioky who is working at Hastings spent Sunday with his mother. Miss Mamie Reihcr left Tuesday for Lincoln where she will attend the State University. Turn to page one of this paper, read the Orpheum ad, and don't fail to re member the date and place. Miss Kathryn Burke arrived in the city Friday evening from Walnut, Iowa, to resume her school duties. Miss Ethel Waller of Cowlcs spent the weekend iu this city with her aunts, Mis9es Mabel and Alice Bailey. Mr. ancl Mrs. S. E. Bailey returned home the last of the week from Lin coin where they attended the state fair. I have some private money to loan on city property, also can furnish you low rates on farm loans. B. W. Stewart. Montgomery Doty, who is in train ing for the U. S. Navy, at the Great . Lakes training station, spent the last of the week with friends here. Miss Blsio and Waldorff Klzor re. turned to their home at Lincoln Sat urday morning after a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.S. B. Kizer. For Sale; 3 sections improved land in Washington County, Colorado also 8$i sections unlmprovod landj For information write Earl Moifet, Akron, Colorado. for tlio Father Fitzgciald spent Sunday In Superior. Hoy Ilassingcr spent Monday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mizer spent Tues day in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs R. C. Minter went to Lincoln Tuesday. If you need glasses sec Dr. .Warrick, Thursday Sept. 13. Bye Shepherdson of Riverton was in the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Corner and fam ily nutoed to Blue Hill, Sunday. Two good river bottom farm9 sale. Hutchison & Saladeu. R. L. Avery of Lincoln wns in olty Tuesday evening on business. Miss Margueiito Davis of Salem, Kansas, spont Sunday in this city. Ervlng Cummings of Gaylord, Kan sas, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Roy Cramer of McCook spent the weekend in this city with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Haskms and fam-1 ily left Tuesday morning via the Ford for Denver. I Miss Edna Weekley arrived from Valley, (riday evening to resume her school duties. Mrs. W. A. Sherwood returned homo Monday evening frcn a visit with rela tives iu Omaha. Mm. .T- V. (Jrltnna rt Hnotlnrro tnnnt the weekend in this cltv with her son. I Ned and family. J. H. Bailey went to Excelsior Springs, Missouri, Saturday morning to spend Sunday with his wife. MIhs Eloise Wolfe returned to her home at Sutton, the last of the week after a visit with relatives hero. Mrs. Chas..Atklnson and son, George and Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Fltz return ed from Lincoln, Friday evening. Mrs. Clarence Shadbolt returned homo Tuesday morning from a visit with relatives in and around Denver. Mrs. S. M. Carl arrived Monday morning from Long Island, Kansas, for a visit at the home of her brother, J. A. McArtbur. Charlie Chaplin in "The Cure" at the Orpheum, Saturday Sept. 15th. Mat inoo 3:30, Adm. 5 and 10c, Night 8:00, Adtn. 10 and 15c. Miss Esther Perkins came down from Orleans Saturday morning to take up her duties as an instructor in the public schools here. Mr. and Mrs. R. B Leggott and daughter. Miss Grace, returned homo the last of the week after a visit with relatives at Smith Center, Kansas, fit i?' im m in m ii' ii r ' Some lighting fads you want to know a bout. right now ! , Your dollar today buys less bread, less meat, less clothes than ever before, but your eec fricdollarbuysMORE. And you can make it buy still more by using Edison Mazda Lamps; For MAZDA Lamps give three times as much light as carbon lamps without increasing the amount of current used. Complete line carried in stock at all times at right prices For wiring and anythings .in the electrical line, see E. W. STEVENS Plumbing Heating Electrical Woik Mrs. Austin came down from River ton Saturday morning. Fresh oystera served at Ludlow's res taurant. Stew 25o, Fry 35c. Miss Grace White returned home from Lebanon, Nebraska, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs, J. Edwin Jarboo and 6on, Will, of Lincoln, were iu the city Tuesday. Commencing Saturday, wo will serve vegetable soup, with dinners, free of charge. Ludlow's restaurant. Mrs. S. C. Ellis and daughter, Miss Ilclen Lemon, returned homo Friday evening from University Place where they had been visiting tho former's pi rents, and also attending the state f: Coats and Suits to meet the varied requirements of the welt-dressed woman are distinctly for wear. Again IN OUR many-sided assortments will be found garments that JL definate purposes as "dress-up" or outdoor sports or business there are many that the well-dressed women may, with perfect propriety, "run out in to attend a patriotic meeting or a club function or well anything that comes up. The variety represents tireless searching and comparing and many close decisions to maintain our reputation as "the store oj styles" and "the store of values. You will find here fabrics and ideas not likely to be seen elsewhere. You will find tailoring and fit to be all you might ask. And you will find values that because of market uncertainties may not be equalled again. Wool, $20 to $50 COATS Ptah and Velvet $35 to $85 Fur trimmed $25 to $60 Wiithmore Waists F. G. TURNURE & SON i "-- I J For the best Hue of fancy stationery call at Cook's drug store. . Mr. ami Mis. J. H, Moirls of Illver ton spent Tuesday ovoiilng iu this olty. Fresh oysteis served a Ludlow's res taurant. Mew i!."ie, Fry IWc. .Mis. lllssle Cox ttpont Sunday even ing with her mother nt Coivles. Mr. nud Mrs, LcKoy Goblc lire rejoic ing over the in-rival of a 7 pound girl at their homo west of this city on Mon day. Geo. W. Lindsoy of San Diego, Cali fornia, Is looking after business inter ests hero. Miss Kathryn Thomas left tho first of the week for Mcl'horson, Kansas, to attend college. Earl Suladen left tho lrrst of the week for Lincoln, where he will attend the State University. Forrest Mountford went to Hastings Tuesday morning, where ho will attend business college. Glen Foe and Will JJruner wont to Lincoln Wednesday morning tc attend tho State University. ' Commencing Saturday we will serve vegetable Jsoup, with dinner, freo of charge. Lud low's restaurant. Mrs. Geo. Van Camp of Lincoln 1b visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Robt, Damcrcll, this week. Len Wihnot and daughter, Mrs. Henry returned homo from Lincoln Monday evening. Miss Y.Ola Swartz returned homo Monday evening from Lincoln whoro she attended the stato fair. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stoward went to Roscmont the last of tho week to at tend tho wedding of Wm Kcuhn. Every student using u Conklln or Sheaffer fountain pen is satisfied with it. Sold only by Cotting the druggist. II. 0. McDaulels,'of Oklahoma City, a horse and mule buyer for tho Allies, spent the last of tho week at tho J. L- Christian home. Services will be held in tho Congre gational church next Sunday morning. Preaching at eleven o'clook by Rev. O. W. Mitchell, Principal of Franklin Academy. A cordial invitation is ex. tended to all. Wm. Keubn, who recently moved from near here to Rosemont, was mar ried the last of tho week to Miss Flor ence Rickerson, ono of that city's most popular young maidens. Tho Chief extends congratulations. t . Will Open Saturday Saturday, of this week, is the day set' by Powell and Pope for tho opening of their cafe, 'located in the building one door south of the Tepee theater. The gentlemen Inform us that it is their intention to offer a menu that will tickle the palate of any one in the community who professes to be a con noisseur of wholesome and nutritious foods. They have been fortunate in secur ing the services of a chef who is second to none in this vicinity and this com bined with such exacting service as the proprietors will proffer, will, with out a doubt obtain for them u volume of business sulliclent to reward them for their efforts in giving the people the very best obtainable in their line. Anticipating the desires of n busy housewife, the lonely bachelor and all others whose duties call them from the family festive board they have ar ranged to serve a special dinner for the benefit of those who care to partake thereof. They take this means of an nouncing to the public that they will have a "Grand Opening" on Sunday, September ICtb, between the hours pt 12 to 2. A four-piece orchestra has been engaged for tho occasion and will add greatly to the pleasure of the oc casion. . .They extend a kind invitation to you nlirl rrmir fplnnds In tin nrosnnl nn tlufi' djiy, as well as on all other "ct,ay8Vwhen. .r. rmwA an uOnntAl nfi'tl'liA i.tlaTllkk tr JTWU UIQ QU DlbURlbU W WU MWMW.W W partake of a meal prepared by a kind mother, a loving wife or tho sweetest, cutest little girl in all the land. m Water Melons at $16 Per It is an undisputed fact that most everyone likes a good, ripe, juioy water melon but there arc few of us in this town who can afford them after they reach the ono dollar mark, still, tho knights of tho rail arc known as a generous bunch of good fellows. A fow days ago John Frodcrlckson and Georgo Posey, the gentlemen who have eharce of tho iron borso that draws trains number 10 and 17 In and out of this cltv. decided to restore to tho pranks of boyhood days, therefore, without permission of the owner of the melon patch in question helped them selves to a couple of melons. Some boys saw them entering the place and reported the matter to Mr. Funk who swore out a warrant for their arrest. Tho light-lingered gents wore taken into custody by Marshal Boner and brought before Justico Hur den who assessed them 810 each and costs and also ndded double prlco for tho melons to the amount which total- edSlu, ouch. Pretty tough luck pn tho boys but whon you stop to consider thut Mr. Iturdou Is catering to the trade with u complete lino of the same goods it was a mighty good chance to get ovcu. Wc have received our New Fall HATS Come in Try one on See hoiv you Like them AND CAPS Most Attractive Shapes and Colors re nl NEW FALL SUITS ALSO C0WDEN-KALEY "ALWAYS RELIABLE" CLOTHING COMPANY Specialties V f i .' . iv jm J Henderson Corsets Iron Clad Stockings Rock River Cotton Bats Mina Ttayloy House Dresses ana Jiprons . RjPoats,. Sewing Thread ranis A 200 S ; J. X A '! M. A. Albright Red Cloud, Nebraska WWWWYSAWWUWVWYWW X Do You Really Know that Warner9 9 Corsets are Actually; ; Rust Proof? Haj&you tested them toprore this? Wjpjliyou would then you would know what we really mean when we say'guaranteed rust proof." It is not enough for a corset to shape well it must wear equally as well as it shapes. Every day it must T prove its virtue through i shaping comfortably, wear ing without splitting, with out breaking or rusting in these "piping hot" days that test even the best corsets. U' Tfarufrs ;fluV You Can Depend Upon Your Warners Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns Job Printing of Quality at the Chief Office !i i SI ! i