The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1917, Image 8
fmWFtr ar-fa-ri7r Jftnrss- ,U32Kffi5!y r-Tm-tmf wAMJSjw-'Wt r cr;Krs- iwuioaJijgaU-jJvwwwUKwUJBK,. " KID OLOUD, MlltllKA, omr .' --. ft 11 tW X ' iiiyi A Varied List of Summer Tours Qlaclo-ThB clUhajf of the rujei tfranchur of the Koclilea, au Ideal vacation land. Yellowstone 1a land of Rcysors, palnlort canyon", forests and waterfalls, via thd Cody Way In automobiles, tlio pconlc adventure of the Sammor: Estes flritrAColornnVs most beautiful vacation laud, by automobile from Lovoland or Lyons. Uurllugton service otters both routes. The Black Hills -Picturesque and cool; the land of ecented pines and medicinal watora, cool nights, trout streams and automobiles. The Big Horns-nib Western Adlrondacks; locality of quaint mountain rauchos. The Absarokas-Kmcm via Cody Scenic Road to Yellowstone, pig game country and locality of splendid tourist ranches. Send for publlctlons, "Glacier", "Yellowstone", "Estes", "Soonlo Colorado", "Kntich Life In the Hufllalo Ulll Country", "Dude Ranches, Hlg Horn Mountains", "The Black Hills". Lot us holp yoil plan your vacation in any of these attract Iro localities. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1001 Faj-uam Street, Omaha, Naur N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb. IF YOU WANT A I PflUPflT OR I PfflER Made Right Lettered Right find Erected Right SEE ' OVERING BROS. & CO. I Makers of Artistlc'Monuments Red Cloud, Nebraska toMrMnNWWJWWJWiNWMNWWMWi Auto Hearse ' - Horse Hearse j ED. AMACK j UNDERTAKING i (LADY ASSISTANT) " jj ALL JHE PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB. UVVV.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAVVAVi v-wtf&ftr? t f i4- l&i - ' - - J" "' ( f J m -. m .itlkT TT t" L i nf.IJI - Mrs. woert'MiueF w ?OT W801tl ' ' &&Wmi Mrs. Louis Wolf s,3 in JWMn!Mft: n i over Sunday. , Miss Minnie IUclnson was Irtf Omaha the lirfit of the week. Vesten Ilobb was down to Ong the forepart of the week. ' Francis Sullivan and Amos Cutlet' mere la Campboll Sunday. Chcsley Gunn of Co. K. was over from Ulue Hill Saturday evening. Misses Edltli, Elvanud Hlmicll Hath vhlted friends in Ong over Sunday. Mr. O. D Samsel and children visit ed relatives at Doniphan over Sunday. The Misses Loiia and Eita McCoy arc attending Iustittitc at Hastings this week. Mrs 0. T. Moore rutumed Saturday evening ftoui n short visit with fi lends at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs I'. C. Graudstalf Mr. and Airs. Chas. Uoyer autoed to Grand Island Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Unas. McNnlr have been looking over locations in Osceola where they intend settling in the ncrir future. L H. Warner left Monday morning for Decatur, Michigan, where he In" tends to spend severnl months with relatives. 0. P. Crtther, Jr., of this pluce and a member of Co. K has been .commis sioned First Sergeant at Fort Suelllng Officers' Training Camp. and -rz VVV.VJVVWi"yVVV.VAV.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VJVA ? s I Honesty Will Not ;i Dodge The Truth s YOU hear the sermons Sunday at the United Church you may change your mind about yourself i 1NAVALE R. E. Hunter and wlfo autoed to Riverton Wednesday. Nume Jones and family spent the weekend at Guide Rock. The M. B. Ladles Aid met Wednesday with Mrs. Glenn Olmsted. Mr. and Mrs. T Jones spent Sunday at the Homer Daily home. Chas. Olmsted is here from Beatrice spending a few days with his wife. Miss Genevieve Miller Is attending Teachers Institute at Red Cloud this week. Rro. Rob preached two very Interest ing sermons at the Christian church Sunday. Ralph Stlckney and wife left Friday for Ruskin where he ha9 a position in a garage. The W. C. T. U. will give au ice cream soclul next Tuesday night at Will Tabor's. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hartwell left the latter part of last week for an out ing In the west. Mr. nud Mrs. George Hastings re turned the latter part of last week from their trip cast. Mrs Homer Dailey and daughter spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Jones. Mrs. lone Burgess has been spend ing several days In the country with Mrs. Van Negley and family. Dlst. Sitpt. Kmbrec held the 4th and last Quarterly Conference here Thurs day night at thoM. E Church. Mr. Moft'et und Mr. Hi Dunn autoed to Hastings Sunday to see Mis Dunn aud son, Gene We are glad to hear that Gene is doing nicely and thty tue almost sure of saving one eye. j! Com www e 11 a. m. Subject "A Sinning Religion" 8p, m. Subject "Why Don't God Kill the Devil?" These Subjects will be continued Sunday a a .--J--1 Central College of Osteopathy I i cm iroosi iivonuo, nansas uiy, no. 15th Year Opens Sept. 10 Full Four Year Course Tuition same as three year heretofore. CertlUcate issued on com pletion of third yonr If desired, with the prlvllego of finishing fourth year at any thuo without additional cost. Students can make clinic practice equal tuitlou. Wrlto for particulars. v iMHBWof tfPfiaVitf i r 4 a anht .( C Bargain our wealt Uo'bs of ttbl SdW &r$f$, Tim P- rit . aa r. 'jSZ&t - C.l 3faifrl itlmated id The Amerle asked to give anything to tlielr govern ment, but merely to invest a small per centage of the annual increment of wealth in this country and take In re turn from thcirgovernmeut the strong est security on the face of Ood'scarth; to receive in return for the money lent ny, per cent per annum, both principal and interest'e.vempted from all taxa tion except estate or inheritance taxes, and with the further provision that If the government should issue nny other bonds during the period of thts w'ar at a higher rate of Interest the purchaser of n Liberty Loan Doud may turn It in and get a new bond at the hiirhor rate of Interest. "In protecting the credit of the United States government you are pro tecting your own credit, you are pro tecting your own business, you are pro tecting every interest you have iu life and property. In doing that you are rendering a patriotic service iu supply ing the sinews of war to your country. William G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury. Boys Will Have Good Time That the popularity of the Boys' Camp is growing is attested by the fact that sixty-eight bovs from thirty four cotintles,have already completed arrangements for attending. The !3oys' Camp is doing a big work and boys in these counties not already rep resented will greatly profit by getting iu touch with their county superinten dents and getting their appointment. VmMDt. 'AixfBMaBI legal Notice. I). C. ICelloy, Unit and truo naino unknown Mrs. I. C. Kellcy, his wlfo, first und true namo unknown; Herbert A. Tabor; Mrs. Herbert A. Talxir, wlfo of Herbert A. Tabor! first and truo namo unknown; Tho un known Uelrs, devisees, legatees, personal re prescntatlvcsand other persons Interested In tho estate of any or all of tho aboro named defendants It deceased will tako notlco that on tho 13th day of August 1917, Charles F. Wnllln, pialntlir herein, filed his potltlon In tho District Court of Webster county, Nebras ka, against each and all of tho above named defendants, and that on tho 13th day of Aug ust 11)17, Hon. II. S. Dungan. Judge of said coutt, made an order for service of summons on Bald defendants by publication In tho Hcd Cloud Chief; that the object and prayer of said petition aro to remove cloud from aud quiet title In the abovo named plaintiff of tho follow lug real cstato, viz., Lots 8, 9 and 10 In niock 1 In Qulllford's Addition to tho city of Itcd Cloud, Nebraska, all In section HO Townshlp2 North, Itango 11 west 0 I. M. In Wobstor county Nebraska, and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho l day of October 1917. Dated August 14, 1917. OlIAIU.K-j V., Ily Frank J. Munday J I Is Attorney. 9-13 Kansas City Market iOn Track! i CAR WEIR CITY NUT I JlaloneGellatlyGo.i. "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER' v-.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v-".AJ'.vvAVJV'Art Trade With 'Chief Advertisers They sell reliable merchandise Satisfaction Guaranteed Kansas City Stock Yards, Aug. 13 -Cattle received today 13,000 head, maV ket strong to 15 higher on steers, top 114, 15 to '23 higher on cows, stackers und feeders, 25 to 50 higher on calves. Hog supply was 7000, market 20 to 30 higher, top $17.35. Sheep aud lambs today 4,000, Utah lambs 815 .10 lleof Cattle Variousjots of prime steers sold nt Sll and the right kind would brinu 314.25. Gra.s steers soldTo to 15 high er, weighty steers mostly at 810.00 to S12.n0, tops at S13.35, for wintered steers. Oklahoma steers sold at $3,25 to 811.75, including quarantines weigh ing 1040 lbs. nt 811. Tho ilrst train of Westeru Slope Colorados arrived, 13 cars, fiom Debequc, Colo , 1127 lbs. average, at S10, 5. Cows were 15 to 25 higher, a car load early to au outside buyer at 910, not extra fat. Calves made a big advance, top reals 812.25. Stockers and Feeders Stock stecrsat 83.50 today were call ed 91.50 higher than two weeks ago. A feature sale today was 400 well bred Hereford stock calves from Western Kansas 375 lbs, at $9 03. Feeding steers weighing 1025 lbs. brought?11.25. It was a good market on all classes from tho country. Ilogs Hogs arc skyrocketing iu the last week, and nobody dures say where the advanco will stop. A week ago tho limit was put at 817 now people are talking 820. Hoavy hogs brought 817.. 33, medium weight hogs sold up to 817. 25, light hogs $17.10, pigs 813 to 814 50, Immune stock hogs at 815 to 810, Ap parently nothing Is being sacrificed, and demand for imrauno stock hogs at tho plants around the Stock Yards Is very good, market up to 50 cents from Friday. Recent rains aro making some hopoloss looking corn fields look much hotter, and if frost holds off tho crop much larger than pros pects Indicated two weeks ago. levy Ordinance An Ordinance providing for the levying o' City taxes of tho City of Ked Cloud. Nebra. ka, for the Current Municipal year. He It ordained by the Mayor and City Coun ell of tho City of Hod Cloud, Nebraska. Section 1. There Is hereby levied on all the taxable property of tho City of Ked Cloud, Nebraska, the following taxes on each One Dollar of tho Assessed Valuation of both Ural and Personal property lu said city for tho purposes herelnaltor mentioned. For General Fund 10 m'lls For Interest on Klcctrlc Light Ilonds 1 mill For Interest on Water Honds ... 2 mills For Interest on Sower Iionds, 6 mills For Maintenance of Klectrlc Light Works . 0 mills For Maintenance of Water Works... 2 mills For Maintenance of Sower System..! mills For Maintenance of Public Library 2 mills For Maintenance of Streets, Cross Walks and Water Ways..... 0 mills Total 31 mills Section II- This Ordinance shall o In forco and take etlect upon Its passage, ap proval and publication. Passed August 7, 1917. Approved August 7, 1917. Attest: Uoiit. Damkiikm. O. C. Mayor. City Clerk. (Seal). iegaTjtTge. In the District Court of Webster County. Nebraska. I). M. Ilynds, Plaintiff, . vs j, F. Edwards, Dofcudant. J. F. Fd wards, defendant will tako notlco that on tho Uth. day of July 11)17, I). M. Ilynds, plaintiff herein lllcd his petition In tho District Court of Wobster County, Ne braika, against said defendant, tho object and prayer of which Is to obtain Judgment against said defendant In tho sum of SiW.10 with Interest thereon at tho rate of 7 percent from tho 22nd. day of May 11)17. Said action being brought upon a certain Judgment In tho sum of rendered against said J. I. Edwards In lavor of 1). M. Ilynds In an action then pending before ltay Andcison, Justice of tho Peaco In and for Yellowstone- County, Montana, wherein said I). M. Ilynds was plaintiff and J. F. Edwards ct al wore dolcnd. unts, upon which Judgment f 17.60 has been niiico collected by execution leaving n bal ance still duo from ile'i'iHant to plaintiff thereon In tho bald sum o. ?239.10 aud Inter est. That In connection with said petition in the District Court of Webster County, Nebraska, was also illed na a part of tho same proceed ing an tllldavlt for tho purpose 'of secureing an order of attachment against eald defend ant on tho ground that defendant is a uon resident of the stato of Nebraska and has no personal property In Webster County, Ne braska subject to execution or attachment but hs real oitato In sld county subject to execution and attachment. You aro required U answer satd petition and order of attachment proceeding on or before September a, 1917, I). M, Ilynds, Plaintiff, Ily Fred Maurcr, III Attorney. lw of InctrMratrtt defstanod. Incofb'oratbr. do hereby fnipjrtsufthco of the Statutes of No Urjuka, In such cases inado and provided, assAato ourselves together as a body politic amttorporate In the manncrnnd for tho pur poses thereinafter mentioned. Artfclo 1 The said corporation shall bo named and known M Riverton. Inavale Light and Ihwer Company. Article 3-Tliat Its principle placo of busi ness shall bo the City of lied Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska. Articles Tho general nature of tho ba ncss which may bo transacted by said corpor ation shall be as follows: To acquire laud and construct, maintain and operato an electric transmission lino 'or llncsover the publlo highway In said county or counties, to purchase electric current, and to soil said electric current to any person or corporation along tho lino of said transmis sion lines;! to Issue stock, bonds, or a mort gage or othcrlegal evidences of Indebtedness, and to do such other things as nro necessary In the transaction of tho business above de. lined. Article 1 The amount of authorised capital stock of said corporation shall bo Ten Thous and Dollars, (El0.000.00). Tho amount ol bondssald Company may Issue shall not ex ceed Ten Thousand Dollars, (110,000.00). Article 0 Tho oxlstehco of said corporation shall coiumcuco when said articles of Incor poration aro nied with tho Secretary of Stato and county Clerk of said County, and aro published according to law, and shall con tinue for forty (10) years unless sooner ternil nated by due process of law. Article 0 Tho greatest amount ol liability to which said corporation may nt any one time ho subect shall not exceed two-thirds of tho capital stock ol said Company. Article 7 Tho capital stock of said Com pany shall In divided Into 100 glares of Tw en ty Five Dollars (SiVOO) each. Articles Tho mint of said corporation shall bo conducted by the Hoard of ilvo direct ors, who shall hold such positions for a period of one year from tho completion of the satd organization of said Incorporation, and annually thereafter said Hoard of directors shall bo elected by tho stockholders from among their number as shall be approved by the by-laws of said corporation, hereafter to be adopted by said Hoard of Directors. The Hoard of directors shall chooso a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and said Secretary and Treasurer may bo the same person. Said directors shall perform all of tho duties required In establishing and conducting tho business allalrs of satd Com pany and as provided by the by-laws of tho corporation. Said olllcers shall each hold his olllclal position for a period of ono year unless removed by said Hoard of Directors or otherwise. Artlcloli Tho placo of meeting of tho said Hoard of Directors shall bo at Ited Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska, unless otherwise ordered by tho Hoard of Directors holding said ofllces from year to year. Tho said di rectors shall as soon as convenient nfter the formation of satd Incorporation elect said olllcers at a meeting to bo held In lied Cloud Nebraska, and provide for tho opening ol stock subscription books and for tho trans, action of tho business allalrs of satd .corpor ation, provide tho necessary seal and record book, which shall be In tho form to be deter mined by the said directors. Vacancies lu the Hoard of directors during tho first year of the corporate existence bhall bo tilled by the then holding directors, and thereafter vacancies shall bo IU led by the said stock holders lu tho manner provided by law aud tho by-laws of this corporation. Article 10 Theso articles of Incorporation may bo amouded at any time. Every imendmeut thereto shall first bo approved by a majority ol tho holding Hoard of Direct ors, and.upon being approved It shall bo en tered at largo upou'the records of the Hoard, to be accurately kept by tho Secretary. Each of such amendments shall bo made a part ol the articles of Incorporation and shall bo acknowledged as the record, and public and recorded In tho same manner as these ,ir tick's. INCOHI'OHATOHS J. E. Mor.uis ' C. A. C. L. Wickwiiie ' G. D. AltNUl- P. I. Eastwood. state of Nobraska ). bounty of Webster f" Ou this 27th day of July, 1917, personally Appeared before mcJ. E. Morris, C. A. Waldo uid C. L. Wlckwlrc to me well known to be he Identical pcrtons whoio names were af ilxod to tho foregoing n-tlcles of Incorpor ation, and they severally acknowledged the execution of tho same to be their voluntary act and deed tor the purposes In said articles expressed. Iu Testimony Whereof, I havo hereunto Mibscrtbed my namo and atllxed my olllclal seal tho day and year Ilrst abovo written. C. II. HUIIOESS (Seal) Notary Public. NOTARY ACICNOWI.EDOEM ENT. Stato ol Nebraska lBa Ho It Hcmombcrcd. Franklin County i ss That on this 127th day ol July A. D , 11)17 boforo Uo undersigned N. It. Morrow a Notary Public,' In and for said county, personally came CI. D. Ar. nup, P. P. Eastwood to mo known to bo tho Identical persons' .whose names are af fixed to and who executeil the foregoing Instrument as grantors nud acknowledg ed tho same to bo their voluntary act and deed for tho purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and Notarial sesl tho day and year last abovo written. N. It. Moituow (Seal) ' Notary Public. My commission expires tho 17lh day of July 1020. m Sheriff's Sale By Virtue of a writ of execution directed to mo from tho clerk of tho District court of Webster County, Nebraska, on a Judgment obtained before Hon. II. S. Dungan lu the district court of Wobster County, Nebraska, ou the 18th day of October loin In favor ol Pearl Arnold as plaintiff, aud against Arthur Arnold as defendant, for tho sum of thirty six hundred dollars and flO.OO per mouth sup port for plaintiff's Infant child on which there Is now duo six hundred and twenty dollars and accruing costs, I havo levied upon tho following real eBtato taken ns tho pro perty of said defendant, to satisfy the amount duo on said Judgment to wit: Tho undivided ono ninth Interest In all tho following real estate: Northwest quarter of section four, lots three and four In section four, lots one, two and six In section seven, all of aforesaid real cstato being In township one, North, Knuge twelve, WobsWr county, Nebraska. And will otlcr tho samo for sale to tho high est bidder, for cash lu hand, on tho 2ind day of August A. D., 1917, at tho south door of the court house, being tho front door thereof, (that being tho building wherein tho labt term of court was hold), at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m of said day, when and whero dueattendanco will bo given by the under signed. Dated July 10, 1917. FnANK llUFFEIt, Sheriff of said county. y tiffivi1 ilfjy When the Firemen Appear the iniuted maa'i Mnt thought it oae ol thankiulneis that he is to. How abou t your thoughts if a fiitcman should ap pear al )our home? The Day Before the Fire is the day to iniure. As that day may be to-morrow for all you can kaow or do, it fellows that prudence would im pel! you to stop in our office to-day aad )h&ve us issue you a policy, C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance The Red Cloud Chief 'Quality' Printers : Publwhers Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty FOR YOU Printed Matter of the "Better Quality" r ftlXot How Chttil) il JJut llow OOOl) The Hamilton - Cmthtr Clothing Co. Sate (mots to Paul Sttny Kvrythlng a Man " or Moy Waara Red Clou Nebraska C. H. Miner Manager '- Dr. S. S. Dcardorf, M. D. C. Veterinary In Chargo C. HMirier Serum Co -PRODUCEHS- Anti Hog Cholera Serum Led Cloudy Nebraska Wire or Phone at Our Expense JJ..S, Veterinary License Ne. 45 KODAKS Betlfer Kodak Finishing Aiid 'Developing. .:. AFttil Line of Supplies ROftiLS DEVELOPED-lOc MAIL -YOUR ORDER TO l)S Stevens Bros. WNVWJWJVfJWuVm'JWVWlA col. j: h. ellingerS )' AUCTIONEER Ih jio w.ready to place your gale dntesi Ask any one nn to my qualifications' or liom I havo cried sales. Inderen! " . dent phones on IU. Write wire or n J f Red Cloud, Nebr. ,VyVWUrWUV,W,AVJV Dr. R. V. Nicholson . -J Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED ESTOffice Oveh Amiihoiit's Stohe Dy. Cta&s. S. Cross DENTIST i OVER STATE BANK RED. CLOUD NEBRASKA . S. Gfvrber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and i V Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) i Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And i Furnish You the Fixtures1 I 1 t I I aW fi tSW.. .iMiA kMWM ' ? . p 111. iV ' V i K 'v