The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1917, Image 5

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'. JM jjN.rHgM.
S. E. Bailey spent Motulny In Hast
ings. , -
Roy Itust snent Wednesday in Hliio
Hill. - ?
P. S. Vance of Cowles was In the city
Monday. .. '
Mrs. Frank Nolan spent Friday in
P. M. Cochrane was down fiom, Ina
vnlo Monday. . ''
It. I. Thompson of Cowles was in the
city Monday.
Albert Copleu of Guide Uoclc vyas In
the city Saturday. ''
E, W. Loseke was down from Innvalc
Monday afternoon.
George Corner wa9 down from Blue
Hill, Friday morning.
Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C
Mitchell, the Jeweler. .
Dr. Packwood of Rlvcrton was in the
city Sunday afternoon.
For the best line of fancy stationery
call at Cook's drug store.
N. R, Payne of Guide Rock 'was in
the city Friday 'afternoon.
Mllford Stnelser returned homo Mon
day evening from Sidney.
Fred Carnahan came down from
Hastings, Monday evening.
Everett Hawkins returned homo Fri
day morning from Bird City.
Mr. aud Mrs. Will Hunt spent Sun
day with relatives at Uiverton.
Miss Jennie Minor returned home
'Monday evening from Beatrice.
Paul Storey was in the western part
of the state tho last of the week.
Lawrence McCall shlppod two car
loads of hogs to Kansas City, Suuday.
Mrs. Ed Foam went to Hastings,
Monday, to visit her son, Oris and
Dolaney Bros, shipped four cars of
hogs to Kausas City tho first 'of the
Mrs. A. I). Denno returned home
Friday evening from Gillette, Wyo
ming. Chas. Woods of Grand Island is
visiting with his duughter, Mrs. Wyuth
Grant Christy who is plastering at
Lebanon client Suuday with his wife
Bert Shonnan, who is woiking at
Grand Island, bpent tho weekend with
his wife.
Mrs. Chas. Harris went to Hastings
Friday to consult a specialist in regard
to her health.
Mis9 Dorothy Swartz returned to
Nelson, Wednesday, after visiting
relatives here.
Misses Grace Beezley and Mildred
Polnicky returned home from Peru the
last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Leonard of Ina
vale spont Sunday with their daughter
Mrs. Joe Topham.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Ross West were up from
Guide Rock, Sunday.
Will Robertson went to Omalia Sat
urday where he will receive medical
attention at a hospital.
Hugh Baird returned to Formoso,
Kansns, Weduesday, after spending a
few days with friends hero.
Millard Fentress of Cambridge was
in the city Monday taking tho physic
al examination for the army.
Mrs. Chas. Bauers of Lincoln nrrived
in the city the hist of the week to visit
her daughter, Mrs. Russel Amuck.,
Miss Loralne Hansen returned home
ho last of tho week from Peru where
she had been attending normal school.
The Lincoln Telephone Co., has a
force of men busy putting in n new
toll circuit from Hastings to this. city.
Stacy Morhart roturned homo Wed
nesday from Donver and Colorado
Springs where ho had been for nn out
ing. Several of tho young folks from horo
vrcro In Lebanon, Thursday evening,
attending the opening of the skating
Mr. and Mrs. Alf McCall and son,
Robert, will leave this evening for Cali
fornia where thoy will spend n fow
I have some privato money to loau
on city property, also can furnish you
low rates on farm loans. T3. W.
Will Storey came down from Giltner
Weduesday evening, to visit his parents
and also to take tho physical examina
tion for the army.
Hamilton -Cat her
Clothing Co.
0MtMoa to Pah) Starty
Everything m Man
or Moy Vfmrm
JT Cloud Ntbrathm
Grant Turner spent Monday in Hast
John Topham spent Friday iu Blue
Win. Thomas spent Monday 2 In
Earl McCoy was down from Cowles,
Roy Husslngpr spont Monday In
Mrs. Win Weesner spent Friday In
W. I. Potersou spent Tuesday in
Mrs. Loyd Pegg spent Tuesday in
Charley Buffer spent Wednesday In
Blue Hill.
Lost A wogon tire. Finder report
at this otlicc.
Don Fulton arrived homo Friday
from Cheyeuno.
John Throckmorton spent Wednes
day in Blue Hill.
Oliver Buzzard was in Albion the
last of the week. .
Walter Marshall went to St. Joe the
first of the week.
J. H. Ellluger was in Otis, Colorado,
the first of the week.
C. R. Bessonnd J. W. Auld are spend
Ing the week iu Denver.
Tho dates for the Lebanon Anniver
sary are August 10-17-18tu.
The Misses Mlunie and Marie Traut
spent Weduesday in Hustings.
Airs. Pegg and daughter, Mrs, Mar
tin spont Tuesday in Hastings.
Miss Lenora Springer returned homo
from Riverton Tuesday morning.
C. It. Poston of Republican City was
the guest of John Foster, Tuesday.
Miss Lena Rathjcn went to Guide
Rock, Wednesday, to visit rohitives.
Miss Marybollo llasslnger returned
homo from I'eru the last of the week.
Jus. Peterson was In Fremont at
tending tho tractor demonstration this
Mrs. L. A Cramer of McCook is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Sun
berry. .1. II. Ellinger shipped two cars of
cattle to Otis, Colorado, tho llrst of
tho week.
Ray Buckles returned homo from
Alma, Weduesday, where he had been
visiting relatives
Alva and Roscoo Sollurs of Exeter,
California, arrived in the city Wedncs
day to visit friends.
We have a line of bathing cap9 nt
25, 35, nnd 50c. Call in and bee them
Cook's Drug store.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ben McFarland left
Tuesday for Lincoln and Omaha where
they will spend a fow dBys.
Over one half au inch of rain fell Iu
this vicinity Monday evening which
will help everything in general.
The Ladies War Relief Club will
give an Ice Crenm Social on Mrs. G. J.
Warren's lawn Friday evening.
Miss Lena Turner returned to her
home at Emerson, Monday, after visit
ing her uncle, Rev. Drullner, and
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Whltaker and
children returned home Tuesday from
Illinois, where they had been visiting
Art Gilbert, who is a member of the
bixth Nebraska regiment, left Saturday
for'Lincolu where ho was mustered in
to service.
Mrs. Chas Woodb and son of Grand
Island arrived in tho city the last of
the week to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Wyeth Fogel.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garber und Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Frisble returned homo
Sunday afternoon from a trip to Colo
rado and Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Barber of Osceola
arrlvod in the city Woduosduy to visit
her mother and sister, Mrs. W. N
Richardson and Miss Marguerite.
Earl Young and Howard Slmpsou,
who enlisted in the U. S. Navy some
timo " ngo, havo been notified to re
port at Omaha on August 15th for ser
vice For Sale; 3i sections Improved
land in Washington County, Colorado
also !). beutions uuimprovod laud. For
iuformutlou write Earl Moil'et, Akron.
On Tuesday morning at 2:fl0 o'clock
tho fire department was called to tho
Putcrson garage to extinguish u blnzo
in the coal bin which was soon put
out without much dainago boing done.
We have notice of shipment of two
ears Eastern hard coal, nut size, which
should an lve. within a few 'days. For
Immediate) orders, subject to prior sale,
we are making a price of 810.00 per
tou. Piatt & Frees.
Bladen now has three banks. The
Service State Bank of Bladeti having
opened its doors iu that vintage. Tho
officers are: J. It. Grconhalgh, Presi
dent: C. F. Guild, Vlco President and
Jus. McBride, Cushion
An Ico Cream Social will be given on
Mrs. George Warrou's lawn, by the
Ladles War Relief Club, Friday oveu
Ing, August 10th. Procoedb to pur
chase Red Cross Supplies. Ico Cream
served with Maple or Chocolato dip:
Ice Cream and Cake 20c The band
will give their regular Friday night
concert on the lawn,
Cowles Very Active
In Red Cross Work
Summary of Bed Cross activities nt
Cowles up to August 1st as furnished
by Miss Vera Brubaker, Temporary
Secretary, aud this Information is
Amouut collected In Big Drive $2110.7:.
Amount collected for working
fund 1S.-J.25
Amount eol'ted for membership 171 00
The Big Drive Fund was collected
from territory us follows:
Cowles Village 9 911.00
Cowles Towushl p KILCO
South half Elm Cteek twnshlp fj.V7.00
South half Stillwater township 188.25
North half Beaver Creek " 154.00
8 211075
Tho village of Cowles contributed an
amount in excess of S4.50 per capita.
Average amount collected per sect
ion of land covered is iu excess of 735.
Tho membership now reaches 300
Tho headquarters down town have been
very nicely fitted up aud aro open
every afternoon nnd Wednesday and
Saturday cveniugs. More than 400 ar
ticles havo been made by tho ladles
and the children are doing their part
by working every afternoon.
Att'y McNeny Appointed
Government Agent
In necorduueo with tho request of
tho war department Governor Neville,
on Weduesday, announced tho appoint
ment of special agents iu eacli county
in Nebraska who will represent the
the government in presenting to the
county exemption boards nnd tho state
appeal boards such information as may
tend to show fraudulent claims for ex
emption, it is thought that this would,
to a great extent prevent men who
havo been drawn for military service
f i om establishing false claims, thus
requiring other men to bo drawn in
their places.
In going over the list of men ap
pointed wo find that Attorney Bernard
McNeny will presido in Wobstcr Coun
ty. With this elllcleut gentloman at
tho helm we are confident that Uncle
Sam's business will receive the best of
attention and that It will bo '"Woe On
to Thee Slacker" for any one who pre
sents false statements to the exempt
ion board.
Teachers Institute Next Week
The Wcbstor County. Teacher's In"
stitutc begins Monday evening at 7:00
P. M , August 13 at the Court House.
It will be a short scsslou held for
teachers having less than two years of
experience, and the emphasis will be
placed upon the work of tho first
month of school. The aim. is to help
teachers make a good start. The second
half of tho Institute which all teachers
attend will bo held iu October. A
month's teaching brings up many
questions to a teacher. The purpose
of the October session is to answer
these questions and to give the plans
for the years work.
The instructors for the August sess
ion aro Allco Florer, Assistant State
Superintendent; Snpt. P. -M. White
head; H. W. Cox, Dean of the Teach
ers' College and Head of tho Depart
ment of Philosophy of Education in
the University of Florida; County
Superintendent Gertrude L. Coon.
Smoke House Changes Hands
Another ouo of Alma's citizens has
decided that lied Cloud is tho place in
which to live and make money, there
fore, last week made a deal whereby
he becomes tho ownor of tho Pool and
billiard parlor conducted by Powell
Bros. Immediate possession was given
and Mr. Mason at once took up the
duties of becoming acquainted with his
customers. Judging from the personal
appearance of the new proprietor and
the manner in which ho transacts his
business wo are confident that ho will
continue to conduct au orderly place
of amusement as did the former pro
prietors. Charles Powell has been absent from
our city for somo tlmo mid Oliver in
forms us that ho has no definite plans
for tho future, but wo trust that mut
ters will so shape themselves that he
and his wife may continue to rosldo iu
our city.
Held Meeting Monday Night
Red Cloud, Aug. 0th.
Board of Education met in regular
session, members present Weesner,
Cross, Herrick, Bcezloy and Pope.
Minutes of piovious meeting read
and approved.
On motion Weesner was elected Vice
Presidont, und Chairman of tho meet
ing. The following bills wero read aud
City of Red Cloud 8 3 00
Flora Osborne 2.ri 00
W W Marshall l 10
C S Romlno 2 5ft
TG Harwood 40
Chas Barrett 5 GO
Lawrence- Pierce 2 25
JoeJackson 100
C J Pope 7 12
No further businoss Board adjournal.
Farmers Creamery at
Riverton Prospering
The creamery at Riverton has been
operated by tho Farmers Union since
Juno 20th 1917 doing 83,833,00 worth of
business the Hist four weeks. It is
operated for tho farmers and by tho
farmers. It has already helped tho
farmer whether he owned a sharo or
A few of the Centralied stations
have been paying above creamery
pt ices in order to get back their cus
tomers, but have failed. The produc
er has awakened, is now running his
own business and is loyal to It.
Just a work to those who havo not
becomo share holders In this company:
Do you realise that the ocntrallzors
are In tho creamery business for their
own profits nnd not for yours? That
when they offer you a higher price than
tho Union Creamery oau pay they are
only doing it to meet competition, nnd
the farmers that arc so unfortunate as
not to bo near n Union station must
still tako the old prico, which is some
times six or eight cents below market
The Union creamery regulates its
price according to daily market quota
tions from the Elgin butter markctaud
does not raiso its price to meet com
petition. We nrc running our own
business and no one else sets the price
for us. But you may teel sure that we
pay highest market prico, also that we
have only one price to all patrons.
Anyone- wishing to patrouizo this is
welcome to do so, but net profits aro
prorated among sharo holders only.
Tho earnings arc dividod as follows:
First an interest of S por cout is paid
on the par valuo of paid up capltul,
then u bulllcicut sum is sot aside uh n
sinking fund. Tho remainder of the
profits aro prorated among sharehold
ers in proportion to tho amount of
business they have done. This gives
the man that does the work all there
is iu it and t hats the way it ought to
Any member in good standing with
the Farmers Union may becomo ti
sharo holder. Shares arc belling at
ten dollars each.
Get in the game and help the busi
ness that helps you.
Our Motto: "Greatest Good to the
Greatest Number".
E. W. Losem:, Inavalc, Nebraska.
Farmers Union Will Hold
Picnic At Cowles
Thero is a big timo in storo for tho
pleasure lovers of tills county as bills
are out announcing the F.irmers Union
County l'leuiu tit Cowles, Saturday,
August 18th. Judglug from the pro
gram a sulllciont amount of amusement
will be found there on that date.
A brass band has been slated to
furnish music for tiio occasion, which
will open the program ut 10:15 a. in.,
followed by the big auto and wagon
float parade, first and becond prizes to
be awarded for tho best decorated
A tug of war will tako place at 11:00
a. m., ten dollars being tho prize money
At 12:00, noon, the merry makers
will partake of a basket dinner, after
which the afternoon program will open.
A male" quartette will render selections
beforo and after the address by Hon.
Derublaser, a national worker. At
8 o'clock the final contest for county
championship willbe the big attraction.
IhroolecKed, vrk, sack and wheel
barrow races will be run for cash priz
es, also foot racec for boys, girls, young
men and free for nil I race will bo on
tho program. Base hall fans will have
u n opportunity of witnessing-a fust
furious game, 2ft of prize money being
An invitation is oxtonded to all to
como and enjoy tho sports. If you
think you pososs ability as a decorutor
or vehicles, try your luck, jou may
take one of the cash prizes offered.
. . .
Big Oil Meeting To-night
A meeting or the Big Chief Oil & Gas
Company will be held at the Morhart
Opera House this evening at eight
thirty. The directors of the company
have many important matters which
they debiro to bring before the stock
holders and it a hoped thut all will be
present, also if you are not a stock
holder you arcrcqucsted to be thero
as you will have the opportunity of re
coivlug an insight on what is being
done by this company and what bright
prospects are iu btorc for those who
invest in its stick.
It Is anticipated that final arrange
inouts will be completed for the actual
drilling of tho test well. Ah this meet
Ing will, decide tho luturo develop
ments of this field, and as it will bo
the final call for subscriptions it is to
tho interest of, everyone to bo present.
We are informed that all tho nocoss
ary leases have been secured nnd that
almost all the requlrod sum of money
raised und wo look forward to seeing
real aottvltlss iu the local oil Hold with
in a few days.
Rosco "Fatty" Arbuck'.ca In "A Reclf
loss Romeo," a Paramount comedy, iu
two acts, also one travelogue, ono pic
tograph and ouo cartoon, lit Orphoum
Saturday, August 11. Mutlnee 2:30,
admission Oc and 10a Night 18:00, ad'
mission lOo and lftc.
We have received, this week, our
New Fall
We are pleased to announce to
the public that we will have
The Resler Line of
Fall Coats, Suits,
Dresses and Skirts
this season
Remember the line ivillbe at our
store two days every three weeks
Big Style Show given on our
opening date Watch for dates
Resler Garments
M. A.
Red Cloud,
Have a nice line of dresses for
boys and girls. Made in a
good clean factory. Workman
manship is as good as you would
do at home and goods is well
selected in color and quality.
Prices range from 60c to $ 1 .75
Come in and
Mrs. Barbara Phares
Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns
Names Is Names.
Miss rnlra Stockings is tho daughter
of n Jeweler In Helton, Ter.
Good News!
Dear Luko Do you know that Lynn
C. Doylo Is about to cWbarlc In tho
painting business In this city? A. G.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Come in
Try one on
See hoiv you
Like them
Most Attractive
Shapes and Colors
are Guaranteed
let me shoiv
bejore buying
Dr. It. It. Kulm of Lowiston, Idul ,
who had been nt Dos ton, attending
the Elk's convention, stopped oil la
this city aud Bpent a few days with
his friend, II. A. Letson. Tho' gentle
man left for his homo Wednesday