The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1917, Image 5

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' 'J l
rhll Trout spent SuudRyat McCocjk.
Earl Hall spent Tucsdny in Hastings.
Jim Houbal spent Monday in Super
ior, -
Clark Crow spent Sunday in "Uuldo
Rock. .1 Jl
P. A. Hllilobraudt spent Sunday in
Alma. . .
Mrs, John Aubushou weuttoOmuha,
- Monday.
A. H. Carpeutei' spent Monday in
.Hastings, .r ,
Mrs. Will Robertson spent Friday nt
Blue Hill.
Will Doose left Monday for Cheyenne
Harry Eldrodgo went to Omahn
Miss Lucllc Stroupc spent Thuisday
in Superior.
Miss Edythe Herrlek spent Monday
in Hastings. ,
O. A. Arnold was down from blue
Hill, Monday. , ;
N. U. Bush returned home from Colo
rado, Tuesday. ., -
Riley Hayes of Hastings spent, Sun
day in the city.
i. !.
D. M. Allen left Wednesday fov Law
ton, Oklahoma.
Harvey Rickerson spent Sunday with
friends at Orleans.
WillRlba spent the weekend with
his wife at Exeter.
Boy Young of Imperial is
friends in the city.
Lowell Robbins is visiting his m'oth
er, Mrs. m liobmns.
Garret Ohmstede,Jr
Guide Rock, Monday.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted fv C
Mitchell, the Jeweler. .nr L
Miles'Wilmot went to Lincoln, Tues.
day, to visit his mother. I 9u
Mrs. Will Hunt went to UlyjpsFrl
day to visit her parents. "'- v
COO bu. home grown barley fanwle. -Dan'l
Garber, Red Cloud.
Will Robertson returned. homo Fri
day evening from Omaha
For th
e best line of fancy stationery
look's drug store.
call at Cook
Mr. ond Mrs
Clair Pope rcturufcd
home Monday from Denver,
Mrs. A. E. Bernard of Yortyisf ,Vlslt
ing her sister, Mrs. E( M.,Eg(
Mrs. F. A. iHlldbrinuT'Heturucd
home Wednesday from'Aima..,
Miss Helen Lemon went to MaryVillc,
Kansas, Friday to vlsitjirlenteU.-""'-
Miss Florence Johnstop returned
home Wednesday from Inayale.Q
Mr. and Mrs. -j Guy ,Zelglertcaine In
from Lincoln, Tuesday evening.
J as. Sllvcy and "Will Tabor, were
down from Inavale, Wednesday "
Miss Fannie Miksch returned Dome
from Lawrence,' Sunday everflDg?1
Al Scrivner of Colorado Ib"1 voting
relatives and friends In the city.
Lesley Graves of Grand Island spent
Sunday with friends In this oityi"
Mr. and Mrs. Vesta Emlck, returned
to Grand Island, Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kellett wont to
Wymore, Wednesday, to visit relatives.
F. A. Hlldebrandt went to Excelsior
Springs, Wednesday, to spend a few
Miss Mable Lundy of Lincoln is at
ending the Teachers Institute this
Mrs. John Phillips, returned to her
homo at Goodland, Kansas, the first of
Iho week. ' -'
The W. C. T. U. will hold their an.
nual county convention at Red Cloud
on Tuesday, September 11th.
Mrs. M. K Quigley, and chifdren
went to Denver. "Monday ovcnlng, to
visit her brothers and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beezley and
son, Sherman, went to Ewing Tuesday
td visit their son and brother.
Miss Alvena Renfro returned home
from Choyeune the last of the week
where she had been visitlug her father-
Alva and Roscoe Sellars returned to
Exeter, California, Friday evening af
ter spending a few days with friends
Who has broken a good resolve,
should seo Harold Lockwood and Mary
Allison in "The Promise" one of Metro
Pictures Corporations great product
ions at the Orphcum, Friday nlghr,
Ang. 17th. Adm. 5-10c.
Thm iff.
Hamilton - Cither
Clothing Co.
Bimmmn I Ptsl Stony
Everything Man
or Boy Waara
Ktd Oloutt Nibraskm
went to Cowles Tues
Ed ii
anson spent Wednesday
N V Anderson of Cowles was in the
city Monday. v
Miss Mary Tcnnant is on the
list this week.
Miss Mario Hollister returned
day from Alliance. .
Miss Carrie Stewart returned to
home at Lincoln, Friday.
Mrs. A. T. Walker ond son, Glou and
wife spent Friday in Hastings.
Fred and James Arnold were down
from Inavale Saturday ovcuing,
Oscar Zeigler of Rlvertoit spent Fil
liny with his brother, Guy, and wife.
W. H. Thomas ami daughter, Miss
Liura Cecil, went to Cowles, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliuger aro the
parents of a baby boy who nt rived Situ
day. 1 am now ready to move 1mhip,
barns nud other buildings. John
John Throckmorton was in Itluo Hill
the last of the week whero lie enlisted
in Co. K.
Attorney and Mrs. L. H. Blackledge
returned home Sunday from their trip
to Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Young of Rosalie
spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Stroup.
Chas. Besse and Will Auld returned
home Monday from Denver where they
spent a week.
C. C. McConkey returned home the
first of the week from Hot Springs,
South Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Ranney went to
Lincoln, Monday, to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. Darner.
Miss Charlotta Buersteta spent Fri
day in Hastings and from there she
went to Kearney.
Mrs. Bertha Van Oman and children
returned to their home at Hardy the
first of the week.
Mrs. Robert Damerell left Monday
for Burlington, Iowa, to visit her sis
ter, Mrs. LeMaro.
Mahlon Crow and children returned
to Guide Rock, Wednesday, after visit
ing relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom SwarU and Chas.
Swartz and daughter, Miss Yola, spent
Sunday iu Rivertou.
We havS a lino of bathing caps at
25, 35, nud 50c. Call in and sec them
Cook's Drug store.
4 f
A large number of 'our young .folks
are enjoying the evenings at the.'skat
Ing rink at -Lebanon i' '
James ,Loy came down from McCook
Wednesday to take the physical ex
amination for the army.
Court Reporter ' "G'dqrgd Balrd of,
Bloomlngtod'wa8,in"ftho city between
trains Tuesday evening. 0 "'"- "" I"
Mrs. Edith Marsten of Oklahoma
City is visiting Jaa. Keagle and other
relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. Fred Steffins came down from
Hastings, ..Friday evening to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steffins.
M. J. Molnerncy of Webb City, Mis
souri, arrived in the city Friday to
visit his mother and sisters.
J.E.Yost left Sunday for St. Joe
and Kansas City where lie will look
after some business affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Moritz and son,
Allan, of Seward spent Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. H. C. Letsou.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huiler went to
Axtell, Wednesday, to visit her sister
Mrs. Ernest Davis and family.
Miss Beatrice Mo Kelghau of Lincoln
arrived in tho city Saturday evening to
visit her sister, Mrs. Russet Amack.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Robinson of Nelson
who aro operating the skating rink at
Lebanon were in town Wednesday.
Mrs. N. B. Sheeley returned to her
horaotGuldq Rock, VUneday,iafter
visiting her son Chester and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Essig of Hap'py
vllle, Colorado, aro visiting her sister,
Mrs. O. D. Hedge and family, this week.
Dr. Nail of Riverton was In tho city
Saturday evening where ho took tho
train for Missouri to spend his vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christian und'
daughters likvc moved into tho resi
dence formerly occupied by Prof.
I have some private money to
on city property, also can furnish
low rates on farm loans. B.
Mr. anif Mrs. C. D. Robinson
daughters roturned home Saturday via
automobile from Chicago where thej
spent a few days.
The Misses Carrie Stewart andZelma
Wonderly returned home the last of
the week from Colorado whero they
spent several weeks.
Will Kuehn of Rosolaud spent Sun
day with his son, Fred Kuehn and wlfo.
Ho loft Monday on a business trip to
the western part of the state.
Charles Knlcy is having tho frame
building on hio lot west of Yost's meat
market torn down and ho expects to
erect u btiuk building on the lot.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoeppnor of Hast
lugs spent Suuday with Miss Edith
MoKclghaii who accompanied tliem
homo and spent Monday at their home.
,.v k.JMRwsn Miji
' : r . .
sick AtwWdSnssscagK
fads vouv.'arii
lolmow about.
right now !
Your dollar toda)' buys
less bread, less meat,
less clothes than ever
before, but your elec
tric dollar buysMORE.
And you can make it
buy s till more by using
Mazda La?vips
For MAZDA Lamps give
three times as much light
as carbon lamps without
increasing the amount of
current used.
Complete line carried in iftock
at all times at right prices
For wiring and anythings
in the electrical line, see
Plumbing Heating Electrical Woik
The Misses Gladys and Jessie Beebe
and Marie Stone' of McCook spent the
first of the week with Miss Lena Lud
low. Mrs. E. E. Ltnderman returned to
her home at Geneva, Tuesday, after
visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Diede
rich. Jack Stelllns came down from Hast
ings, Monday, to visit his parents and
take the physical examination for the
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Grimes returned
homo from Hastings, Wednesday oven
ing, after spending ii few days with his
Miss Velma Roby who had been
visiting1 her grandparents, Mr.and Mrs
i ffl
w '
8. iiJ J
Will Bohrer, returned to her home atdAlf
Nelson, luesday. i
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grice and daugh
ter, Miss Luclle, have moved j into the
residence formerly occupied by Mr.
and, Mta. Roty. Avery. y L
1 Mr and Mrs. Ruboq Keagle who
reside near Oklahoma City, Oklah'qma,
arrived the last of the week via auto
to visit his brother, Jas. Keagle.
Mrs. Moranville and daughter, Mrs.
Bauers, and daughters, Mrs. Russel
Amack and Miss Beatrice MoKeighan,
spent Wednesday in Guide Rock.
The Bladen fair boosters and their
band were in the city Friday afternoon
advertising the county fair which will
be held at Bladen, August 20th to 23d.
The following shipped stoqk to Kan
sas City, Wednesday: J. E. Yost, one
car of cattle; W. L. Woesner, one car
of cattle and Deiauey Bros,, one car of
For Sale; 34 sections improved
laud in Washington County, Colorado
also Zi sections unimprovod land. For
information write Earl Moffet, Akron,
Mr. and Mrs. S.Jl. Florancc, Howard
Foo and Miss Vernon Storey were in
Hastings Friday evening attending
the Chautauqua of which Mme. Schu
man Heink was, the attraction.
- V,"H'rticrlvncr came dowta, from Red
Cloud, Nebraska last Frldoy for a
weeks visit with his old neighbors and
friends and to do some improving on
his lino residence property in this, city.
Lebanon Times.
Howard Simpson and Earl Young
left Tuesday for Omaha whero they
reported for duty in tho U. S. Navy.
They were accompanied as far as Hust
ings byhe Misses Mabel Hoffman aud
Margaret Stevens.
We linvo notice of shipment of two
cars Eastern hard coal, nut size, which
should arrive within a few days. For
immediate orders, subject to prior sale,
we are making a price of 810.00 per
ton. Piatt A Frees.
The Girls' Group of the Women's
Rod Cross Auxiliary are going to need
tho following articles for their work:
Old table linen, old muslin, old turklsh
toweling and old) counterpanes-all
freshly laundered. Anyone wishing
to donate any of these things pleaso
sond to Mrs. Ellis at the Ellis Shoe
Storo. Tho Girls will greatly appre
ciate all donutlons scut in at once. ,
Light and Water Consumers
The books are now at tho Webster
Coonty Bank and you aro requested to
call there at-ouco and settle.
O. O. Tcol, City Clerk.
Red Cross Notes
A meeting of tho Women's Red Cross
Auxiliary of the Webster County chap
ter was held at tho court house Mon
day evening and a good representation
was present, including several new
A constitution was adopted and the
following committees were appointed:
Headquarters Mis. J. E. Ryan, Mrs.
Tona Hlnes, Mrs. Cairle MeKeoby.
Purchasing-Mrs. Ellen Henderson,
Mrs. Jennie Mot rill, Mrs, Graco Let
sou, Mrs. .I. II Pet son.
Fiimuco-Mrs. Myrl Pope, Mrs. Ruth
Gellatly, Mis. Ege, Mrs. Noll Grimes,
Miss Edith Mdu'U'lmn.
Sui orvUiug MIssMpllle Ferris, Mia
C. J. Pop-, Mis. Hattie Oatman.
Membetshlp Edna Hcndurhon, Etta
Coon, PoJirl Hiues.
Publiettj-Mis W. I). EiNon and
Miss Pearl Pope.
Information The Executive Com
mittee. The hendquatleis cotntultteo pre
viously appointed repotted that tho
east jury looms on the till i d floor of
the court tiouse could bo had for work
rooms. Those rooms will be ready for
work Monday, August 20th, at 2 p. m,
and material for work will bo on hand.
The membets will work in four groups
as follows-.
Monday: Mrs. Geo. Pope, supervisor,
work for tho day, shoulder wraps, knit
ting and crocheting.
Tuesday: Mrs, Ellis, supervisor, girls
division. Work handkerchiefs, wash
cloths and towels. '
Wednesday: Mrs. Eugenia Harris,
supervisor, young women's division.
Work bath robes and bed socks.
Thursday: Mrs. I. H. Holmes, super
visor, work, hospital bed shirts, knit
ting and crocheting.
A member may work in any group
and choose tho work whioh suits her
best. It is earnestly desired that each
one be as prompt as possible in report
ing for work.
The Webster County chapter has
authorized the Auxiliary to use any
money it raises in any way, including
a share of , new membership fees. It is
therefore desired that anyono wishing
to -join the Red Cross do so thru the
Auxiliary membership committee so
that the fee may bo avallablo to pur
chase supplies for homo work.
Tho following donations have been
received: ,
Chas. Piatt $10 00
Chas. Gather 10 00
D. II.Kaloy 10 00
Geo. Pope 10 00
M. E. Ladies Aid 10 00
H.C. Gellatly 5 00
McCall 5 00
Mr. Wllmot 5 00
SS. ir. .Thomas. 5 00
W. D. Ed s on ' & 00
J. L. Beebe .'.. r 00
E. J. Petersen.'. .-.. .,;..".... 5 00
Edith McKeigban : .'.- 5k 00
Gertrude Coon , .1-00
GraceSh'erer n 00
D. E. Phillips 5 00
Aljson and Rachel Cowden 5 00
Pearl Pope 3 00
Father Fitzgerald 1 00
Mrs. F. Henderson 100
P. L. Hansen 1 00
Will Soon go into Training
Thecntlre 087,000 men forming the
first increment'of the draft army will
be under training early in October.
In accordance with orders issued on
August 13 the first 30 per cent of the
quota of each dlsti let will depart for
cantonments on September nth; the
next 30 per cent on September 15 and
another 30 per cera on September 30.
Tho remaining 10 per cent will be
mobilized as soon after that dato as
This order means that about 12,000
men will reach each of the sixteen can
tonments soon after September sth
and upon arrival there will be examin
ed physically by army physicians and
fall? accepted or rejected.
It)is'ex"peeted that many wiio aro
filing claims of exemption on tho
strength of family dependents will be
disappointed; as unless they are abso
lutely depoudeut apon the drafted
man they will not be exempt.
Rcligeous belief also will not excuse
a man, us It is ruled that those whose
conscience will not permit them to
take part in the activities on tho firing
line will be compelled to sorvo In the
quarter-master's corps, medical corps
or other units not employed In actual
Ford Tractor at Cowles
The gentleman in ohargo of the
Farmers Union County Plonlo which
will be held at Cowles on Saturday,
August 18th, informs us that arrange
ments aro about comploted for tho big
event and that all advertised attract
ions will bo given.
Asldo from tho regular program
whioh lias been nrrangod an extra at
traction has been scheduled for that
day. A Ford tractor demonstration
will bo given. A man of experience
will show tho interested peoplo liow a
duvico can be uttached to an ordinary
Fotd car which will uonvort it into a
tractor, thus tumbling tho farmer to
use his ear for work In tho field us woll
as for pleusuro purposes, No doubt
this will provo to bo an interesting
feature and should demand tho attent
ion of every progressive man in tho
We have received our
New Fall
We are pleased to announce to
the public that we will have
The Resler Line of
Fall Coats, Suits,
Dresses and Skirts
this season
: , Remember the line-will be afotrii
store two days every, three weeks-
Call and
II 1
g Red Cloud,
Do You Really Know that
Warner9 s "titt Corsets
are Actually Rust Proof?
' narnefo
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Agent for Warner Bros, Corsets : Butterick Patterns
Let us Figure on your
Come in
Try one on
See how you
Like them
Most Attractive
Shapes and Colors
.JftliSi3MAiiW!ir-iX'rf-.. JJ'faai-'iW
C 'i'L J ' '
See Them
A lki,;kf
XLKwJK Iglll
Have you tested them to proreJhikfc -
We wish you would then you'Would ,
know what we really mean when .we
say "guaranteed rust proof;" Jfc1
It ir not enough for a corset
to shape well it must
wear equally as well as it
shapes. Every day it must
prove its virtue through
shaping comfortably, wear
ing without splitting, with
out breaking or rusting in .
these "piping hot" days
that test even the best
You Can Depend -Upon
Your Warners!
next Job of Printing
t 1
.fc. 'X5
:p 44 '
: i .1
. -t u
K ,i
' ill
1 ft.