The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1917, Image 2

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ftecruito Will De Summoned to the
Colors on September 1 and Sent to
the Training Camps Within
Four Days.
Washington, Aug. 11. Locnl ex
emption boards will lio In full charge
of assembling tliu men called to the
fcolors .September 1. They wll give tliu
new fighting force Its uctunl Induction
Into inllltnry life, provide tlio men with
meals, shelter and tratiHportiitloii, and
escort them personally to the train for
the mobilization camps.
Explicit regulations under which
the first segment of the national army
Will he mobilized were Issued by Pro
vost Marshnl General Crowder nt
The details of the program for mobil
izing the first S.'IO.WK) men called to the
colors September 1 and forwarded to
their camps before September 0 are nB
The nctual call will go from the
provost marshal general to the state
ndjutaut general, stating the number
of men to be supplied. Each locnl
board will bo at once Informed of how
many men It must furnish and the ad
jutant general will fix the day for en
training the men.
Tho local board at once will make
out the list of men to fill the call from
the roll of accepted men, and will llx
the place of cntraimnent and time of
Orders to the men will be posted
and also sent by mall. The men will
be directed to report to the local board
not less than 12 hours before the time
of depnrturo for camp.
Before the men nrrlvo nt bonrd
headquarters the board members must
nrrnngo for their accommodation.
At board headquarters at the hour
fixed for reporting tho men will be
drnwn up, tho roll called and agents
will tako them personally to their qunr
tcrs, remaining with them until every
arrangement for their comfort hns
boen made. Emphatic notice Is given
that tho quality of food shall be good,"
find tho board Is held liable for see
ing that meals nrc adequate.
For each district five alternates will
be summoned. They will be held nt
'tho assembling point until train time
to fill In vacancies should any men of
'the levy fall to report.
Member of U. 8. Commission In Petro-
grad Didn't See Drunken Man
or Fist Fight
Washington, Aug. 10. "Labor 'was
tho propelling force behind the Rus
sian revolution, and labor will be n
great and helpful factor In the mak
ing of the new government."
Jnmes Duncan, labor representative
fn the United States mission to Russia,
mndo this statement.
"Already the workmen's, soldiers'
find peasants' council Is tho. single au
thoritative body In Russia," Mr. Dun
'can sold. "Labor Is organizing rap
Idly and the labor situation, I believe,
Js most hopeful.
"I attended the first labor conven
'tion In Russia, when twenty-nine la
bor unions were represented, and car
ried on their business In an orderly
"Tho Russian people are ob lovable
nnd as fine n people as I have ever
met I was n whole month In Petro
grad, and during that time I didn't see
a drunken man. I didn't see a quar
rel, or n fist fight In the streets, and
all of this with no police."
Becomes Law After Royal Assent and
Government Proclamation Calls
100,000 Men.
Ottawn, Ont., Aug. 10. Tho Cana
dian conscription bill successfully
passed Its Inst legislative stago when
It received third reading In tho senate.
It becomes effective after the formali
ties of royal assent' nnd government
proclamation. Tho date on which tho
first class will be called, composed of
Blngle men between tho ages of twenty
and thirty-two years, will be deter
mined as Boon ns tribunals aro created
to pass on nppllcatlonB for exemption.
The authorities .expect to hnve the
100,000 men sought by tho bill In train
ing by autumn.
Coffins Made of Cardboard.
Amsterdam, Aug. 10. Collins of wa
terproofed cardboard are now being
made In Germany, according to the
Tngllche Rundschau of Berlin. The
lids are glued Instead of being nailed
Candy Plot Kills Children.
Ixrdsburg, N. M Aug. 10. Three
children arc dend here and more thnn
a dozen others are HI, as the result of
an epidemic of diphtheria, believed to
fcavo been caused, by distribution of In
oculated candy among' tho children.
Turks Bombard Chios.
AthcnB, Aug. 10. Official advices
from Chios say the Turks have bom
barded the. Island from Tchesme, a
eeoport of Aslu Minor, 40 miles from
Smyrna, sinking four sailing vessels
,and slight' iluui"BlB the town.
Officials Announced That Five Minis
ters'1 and Five Secretaries of
Cabinet Resign.
' Berlin, Aug. 8. Olllclal announce
ment wns made on Monday that five
ministers of state, Including Foreign
Secretary Zlmmermann, and four sec
retaries of state, Including Flunncc
Minister Lentze and Interior Minister
von Loebell, have resigned their port
folios. Dr. Richard von Kuehlmann, the
German ambassador to Turkey, hns
been appointed secretary for foreign
affairs In succession to Doctor Him
mermann. The ministers nnd hccretnrles of
state, who resigned were:
Ministers of state:
Justice Dr. Beseler, appointed No
vember, 1005.
Ecclesiastical Affairs nnd Instruction
Dr. von Trott zu Solz, appointed
July, 1009.
Agriculture, Domains and Forests
Dr. van Schorlemer, nppolnted In 1010.
Finance Dr. Lentze, uppolnted AtK
gust, 1010.
Interior Horr von Loebell, appoint
ed May, 1014.
Secretaries of state:
Post Offlce llcrr Kraetke.
Secretary of Justice Doctor Llsco.
Secretary for Foreign Affairs Dr.
Alfred Zlmmermann, nppolnted Novem
ber, 1010.
President of the Food Regulation
Board Adolph von Batockl.
Dr. Karl Hellfferlch will continue to
be the representative of tho chancellor
nnd n member of tho ministry of state
and temporary minister of the Inte
rior. Tho vncnnt Prussian ministerial
posts were filled as follows :
Minister of Justice Dr. Peter
Spahn, lender of the Catholic party
In the rclchstag.
Minister of the Interior Under-Secretary
Minister of Instruction Herr
Schmidt, ministerial director.
Minister of Agricultural Dr. Essen
Minister of Finances Doctor nertz.
Charles Magowan Arrested by U. 8.
Officers While Addressing Striking
Rock Island Railroad 8hopmen.
Mollne, 111., Aug. 0. Charles Mago
wan, president of thoTrl-Clty Federa
tion of Labor, comprising all union
workmen of Mollne, Rock Island, Dav
enport and East Mollne and many of
the employees of the Rock Island ar
senal was nrrosted on Tuesday by
United Stntes secret service operatives.
He was addressing n secret meeting of
striking Rock Island railroad shopmen
In East Mollne. Oliver Grlflln, an al
leged I. W. W. agitator, also was tnken
Into custody.
Most of New Taxes for War Expenses
Come From Incomes, Excess Prof
Its, Liquor and Tobacco.
Washington, Aug. 8. The wnr tnx
bill Anally revised to meet latest es
timates was favorably reported by tho
senate finance committee on Monday.
It proposes to raise $2,000,070,000 by
Most of tho new taxes proposed un
der the revised bill for war expenses
of tho present fiscal year would come
from Incomes, wnr excess profits,
liquor and tobacco taxes.
Chicago's Draft Is Ready.
Chicago, Aug. 11. MaJ. II. M. Chlper
fleld, superintending exemptions here,
said he would wire Proviist Marshal
General Crowder at Washington nt
once that 10,000 drafted Chicago men
will bo ready for the army Monday.
Germans Kill With New Gas.
Ilazebrouck, Aug. 11. Ilrltlsh medi
cal officers aro trying to determine the
nature of the new poison used, It Is
believed for the first time, by the Her
mans on the Kroch tovyn of A mien
tleres, ticiiMhe Lvlglun frontier.
mli sihiWW S)St!!MiM' n a Z '
Springfield Policeman Shot and Killed
Battle Follows Attempt to
Disperse Crowd.
Springfield, III., Aug. 0. Five hun
dred soldiers of southern Illinois, com
manded by Col. Claude E. Ryan of Ef
fingham, arc on guard duty In Spring
field following Incipient riots In vari
ous parts of tho city on Tuesday night
In connection with the street car strike.
AdjL Gen. Frank S. Dickson assumed
pergonal command of the Ninth Infan
try, and mobs in all parts of the city
were dispersed.
The riots followed tho shooting of
Policeman Noah Bell, who was at
tempting to disperse n crowd nt Ninth
street and North Grand avenue. Bell
died a few hours later nt a local hos
pital. Two bullets, alleged to have
been fired from a street car, manned
by nonunion men, hit Bell In the bend.
Five men are under nrrest, pending nn
Investigation. They nre: Ralph Cas
tles, son of former Chief of Pollco H.
Castles of Springfield; Oscar Strok
and Joe Frese of St. Louis, who say
they were hired to come to Springfield
to guard street cars, nnd Motorman
William Koeblo and- Conductor Qus
Government Estimates Corn Yield at
3,191,000,000 Bushels This Year
Wheat Crop Is Reduced.
Washington, Aug. 10 Corn to relieve
tho hunger of the nations nt war with
Cermany; to furnish the nlcohol for
tho powder for the shells of America
and Its allies ; to feed all American
Hvo stock and bring down the price
of beef nnd pork, nnd to mako up for
the shortage In wheat which Is felt
over the world, Is nearing maturity on
American farms, according to the Au
gust government crop report
The Indicated yield of this king of
American cereals Is 3,101,000,000 bush
els a larger crop than was over raised
In n slnglo year before. It' 1b 07,000,-
000 bushels larger than was Indicated
In tho July report, nnd 008,000,000
bushels larger than waa raised last
The winter whent yield is now har
vested, and is estimated by tho gov
ernment nt 417,000,000, a gain of 15,
000,000 bushels over the July forecast.
Tho promise for tho wholo nation Is
053,000,000 bushels, or only 13,000,000
bushels nbove tho short crop of last
year, Indlcntlng thnt there must be o
large substitution of other foods for
wheat, If the United States Is to spare
any largo amount of this grain for Its
Tho oats crop, however, mostly hnr
vested now, Is n record-breaker. It Is
estimated at 1,450,000,000, compared
with n yield of 1,252,000,000 last year
The Indicated yield of whlto pota
toes Is for 407,000,000, compared with
ouly 285,000,000 bushels last year.
Wisconsin Murder Has Features Like
Ruth Cruger Case Suspected
Man Is Missing.
Ln Crosse, Wis., Aug. 8. Discovery
of tho body of Mrs. Corn Miller, burled
In quicklime, In nn unused, ccllnr of
the home of Edwin Haughe, farmer,
cleared up tho mystery surrounding
tho disappearance of tho woman from
the home of her employer, Hlrnm Love
Joy, near tho village of West Salem, Ln
Crosso County, February 24. Haugho
has not been found.
Nig Clarke Passes Naval Test.
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 11. Slipping
quietly up two flights of stairs, Justin
(Nig) Clnrkc, former baseball star,
stripped heforo recruiting officers of
tho United States Marino corps and
passed the physical examination.
Poles Are Court-Martlaled.
Copenhagen, Aug. 11. Several mem
bers of tho Polish radical left hnve
been tried by n German court-martial
for attempting to Incite the populnco
of I'nlnnd to disturbance, according to
n dispatch from llerlln.
Representatives Expected to Prevent
Fraud In Evading Service Each
County Has Official.
Lincoln. Acting upon the request
of the wnr department, Governor Ne
ville announced thu appointment of
special agents in each county In Ne
braska and In each registration dis
trict, who will represent the United
States government In presenting to
county exemption boards and to state
appeal, boards such Information as
may tend to bhow fraudulent exemp
tion claims. These men are expected
to secure all of the evidence which
they can to prevent men from estab
lishing false claims for exemption.
Ample provisions have been made
whereby u man subject to the draft
might claim exemption and appeal to
one of the state boards in case his re
quest Is denied. It Is thought only a
proper safeguard to prevent men get-v
ting excused on Improper grounds,
thereby requiring others to be drawn
In their places, that there also be
some person In every county to gath
er Information on behalf of the gov
ernment. The special agents In Ne
braska counties except Douglas and
Lancaster, aro:
Arfiunit Votncy II. Trimble. Utistlngs.
Antelope I.yle K. Jackson. NcIIkIi.
Arthur Milton J. Hauer. Arthur.
Banner M. E. Hhnfto, IlArrtsburg.
Jllnlno K. a. need. IlrwtT.
lloonr C. O. t)nrns, Alhlon.
Ilox Ilnttc Ilobrrt amhnm, Alllnnco.
Uoyil Sylvester H. Parsons. Spencer.
Ili-own Hen II. Durrltt, Alnsworth.
IlulTnlo W. I. oldhnm. Kenrncy.
Hurt A. M. Anderson, Teknmnh.
llutler H. J. House. David City.
Cass A. O. Cole, Plnttsmouth.
Cednr Wllber P. Hrynnt, HnrtlnRton.
Chase Fred IIofTmelster, Imperial.
Cherry T. M. Walrott. Valentine.
Cheyenne J. O. Mrlntosh. Sidney.
Clay Harry II. Johnson. Clay ConUr.
Colfax W. I. Allan. Schuyler.
Cumins J. C. Klllott, West Point.
Custer M. S. Eddy, Uroltcn How.
Dakota Thomaa Ashford. Homer.
Dawes it. ii. units, l nnnron.
Dawson aeonte C. c.lllnn. texlngton.
Deuel L. O. Pfclffcr, Clinppell.
Dixon H. P. Shumway, Wnkifleld.
Dodge Hay Nye, Fremont.
Dundy Paul Jones, Henkelman.
Fillmore Frank O. Kdceconihe. Genera.
Franklin H. Y. Hartt. nioomlnnton.
Frontier James Pearson. MoorHeld.
Furnas O. E. Simon, Heaver City.
Oaice I W. Colby. Beatrice.
Garden 11. J. Curtis, Oshkosh.
Oarfleld Ouy Lnverty. nurwell.
Oospcr O. K. IJoinrth, Elwood.
Orant D. F. OsRood, Hynnnls.
Groeley J. n. fiwaln, Greeley. .
Hall J. D. Whltmore, Grand Island.
Hamilton Fred Jeffera, Aurora.
Harlan J. O. Thompson, Alma.
Hayes M. F. Wasson. Hayea Center.
Hitchcock J. F. RatcllR. Trenton.
Holt J. O. Donahue, O'Neill.
Hooker W. C. Heelan. Mullen.
Howard Frank J. Taylor, St. Paul.
Jefferson E. A. Wunder. Falrbury,
Johnson Frank A. Sofranek. Tecumsah.
Kearney Charles A. Chappell, Mlnden.
Keith E. M. Searle. Ogalalla.
Keya Paha R. C. McCulley. HprlngTfUw.
Kimball Jamea A. Tlodman, Kimball.
Knox D. C. Laird, Center.
Lincoln T. C. Patterson, North Piatt.
Lotan R. I Baker, Gandy.
Loup Orvllle Chatt, Taylor.
Mcpherson J. Waller Tryon.
Madison John R. Hays, Norfolk.
Merrick John C. Martin. Central City.
Morrill O. J. Hunt, Bridgeport.
Nance Albert Thompson, Fullerton.
Nemaha Richard P. Neal, Auburn.
iiu.iri1! (iMirirn Jsekson. Nelson.
Otoe C. W. Livingston, Nebraska City.
Pawnee C. A. Rhappel. Pawnee City.
Perkins D. F. Hastings, Grant.
Phalps O. C. Anderson. Holdrege, It.
Pierce M. II. Leomy. Pierce.
Platte C. J. Garlow, Coliimbua.
Red Willow Patrick Walsh. McCook.
Polk H. II. Campbell, Osceola.
Richardson John Mullen, Falls City.
Rock J. J. Carlln. nassett.
Ballne R. V. Kohout, Wllber.
Harpy A. E. Langdon. Papllllon.
Saunders E. E. Placek, Wahoo.
Bcottsbluff Fred A. Wright. Gerlnr.
Reward J. J. Thomas, Seward.
Sheridan C. Patterson. Ruslivllle.
ftherman C. W. Trumble. Ixup Cltr.
Bloux A. O. Schnurr. Harrison.
Stanton W. P. Cowon. Stanton.
Thayer T. II. Carter. Hebron.
Thomaa J. H. Evana, Thedford.
Thurston Guy T. Oraves, WsJthlll.
Valley Dert M. Hardenbrook. Arcadia.
Washington N. T. Lund, nialr.
Warns John T. Dressier. Wayne.
Webster Rernard McNenr. Red Cloud.
Wheeler J. M. Shreve, Rartlett
Tork T. W. Bmlth, York.
Sufis May Fight Petition.
Possible legnl action to prevent tho
submission of the pnrtlal suffrage law
under the referendum petitions which
were recently filed by nntl-sufTrnglsts
with Secretary of State Pool nnd ap
proved by him Is hinted nt by promi
nent suffrage workers. The suffra
gists said they had not flnnlly deter
mined on what course would be fol
lowed, hut they lind plenty of legnl
assistance If It was finally decided to
fllo n suit to establish whether the
petitions -filed were sufficient. The
suffragists contend there arc n num
ber of irregularities In the petition.
, 8tate's Assessed Valuation Grows.
Nebraska's total assessed valuation
of property this year will reach $529,
000,000, nccordlng to figures which
Secretary Ilcmecker of the state
board of equalization hns compiled.
With 01 counties reporting officially,
the total valuation Is $527,573,025. Al
lowing a small Increase for tho two
which hnvo not been offlclnlly heard
from, tho total state valuation will
run over $520,000,000. Last year It
was n trifle over $500,000,000. Every
county In the state shows an Increase.
Hard Cider Causes Trouble.
Hnrd elder, or n manufactured sub
stitute for It, Is giving state nnd
county authorities some trouble In
their efforts to enforce prohibition,
nnd It promises nlso to mnkc trouble
for dealers In soft drinks who have
been selling It. Samples of the stuff
which have recently been sent In to
Governor Ncvlllo from Fremont and
Hastings, tested, respectively, 4 per
cent nnd 0 per cent of nlcohol. It
Is unlawful to mnke or sell any bev
erego If It contnlnB more thnn one
hnlf of 1 per cent alcohol.
Formation of Reserve Organlxatlom
to Bo Pushed With Vigor.
Brigadier General Harries, com
manding tho Nebraska brigade, an
nounced positively that tho brlgado
troops will mobilize at their homo
stations nnd will proceed from thero
to Doming, N. M.
He also said there will bo no an
nouncement of the time they leave.
With the taking Into the federal
servlco of tho new Sixth regiment, all
state troops nre now In the federal
Following the departure of the Na
tional Guards tho work of organizing
Home Guard companies will be push
ed with vigor.
Following Is n letter to the chair
men of the county councils of defense,
calling attention to the urgent neces
sity of organizing home guard units:
"Many Inquiries have reached tho
State Council of Defense relative to
the formation of the Home Guards ln
the several coiumuultlcsf of the state.
The state council, after consultation
with Governor Neville and Adjutant
General Steele. U authorized to give
you the following Information:
"Thnt as soon as the Natlonnl
Guard regiments of Nebraska leave
the state, the adjutant general, at the
request of the governor, will Im
mediately commence the organization
of reserve mllltla forces, under rulep
and regulations ns provided by law.
This reserve mllltla will take the
plnce of the present National Gunrd.
When the reserve mllltla organiza
tions are completed, If It becomes
necessary In the smnller communi
ties of the state, the governor will
commission officers who will be nu
thorlzed to organize Home Guard
contingents for local purposes of pro
tection nnd patriotic endeavor.
Counties Should Help.
"Tho several county councils nro
urged to encourage the work which
Adjutant General Steele has under
taken In organizing reserve mllltln
contingents and to assist him ns much
ns possible In accomplishing this spc
clal task.
"The state council nlso calls the
attention of the county councils to
the mess fund movement which seeks
to ndd additional provision for the
comforts nnd needs of the enlisted
men of tho several National Guard
regiments which nre about to leave
Nebraska. It Is n very, necessary and
commendable thing to do nnd we ask
the several county councils to nsslst
generously this particular pntrlotlc
Vicksburg Commission Meets.
The Vicksburg commission met In
the ofllec of Governor Neville last
Wednesday nnd discussed plans for
the Nebraska train to the Vicksburg
"Fifty Years of Peace" celebration
to be held October 10 to 10. The last
legislature voted $20,000 to send Ne
braska veterans to tho celebration.
Five hundred nnd forty Nebraska
veterans have registered for the trip,
but not more thau 500 nro expected
to go. It may be necessary for tho
veterans to pay their own expenses to
tho central part from which the vet
erans will leave for the south. Even
then It may not be possible to pay all
of the faro nnd the commission will
then prorate it among men going on
the trip.
Demands of Labor Reasonable.
Demand of Omaha labor unions ns
to hours of labor, wages and Improv
ed working conditions were uot un
reasonable, nnd unions at tho present
time are willing to nccept conditions
ns they existed before tho wnr, nc
cordlng to the report of the state
hoard of mediation filed with Govern
or Neville.
The report rehenrses the history of
the Omaha building trades strike, and
urges the governor nnd state council
of defense to take some action,
whereby Omaha employers may be
brought to agree to return to "before
the war" conditions and live up to
the suggestions made by Secretary of
Lohor Wilson and Indorsed by Presi
dent Wilson.
County Agent Medium of Defense.
Nnder the provisions of admin
istration's food control bill tho
sum of $115,000 hns been set aside
for county ngent work in Nebraska.
This will bo sufficient to put n county
ngent in every county In tho state,
nnd to provide n food emergency
ngent for each district where rggulnr
county ngents are not employed.
County ngents nnd food emergency
ngents will he put to work organizing
nnd mobilizing ngrlcultural Nebraska
for maximum production.
Ordered to War Strength.
The Wnr department has Instructed
all companies of tho National Guard
to recruit up to war strength, accord
Ing to orders received nt Guard head
quarters In Lincoln. Wnr strength of
companies Is 152 men.
Receives Interest On Bonds.
The state's first Interest payment
on Its Liberty loan Investment wns
received when Treasurer Hall got n
draft for $885, covering the Interest
on the stnte's subscription for half n
million dollars of the bonds.
Professor Offers Services.
Prof. Fogg of the University of Ne
braska has offered hlH services to
make speeches over the state on tho
national defense work.
Defense Councils to Meet.
Tho Nebraska Btate council of de
fense has planned n big meeting to
be held at the state fair grounds dur
ing far week to take an Inventory of
the progress mnde In organizing the
state for eff jctlvo participation ln the
And Filed on Western Canada
Land. Now Worth $50,000.
Lawrence Bros, of Vera, Saskatche
wan, are looked upon ns being nmongst
the most progressive farmers ln West
ern Cnnndn. They have bad their
"ups-and-downs," nnd know what It
Is to be ln tight pinches. They perse
vered, nnd aro now. In nn excellent
flnnnclnl position. Their story Is an
Interesting one. Coming ln from tho
stntes they traveled 6vcrlnnd from
Calgary ncross the Bnttlo river, tho'
Red Deer river, through the Eaglo
Hills nnd on to Hattleford. On tho
wny their horses were stolen, but thl
did not dishearten them. They hnd
some money, with which they bought
more horses, and some provisions.
When they reached Battleford they
had only money enough to pay their
fcrrlnge over the Saskatchewan river,
nnd this they hnd to borrow. It was
In 1000 that they filed on homesteads,
having to sell a shotgun for ten dol
lars In order to get sufficient money t
do so. Frank Lawrence says:
"Since thnt tlmo we hnvo acquired
altogether n section nnd a half of
land, In nddltlon to renting another
three qunrters of a section. If wo
hnd to sell out now we could probably
realize about $50,000, nnd hnvo mado
all this since wo camo here. Wc get
crops In this district of from 80 to
35 bushels of whent to the acre and
oats from 40 to 80 bushels to tho acre.
Stock here pays well. Wc hnve 1,700
sheep, 70 cattle and 00 horses, of whlcb
a number are registered Clydes."
Similar successes might be given of
the experiences of hundreds of farm
ers throughout Western Canada, who
hnve done comparatively as well. Why
should they not dress well, live well,
have comfortablo homes, with all mod
ern equipments, electric light, steam
heat, pure ventilation, and automo
biles. Speaking of automobiles It will
be n revelation to the reader to learn,
that during the first half of 1017, 10,
000 automobile licenses were Issued lt
Albcrtn, twice ns many as In tho wholo
of 1010. In Saskntchewan, 21,000 li
censes were issued up to tho first of
May, 1017. In Its monthly bulletin for
June the Canadian Bank of Commerce
makes special reference to this phnso
nnd to the general prosperity of the
West ln the following:
"Generally speaking the western
farmer Is, ln many respects, In a mucb
better position thnn hitherto to In
crease his production. Two ycare of
high prices for his products hnvo en
abled him, even with a normal crop,
to liquidate a substantial proportion,
of bis liabilities and at the same time
to buy Improved fnrm mnchlnery. Hl
prosperity Is reflected ln tho demand;
for building materials motor cars
and other equipment. It Is no doubt
true thnt some extravagance Is evi
denced by the astonishing demand for
motor cars, but it must bo remembered:
thnt many of these cars will mako for
efficiency on tho form and economize
both tlmeimd labor." Advertisement.
Tommy Explains.
A couple of Charlestown kiddle
were celebrating Bunker Hill Day by
exploding n few torpedoes, nccordlng
to the Boston Transcript. Said Nellie:
"I don't see how the Germnns can blow
up a big ship with one of these things."
"Oh, .you girls can't expect to under
stand about such things," said Tommy,,
with u superior air. "Of course, the
torpedoes they use nre about a hundred
tlmeB ns big and they use a derrick to
lift them up und drop them on the
"Did you have any luck fishing?'
"Well, I didn't catch any fish. Bat
I made the same piece of bait last a
remarkably long time."
Restored to Health by Lydus.
E. Pinkh&m't Vegetable
Pnlton. N. Y. "Why vrill woman
pay out their money for treatment and
receive no ueneut,
when bo many nava
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