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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1917)
,11 -. . t MB'th P-!m!!1 i's j I BBBHBfcHB Bfl Bfl ciBB iijpMWrfiiLte j VJX ?iz JfBk pPjHBy''7C5fe-jr"aM,P tfl r S" TJBlMBMBBBBBBBflBBtt BBHlKVBrBHK- " jw 1 l S 9voGbV j V BTr r pl Bf iJMTtff"' BB' .TBBMJ. KJBfcBMMfcBWfcMByBBrBE' " J-j1" ".BT . B .'fefEBMBMBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEu't Ir --?T"''r.-i d' vfeJr P!ITEifcmBEFT-SyCMr?BWfcWBWWBwWMfc..'5 !BBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBflTBi HKHKJBvHHHHHEMLB!flHF:sHllBBiRj3B IBT BBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBuirt M-i F-i'r irWfLia h i .JTm H fMHBEV.ip i"Bfc V T -.i-i V i nvftm Wm Bivt"BM4BBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBHBjl A HHPHT.VBHHrHCMHHVKBlKBHH' i . t -- U r VOLUME 45 ..' ' .mj- KSbbbbT ''"' H . - bbbbH sbbbbbH yi" H .bbbbbbbbh ABbStbblHHUbbI EBBTBF'wAHfcVhHV MBBBtBbT "' BBBBHBBH NVvBHbI iFfil K'-A-'bbbbbbbbV B BiIBIbbbbbbbBbbb H pPWWWWWW & v 4MMPMR JHi r if it WILLIAM FOX A IPitVrY WILLIAM FARNUM In The Tale f Two Cities ' By Charlea Dickens . A WonJerfyl, Presentation of the Famous Novel Depicts the Heroic Self Sacrifice of a Great Character ' ", Directed by Frank Llorrf Don't fail to see this Big Special Production in 7 acts at ORPHEUM THEATER ITl OB SATURDAY AU ll. O Matinee 2:30, Admmion 5c-20c NigTit 8:00, Do You Really Know lhat Warner's p Corsets are Actually Rust Proof? !SfrS Mm ml kwm aaf1 'I V9 Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns Attend the Benefit Operetta at the Orpheum Monday Night mwunces 5c -20c Special Orchestra (or night thow Have you tested them to pr ore this? We wish you would then you would know what we really mean when we say "guaranteed rust proof." It is not enough for a corset to shape well it must wear equally as well as it shapes. Every day it must prove its virtue through shaping comfortably, wear ing without splitting, with out breaking or rusting in these "piping hot" days that test even the best corsets. Vote Can Depend Upon Your Warner s! A Newspaper That elves The News BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, AUGUST UK, 11117. New Cafe for Red Cloud Those who are so Unfortunate as uot to have a loving wife to provide the noeessary comforts of home ns well as thoso who, through business cares, are required to take their mealsdnwii town will be pleased tolearti that Red Cloud fs to have a metropolitan restaurant. Ou or about September 1st Messrs Oliver Powell and Clare Pope will em. bark In this lino of business la the building south of the Tepee theater, both these young men are well aud favorably known in this vicinity, Mr. Powell having been engaged in busl. ness here unitll a short time ago and Mr. Pope having elllctcntly attended to the wants of the hungry at the Purl tan cafe It is their intention to cater to the peop e with the best grades of food the market will produce. This combined with courtesy aud real service which they know how to give, will no doubt appeal strongly to the public. We have no complaint to make of the service we are now receiving from the various cafes of the city, but we are of the opinion that Red Cloud will profitably support another establish ment of this kind, aud if tho young men contluue to adhere to tho good business principals practised by tbem heretofore and give the people the ser vice they now promise them it is our prediction that they will meet with success. The Chief welcomes them to Red Cloud's business circle aud wish tbem untold success In thler venture. Three Co. K Men Win At Fort'Snelling Co. K has tbedistinctlon of furnish ing three commissioned army otlicers in the big class graduated from the Fort Snclltng training school. Former First Surgeant Lawrence L, Murphy of Liucolu was commissioned second lieutenant in the infantry sec tion ottlcers' teservecorps. This means that he will go into the service of the regular army. Former Sergeant Myles W. Gahan of Omaha was commissioned second lieu tenant of infantry in the national ariuv. Former Supply Sergeant Orosvenor P. Cather of Bladen was commissioned second lieutenant of Infantry in the national army. The later two will be assigned to companies composed of men secured through the selective draft. Blue Hill Leader. Farmers Institute Officers The following are the officers of the Farmers' Institute for this year: Board of Directors Vice President Fred E. Maurer Secretary Henry Gilliam Treasurer J. W. Anld C. J. Piatt, Ooe Crow, C. II. Steward. .T. H.'.Klllnger, Frank Bean, F. W. Cowden, T. W. White, Frank Frlsble Henry Johnsou, V. J. Lippincot, Clareuce Johnsou, S. C. Sutton, Henry Kennedy, Tom Swartz, Ladies' Auxiliary Mesdames Frank Frlsble, Q, V Hum mel, W. H. Thomas, T VV White, F. Maurer, H E. Thomas, W. J. Lippin- cott, William Wolfe, Max Mlzer, D. II. Kaley and Miss Motile Ferris. Two of the members of the Institute who have 'took au active part in the work in the past have, during the past yasr, passed to the great beyond, thoy bolug President G. W. Hummel aud Director F. E. Payne. As yet no one has been selected to fill tne vacancies. $500 Reward! For Identification of thief and recov ery of 4 head of cattle, or 325 per head ' for cattle stolon from pasture near Cowles, Nebr., Aug. 10th, 1917. Des-' crlptlon: Slit In center of right oar, half way down. Address all information to Roes Thompson, owner, Cowles, Nebraska or Frank Huffor. Sheriff, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Fifty - two Weeks Each Year ftr 11.50 Red Cross Needs Knitters The following telegram was received by local Red Cross headquarters: Red Cross has urgont call from Major Grayson Murphy for enormous, quantities of knitted woolen articles, j Here is the cable from Major Murphy: "Last winter broko record for cold and , misery among people here. lue.xpress-1 ibledred of coming whiter finding uV without supplies to meet situation.' Urge you on behalf of our!soldiors and those of ourjAllles who will suffer In their frozen trenches and also thous ands.of French and Ilelgiau refugees aud repatriates being returned thru Switzerland to France. Everyone here looks to America. Begin shipping at once one million five hundred thous and each of mufilers, wristlets, socks aud sweaters. Ask your members to finish nil knit ting work now on hand and clear the deck for action. All knitters in the county If not al ready In the work are urged to notify their local secretary of their willing ness to assist in this great work. m Subscriptions Coming in Fast A meeting of the shareholders of the Ilig Chief Oil & Gas Company was hold at the Morhart opera house last Thurs day evening. Everyone financially in tcrested in the project as well as others who were in search of information re gardlng the development of the oil field were present, in facjr the attend' ance was so large that even standing room .could not be secured. Pretty good evidence that the people of Red Cloud and vicinity are deeply, interest ed in learning what lies beneath the fertile soil of Webster county. 'Also judging from the number of new sub. scribers added to the list in the last few days it Is evident that they are willing to back their curiosity with ttie cash necessary to make a test. President W. L. Weesner called the meeting to order, requesting Mr. Pat terson to tell the people why they were assembled there. This gentleman Informed them that outside capitalists had become interested in this field and tuat tney were willing to take oer part or nil of the holdings of the com pany and that this meeting had been called for the purpose of placing the matter before the shareholders of the company and that while he would pre fer to deal with experienced oil men, he wanted the matter placed before the people whose money is at stake. After considerable discussion it was decided that the stock should not be disposed of to outslue capital, as the required amount could be raised local ly. Secretary Stewart was called upon and stated that the amount of 24,930 had been secured and subscriptions were still being secured. il'he mooting then aiHhorlzft the directors to proceed nt once with de tails of ordering material nndicftiDg the contract for tho test well. Many more interested people came forward and subscribed for various amounts of stock In the undertaking, and judging from the way the people are subscribing it is a matter of but a short time until the specified amount of stock is disposed of and active oper ations will be begun. New Superintendent Hired A meeting of the advisory committee of the city council was held on Tues day afternoon at which time n contract was entered into between the city and Mr. C. Z. Woodworth of Omaha where by he is to assume the responsibility of superintendent of the municipal power plant, the gentleman accepting the position for a sixty day trial at a salary of 8120 per month. He left for Omaha last evonlug and will return to this city, Sunday, with his family and will take up his duties the first of the coming week. Mrs. Ida Squires and Mrs. Georgie Scott who are giving tho excellent Red Cross program at Cowles this week havo consented to glvo the program in this city In tho noar future. Tho'tlmo and place will be announced at a later dute. BBI Come Examine, r our Jewelry AN EXAMINATION OF OUR JEWELRY WILL MEAN A PURCHASE. THE OUTWARD APPEARANCE WILL PLEASE YOU; THE "INWARD HIGH QUALITY OUR NAME ASSURE. JUDGES OF JEWELRY WILL BUY OUR JEWELRY WHEN THEY SEE IT; THOSE WHO ARE NOT JUDGES MUST TRUST TO ONETHING-THE "REPUTATION" OF THE ESTABLISHMENT WITH WHICH THEY DEAL THEY DEAL WE REFER THOSE WHO ARE NOT OUR CUSTOMERS TO THOSE WHO ARE. . ,, y WEMAflE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THEIPRICEIRIGHT. . H. NWHOSE tfmwmlmt and Optmmmtrlst ErC B. & Q.,, Watch liufwctsr Grocery Specials THIS WEEK ONLY Swift White Crystal White Flake White Bob White Not over $1 00 worth to each customer Palm Olive soap, per cake - - - 10c Ivory Starch, J&ft? !$. 7c or 3 for 25c Lighthouse Cleaner, 8c per can, 2 for 15c Large size Oatmeal, special - - 28c Posl Tories, large pkg., 18c,- 2 for 35c Jack Horner Corn Flakes, 10c, 3 for 25c Best Quality Jap Rice, pkg - - 30c Extra Fancy Lemons, 300 size, doz 40c R. P. Weesner & Co. WE WILL APPUEOIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COH L ORD ERS PLATT & FREES loh Printing of Oualitv at Hip f Mof Offir NUMBER 35 Qiy 1i w 5 Bars for 25c in , 1 .'$ k V