The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 23, 1917, Image 8

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KID CLOUD, WlBAggrOfinr "
A Varied List of Summer Tours
Gtaclo Tho climax of the rii?tfe;l fjrau.lottr of the Rookies, ati Ideal vacation
Yellowstone The land of geysers, painted canyon, forests and waterfalls,
via tho Cody Way in nutomoblle9, tho pconic adventure of the Summer:
Ettas lar-ColoraoV9 most beautiful vacatton laud, by automobile from
Lovolaud or Lyons, Burlington service offers both routes.
The Black HMs-Picturesque and cool; tho land of scented pines and waters, cool nltrhts. trout streams and automobiles.
The Big Horns The Western Adirondack; locality of quaint mountain
Tho Absarokas-UoachciX via Cody Scenic Road lo Yellowstone. Dlff ?amo
country and locality of splendid tourist ranches. Send for publlctlons,
"Glacier", "Yellowstone", "Estes", "Scenic Colorado", "Ranch Life in
the Bufllnlo Uill Country", "Dude Ranches, g Horn Mountains", "The
Black Hills". Lot us help yo P,an vour vacation in any of these attract
ivc localities.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1001 Farnnin Street, Omaha, Nebr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Made Right Lettered
flight and Erected Right
Makers of ArtistlclMonumcnts
Red Cloud,
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
; The Doors of the United
i Christian Church are
II a. m. Subject
8 p. m. Subject
Make This Sunday
Central College of Osteopathy
729 Troost Avenue, Kama City, Mo.
15th Year Opens Sept. 10 Full Four Year Course
Tuition aame as three year heretofore. Certitlcate issued on com
pletion of third year if desired, with tho privilege of tluiohing
fourth year at any time without additional cost. Students cau
make clinic practice equal tuition. Write for particulars.
On Track!
jttaloie-Gellatly Go.
Trade With 'Chief Advertisers
They sell reliable merchandfse-Satisfaction Guaranteed
' i C ,J-
"Hinderances to the Peiformance of Duty'
Has the Offense of the Cross Ceased?"
Service a Blessing! J
Misses Ruby and Net Wholan of
Roseland were fair week visitors here.
Miss Janet Hendricks visited rein
tivos in Lincoln soveral days last week-
Miss Annette Frnutz of Roseland
visited at the D. S. Phelps home dur
ing the week.
Chas. Morey and family of Rlverton
visited with relatives hero several
day the past week.
Misses Stella Koertner and Goldle
Rublnson were in attendance at the
teacher's Institute at Red Cloud the
tlrst of the week.
Prof. Rssert and wife aro moving
from their farm near Upland into
town where they will both teach In
the schools at this place.
Mrs. Joe Krai camo down from
Hastings last Saturday evening and
spent the fair week with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Robt. Thompson, autl family
Sheriff Huffer of Red Cloud was on
onr streets Tuesday.
Harrj Barker came up from
Cloud Saturday night.
Roe Retikel spent tho last of
weok with relatives here.
Chas. Hunter and wtfo returned from
their trip west 1 hursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hastings left Wed
nesday night for a western trip
C. A. Waldo and family and several
others autoed to Bladeu Tuesday to at
tend the fair.
(Juite a number attended the last
Quarterly Conference at the M. E.
church Thursday night.
Chancy Sauuders returned to Re
publican Sunday night whore he has a
position at the depot.
Dr. l'ackwood of Rlverton was called
here Monday to attend Earl I3ut well's
boys who are better at this writing.
A large crowd attended the social at
Will Tabor's Tuesday night and enjoy
ed the talk given by Rev. Reebe of
Red Cloud.
Mrs. L. W. Thompson and son of
Los Vogas, New Mexico, arrived Sun
day night to assist at tho central of
fice until H. Holdredgo gets better.
Kansas City Market
Kansas City Stock Vards, Aug. 20.
Cattle receipts were 30.UOO head today,
market lo to 25 lower, more in some
oases, nothing prime included. Hog
receipts were 6,000 head, market 50
higher, nothing choice included, best
here 510.20, but good 'hogs weighing
above 225'lbs. would go at SUMO. Sheep
supply was 2000, market 25 lower,
some lambs weighing 02' lbs. and not
fat at the top 515 75.
""' MJeef Cattle '
(Weakness set in lait Thursday nt
nbonoti all kinds' except prim fluish
dd cauieVwhieli are scarce; and would
sell today about as high as any time
An outside buyer was "today "lookiug
for pi ime heifers, willing to pay 8i:t
but thb tiet he could tind was some
good grass heifers, for which he paid
9.7.ri, steady with last week. Other
grass heifers at 83.75, and some heavy
cows at &i 7.1 wore called 50 cuuts low
er thau last week. The beat pastute
steets bore brought 111.75, and lower
grades of weighty grass steers sotd
down to 8'J, light Oklahomas to $7
These cattle are .10 to 75 cents lower
than best time lust week. Idaho kill
ing steera weighing 800 to 070 lbs. sold
today at 8U, Oregon cows, 044 lbs., at
$, Oiegou steers at U. 25 to $12.50
Chicago had 20,000 today, with expect
ation of ouly 20,000, St. Louis 12,500,
St. Joseph 4,G(J0, too many for the
capacity at their market. Heavy de
clines are reported from each of these
Stockers and Feeders
Prices declined 00 cents after Tues.
day lu-.t week, and quit somewhat low
or thau end of previous week. The
maiket is 10 to 25 lower today and this
week should prove a good time to buy.
Stock steers range from 8'i. 75 to $0
feeders 88.50 to $10, lleshy steers for
feuding much easier to get away from
the packers thau heretofore, at $10.50
to 811 50.
Top hogs sold at 810.20 today, as
compared with a top of $17.:i one
week ago. At that, the top price to
day did not represont tho real market,
for good hogs would have brought
$1040, moro than two dollars advance
in a week. Tho market is 50 cents
higher today, and there seems to be
uo stopping it till it runs past twenty
cents a pound some little distance
Demaud for pork for soldiers at the
front, puts no restrictions on the
prices. AsidB from the small receipts,
quality is lucking ami weights are
light to nn extent that is alarming, in
view of probablo future requirements
for pork products.
Red Cloud, Nebr., Aug. 21, 1017
The Webster County lloardof Equal
ization will moet on the 28th day of
August 1017 to make tho levies for the
said county for the yoar 1017.
(SEAL) U. F. Pewit,
County Clerk
Read E. L.
Raskins biff Bale ad on
page 4.
Miss Mtv Wonderly of Inavale is in
the city today.
Miss Kathryn Trout went to Harvard
Wednesday to visit relatives.
Leonard and Raymond Waller came
down from C'owles Wednesday evening
to visit relatives.
Mr, nnd Mrs. Alf Saladen and daugh
ter, Miss Hazel, and Miss Elsie Diet
rich are In Lebanon today attending
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rife took their
daughter, Hernice, to the hospital at
Hastings, Wednesday, where the little
lady was operated upon for appendici
tis. She Is doing as well as can be ex
On Sunday at Inavale Tad Saunders
and Russ and Bruss Darymple were
observed playing some kind of a game
by Constable D. L Dalley of that plate
and on Tuesday Sheriff Huffer and
County Attorney Mutiday went up to
that place and investigated the matter
which resulted in the arrest of the
threo players. Mr. Saunders w a
brought before the county judge and
fined SoS 25, which he paid, while the
two brothers were remanded to jail.
The ,0. M. Howard folks, who pur
chased and moved ou to the Crosby
ranch north of town, last spring, are
certainly not forgotton by their rela
tives and friends at the old home, neai
Red Cloud, Nebr During the pat
week they enjoyed a visit from their
son, Everett, of Jewel County, Mrs.
Howard's mother, Mrs Sattley, and
friends, C. A. Herrlck and wife, of
Red Cloud, nnd the Misses Lela and
r mie oi iusoon, ivansas. v e en
joyed n friendly call from these fine
people Saturday St. Francis Herald
A meeting was held by the Congre
gational church on Friday evening t
consider the question of uniting with
the Disciple church In forming a new
denomination to be called "The United
Christian Church". After a disoussloi
of the question It was put to a vote,
resulting iu quite a number going ovei
to the new organization. The mem
bers uf the Congregational church latii
held a meeting and it developed thui
there were about thirty members win
wauted to continue tho Congregatioum
organization and on vote beiug taken
it was so decide i.
We wish to thank the many sul -scrlbers
for the prompt manner in
which thoy have came forward and re
newed their subscription to The Chief
as by so doing they have expressed
their approval of our efforts to givi
them & newspaper that they consldei
ft necessity of the horde. We also wish
lo state that there are still a few win
have Overlooked tin; matter and failed
lorenW their subscription. To thos
We wish to saj?' that? we would' greatly
appreciate the favor if they would give
tbe matter tltair prompt attention as
vc wish t6' have our subscription list
paid up before September 1st.
Do You Know How To Can?
r ,If there Is one woman in the Stat,
of Nebraska who does not know how
to can or dry corn, the Exteusion Ser
vice of the University of Nebraskx
wants to know it. If she is living net r
one of the 2,215 food conservation vol
unteers, she will receive personal in
struction. If not, directions will be
sent by mail. Address the Extension,
Service, College of Agriculture, Lin
Whole Wheat Bread
Utilization of the entire wheat ber y
iu making tiout is urged in Emergency
Bulletin Xo 13, "Whole Wheat Breads"
just published by the agricultural ex
tension service of the University of
Nebraska. It points out that 27 pet
cent of the wheat berry is fed to live
stock, as the mills utilize only 7.1 per
ceut in the making of patent white
tlour, The use of the hand gristmill
iu grinding whole wheat for family
consumption is suggested in this bul
letin It will be sent free upon appli
cation to the Extension Service, College
of Agriculture, University Farm.
What a $50 Bond Will Do
The proceeds of ono fifty-dollar Lib
et'ty Loau llond will purchase:
Thirteen 1.1-pounder shells for de
stroying submarines.
Four 0-iuuh shells for the same pur
pose. One hundred pounds of smokeless
Eighteen gas masks for a like num
ber of soldiers at the front.
Enough coal to drive a destroyer ono
hundred twenty miles.
Enough gasoline to drivo a submar
tne destroyer one hundred fifty miles.
A sailor's uniform outfit.
Four months subsistence for a sold
ier. Dally Thought.
Tho purest and most lasting human
friendships aro permeated with an ele
ment of reverence. Austin Phelps.
Articles of Incorporation
We, tho uuderslitucdi Incorporator, Jo
herohy In pursuance of the Statutes of Ne
braska, In audi cases titado ami provided,
associate ourselves together as a body politic
and corporate In the inauneraitd (or the pur
poses hereinafter mentioned.
Artlclo t Tho said corporation shall bo
named and known a Rlrctton. Inavale Light
ant Power Company
Article '2 That Its principle) place of litisl
noss shall bo tho City of Uod Cloud, Webster
County, Nebraska.
Articles Tho general uatiiro of tho busi
ness which may bo transacted br said corpor
ation shall be as follows:
To acquire land nnd construct, maintain
and operate an electric transmission line or
Uuesover the public highway In said county
or counties, to purchaso electric current, and
to sell said electric current to any person or
corporation along tho Hue of said transmis
sion Hues;! to Issuo stock, Ismds, or a mort
gage or other legal evidences of Indebtedness,
and to do such other things as are necessary
In tho transaction of the business above de.
Artlclo 4 Tho amount of authorized capital
stock of said corporation shall be Ten Thous
and Dollars, (110,000.00). Tho amount of
bonds said Company may Issue shall not ex
ceed Ten Thousand Dollars. (llp.OOO.OO).
Artlclo G The existence of said corporation
shall commence when said articles of Incor
poration aro tiled wltli the Secretary of State
and County Clerk of said County, and are
published according to law, and shall con.
tlniie (or forty (10) years unless sooner terml'
nated by duo process ot law.
Article ( Tho greatest amount of liability
to which said corporation may at any one
time be s u beet shall not exceed two-thirds of
the capital stock of said Company.
Article 7 The capital stock of said Com
pany shall be divided Into 100 shares of Twen
ty Flvo Dollars (Si.00) each.
Articles Tho allalrs of said corporation
shall be conducted by the Hoard of llvodlrcct
ors, who shall hold such positions for a period
of one year from the completion of the said
organization of said Incorporation, and
annually thereafter said Hoard of directors
shall be elected by tho stockholders from
among their number as shall be approved by
tho by-laws of said corporation, hereafter to
be adopted by said Hoard of Directors. The
Hoard of directors shall choose a President,
Vlce-l'tesldent, Secretary and Treasurer, nnd
said Secretary and Treasurer may be the
same person. Said directors shall perform
all of the duties required In establishing and
conducting the business nttairs ot said Com
pany and as provided by tho by-laws of the
corporation, bald otllcers shall each hold
his oillclal position (or a period of one year
unless removed by said Hoard of Directors or
Artlclo U Tho place oi meeting of thu said
Hoard of Directors shnll bo at Hcd Cloud,
Webster County, Nebraska, unless otherwise
ordered by the Hoard of Directors holdliu
said unices from year to year. Thu said dl
rectors Hhall ns soon as convenient after the
formation of said Incorporation elect said
ollleers at a meeting to be held Iu Ued Cloud
Nebraska, and provide (or the opening I
stock subscription books and (or the trans,
action of the business attalrs of said .corpora
atton, provide tho necessary seal and record
book, which shall be In the form to be deter
mined by the said directors. Vacancies In
the Hoard of directors during the tlrst ycat
of tho corporate existence shall be tilled bj
the then holding directors, and thcreaftei
vacancies shall be tilled by tho said stock
holders In the manner provided by law and
the by-laws ot this corporation.
Article 10 Theio articles ot Incorporation
may be amended at -any time. Ever
amendment thereto shall tlrst be approved
by a majority of the holding Hoard of Direct
ors, and upon bolng approved It shall bo en
tered at large upon the reaords of the Hoard
to bo accurately- kept by the Hecretary.
liach of'such amendments shall be made n
part of the&rtlclesnt Incorporation aud shall
be acknowledged as the record, and public
and recorded In the same manner as these
J. K. Mor.itts
. D. AllNl'l'
Statool Nebraska
County of Webster
On this '27th day of July, 1917, personally
appeared before me J. K. Morris, C. A. Waldo
and C. I.. Wlckwlre to me well known to be
the Identical permits whose names were a(
tlxed to the forogolug articles of Incorpor
ation, and they severally acknowledged the
execution of the same to be tbelr voluntary
act and deed (or the purposes In said articles
In Testimony Whereof. I have hereunto
subscribed my name and atllxed my oillctul
seal the day and year tlrst alx)vo written.
(Seal) Notary Public.
State o( Nebraska I UJ Ho It Homombered.
Franklin County m That on this 27 th dny
of .Inly A. !.. 11117 before the undersigned
N. It. Morrow a Notary Public, In and for
said county, personally came (1. D. Ar.
imp, P. P. Host wood to me known to be
the Identical persons whose names aro af
tlxed to and who executed the foregoing
Instrument ns grantors mid acknowledg
ed the same to be their voluntary act and
deed (or tho purposes therein sot forth.
Witness my hand and Notarial fienl tho
day and year last abovu written.
N. It. Moiutow
(Seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires the 17th day o( July
legal Notice.
I). C. Kelley, II rut and true namo unknown,
Mrs. D. C. Kelley, his wllo, tlrst and true
namo unknown; Herbert A. Tabor; Mrs.
Herbert A. TalHir, wife o( Herbert A. Talior;
tlrst and truo namo unknown; Tho un
known heirs, devlsoos, legatees, personal re
presentatlvcsand other persons Interested In
tho estate of any or nil of the above named
defendants II deceased will take notlco that
on tho 13th day of August 1017, Charles F.
Wallln, plalntltr herein, tiled his petition In
tho District Court of Webster county, Nebras
ka, against each and nil of tho nbovo named
defendants, nnd that ou thei:ith day of Aug
ust 11)17, Hon. 11. S. Duiigan. Judge of said
court, made nu order (or scr Ire of summons
ou said defendants by publication In thu Ited
Cloud Chief; that the object and prayer o(
said petition nro to remove cloud from nnd
Unlet title In the above named plnlntlit' of
the following real estate, viz,, Lots H, u and 10
In Hlock I In OullKord's Addition to tho city
Of Hod Cloud, Nebraska, all Iu section :H
Townships North, llaugo 11 west 0 P. M, In
Webster county Nebraska, and for equitable
You nro required to answer said petition on
or before tho 1 day of October 1017.
Dated August II, 11)17.
liy Frank J. Mumlay
Ills Attorney. U-U
JE i w iTSul i Km
When the
Firemen Appear
the insured man'j fint thought ii one oi
thankfulness that he is so. How abou
your thoughts !( a fiirernan should ap
pear at your home?
The Day
Before the Fire
is the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow (or all you can know or
do, it fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in our office to-day and
have us issue you a policy,
R.elia.ble Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
Quality Printers : Publiihers
Does Its
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
rxXo' Hint- rfi?ii
, Til Hut Iloe ooob
. The
Hamilton - Cmthor
Clothing Com
Smcmmci (a Paal Stony
Everything Mm
or Boy Woarm
Reel Oleu Nebrmekm
C. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. D. C.
- Manager - Veterinary la Cbirgo
t. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
i U.S. Veterinary License No. 45,
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
5 COL. J. H. ellingerS
c Is no w ready to place your sale datcsij
Ask. any ono as to my qualifications'
o,r .whom I have cried sales. IudejenS
VJ d,"en' phono Bon li). Wrlto wire or ai
r Red Cloud, Nebr. S
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
t2T0FFicE Oveu Ar.nmaiiT's Stone
Dv. Cvas. &.'Cvoss
E. S. Gabber v
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
f j Varnish
'f. (Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your HouseArid
Fufriish You the Fixtur" es
'i -
1,pp-r " ns.1 . h.,.1 -Jr.TH,Wta,t,Jl.ll
m .. k14- j. ,..-