The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1917, Image 1
r '" IlifflHIHHHiiiiin I ' W rB i i iWfci Nt.. liy- R.-. It f U I 4 Newspaper That Aires The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Rr 91.50. VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUGUST :0, 117 i i iT 'Mnlorl "I r- " . ...... -n Vt : H .1 Ln-i-UJU.IiJLiia'-lTi'.!ih i I 'I' , j. j ,twys ' - ; - , n't ' I NUMBER 3ti Orpheum Theater FRIDAY, AUGUST 31 'Loses Arm In Accident 1 A very and accident occurred In tho Burlington yards tn this city, on Mon day eveningi when Harold Pope, t-on of Winn Tope of Denver whs struck by 11 passenger engine, resulting in SPECIAL! VAUDEVILLE BRUTON AND RUTON Jibonv Hucd lintcrtiuuers oj Class Presenting thai scream act 'Just Nonesense9 Mezzo Sopranno in Songs of the Hour A Guaranteed Attraction Admission !u-10 Also a 5-act Metro Picture Program $9 5L.w JL.Mlz7 1917 Levies are Made on Webster County Property Rod Cloud Nchr., August 28ll. Tlio County Hoard of Equalization tho i met 'lis day pursuant to the cnll of the clerk. Members present, McCnll, Thomas, Knigge, Hubatka, County Assessor Horrick and .County Clerk Perry, Commissioner Shfdler absent. In the matter of making the levies for the year 1917 it was moved by Hubatka nnd seconded by Thomas that v.JWAVv.v.v.v-v-v.v..v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. A REAL MAN It is pretty hard to assert your independence and defy the world when you have an empty stomach and an empty pocket book. If your bluff is called, then what? The prudent man who has saved a little, who has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a month or two. isn't so afraid of sickness, nor such a coward .about being out ,of a job. A bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger the account the firmer the footing. It breeds.self-confidence, is proof of efficiency and is an ever-present resource in time of need. It's not what a man earns in a year that gives him a surplus at the , bank, it's what he saves. Webster County Bank Red Cloud, Nebraska I i ! ww.vrtfvrwAvuv.wvv.v.VAv.v.v.vwvvv,AW Do You Really Know that Warner's p Corsets are Actually Rust Proof? 'UUViW it f'K livri &ruhvu,fifyr t Have you tested than toprorethis? We wish you would then you would know what we really mean when we say "guaranteed rust proof." It is not enough (or a corset to shape well it must wear equally as well as it shapes. Every day it must prove its virtue through shaping comfortably, wear ing without splitting, with out breaking or rusting in these "piping hot" days ' that test even the best corsets. You Can Depend Upon Your Warner s! Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns loss of his rluht nrm. According to reports received from one who was there when tho accident occured, nro1d and a boy companion were wrestling on the platform when the ongineor which takes the trnln on west, turned the hose on the vnunifRtors. 'I'l.u ....,..,.!., i t . 1.1 i i. i,.ii .i the fullowlnir levies nn linrnliv miuln the engine up the trunk. 'Nimibnr ,on ll11 l'lu lienl aml Personal property seventeen pulled in nt this time and , 0I " uusr county, Neurnskn: tho engine was uncoupled from the five nulls on the dollar on assessed train, tho other engine then being , valuation for General Fund iucluding nnunli'il tn thn wnltlnn- triiin. Hnrnlil. . DOiUierS KCIUM, .-j - .- ..-n ........ ......., in an attempt to throw some water onto the engineer did not notlco the approach of the other engine, which struck him, hurling him to the ground fracturing the arm nt tho olbow. The Company's local physlclau was summoned and tho injured boy con veyed to tho Doctor's olllce. Upou ex amination It whs found that the arm was so badly mangled that it was nec essary to amputate the member about six inches below the bhouldcr. He was thon removed to the home of bis grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jny Pope. At the present writing the little man Is doing as well as can be expected. The Wm. F. Lewis Stock Company Coming The readers of the Chief will no doubt be pleased to read tho above an nouncement as Mr. Lewis has many ac quaintances and a host of friends in lied Cloud and the people all know that when Mr Lewis comes he brings a good show with him and that tbey will have one solid week of good, clean dramas, comedys and vaudevillo that there is a feast of good things coming, Mr Lewis has never yet disappointed a Red Cloud audience ami we are as sured by the advance man that the show Is better this year than ever be fore, the plays are better, the actors are hotter and the vaudeville numbers are better. Now bear this date well In mind, Red Cloud one solid week in the big tent theatre starting Monday, Sept. 3. Prices are same as usual. See display ad elsewhere in this -paper. m Red Cross News The Western Division of the Ameri can Red Cross has asked Webster County to furnish the following knitt ed articles: 150 sleeveless jackets. ISO scarfs or mufflers. ISO pair wristlets, 150 pair socks. Tho Webster County Chapter apportioned these as follows: Red Cloud 45 of each article. 35 Red Cloud Women's Auxiliary. .10 War Relief Club. Blue Hill 25 of each article. Guide Rock 25 of each article. Cowlos 20 of each article. Bladen 18 of each article. Inavale 12 of each article. Lester 5 of each article. Any farther information desired can. be obtained from the county supplies committee. v Signed Carkik M. Suerwood, Chairman. E. J. Jr. Sec. Webster County Chapter. bts Little One Called Home The shadow of death was cast over tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tur nir nn Tuesday afternoon whnti thn ' Creator called to her eternal reward their baby daughter Mildred Elizabeth Where but a few short days before the very presence of this innocent child caused the hours to pass in joy and happiness now is found untold sorrow The child had not been in tho best of health for some time, but hercondl tipn was not considered critical until a few days before her passing away. On Monday her parents took her to Hastings, but physlcana expressed , grave doubts for tier recovery and she . was brought back to this city. I The funeral services were conduoted this afternoon at 2:30 from the Metho-1 dlst church, Rev. Sonaal In charge. In-, tcrment was made in the city cemetery. I'ivc mills on the dollar on assessed valuation for Road Fund. Four mills on the dollnr on nssusscd valuation for Bridge Fund. And whereas as an emergency exists an additional levy of one inlll on the dollar assessed valuation is hereby levied as nn Emergency Bridge Fund. Total county levy "to be 15 mills on the dollar on the nssessed value of' nil Real and Personal property in Web ster County Nebraska for the year 1017. Motion was carried. Levies were also made on the as sessed valuation for School and Bond purposes for the several school dis tricts of tins county as follows. The District Number coming first, General next and Bond third: , 1--35, 8; 2-35, 10; 3--12; 4-2G; 5--16; 0-7; 8--1G; 9-14; 10-35, special 6; 11-18; 12,-9; 13-38; 14-20, 8; 16-19; 16-11; 17- 18 18-15; 20-19; 21-15; 22-10; 23-15; 24-31; 25-11; 2G--1G; 27-21; 29-14; 30 10; 31-25; 32-5; 33-9; 34-18; 85-10; 36-28; 37-16; 38-10; 39-21; 40-11; 41- 10; 42-9; 43-14; 45-13; 46-27; 47-27, 9; 48--G; 49-23; 50--9; 51-7; 53-9; 54-17; 55, 17; 58-12; 50-10; CO-17; Gl 11; C2--10; 63-8; 64-17; 65-12; 66-11; 68-13; 69-13; 70-15; 71-35, special 10; 72-16; 73-29, 6, 74-31; 75-11; 77-19; 78-12; 80-10; 81-18; 82-17; 83-11; 84-7; 85 25; 87-35, 11; 89-14; 90-25, 10. ine Mate uoara ot equalization cer tified the following as the State Levies for the year 1917: General Fuud 3.80 mills on the $ University 1.00 'University Act 75 Special Uni. Bldg 75 Normal School 85 State Aid Bridge 20 State Institution Imp. .48 State Aid Road 65 Total State Levy 8.48 The County Board of Equalization adjourned Sine-Die. Red Cloud, August 29th. The County Board met in regular session at 1 p. m. pursuantto adjourn ment with all members present except Shidier. The application of John W. Vest for admission to the Soldiers Home was considered by Board and said applica to"nrgranted. The following resolutions in regard to State and Federal Roads were adopted and the clerk instructed to spread the same on the records, which are as follows: Application For State And Federal Road Funds State of Nebraska) Webster County J, I, B. F. Perry, countyclerk within nnd for said county, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Webster county at a regular meeting held August 28, 1917 ns same appears of record on page 195 of Commissioners Record of said county: Be it resolved that the County Board of Commissioners of Webster County, Nebrnska at this regular meeting at the Court House in Red Cloud, Nebras ka on this 23th day of August 1017 hereby accept all ot the provisions of the Federal and State Aid Roads Act, as provided in House Bill 7617 of the 04th Congress of the United States (39 Stat. 355) and Houso Roll 722 of the 1917 session of the Nebraska legis lature, approved April 19, 1917 and make application for stato and federal (Continued on page 8) HeSnBHHMaHKHHHHBMMHBHaHRHHHHBaKaBHMHBnBHi Come Examine, our Jewelry- AN EXAMINATION OF OUR JEWELRY WILL MEAN A PURCHASE. THE OUTWARD APPEARANCE WILL PLEASE YOU; THE "INWARD" HIGH QUALITY OUR NAME ASSURE. JUDGES OF JEWELRY WILL BUY OURJJEWELRY WHEN THEY SEE IT; THOSE WHO ARE NOT JUDGES MUST TRUST TO ONETHING-THE "REPUTATION" OF THE ESTABLISHMENT WITH WHICH THEY DEAL. -THEY DEAL WE REFER THOSE WHO ARE NOTilOUR. CUSTOMERS TO THOSE WHO ARE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jmwmlmr and Optemetrlat Ore. B. fc Q. Watch InipMtor: e ss Save Your Pin Money Many dollars are burned up every year in poor stoves and ranges and all there is to show or it is poor food, unhappy stomachs and tired nerves Buy the South Bend Malleable Range it will save many dollars in a year, for it burns less fuel than any other range and bakes to perfection There is a reason and if you will come and see us we will tell you all about it It is the only range made with Patented Keystone Copper Bearing Aluminum-Fused Flues It Don't Pay to Buy a Cheap Range' GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER jj wwwwwwwuwwwwwwww On Track! i CAR WEIR CITY NUT jJIalone-GellatlyGo. ! "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER" VVmV.Vf.mJ'mV.VJVJ.VJVVJVVrVJVJV Job Printing of Quality at the Chief Office II )jp .', ,, .. 0 -,. Cv. tk'n i rtJViWvts . .' J It . i UJil -1 ywj L' H&-q.MH qy.ifiir. A- j&i) - . Vi MWLM' A-.Ali'i. 4-J ' tT sJl MH',MH -J 'I .Sij