RED CLOUD, MIBEASKA,' CHIEF E I m . , "J Haft fa r" S AS TOLD TO US J H. Elllngcr wns in St. Joe, Moil, day. Joe Jackson spent Tue&day In Hast inps. ' II. P. Weesuer was in Cowlesf-fWc l" liesday ; V Forrest Mounlford pcnt Tuesday in Hustings. ' Ed Unrr was np from Guide "Rock, Tuesday. Ueorge Overing spent Tuevlay in Rluc Hill. H' 13. M. Ego went to York, Monday, to visit relatives. Mrs. K .T.Orerlng went to Lincoln Tuesday morning. The county fair Is in full swing at, Illaden this week. Mrs. A E. Bernard returned to her home at York, Friday. Eyes tested, glasses fitted: J C Mitchell, the Jeweler. Claade I'iercc was down from ilna vale, Tuesdoy evening. Edward Steftlns returned to- Hast ings, Tuesday morning. 4 For the best line of fancy stationery all at Cook's drug store. " Miss Mabel Lundy returned to"her home at Lincoln, Friday. Rev. lleebe, E. R. Slawson and W. I. Paterson were in Alma Wednesday. James McBrldc and Guy Scott were down from Cowles Tuesday afternoon. John lllackwell of Clayton, Kansas, was visiting friendb in the city Tues day. Francis Wells of Lincoln was the guest of Miss Fay Teel the last ot the week. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Goodman of Clayton, Kanbas spent Friday with friends in the city. ',' 1 am now ready to move houses, barns and other buildings, John Uarkley. .,., Curt Hasselbacker returned home Monday evening from Freniout' and Kearney. Miss Uelle Mclutyre went to Curtis, Sunday evening, to attend teacher's institute. Mrs. Chas. Jackson and family left Tuesday for their home at Casper, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and children spent Sunday with relatives at Guide Rock. Sheriff Hutter cau now be sem driv ing a now Oldsmobile which he recent ly purchased. Wallace Saladen went to Illaden the first of the week where he joined a wild west show. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tennant are the parents of a baby girl which was born Thursday night. Miss Laura Hedge spent the last of the week with her brother, Orin. and family at Superior. Fred Corbett went to Kansas City, Wednesday morniug, to look after some business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Moede of Imper ial are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carpenter. Fon Sale Cucumbers for pickling. Get your order in early, l'hone lf on 27 or see Nelson Hayes. We.'are Hi Mayor Damsrell Is on the siol: list this week. Mrs, Will Bohrer spent Wednesday in Hastings. Paul Lindley was down from River ton. Tuesday. Miss Constance Koubal went to Bla den, Wednesday. Mrs. Jess Collister and baby return ed to Omaha Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs F G. Turuure are home from their trip to Michigan. W. E. Watson of Bellalre, Kansas, was in the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. II Bailey went to Excelsior Springs, Wednesday. Be sine and come to the Operetta at the Orpheum August 27th at 8 p. ui. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Starr attended the county fair at Bladen Wednesday. Miss Violet Zeiss went to El wood Sunday evening to attend teachers' Institute. Miss Irene Buckles returned home last night from a visit with her sister at Sidney. Mrs. C. M. Phillips went to Hastings Wednesday, to accompany fier mother to this city. Mrs. Hettie Martin came down from Rlverton Wednesday to visit her moth er, Mrs. Pegg. Mrs. Tlieda Moranville arrived in the city the last of the week to visit rela tives and friends. Jas. Ryan came down from Grand Island the last of the week to spend a few days with his wife. Miss Edna Gilbert went to Inavale' Sunday evening, to visit her brother, Leo Gilbert, and family. Mrs. J. T. King of Wymore is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Frank Mixer, and brother, Kenneth Wilson. Jack Waller and T. J. Chaplin were down from Cowles Thursday evening attending the oil meeting. Bert Grice went to Denver, Sunday evening, to look after the threshing of the small grain on his farm. Roy Hutchison of Norton, Kansas spent Thursday with his brother, George Hutchison, and wife. Sheridan Pharcs of Omaha arrived m the city Tuesday evening to visit his mother, Mrs. Barbara Pharcs. Proceeds of Operetta to bo used in buying supplies for the Women's Red Cross Auxiliary. Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomas and daughters, Laura and Rose, returned home from Cowles Monday evening. The Operetta, Little Housekeepers given by the pupils of Miss Josie Igou to bo repeated, by request, August 27. Mrs. Chas. Bauers returned to her home at Lincoln, Monday, after viBit lug her daughter, Mrs. Russel Amack. I have some private money to loan on city property, also can furnish you low rates on farm loans. B. W. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Saladen and daugh ters returned home Saturday from Wyoming where they spent several weeks enjoying an outing. The Misses Grace and Gladys Keagle returned home Tuesday from Malmi, Arizona and Colorado Springs where they spont their vacation. On Monday, Mrs. W. L. Weesner was operated on for complicated ap pendicitis and is getting along as well as could be expected at this writing. 33333? l iij ijj ; nut distributing Radford Plan and Information Books COME IN AND GET YOURS Piatt & Frees i Red Cloud, Nebraska Some lining fads you want to Juiotv about i a-y " Your dollar today buys less bread, less meat, less clothes than ever before, but your elec tric dollar buy s MORE. And you can make it buy still more by using Edison Mazda Lamps For MAZDA Lamps give three times as much light as carbon lamps without increasing the amount of current used. Complete line carried in stock at all times at right prices For wiring and anythings in the electrical line, see E. W. STEVENS Plumbing Heating Electrical Work Morton Smith went to Guide Rock, Monday. Paul Polnicky went to Hastings, Monday. Roy Hassinger spent Monday in Hastings. The Red Cloud public schools will open September 10th. Oliver Powell wasiu Concordia, Kan sas, the last of the week. Mrs. Rissie Cox spent the weekend with relatives at Cowles. Attorney B. W. Stewart went to Lin coln, Sunday, to visit his parents. J. E. Yost returned homo from Kan sas City and St. Joe the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Harris and her mother, Mrs. Turner, went to Hastings Monday. A large number of our citizens at tended the anniversary celebration at Lebanon the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Overman were called to Burlington. Iowa, the last of the week by the death of Mrs. Le Maire. Mrs. Clara Johnston and son, Ken eth went to Hastings, Monday, where the latter took the civil service exam ination. On Wednesday afternoon, Elan Fcarn passed away at his home at Haigler after a short illness. He is a brother of Ed and Fred Fearn and also a cousin of E. L. Haskins. The re mains will be brought to this city to night for burial. m Htl r VSj J Mrs. L T. ..Albright and daughter, Miss lone, went to Omaha Friday to visit their son and brother, Sherwood Albright. Mrs. Jai'ob Weber returned to her home at Archer, Monday, after spend. Ing the weekend with her son, Earl, and family, Ed lmrr and John Hamilton and several otheis were up from Guide Rock Thursday evening attending the oil meeting, Rev. lleebe and several others from this city attended a social given for tho war relief fund at Inavale, Tues day evening. Vernon Zniss ai rived in tho city Thursday evening from Brush, Colora do, to tako the physical examination and also visit his father. Charley Harris spent Wednesday with his wife at Hastings and reports that she is getting along nicely after undergoing an operation. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robt. Cummings, of Tennessee, who were enroute to Yel. lowbtono park, spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smol ser. i Attorney H. S. Foe and Marion Mer cer returned homo from Lebanon, Sat urday evening, where they played with the band at tho anniversary colebra tlon. Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Leggott and daughter, Grace, went to Smith Center Friday to spend several weeks with their daughter and sister, Mrs. E, E Butler. Tho following shipped stock Sunday: Delanoy Bros , one car of mixed stock and Win. Weesner one car of cattle to Kansas City; J. II. Ellinger two cars of cattle to St. Joe. S. It. Ki.or celebrated his seventieth birthday Tuesday and tho gentleman claimed to be as spry as a young man of twenty on that day. May ho live and prosper for many years is our only wish. Do not fail to see the world famed stage star William Gillette in his im moral characterization of Sherlock Holmes In seven acts with an all star cast nt the Orpheum Thursday, Aug. .'10th. Special music Admission .1 and 'JOc. Miss Laura and Orin and Carl Hedge went to Cheyenne Sunday evening to visit their brother, Aaron, who Is a member of the Wyoming National Guards. Since joining the company Aaron has been advanced to the otllce of Corporal. Referring to the telegraphic order from Rod Cross Headquarters for six hundred knitted articles, as Webster County's apportionment, every knltte wlll be needed. No one should knit scarfs who can learn to knit sweaters, wristlets or socks. C. F. Caiiikk, Chairman The Operetta, "Little Housekeepers" will be repeated by the pupils of Miss Josio Igou, Monday, August 27th, 8 p. in ,at tho Orpheum Theater. Proceeds to bo used for purchasing supplies for the Woman's Red Cross Auxiliary. Don't miss this musical treat. Admis sion 10 and 25c. Tickets on sale at Cook's Drug Store. The Girls' Group of the Women's 'Red Cross Auxiliary are going to need tho following articles for their work: Old table linen, old muslin, old turklsh toweliug and old counterpanes-all freshly laundered. Anyone wishing (o donnto any of these things pleaso send to Mrs. Ellis at the Ellis Shoe Store. Tho Girls will greatly appre ciate all donations sent In at once. Moro modern Improvements aro to be installed in this city within a very fbort time. Two drinking fountains will bo placed on the public 6ruare, one will bo on the State Bank corner and the other on the corner opposite Mason's Smoke House. This will be welcomod by the thirsty pedestarlans duripg, (ltlie hot summer weather Workmen are now excavating for tlje laying of the water pipes and' sower connections. Notice All persons who have subscribed to the Big Chief Oil & Gas Co. and who have not yet paid their subscriptions are requested to call at once at the of fice of the treasurer, S. R. Florancc, at, the Webster County Hank, Red Cloud Nebraska and pay same. Bia Cimx On. it Gas Co. Women of Webster County There is an ever growing need in the hospitals of Europe for all kinds of bandages and dressing, and there is a great shortage of new material it is im perative that every housekeeper should save all worn table cloths and napkins. It these are sent to Mrs. W. A. Sher wood by parcel post or otherwise they will be prepared for use by the Ladle9 War Relief Society of.Jthlsclty and for warded free of charge wltii other sup plies to the Red Cross Hospital Supply Service. Mrs. C. J. Piatt, Secretary Light and Water,, Consumers The books are now at the Webster Coonty Hank, and you are requested to call there at once and settle, -rrCT'ft'clVCity Clerk. Wc have received our New Fall HATS AND CAPS NEW FALL COWDEN-KALEY SHS 'ALWAYS UWVWWWWWWWWWWWVWVWVWWUWWWVWWVVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWUUUI Announcement! We are pleased to announce to the public that we will have The Resler Line of Fall Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts this season Remember the line will be at our: store tivo days every three zveeks A full line of Ladies House Dresses and Aprons, also Childrens Dresses Call and See Them M. A. Albright Red Cloud, www JUST ARRIVED New Fall Hats New Fall Caps COME IN AND LOOK Our Fall Suits are all Here Hamilton -Cather Clothing Co. fiEap!I!i;S:iiiEBEHiffiliEl!tllSlia!lllS6BiffiBEfffl Come in Try one on See how you Like them Most Attractive Shapes and Colors SUITS ALSO RELIABLE z Nebraska rvwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwvrYuwwwwwvwuvwwwvuvuuvi