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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1917)
A m t 4 . H a ff '4 ts.- -c X , t J , I ,. 1 W7 MMfrtM'f' VOLUME 15 rMsrjoinrcunuraxx V.' A REAL MAN ; It is pretty hard to assert your independence ; and defy the -world when you have an empty ;! stomach and an empty pocket book. If your ; bluif is called, 'then what? ;I The prudent man who has saved a little, who ; has a reserve at the bank to tide him over a U month or two, isn't so afraid of sickness, nor I such a coward about being out of a job. A ! bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger the account the firmer the footing. It breeds self-confidence, is proof of efficiency and is an ever-present resource in time of need. It's not what a man earns in a year that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's what he saves. I Red Cloud, V.' f I Webster County Bank ji WE TAKE THE "WORK" OUT OF "HOUSEWORK" THE pleasure a woman gets out of housework depends in a great measure upon what kind of .utensils she has to work with. We have a complete stock of all new LABOR SAVING DEVICES FOR THE HOME at prices that will please the thrifty woman. IjEllA W lllliltj RFn's lraiitng mwmm miwioi i'iwwwwi wf tiwMfw www mm ii n mmmmmmnm wfr M IIMIIIIWIIMlllllWWi Mil ! iiMMiwm iiwnwnni mmwmiww i i tm MfrflYfilrrWrTTrffT Illtn: 4"l'll"ll'i,'t"l"'.i''. v V V V V V V V V :: Kij 1 1 1 1 1 1 rs. ::::: 1 till t ""'"''"""'ii' Hal II l rorch Furniture While the evenings are hot why not spend your evenings on your porch? Wc have the Porch Swings, Setees and Porch Chairs to make you comfortable. We also have a good stock of Folding Canvas Cots, Steel Cots and Sanitary Couches. fiJCome in and let us show them to you. q THE PRICES ARE .RIGHT. ROY SATTLEY t Y t V V V V Y Y Y Licensed Embalmer .JWWWWW4W'WW'WWW R?t us Figure on your f 1 Nebraska i hardware :":":::::::: i Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y I Y x Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Furniture Dealer next Job of Printing A Newspaper That Gives The News Fiftflto Wck: Each Year For $1.50- RED CLOUD, NfiKRASKA. AlT(!UST 9, MM 7. '"" i" 1 1 m i jiii 1 1 msagmopiiiaa-rrijjw. 47 Young Men Ready to Defend Old Glory On Monday, TiimmIhj and Wednesday, i tlie local exemption hoard v.cro in tot,, hinn for the purpose of examining and receiving tno cliilms of exemption or ; tliose solceti'd tortile draft army. IJrs. Dameiell and Mitchell were the physi ciitns who determined the physical condition of those drawn. Owliig to the lnre number of mon that were re jected Ixcanse they did not pass t ho physical examination and the larpe number claiming exemption on other grounds it will be necessary to call many more for examination at a later date. Following arc the names and num bers of the men tiling no exemption rejected, claiming exemption on vari ous grounds, in service, failing to ap pear, transferred and examinations not completed. 47 Ready for Service 'y The following have passed the phys ical examination, and have files no ... . . : claim lor exemption: 1 22 G92 Emil Frcy, Guide Rock 23 COO Gilbert Sutherland, Inavalo 24 810 Edmon II. Holz, Guide Rock 25 507 Wilbcit H. Fuller, Cowlcs 26 309 Louis A. Bright, Red Cloud 27 437 Alfred A. Banks, Bladen 28 C04 John M. Barton, Thomas,Ok 29 43 Albert Soderlin, Red Cloud 30 924 Lee Ward Russell, Bladen 34 10 David J. Delph, Red Cloud 39 18 Robert L. Hunsickcr, H. C. 40 052 John C. Hallcr, Palisade 42 739 Earl N. Carpenter, Guide R. 45 182 Otho A. Ellision, 'Inavalo 49 117 Hugh E. Baird, Red Cloud 54 721 James M. Tyler, Guide R. G3 874 Edward Dusck, Bladen C4 552 Homer Y. Lovejoy, Inavalo G5 298 Tlico. Svoboda, Lawrence G7 343 A. Guy Scott, Cowlcs 75 809 Carl O. llerz, Guide Rock 77 218 Clias. Johnson, Inavale 78 020 Lincoln Mudd, Guide Rock 79 550 Perry D. Lovejoy, Inavalo 85 749 Clias. R. Johnson, Guido R. 91 5 Fred'k H. Carnahan, R. C. AG 440 Ray J. Bctzcr, Bladen 99 841 Lloyd E. Schultz, Guide R. 100 G38 Joseph J. Berns, Bladen 102 209 James E. Kent. Lawrence 103 GS5 Chris R. Bangert, Gu'de R. 105 493 Win. E. Bruno, Blue Kill 10G 923 Win, F. Ruschko, Bladen 107 341 Orville W. Ritchoy, Cowlcs 111 300 Alfred O. Buschow, Ii. II. 112 571 J. W. Worman, Inavale 115 72 Roy W. Garrotson, Red Cl'cl 122 900 Gus A. Kianan, Blue Hill 124 G Ivan Camp, Red Cloud 12G GG4 Virtus Helton, Red C'oud 127 93 Arthur McArthur, Red Cl'd 132 51 Howard Yost, Red Cloud , 135 199 Robert G. Stratton, Inavale 130 388 Eric Luhn, Blue Hill 143 889 Eugene V. Hickok, Bladen 147 705 Emil Kolcr, Guide Rock 150 G42 Dclbert E. Buckles, Cowles 32 Ave Rejected The following failed to pass the physical examination, being rejected by both examining physicians: 5 837 Win. F. Rcinfeldt, Guido R. 7 G7G Earl Edw. Saylor, Bladen 13 548 Neuman T. Jones, Inavale 15 784-r-Albcrt J. Connor, Guide R. 30 797 Clifford R. Fringor, G. R. 37 140 Jacob Tcterson, Red Cloud 41 927 Lloyd R. Stevens, Bladen 44 GOG Loron M. .Blair, Red Cloud 50 G02 Andrew E. Watson, Inavalo 55 78G Ilarloy Cruse, Guido Rock 5G 280 D. W. McCauley, Lawrence 59 332 Walter L. Good, Cowles GO 379 James Lee Russell, Blue II. G9 15 Earl Huffer, Red Cloud 72 452 Henry Eckhardt, Campbell 74 530 Ben F. Copley, Inavale 70 G 15 Claud L. Cramer, 131:. ien 80 525 Porcy E. Bean, Inava 97 471 Alteit F. Gestring, Cowles 98 711 Irvin C. Richardson, U. R. 110 G37 Ashley Alexander, Bladen 110 350 Walter J. Bauer, Blue Hill 117 112 Fay Glenn Walker, Red . 118 128 Dell Martel Holliday, R. C. 123 3G3 Georgo Corner,-Blue Hill 129 103 Wm. G. Storey, Red Cloud 133 717 Joe F. Springer, Guide iftck 134 80 Ca F. Meyer, Red Cloud 140 519 Guy M. Tlwmpson, CowIcb A ILZ - v 'VT MTiMMjutianMMiMiMlllgMJwa'mTjrl.gffligrajii MjV 25 James L. Mycr, Hod Cloud lt!J GSS Walter M. Kaminsky, lna. p 122 James C. Ktherton, lied C. 57 Claim Exemption The followinir nasscri the tdivsieal examination, hut have filed claims of exemption as indicated: Dependent Wife 2 458 Charlie Johnson, Campbell 4 783 Logan A. Clopine, Guide R. 11 590 Ray C. Shuck, Inavale 17 107 Bert H. Sherman, Red Cl'd 31 420 Gustav. F. Schultz, Bladen 33 433 Guy D. Woods, Blue Hill 43 G01 Edw. W. Tennant, Inavalo 48 223 Theodore Lambrccht, lna. G2 194 Rob't E. Mitchell, Inavalo GS 720 Aug. Zimmerman, Guide R. 70 905 Blaine K. Moss, Bladen 93 54 Oliver S. Buzzard, Red C. 113 488 Frank Arterburn, Blue Hill 114 704 Ernest L. Hoffman, G. R. 125 327 Fred P. Brubakcr, Cowle-j 188 G0S Roy C. Elwood, Red Cloud 140 85G Bcrnhard Wichmann, G. I. Dependent Wire and Child G 337 Albert A. Nelson, Cowlcs 8 275 Fred J. Luhn, Blue Hill 20 775 Clarence J. Baldwin, G. R. 38 432 Arthur J. Woods, Blue Hill 73 355 Emil A. Blumcnthal, B. H. 94 870 Wilbur E. Cox, Bladen 121 11 Lee O. Derr, Red Cloud 130 550 Vincent M, Nolan, Inavale 131 154 Willie A. Sander.", Red C. 137 773 Frank Andres, Guide Rock 139 400 Frank W. Novack, Bin- H. 144 383 Reinhard W. Kenegcr, B.H. 148 570 Willie R. Zappc .Inavale Dependent Wife and Children 1 258 Joseph T. Hubl, Lawrence 9 509 Wm. II. A. Gerlnch, Cowles 12 53G Hiram J. Dunn, Inavalo 1G 755 Sam'l O. Killough, Guido R. 18 GIG Louis F. Kent, Red Cloud 32 5W Glen W. Post, Cowles 52 75 J. C. Gear, Red Cloud 57 757 Henry Lampman, Blue Hill Gl 542 Leo B. Gilbert, Inavale 80 574 Wilford Worman, Inavale 82 770 Joseph F. Schutto, Guide R. 84 007 William A. Stearn, Red CI. 88 183 Joseph Gurnoy, Inavalo 90 792 D. O. Essley, Guide Rock 95 549 Michael F. Kennedy,Inavale 101 G23 Noble R. Payne, tiu!o li. 108 391 Fred'k C. Morten, Blue Hill 109 353 Alexander A. Buschow.B.H. 119 G79 Venclo Vavricka, Red Cloud Dependent Aged Parents 14 12G Milliard L. Fentress, Red C. Dependent Mother and Religious Sect 47 4G Edgar Throne, Red Cloud Dependent Mother 120 805 Carl Heitz, Guide Rock Minister 53 772 Robert Wagner, Cowles Religious Reasons 81 31 Daniel E. Phillips, Red Cl'd Postmnster, I)ep. Wire & Children 104 335 Stanley D. Long, Cowley Alien GG G75 John Sustro, Red Clond Claim to District Board 21 48G G. Henry Anderson, Cowlcs 6 Already in Service The following, being members of Co. K, or having gone to war, were not required to appear for examina tion: 10 5G4 Monroe Rcnkol, Inavalo 19 373 Herbert Goll, Blue Hill 35 487 W. Leo Abbey, Cowles 40 513 Don Law, Cowles 58 8G8 Louis M. Baurer, Bladen 71 933 Oscar R. Sailor , Bladen 3 Fail To Appear The following failed to appear for physical examination: 51 390 Miguel Lopez, Blue Hill 92 350 Jesus Anginns, Blue Hill 142 392 Pedro Martinez, Bluo Hill 3 Are Transferred THo following have been granted permission to bo examined in other places: To Morrill Court y,W) 3 854 Ross V. Wifocr, Guide Rock To Denver, Colo. 83 882 Cloyd F. Greene, Bladen To Osage, Iowa 128 345 Henry A. Schroder, Cowlcs Examination Not Completed Physical examination lias not been completed in tho following cases: 89 GO A. Merlin Butler, Red Cloud 87 700 Matt Jolmn Rose, Bluo HiH . ym. 3532EHSi22252Wae3 ;.iKE2X2U233EBE5 HjjiKm 1 virt --. amt-x: jam hs iWinf Hmw J2P iiiKm 1 MArsps - EVERY MAN AND WOMAN WHEN THEY REACH THE AGE OF FORTY-FIVE, IF NOT EARLIER, NEED GLASSES. NOT BECAUSE THEY HAVE ANYTHING PARTICULAR THE MATTER WITH THEIR EYES, BUT IT IS AT THIS PERIOD OF THEIR LIVES WHEN THE EYES COMMENCE TO LOSE THEIR STRENGTH. YOU NEED GLASSES TO PRESERVE" THE SIGHT YOU HAVE. THIS AD. IS NOT TO "SCARE" ANYONE, BUJ TO HELP THEM TO KEEP THEIR EYESIGHT! WE WILL BE GLAD TO TEST YOUR EYES, AND IF YOU NEED THEM-TO FURNISH THE PROPER GLASSES.'" e. H. NEWHOUSE J owe lor and Optometrist C3TC. B. &. Q. Watch Inqpoctor &H5flraHEZEZaMic2Sa21Pj R. P. Weesner & Co. UHlAli Lmmmw JHHHuflB 0feH fcuH Per Bushel The southern peach is the besT: flavored peach in the world this will be your only chance to get them this season. R. P. Weesner & Co. WE WILL APLMIECIATE A 'Sit A RE OF YOUR COKL ORDERS PLATT Try an Ad in the Chief if you want to buy sell or trad Ml NUMBER 3U Correct Eye Glasses and Spectacles- ert tilting IYIA IS s & FREES ac If m '3il yf ' 1 1 ') 1 a I ill Hi I Mi He m m re I m 1 6 i . l 'ff