The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1917, Image 8

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Fannie Division Shoshone Reclamation Project
Early In Soplotnber these Oovernmont irrigated farms near Hid new town
or Dcave'r will be open for homesten.lliijj. Don't miss this extraordinary op.
portunity to ot u hltfh elans, big value farm, on a sIxteeii-paYmoiits-lti-twcnty"" NQ iNTjtKST.N0 ruoFIT
Farms nearby In tlie Powell division or the Prnjaet, settled. In 1003, have
lwen sold for 87 ' to SJOO.per neru and Denver farms prauilsc a moro mphl rise
Ask me for free folder and map and let mo jjivu you all details how to
fjowliat to do the exact date and water charge, lie ready to io on short
noMco If you would beonre one of tliose rich farms.
S. B. Howard,
N. B. Bush,
jWade Right, Lettered
flight find Ereeted Right
I Right find Erected Right I
Makers or Artistlc'Monumonts I
Red Cloud, Nebraska I
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse !j
L -
Why not form the habit of attending jjj
The United Christian Church I
1 0:00 a. m. Sunday School. The adult class will continue "
the Bible study of the question of Baptism. ;
1 1 :00 a. in. Sermon, Subject; "The Reign of Sin Forbidden"
2:30 a. m. Mission Service J
7:00 p. m. Young People's Service ?!
8:00 p. m. Sermon, Subject; "Bought with a Price" !
Ujflwf uur Printing
HHfl-- Will Please You
No Jobs too small, none too large
to receive our careful attention
& ' PRINTERS and
y. "No hoxv cheap
Card ol Thanks
We desire in hls manner to thank
our many kind friends nnd neighbors
who nsslsted us in the sickness, sorrow
nnd death of our dear one. Also for
the boautlful floral offerings contrib
uted and the abundance of sympathy
entcudod. '
Mu, and Mns. GiurjT Tuiineii.
Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry
rarnum bt. Omaha. :seur
Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
but tow good." $
The two plnno recital given by MUs
Georgia Scott and Mrs. Ida Squires, as
sisted by Mrs. II. C. Gollatly, soprano,
at Cowles a short time ago, will be
given nt the Orpheum, Monday, Sept.
loth for bonellt of Women's Red Cross
Auxiliary of Red Cloud. Those who
have heard this entertainment assure
that thero Is a wonderful treat lu store
for us.
Miss Hodges went to Ouldo Kock,
Tuesday. t
(ileun Olnihtede went to lied Cloud
Hev. Hill and family of MeCool are
vlhltlng lelativos hero.
Win. Wonderly Is looking after his
farm lute tests in the west,
Alls. Alt .Myers and Mrs. llawl.lii&
were in Hed Uloud Tuesday.
C. A. Waldo and wife autoed to Lin
coln Monday to attend the fair.
Hoy Palmer and wife and Steve Ken
uedy autoed to Lincoln .Suudav.
(Juite a number from hero attended
tlie funeral of Jim Sutton Tuesday.
Dr. Stockman was called here Mon
day to attend the illness of Mrs Deis
ley. Mr. and Mrs. Loseke, Joe Gtirney
and family and Mrs, Arnold are taltliiK
ifi the sights at Lincoln this week.
On Monday while playing at school
John Uurgcss run a sliver In his leg
and was taken to Red Cloud to have it
taken out
Mrs C. K Joyce took her son, Dm
rel, to Hed Cloud Tuesday. He had
gotten something into his forefinger
on tlie right hand and infection had
set in
Friday night as Lloyd Ilarker was
returning from the pasturo witli tlie
cow lightning struck htm. He was
uucousoinus and the with prompt medi
cal attention he was able to be about
C. R. Rakcstraw was in Dewceso
The Bladen schools opened on Mon
day of this week.
1'Ved Andrews made a business trip
to Red Cloud Monday.
V. A. Hall and Amos Cutter were in
Mine Rill Saturday.
, Chester Jones was a passenger to
Unialia Monday morning.
Mrs. Lizzie Greene and children
spent Sunday in Campbell.
Miss Rachaol Morris of Upland was
a visitor at the J. I). Triviipiece home
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fowler and daughters
Esther nnd Olive were over from Blue
Rill Friday.
Miss Zanta Phelps left Monday lor
Omaha whore she intouda to enter
business college.
Mrs. Henry Welch of Blue Hill was
a visttor at the Jno. Boom residence
the last of the week.
Miss Blanche Cox left Monday morn
ing for Chappol where she will teach
school this coming term.
Rollie and Marie Howell of Upland
visited at the home of Miss Merna
Spence from Wednesday until Friday.
Lee Russel returned from Oklahon a
the latter part of the week after a
visit with home folks before going in
the draft army.
Mrs. Robert Miller left Friday morn
lug for i?dgar where she was summon
ed by the news that her mother, Mrs.
JRankeushlp, was very low.
Miss Isabell U-unpbell who has been
visiting at tlie home of her aunt, Mis.
L A. Soper. the past two weeks, re
turned to her home in Liccolu Mon
day. A. Surprise Party
Tlie youngest son of Mr. Hooper,
(Wilbort) of Pawnee was called to tlie
coloison September 2, to uiinear in
Smith Center for roll fall, therefore
the patriotic ladies of the district had
previously ananged fur all to assemble
at the residence of Mr. and .Mis Wil
bert Hooper in order to show tlioir re
spect and appreciation before his do
pal tuto to Ft. Riley. Over lot people
drove in with their nutos and Initios
loaded down with ice eioam, cake and
other delicacies. Owing to lack of
room a number 6f tables and seatH
were arranged out doors, tlie night
being pleasant, everything palatable
and an nbundanco of luxuries all ex
perienced a most enjoyable time.
YounglWIlbert, though married, did
not ask for exemption, also his wife's
two brothers being in the same posit
ion, added a new Impetus to the night's
The crowd was much moved and
animated when young Wllbcrt express
ed tho opinion "that though groat Is
hihjafl'eotlon for his beloved wife and
dear little baby, also in leaving aged
parents ,lie (Wllbert) thought he would
not be doing his duty in full unless ho
would share in tlie self sadraflce of his
countrymen." Wm. Hooper, or as wo
generally call him Uncle Billy, is an
huglish Canadian 'and American, He
most emphatically stated 'that If all
all his other boys came under tho age
limit ho would give them up gladly for
this, our country, to follow tho,e.amplo
of his youngest, Wllbert."
Mrs. Ida Squires and Miss Georgia
S'ott of Cowles will give a two-piano
program assisted by Mrs Gollatly, so
prano, at the Orpheum Theatre, Mon.
day evenlug September tenth. The
proceeds will 1)9 used for the purchase
of Red Cross supplies for the Womeu's
Red Cross Auxiliary of the Webster
Couuty Chapter.
J.H. Balloy spent Tuesday In Cowlo.
Forrest Mountford spent Wednesday
In Hastings.
Tiess Harwool was in Cowles, Wed
nesday morning.
I Jr. H. Cook and A. C. Halo spent
Wednesday In Hastings.
Attorney A. M Walt era was down
fiom Bine Hill, Wednesday.
C. S. Romlne went to Lincoln, Wed
nesday, to attMtid the state fair.
Walter Snnderson returned home
Tuesday evening from Cheyenne.
Andy Hatt and tho Beetcl brothers
were up from Lebanon, Wednesday.
John Kuros went to Blue Hill, Wed
nesday, where he enlisted lu Co K.
Roy Young, and Allen Cummlngs
spent Wednesday with friends at Blue
Morton Smith and Beach Robinson
wont to Guide Rock, Wednesday morn
ing. Miss Jessie Kellog went to Tecumsoh
Wednesday, to take up her school
Mr and Mrs. A G. Hauseiuian nnd
children aro visiting relatives at Alma
this weelc.
Miss Blanche Sherer spent the week
end with her sister, Mrs. ArnoN, at
Blue Hill.
Kenneth Johnston left Wednesdiy
for Haywood, Illinois, where he will
visit relatives.
Mrs. Rakestraw and son, Manley,
returned home from Culbcrtson, Wed
nesday morning.
Something different nt the Orphoum
Monday evenlug. If you are not thero
tlie loss is yours.
Mrs. Xate l'lattaud daughter, Mat.
garet, went to Cowles, Wednesday,
to visit iolatlves.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Warrou mo enjoy
ing an outing at Denver.
Dr. and Mis. E. A. Crcighton left
Sunday via automobile for Chicago
where they will visit her sister, Mrs.
Grant Christy and son, Charley, at.d
Robctt Pope went to Wilsonvillo the
Hist of the week where they will plast
er a school house.
Joe Jackson returned home from
Cisper, Wyoming, the last of the week
where he had been called to attend the
funeral of his sister.
The procoods from the entertain
ment to be given at the Orpheum Mon
day evening will used to purchase sup
plies for Women's Red Cross Auxiliary
Admission 15 and 33c.
I would like to dispose of my proper
ty in this city Will be here for a few
days and will take stock in full or par'
Mns Rosk Rked Goodrich
Don't miss the entertainment to bo
given nt the Orpheum Monday, the
10th These people are all artists In
fieir line and deserve the hearty sup
port of the Red Cloud people in their
ell'ort to assist in Red Cross work hore
in Red Cloud.
"Wanted A good, steady, gentle
manly salosmau to handle a Ward's
wagon in Webster County. No exper-
unco neeueu. tor mu particulars
write promptly to Dr Ward's Medical
Company, Wluoiia, Miuuesotu. Rstab
lisheil lsfiii "
Emerson says, "The onlyjsin which
u'i pnntinl fnrffiv,, In .Mini, ntltnt Ic llf-
ferenco of opinion.'' Was tlie husband
or the wife the wrongdoer in the Mott-
al Sin? See Viola Dana in this power
ful Metro Play at the Orphoum, Satur
day, September Sih. Matinee '2:30,
admission rc and 10e, night, fie and 10c
Kansas' Distress
Some time ago E R. Danlelson, Sec
itslnry Stale Board of Agtleiiltuio re
ceived a commuicatlnn from J. C.
Mohler, Secretary of tho Kansas State
Board of Agriculture stating that the
Kansas corn Crop wns a failure and
that this would compcll hog men of
that state to place their young pigs ou
the market. In that this immature
stulT should not be marketed he sug
gested that periiaps the State Board of
Agriculture of Nebraska could interest
Nebraska farmers in the matter nnd
thus sive these pigs.
Secretary Danielsou immediately
started a publicity campaign, many
daily papers devotlug considerable
space to the matter, with the result
that many Nebrwsknns have taken car
load of thes tocks, wliiUJothers clubbed
together and sent in their orders.
Although many orderb have been re
ceived the situation hos not been ex-
tiroly relieved. Farmers aro request
ed to communicate with Secretary
Mohler as soon as' possblo lu order
to relievo this distress. The porkers
must be saed, It Is now up to the
fanners of Nebraska.
Manner and Customs,
- Tho manners of somo pcoplo en
countored In taking walks abroad aro
BUBgostlvo of tho report niado by the
old British pea captain who was sent
out to Investigate tho manners and
customs of tho inhabitants of a newly-discovered
Pacific Island. His ro
port was brief, na follows: "Manners
they have none, and their custom!
are beastly."
Kansas City Market
Kansas City Stock Yards, Sept. .1.
Cattlo receipts were 21000 head, mar
ket steady to strong on decent killing
cattle, following a decline of 25 to Co
cents on most of tho cattle after Tues
day last week. Hous today 1000, mar
ket strong, top SIS-S0. ' Sheep and
lambs .jU0 head, market steady six
cars of AriKonas at the top, lli 83.
Beef Cattle
The best on'eioi weto not stilctly
top notch steers, though they brought
SlO.oO. Short feed 'hteers bring $11
and upward-', best pasture steers 812 2".
to 814 'J,',, medium weight steers S10 f0
to S12, light steers -SfifiO to ?10r0,
Oklahoma steers ST.fiO to 10 r.O, a train
of Northwest Nebraska steers weigh
lug around IO.'iO lbs at 610 23. Some
two year old panhandles normally be
longing In the stocker class, W0 lbs.,
sold to killers at SS.73, against it bid i f
SS.fid from country buret's. Butcher
ca'.tleaie barely steady, veal calves
lilglier, best veals S 1,1.00.
Stackers and Feeders
Best demand Is for fleshy feeders,
nnd In addition, packers bid on these,
sales up to S1.1 '.v, for immediate feed
lug. Regular feeding weight steers
sell at 8: to 310.50, and stock steers
range from ST to c8 .".0, mostly, one lot
of common Old Mexican yearlings,
grazed for a time In New Mexico, sell
ing today at u".
Tlie market would have been higher
except for some uncertainty duo to
meat control articles published yester
day. Receipts were light everywhere
and prices paid were steady, top S18.Su,
medium weights $18.73, lights SIS 10,
bulk of sales S17.7:. to IS 70. Very U vr
pigs are coming, and prices are high,
lfi.r.O to 10.30. Apparently farmers are
holding back young hogs, as average
weight of hogs jumped up 10 pounds
hero last week, 100 lbs, as compared
with ISO lbs previous weelc. With
packers holding army contracts for
pork products, which carry a penalty
clause for non-fullllnieiit. tlie market
looks safe, but there are those who st y
that immune stock hogs at 17 to is'cts
a pound, present prices for them, are
Opening of Schools
The high school students of last year
who may wish to change their regist ra
ti in, together with those s'udonts who
have never registered in high school
should report at the high school ofllce
Friday or Saturday p. m. of this weelc
On Mouday morning, Sept. 10, gradi 8
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 will report to the
Washington school.
Owing to the ever increasing busi
ness the Uamilton-Cather Clothing Co J
have been compelled to enlarge their
store room auc are erecting a uew
lllght of 6tnir.s leading to the second
tlior where they have secured more'
space for the storage of their goods.
About seventeen of the local boys
were brought up before Judge Rati ner,
the first of the week, for stealing water
melons and destroying the patches.
The judge gave them a good lecture
out a shotgun loaded with salt and
'ravel shot In the right place would
have did the boys more good than talk
i i to them.
Fountain Pen
is the only pen with
the "Crescent-Filler"
the original Self-Filling
device for foun-
C. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Legal Notice.
I). C. K el ley, first and true name unknown
Mrs. I). C. Kelloy, hla wife, llrst nnd trio
naino unknown; Herbert A. Tabor; Mrs
Herbert A. Tabor, wife o( Herbert a. Talior
llrHt and true naiuu unknown; Tho un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, personal ro
riroheuttitlvesaud other persons Interested In
tho estate o( any or all of tho above nniued
defendants II deceased will take notice that
ou tho 13th day of August IU17, Charles 1'
Vnllln,ilalntitl' herein, 11 led his petition In
the District Court of obiter county, Nebras
ka, iiKnlust each and nil of the above limned
defendants, and Hint on tho tilth day of Any.
ust 11)17, Hon. IT. S. IMiUKnn. JiuIko of Raid
court, made nu order for bcrvlre of huiiiiiioiih
on said defendants by publication lu the lted
(.'loud Chief; that the olijict nnd prayer of
nald petlilon nro to remove cloud from and
ltilet title In the abovo named plalntlll' of
tho following real estate, vl., Lots 8, U and 10
In Block 1 lu GuUlford's Addition to the city
of ted Cloud, Nebraska, nil In section :I0
Townships North, limine II west (1 1'. M. lu
Webster county Nebraska, nnd for equitable
You aro required to answer Raid petition on
or before tho 1 day of October 1017.
Dated August 11, 1UI7.
ClIAltl.Ks r.,
Jly Frank J, Muuday
HH Attorney. 0-13
When the
Firemen Appear
(he injured man'i fint thought is one o!
thankfulness that he is so. How abou
your thoughts i( a fnrcman should ap
pear al your home?
The Da.y
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in our office to-day and
hae us issue you a policy,
FLeliixble Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
Quality" Printers : Publishers
Does Its
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
fl.0t Hill (l !)
Hamilton - Cather
Clothing Co.
Satccuoct to Pin! Storey
Everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Rid Cloud Nibratka
O. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. D. C.
Manager Veterinary lu Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
I -piwDL'cnns-
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
rVIre or Phone at Our Expense
I), a. Yeterlnarv License No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
i col. J. h. ellinger::
Is no w icndy to place your (nle dntcn"
'a Ask any ono as to my qualifications,
," or whom 1 hnc cried snlcs. Judcpcn'a i'.iu.iuuu. It. ,, ..,W ,,. V. lit
J Rr.D Cloud, Num. Jj
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
CSTOfkice Oveh Ai.iiiiioiit's Store
Dy. Cv&s. S. Cross
E. S. Gaurber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
V7nn; im,,,, -
ft mm"immiiuniMr
fVWiWKaajia)tllWj M
lt vy acM v