The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1917, Image 4
Jf t-x: -r- ""af " tTjr XT' J33ffififrIifc.Ma!lW ,! u ID OLOUD, WIBIAIIA, OHI1F LH- ATtEACMAN iC f "it is pretty . hard -to assert your independence and defy the world when you have an empty stomach and an empty pocket book. If your Muff is rnllnd. flun what? i , - p. The prudent man who has saved a little, who ;. has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a ; month or two, isn't so afraid of sickness, nor ; such a coward about being out of a job. A . bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. ; "2 The larger the account the firmer the footing. ; 5 It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency ;!! 5 and is an ever-present resource in time of .; 3 need. It's not what a man cams in a year ; 5 that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's ; 5 what licsavcsy .; Webfter County Bank jj . Red Cloud, Nebraska vvyvvr.vv.vv.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.,l lit till I II HI 111 V r I HU 1 I I I I llTfft 4 JrujSi : iX ;t46.H.44 Porch Furniture While the evenings are hot why not spend' your evenings on your porch? ' We have the Porch Swings, Setees and Porch Chairs to make you comfortable. fl We also have a good stock of Folding Canvas Cots, Steel Cots and Sanitary Couches. Come in and let us show them to you. j THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. -i-u- THE-RED CLOUD XH1EF ,s - Rp& Cloud. Nebrk., (, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered In tho Pontomco at Hcd Cloud, NebJ (U Becond Otamt Mutter' A B. McARTHUR l'UDMSHElt rUE ONliY DEMOCRATIC PAPEU IN WEBSTUt COUNTY f ROY SATTLEY x Licensed Embalmer Furniture Dealer $$ W"CW''$4 wmmttm - NEBRASKA'S .GREA TEST DESHLER NEBRASKA AUG. 28-29-30-31 $2,000 for Premiums $2,000 for Free Acts n FEATURING Dare Devil De Carno A $2,000 Speed Program Theatre-Duf field Fire Works Oregon Ship Building Calls for Laborers Tlie Secretary of the Stale Editorial Association of Portland, Oregon, in forms us Unit Oregon's) effort to do her pnvtln the building of steel and wood en ships for the wur Is seriously crip pled through Inch of kibor. Latest ntitlictitio luformntion gather ed points to the necessity of employ ing tit once iienrly 12,000 men in the shipbuilding business at Pot Hand, aud between two and thtec thousand in thc-yards outside. With conltact1 already let and cor tain to bo placed hi the near future, it is staled by the shipbuilders that from 20,000 to SS.oOu men should bo employ ed by the close of this year, or early next year. Tho work is on hand to give this employment and the demand for chips is growing greater every day. Tholdevelopmcut of an Industry of this magnitude so suddonly has result ed in drawing practically all of the available men within immediate reach, and already tho shipbuilders of the state are urging laborers from all parts of the West to talte positions in their plants. Appeals arc coming from national officials and all tho leading business men of the East for all seaboard states to concentrate their supreme energies upon the program of building ships. This is declared to be the greatest duty conjbnting the nation today and on evcrjAand it is admitted frankly, de spite the optimistio statements made of the position of the allied forces, that unless ships are built by America at a pace absolutety beyond the present program the effectiveness of the United States in tho European War will be largely reduced. Germany is counting implicitly upon destroying more ships than are built to provont America from participating extensively In the war. The submarine program is mak ing more rapid progress than the ship, building program. For these reasons the federal government is putting tho building of ships as the primary patri otic duty of the people of the country, and urging every person who can aid iu the work io take It up with as much reverence antl as much sense of duty. 'as if they wejre enlisting in the army. Amcrica'sfood, munitions, arms, and men cannot reach Europe without an adequate supply of ships. Best author Itie&vdeclareHhese should be built of l(ilfan5,wo6dias rapidly as the forces of the country, can be marshalled for the work. In the emergency every man who has any meohanical or artisan skill whatever is being adapted to some part of ship construction, wherever he de sires to work. It has been necessary to ,t each labor to do classes of work It has,nevr undertaken before. All the facilities for such instruction are be ing provided by the ship yards, the government, and state, and men arc having an opportunity to take up lines of employment never presented before at the best wages that have been known In tho Pacific Northwest and perhaps the country. CoFscientiiui Objectors JMutt Help thcrmy Washington, D. U , Aug. "lS.-Rblh gious objectors are assigned a definite place in tho national nrmy for the first time hi a ruling mado public today by Provost Marshal General Crowder. They will be sent to the mobilization camps for duties which the president may designate to as noueotnbatnut. The ruling says they "will bo draft ed, forwarded to n mobilization camp and will make up a part, of the quota from tho state aud district from whence they come and will be assigned to duty in a capacity declared by the president to bo non combatant." The duties which may be allotted to these men have not been made known. There are numerous' army organiza tion?, however, such us tho hospital corps, quartermaster coips, known as non-combatant troops, hi army organ ization. Presumably objectors will bo placed in theso units where their work will be to savo life, not to take it Special Oil Meeting Tonight A special meeting of tho lllg Chief Oil and Gas Company will bo hold at the Morhart opera house this evening at 8 o'clock. Several eastern capitalists have made a proposition to the directors of the company to take over all' or part of tho stock, and this proposition will be placed before the shareholders at this meeting, therefore it is desired that all who aro interested in tho company to be present, as this qncstlon must be decided at this meeting. Also other Important matters pertaining to the development of the oil field will be brought before the meeting. Four Big Day and Evening Exhibitions Watch for the Posters and the Programs ADMISSION 50C EVENING 25C TU&8UA V, A Vtt VST JS "SOUUJUliP J) A 1' " ami every SoMttr or Suitor of the Wrj War, Spanlih American War ami Yoluntttri or Drafted koUlltrt icl( be admitted fret, day ami tuning. Elaborate Spectacular J'atrlottc Fli excorlt l'royram at night, DIRECTIONS; Follow the Main Traveled Road a up1 3 L SEPT BPASKA! TATE FAIRl LINCOLN INI CONMCffTIONl WITH iSiVAmUVJ BE5T LIVE STOCK -AGRICULTURE- HORTICULTURE LD0ME3TIC PRODUCTS BOYS CAMP AND BETTER BABIES ri3Efts iJSlR o M A VAJK. s9kA4b csEssSwb hriM--flK t I i9i7H ' 5 J i 8 ; WILL BE FOUND THE GREAT W i i ? pnnn tpatntim, iatvid I'iSIW 'AFTERNOONS EVENING Jffik I fBVfr" HORSB RACING EVEPYAPTERJt SimJafc OMnrvSfA TiPcti! Xi. J .rfK7ii itlr S :'" f ' - m.. - - ... .. i i County Commissioner Grant Shidler informed the Signal to some extent in regard to tho proposed road building to be done by the Fedeial government iu Webster county. About 832,000.00 will bo appropriated for Webeter county to bo expended in the improv ng of county roads during the next three years. About live per cent of this aniouut will bo used between now and spring in making plans aud speci fications and advertising for contrac tors and the like. The government en gineer is figuring on having every county ready to begin work simultan eously next spring. The roads to be worked in Webster county will begin at a point north of Hluo Hill where it will join the Adams county road, From lilue Hill it will extend south to Kud Cloud by way of Uowles. Here it wjli join a road to extend from Guide Rock to the Franklin county Hue at a polut directly west of Inavale. The road will not be planned farther east than Guide Hock until Nuckolls county so lects her road.whon tho two counties can get together nud decido on a moot ing point 6u the county Hue. Mr. Shidler says it is his belief that tho QuideUoek-Red Cloud road will bo sand graveled owing to tho eas.v access to sand beds at so many places along the route. The federal government requires these roads to be made to n 5 per cent grade, but it is not likely thatl Webster county will be able to to raauo such u grade for a thuo, but that is what wo will eventually have. Quido Rock Signal. MORE LOCALS Miss Margaret" Beal returned home Wednesday evening from Alliance. Mrs. Joe Pavllck returned home from Fairfield Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Topham and family of Blue QUI spent Sunday with bis brother, Harry Topham and wife. NOTICE Ev. Lutheran Congrega tion: Services Sunday the 19th begin ning at 10:30 n. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. sharp. No instructions for the Junior Catechetical Class on Wednes day the 16th. No instructions for the Junior Catechetical Class Saturday the 18th. Will- attend the conference at Laweence from the 14th to the 17th of August. My address during said time in care of Rev. C. F. Schrein, Guide Rock, Nebraska, Route 1. A. Schaal, Pastor. The Government needs 'farmers as well as fighters. Two million three hnndrod thoand ncrcs of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United Spates. To be opened for homesteads and sale. Con' tainlngsome of best land left in United States. Large copyrighted map show ing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall,' elevations', tem perature etc. Postpaid one dollar Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 010 Portland Oregon. " A number of linemen of the Lincoln Telephone Co. have been making their headquarters iji this city the past ten days. The object of their visit to Red Cloud is to overhaul the company's lines. The work on the toll lines is now about completed and Mr. Geo. W. Warreu, tho local manager, informs us that plans aro being mado for ex tensive repairing of tho city lines, but us the gentleman who attends to this department of tho company's affairs will not arrive in tho city until tomor row, Mr. Warren cauuot state just what amount of work will bo done here. A meeting of tho Chamber of Com merce was held at their, headquarters Tuesday evening at which time ou such business as came beferc this es teemcu body of gentlemen was trans acted. Tho most important matter discussed was the problem o.fGleqtiBg a uanu.ieauor. Alter carciui consider ation of tho matter it was decided to have the members of the band get to gether nud select a leader themselves as hi that way It is thought they would be better satisfied. Tho Chamber of Commerce agreeing to trans: cl all tho business relative to tho securing of the necessary funds and the payiug of nil bills. It is thought that by doing so the baud would bo placed on n surer financial basis. A subscription pledge will be drawn up and circulated among the business men and citizons hi the near future. Wanted S, .' 11 lt - vw Webster County- BLADEN, NEBRASKA August 2jOEntry p 2flChildrens Day 22'7armers n'on ay Pacing-Trotting -Running-Every Day 30 Horses on the Grounds Now More Coming ' The Best Free Attractions FireWorks Speed Program 2:18 Paco 2:30 Trot Ji'-mllo Dash 2:30 Trot 2:24 Paco 1-mile Dash Freo-for all 3-year-old Paco VmlIo3out of G 'i-mllo and Repeat At night fair the greatest display of ever s'hown In Webster County, Carry-Us r All j x Ferris Wheel .u Lewis Stock Co Season Tickets Only $1.00 Single Admission 50c : : Day and Night $1.50 Auto or Vehicle Ticket 25c OLEY IVERSON, Pree. CHAS. COWLEY, Sec'y. Sooner or later you will buy & De Laval ""'"IBIlin savings made b7a'"lll DE LAVAL sx rA De Laval will save enough over anv gravity, setting system in quantity and quality of cream, sweet skim-milk, labor, time and. trouble topay -for itself every six months. - J S-m A De Laval .will save enough over any otheijSepa-. rator in closer skimming, in running heavier and smoother cream, skimming cool milk, great'erpapac ity, easier cleaning, easier running and f ew4er repairs to pay for itself every year. ?.. An up-to-date De Laval saves enough' over De j-iavai macmnes oi nve, ten, mteen or twenty; years ago in closer separation under' all con ditions, greater capacity, easier running and greaier mecnanicai penection to pay for itself every two years. Remember that these are not mere claims. We are always willing to Jet you try out a De Laval for yourself on your, 1 . own place. Illllllli.., siiim i TRINE Your Hard-wareDealer x--:"X-M"X"i"HMt"X"j"H-:"X o :- ..V!..t. '""""' iiAAAAAj ......::tmj.:: "::;:". Mr, Mason, who rccontly purchased tho Powell Bros', smokehouse, has in. stalled n bur and will havo near bpor on draught. Piobably our olti.ens who Uicd to take a nip onco in awhile will T an Ad in the Chief if you want to buy sell or trade EiSftnBthoii nw. ",uu H,rjr Hr To sub-rent tho place where we are now living at the west edge of town. This place consists of 3j ucres of land, has good comfortable bouso, good barn chlcUbn houses and etc. Rent very reasonable, Inauiro of B. F. Pininv, Advertised Letter List The following is tho list of unclaim ed letters at tho post oillco In this city for the wcclc ending Aug. IU, 1017: Oma llarnard, Vera Hudson, Carl Lomouds, Ksthcr Shoots, Torlldn, Mrs. J. W. Wilson. If not called for bofore August HOth they will bo sent to the dead letter otllee. " U, 0. Lkt&o.n, P, M. K$ & V iiiiiffliiiiiiiti'i I . M!n2 tn vS r - - - TvJaHOJkOsf JiHH flrTrVlImJmmskllKsma Our Printing Will Please You I No Jobs too small, none too large to receive our careful attention l THE RED CLOUD CHIEF & PR1NTF.RS nnrl PIIR1 ISHF.RS $ PRINTERS and PUBLISHERS "No tow cheap but tow good," - I Utt Ji' O A m x : t, m I