The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1917, Image 1

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'IJS53 v..
A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50.
1 il T
IP !' t
School Time
Remember we are Headquarters for
Our School Tablets arc all (he same Large (hick
Sizes as last year at (lie Same 0cf Prices
History Paper. History Covers, Rules. Erasers. Pencil.
Composition Books. Note Books. Slates. Pencil Sharp
eners, Inks, Pencil Boxes. Crayola. Etc., Etc.
Try one of our Self Filling Fountain Pens, SI Each
The 5c-10c -25c Store
"TV Itort Whtrt l'ou Almj Ot i l.ttttt More for Voitr Monty"
E. M. EGE On the Corner
It is pretty hard to assert your independence
and defy the world when you have an empty
Stomach and an empty pocket book. If your
2 Diuir is caueu, uien wnan
The prudent man. who Has saved a little, wjio
has a reserve at the bank'to tide him over a
month or two. isa't so afraid of sickness, nor
5 such a coward about being out of a job. A
bank account is a stimulant to real manhood.
J The larger the account the firmer the footing.
It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency
$ and is an ever-present resource in time of
I need. It's not what a man earns in a year
5; that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's
' what he saves.
Webfter County Bank
S- Red Cloud, Nebraska
Do You Really Know that
Warner's & Corsets
are Actually Rust Proof?
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns
is at, Hand
Have you tested them to prove this?
We wish you would then you would
know what we really mean when we
say "guaranteed rust proof."
It is not enough for a corset
to shape well it must
wear equally as well as it
shapes. Every day if must
prove its virtue through
shaping comfortably, wear
ing without splitting, with
out breaking or rusting in
thee "piping hot" days .
that test even the best
You Can Depend
Upon Your Warner s!
People of Town and Vicinity
Turn Out to Speek Many
Words of Cheer and
A. B McArthur, editor of tills papor
Otho HlllMJii of Iimvule, Charles It
Johnson of Guldo Rock' aud ltoy Gar.
rctson of Red Cloud left today for Ft
Riley, Kansas.
The people of Red Cloud appreciate
the soldier boy.s who ate going to the
defense of the country This morning
I nt 0 o'clock tl.o parents and other clti
i zens met at the court house and es
1 corted the hoys to the depot and show
led them that wo are mindful of their
jsaciaflce for the country
The Red Cloud band was equal to
the occasion and gave many patriotic
selections. '
Mayor Robert Damerell acted as
chairman and in a -few well chosen
words paid tribute to the boys.
Pntlier Fitzgerald, and Rev. Drulln-
er, Charles Cather, F. J. Mutiday, Prof.
Whitehead and ltev Beebe spoke
briefly and told the boys that wo were
with thom and that they were taking
part in a great cause in , 'supporting
the government.
A few of the remaining vetrans of
civil war were out and helped to give
the boys an idea of the high esteem in
which we hold ithetn. The father of
Oiho Bllisou was a soldier in the Civil
war and-was present as were Ithe par
ents of the others, sorrowful, but
proud of their sons.
Mr. Sam Klser held Old Glory high
as he did in '61.
Sheriff HuilVr and Cleric Perry had
all arrangements tmade for the boys
and everything was carried out as per
Boys, wo will not forgot you and wo
know you will give a good account of
Commissioners Proceedings
Mayor Damerell cnlled Council to-
.mtlini. in rnrrnlnr Rncminn last Iliprht
with all members present after which
IIIC miliums ui nuuai nn-xuni; wv
read and approved and the report ot
S. R. Florance presented and ordered
placed on file. ,, , , ,
Petition of Mrs. L. McFarland and
others for n concrete pavement on
nn.ia,. c-t..r.r.t iintvvnoii Fourth and
'Seventh Avenues to be known as Pav
ing- District No. 2 was presenicu. jur.
Gellatly was present and stated it
would 'be hard to finish same by cold
weather, whereupon it was moved that
the petition be accepted and filed
away until early sprint:.
Miss Jessie Kellogg appeared ana
asked Council not to accept sewerage
until her grievance is adjusted but no
action was taken on same.
Proposed contract with Riverlon In
avale Power Company presented to
the Council and Clerk instructed to ad
vise them to come down and meet with
the Council.
The following claims were allowed:
C Z Woodworth $ 38 70
W A Patten 80 00
Harry Huffer 76 00
Carl McArthur & 00
C O E'lnr.nnnn 194 24
I O C Teel f)G 55
Mayer Coal Co 267 92
CFMcKeighan 83 53
(P H Boner 65 00
C G Barnes 10o 00
Frank Clawson C4 2o
Curtis Geer 6 R
WTMountford ai w
I Armis .. 4 00
, Lee McArthur...
34 20
Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.
507 17
7 00
4 00
490 15
1 25
Root Avery
S n Kizor.
Consumers Oil Co
Cary Spring Works...
Mutual Oil Co 14 00
Qiinrlm-lnnrl Mfcr Hn 1 4:1
Sunderland Mic Co l
Standard Oil Co 8
o. Q7
S A FInchcr H "u
A II McArthur J w
Beha and Overing -20 00
1 The claim r! Gary Zeiss for $o0 was
.n(j tn flin T.'lUmrn Construction
Company for settlement and the claim
of Koht. P. Iloxscy for W.50 was re
ferred to the County Commissioners for
Richard 'QrooniialRh aud Miss
Georgia Scott of Cowles were Rrautotl
a marriage license last Friday by
Judge Ranney.
Many Answer Final Call
On Saturday evening .lames Oliver
Rutton, v, ho south of Inavale.
stopped at his brother .lohn Sutton's,
nhuv to L'ot some casolliie for his car.
Ho wt-nt Into tbogimigu with it lighted,
lutitcrn which ignited gasoline that
had It'iiUtnl out of a ban el.
Coiiiiderablo Kasollne was burning on
the lloor of the garage and ho and his
brother wereondeavorlng to extinguish
the ll.imes and pruventthum from roach
ing tho house the barrel of gas explod
ed striking .lames. A physician was
summoned and did everything possible
to relieve the uuHerlngs of tho injured
ni'in Ho psod away at an early hour
Sunday morning.
Funeral services were hold at the
home of tlolni Sutton at 'J o'clock Toes,
diy afternoon, Rev. lleobe In ehurge,
after whljh interment, was tniido in
Walnut Creek ceinotory.
The young man was 27 years and 10
months of ago and loaves to mourn a
wife and three children, a lather, two
brothel s and four sisters along with a
largo number of fi lends.
Owing to lack of space in last week's
issue we were unable to mention the
death of Mrs. Emilia lllrknor, which
occurod at her home on South Seward
street on Monday. August
The deceased was one of tho early
settlers of this county coming hero
about the time the railroad was built
through the city. Her husbaud, who
for niuuy years conducted a tailoring
establishment in this city, passed
Rway several years ago.
Funeral services were conducted
from the Enlsconal church on Wednes
day morning, Rev. Schawl, pastor of
the Lutheran church being in charge
Four sons, Herman, Fred, Ryan and
Carl are left to mourn her departure
from this world.
Andrew Soilerlin passed to his eter
nal reward in tills city on Sunday. Ho
was aged 09 years, 5 months and 22
Tho deceased was born In Stockholm
Sweden, March 10, 1813 and at the
ago of about 23 years came to America,
locating In Iowa, where he became a
citizen of tho United States. Ho was
married In 1879 at Waukon, Iowa, to
Isabolle Johnson, coming to this
county in 1880. His wife proceeded
him to the grave In ISSo. Ho is sur
vived by one son, Louis of Xapouoo.
Funeral services wore conducted on
Monday afternoon from the Christian
church, R'jv. J. 1. lleobo in charge.
Interment was mido in MuUtill ceino
tory. Clara Elizabeth, the threo year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ha
dell passed awav at their homo Tues
day morning after a brief Illness. Tho
funeral services weru conducted at tho
homu this afternoon, Rev. Drulincr
in charge. Many of tho rolativos and
friends of tho sorrowing parents wcro
present, thoir hearts filled with sorrow
as tliev L'azud upon tho casket which
contained tho hemalns of ono beloved
by parents, friends and neighbors allko
Mr. and Mrs. Ralston, of Republican
City, who were enrouto to Lincoln
stopped off in this city tho last of tho
week to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Haus
erraan when their little daughter,
Dorothy, aged three years and four
months, was taken 111 and passed away
Tuesday morning. Tho bereaved par
ents returned to their homo Tuesday
afternoon via automobile, whero the
funeral services will be conducted,
R. N. A. Hold Meeting
District Deputy Josephtuo Phillips
nt Cinm-lnv ii'lm linR lionn In Mm I'ltv
i" "i- " - -
F2 the past week seeking new members for
HO i I 1 1 .T .I.-l.V... ...r, .,.n.nrx
1110 llDylll iiuiir"""' WU3 nuuuua?"
fill in securing eighteen applicants. ,
A meeting was hold at their hall on
last evening at which time tho candi
dates were voted on, accepted and in
itUted Into this order.
Immediately after this work aud all
other business matters pertaining to
the lodge were gone through, ice cream
and cake wcro sorved.
Space does not permit us to give tho
names of those comprising the class or
to go into details coucoruiug the meet
- '"'"
To AccompKsh
You Muft Have Proper Equipment
The Parker Lucky Curve
Self Filling Fountain Pen
is unequalled. Our new slock contains
at $2.S0 to $6.00
Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00
MiiHv Sure Tour Chi Ids KYKS ARK RIGHT and Able
to Sustain the Strain Imposed by School Wore
We Make hXAMIXATlOXS h'Rlili
Joweler and Optometrist
t3TC. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
w j(j v flfcST III .F1
Fnsliion's Stamp of Approval 3?frk I
We arc featuring AM b'fh ' jij 'fflftm
,M - ssa5u&i,ss.s (WmW Vulm
materials Fashion has placed the M (K'Wl ' Iwi
stamp of her approval. $&Kl'f 1 i ( O JM
In our llnnof njw Tnll iitylcs you will rocoR- Ai.y (1 f' 'hS'a '."i ftflH
nlzcllic ciildrlnirx you Imvu runl ntuut In lliu fiV It , VVu ' ff 1 -" iVn'SiS
Utml foil fushlon moKnxlii(i-tin-nuw l.!n ttftv ''(I t 1 W Y f f,
ttint have mot with InMiinUncouii mirmvul Mhi ' i r A M'v'W' 'iWA
wlici ever (luullty and ili'lff'i are prlmo i:or. ')) , j,,t ji, j: ,,lis
BlUorationa. Wo hnvo nil Uic Ideas thul will (A'' If ' ' Fi' vAVj?W
1)9 In vokuu this cennon uch uh fff , .! VS j ,'Kv' 'WVuW'
Cnmco Tnffola I'lnlrin Surali ClicckH l 'VvA ' j. 'l (i)l WiZ
I'llnlcil Itiiilium JoHrctto nnJ WffJSi ' i .WiP-.. usTK
Satin l' ; NILAvJi A v V ? f
You will l.o chnrmfil liy the coniprchonpho lliimW'r iiWWntmWi " .iWt'J)
Bhowlnttor La I'orto Silk irn M.lmlt for yttVHAl WjMWwM
ynur approval. Como In early. Younroturo ill mrVin ''''I&mIwvvIwWv.
to flnJ what jou want nt Iho frlre o wimt IfflS (lrXxJi IV XnVVFL
Tp. weesner OT-iBaSMSpBf
On Track!
JKalone- Gellatly Go.
Job Printing of Quality at the Chief Office
Good Work