The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1917, Image 8

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3W. ,--,' 1. (.,-
Get Land-Buy It Now
If You Walt, You are Sure to Pay a Higher Price
Iu Nebraska, Colorado, ami Wyoming, tliere are thousands ot acres of
pruirto lauds that should be cultivated
If you want to
Bnyl will post you on correct prices.
Rent I will help you to yet best tonus.
Hotnostcad-V toll you whore best freed 10 acre Ao'.ccllons are located
Ask About Dcavor, Wyoming, tho New Government Town Sai.k ok Town Lois in August; this town will be the trading center
for :iO,i(X) acres of Uovcrnmont-irrltfiitod Uljr Horn Itasln lands First Unit of
J2,0f)0 to be drawn for early In tiuptombor; lands IJruo; pay for Government
water right on such easy terms as to intilcu tlioVo lands the llnost prize Uncle
.Sam hns for von. If you will go with mo Into tho IJIg Horn Huslti mid see
tho wealth In that locality from oil, reclamation and irrigation, you will loso
110 time trying to got hold of one or these now farms.
They aro fteo; likewise my personal service for the llurlington Uo.ul.
II Jllade Right, Lettered J
Right And Erected Right I
Makers of ArtlstlcMonumcnts I
Red Cloud, Nebraska I
5 Auto Hearse
Have You Planned for Sunday
I; Will give you opportunity for real thot
5 10 a. m. Mens Class Subject: "Is Babtism a Condition
J of Pardon?"
;' 11 a. m. Preaching Service
3:30 p.m. Sister Harris will have charge of the mission service
l 8 p. m. Subject: "Salvation from the Misfortunes of Society"
for that
Should be of the best quality in order for the house
to give youthe SERVICE that YOU EXPECT of it
If we supply the lumber, you'll have seasoned boards without
knots, that will not only stand up under the most trying weather
conditions, but will keep the house in such shape that you'll
be able to get a good price for it in case you ever want to sell it
fllalone-Gellatly Go.
S..B. Howard, Immigration "Agt C. B. & Q. Ry
1001 Farnutn Si. Oiuulia. Nebr.
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Horse Hearse
rt v ",nu.'',vi ''
L, A. Soper was In Hustings Monday.
Hilda Johnson left for Hod Cloud
A. W. Cox was in Campboll Tuesday
Tracy Ktiiitson visltinl friends hi Hud
Uloud Sunday.
Mrs, (J. II. 1'lielps was a visitor in
Muo Hill Tuusdoy. ' ,
0. D. Samsel visited his pnreuts at
Hartley over Sunday.
Clarence Bonnet was a passenger to
Oxford Monday evening.
Miss Nettie Maryiuee visited rela
tives In Inavale this week.
Miss Nellie Kooiis was a passenger
to Illue Hill Tuesday morning.
Chas. I),vis and Hert Williams were
fishing at the Republican Saturday.
II V. Kssert and family were over
from Campbell Monday and Tuesday.
Amos Cutter and Helen Springer at
tended the ball game at Campbell Sun
do j.
Miss Evn Itoudreau of Campbell was
a visitor at the Jos. E. Urlilll home,
Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Carr are the par
ents of a bouncing boy which arrived
Monday evening.
Mrs Floyd Hndsell of Wymoro was
a visitor at tho homeof her sister, Mrs.
O. D. Samsel, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs Oliver Magnerof Hast,
ings visited at the home of A. L. 13 ark
holder the first of tho woek
Geo. Fickel and family autocd to
Oakland, Iowa, Friday, for a short
visit with friends and relatives.
Spreading Canning Gospel
Lincoln, Neb,, July 31. Nebraska
now has an army of 2,135 women food
conservation volunteers from 217 towns
at work spreading the gospel of can
ning, according to figures just compil
ed by the Extension Service of tho Col
lege of Agriculture.
This town has "done its bit" in con
tributing to raise this army of canning
demonstrators, the following being
among the names on tho honor roll:
Gertrude L. Coon Bertha Doyle
Edythe Herrlck Bertha Osborn
Mildred Polnlcky.
Tralnlug schools to equip these re
cruits to act as cauniug demonstrators
were hold iu 33 towns over the State
These schools resulted in the enlist
ment of an army of 2,135 women, each
of which pledged herself to teach
others to can. The schools" were con
ducted under the' auspices of the Ag
ricultural Extension Service, instruc.
tion being given in home canning and
home drying. Directions and liter-'
ature for instructional work are sup,
piled by the University.
Many women enrolled in this move
ment have offered to give canning
demonstrations in near-by towns, pro
vided expenses are paid. The Univer
sity of Nebraska Agricultural Exten
sion Service, Uulverslty Farm, Lincoln
will be glad to find teachers for any
group of women desiring instruction
in methods of canning or drying.
Nebraska wometi were not the only
ones trained in these schools, Colora
do, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, South
Dakota, Idaho, and Wisconsin being
Many letters are Loinc received tell
ing of the great success these volun
teer workers ure having. One such
volunteer taught llil womeu friends
something about the art of canning,
and she ex pets to teach more than
iiOO before the seasou closes. At d
what Is more this woman bus done th s
work at "odd times" while working lu
a post ntlice from G 30 a. m to (1:30 p.
m.. with but 30 minutes for lunch.
Will Organize Local Chapter
A number of ladles representing the
various (societies and clubs of the city
met with Mr. Chas. dither Wednes
day morning to talk over plans for the
organization of a Red Cross Chapter at
this plaei-. It was fouiul that noirly
overy 'society In the city was doing
some form of relief work, and all seem
ed willing to unite lu one body nnd or
ganize a chapter. Accordingly a tem
porary organization was completed
with Mrs. D. H. Kaley us chuirman,
Mrs. J. II. Bailey secretary, Mrs. C.J.
I'opo corresponding secretary, aud Mrs.
W. II. Thomas, Treasurer. It was de
cided to call a big mass meeting for 8
o'clock Moudny evening at the Court
House to porfect a permanent organi
zation. Everyone interested lu doing
Red Cross work Is urged to be present.
All Dolled Up.
In tlio African JuiibUw, when wcddlngi
they hold,
They don't tlo old shoos on a hack; ,,
Tho hrldo wears a smllo and a gee-strinp,
I'm told, A
And tho frooni wears conventional
"There's no use talking," growled Mr.
Gabb. "A womnn can't tako n Joke."
"She can't, eh?" snitpped Mrs. Gabb.
"Well, whut did I do when I married
Paw Knows Everything. ,
Willie Paw, what is aicoupllng de
vice? Paw A preacher, my son.
W. Cloud threshed Monday and
Bro. Bailey preached at the Christian
church Sunday. '
Pete Arnold left Tuesday for Huston,
Texas, for war service.
Geo. I'rlce aud family of Lawrence
spent Sunday at J. Barkers.
Alex Hetikel has been hore visiting
his mother and other relatives.
Koe Ilonkel left. Tuesday, for Denver,
Colorado, for service lu the army.
Mrs. C. A. Waldo aud chlldrenspent
the week lu Ued Cloud attending Chau
tauqua. Mr. Stella Kennedy and mother,
Mrs. Delsley it til Mrs. Hoy I'almer
autoed to Ayr Monday.
Leo Gilbeit and family autoed to
Blue Hill Tuesday to bid farewell to
Ills brother Jim Gilbert.
Mr. aud Mrs. Lewis- Woolrldge and
children of Nupouee speut Suuduy at
the Olenn Olmsted home.
Clarence Heed aud family aud Joe
Heed and family life visiting at Clyde
Mitchell's iu Dayton, Wyoming,
While engaged In a wrestling match,
Saturday night, Alva Carpenter Injur
ed his shoulder and dislocated a rib
but will be uble to work again soon.
Kansas City Market
Kansas City Stock Yards, July 30
Cattlo receipts were Uj.OoO head today,
a big drop from recent Mondays.
Trices opened strong to 15 higher, but
later slowed down .o barely steady,
top $13.75. Hog receipts were 7,500,
market mostly 10 higher, top S10.10.
Sheep and lamb supply was 3000, mar
ket weak to 25 lower, best lambs here
$14 SO.
Beef Cattle
Missouri beef steers sold at 313.7;;, as
compared with a top of 813.90 for best
steers here last week. Weighty grass
steers wero not as numerous today,
sales not much changed from the close
last week, 15 to 23 below a week ago,
best iu this class Sl'2.03, light grass
steers down to i). Oklahoma shipped
lighjly, prices around steady, good
steers weighing 000 to 1000 lbs. at SO lo
to $9.75, 7.VJ to 851) lbs. at $7.50 to $0.75.
lighter steers down to $G 75. Butcher
cattle opeued with good prospects but
lost thijir advantage. Striking switch
men at Chicago threw the market off
its stride, and the reported settlement
of the strike this morning did not
quite restore the equilibrium. t
-Stockers and Feeders
There yras alargS"hold over from
lastuweek,-900o head; but more country
buyers appeared today, and this in
connectjon-wlth receipts smaller than
heretofore resulted in a steady market,
at recent declines. Some good red
Kansas ,tee,rs sold early at $8.50,
weighing S75 lbs., considered steady.
Stock steers range from SO 25 to 93,50,
inctudlng best quality. Some fleshy
steers are going out as high as 811.75,
but this trade is not vet dependable.
Excited markets closed last week,
and buyers asked a quarter higher at
the start today. Later the situation
settled to a 10 higher basis, with that
advance gone at the close. Prime
heavy weights sold tit 810.10, highest
price since May, medium weights 310
best Jights 815 00. Dry weather anil
two dollar corn are too much for somt
laiseis, uud a certain number of goou
breed sows are being sacrificed. One
Nebraska owner sent oti his herd of 12
legistered sows. Courageous farmer.
are able to get brood sows worth the
money from timid owners now, one
Kausas mau today telling-of his pur
chase of two good bred so9, weighing
300 lbs. each, at S'.lo a piece at Ills home
hist week.
In the District Court of Webster County.
I). M. 1 1. v nils.
J. F. Kilwards,
J. F. Kd wards, ilulendniit will tako notice
that on tho 14th. day ot July 1U17, P. M.
Ilynds, plaintiff herein tiled his petition In
the District Court of Webster County, Ne
braska, aijalnst said defendant, tho object
and prayer of which Is to obtain Judgment
against said defendant In tho sum of SiW.lO
with Interest thereon at the rate of 7 percent
from the 22nd. dny of May 11)17. .Said action
being brought upon a certain Judgment In
the sum of fiijU(S0 rendered against saldJ. V,
Edwards lu favor of D, M. H'ynds In an action
then pending before Hay Anderson, Justice
of tho l'enee In and for Yellowstone Comity,
Montana, wherein said I). M. Ilyntls was
pliilntltland J. F. Kd wards it al wero defend
ants, upon which Judgment gn.W has been
slnco collected by execution leaving n bal
ance still duo from defendant to plnlntltt'
thereon In thesaid Mini of JiJJ.lO and Inter
est. That lu connection with Raid petition In tho
District Court of Webster County, Nebraska,
was also Hied as a part of the sumo proceed
ing an nlllitiivlt for the purposo ot securelug
an order of attachment against said defend
ant on tho ground that defendant Is a mm
resident of the state of Nebraska aud has no
(icrsenal property In Webster County, Nc.
braska subject to execution or attachment
but lins real otato lu said county subject to
execution and attachment.
You are rciulredjo answer said petition
and order ot attncrilucnt proceeding on or
before Hujitember 3, mi,
V. M. Ilynda, l'lalutttr.
Uy Fred Maurer,
. . Ills Attoruey,
Articles off Incorporation
We, tho undersigned, Incorporators, do
hereby In pursuance of tho Statutes of Ne
braska, lu such case made and provided,
associate ourselves together as a body politic
aim corporato lu tho manncrand for tho pur.
poses hereinafter mentioned.
Article 1-Tho Mid corporation shall bo
named and known asWrcrton.iiavafc Light
anil I'Direr Company.
Article 2 -That Its prluclplo placo of busi
ness shall bo the City of Hod Cloud, Webster
County, Nebraska.
Article;! Thcgeneral naturo of the busi
ness which may bu transacted br said corpor
ation shall bo as follows:
Toaciiulre laud nnd construct, maintain
and operate an electric transmission lino or
llncsover tho public highway In said county
or counties, to purchase electric current, and
to sell said electric current to any person or
corporation along tho lino of nald transmis
sion llues;nolssue stock, bonds, or a mort
gage or other legal evidences of liiilebU'iliiem,
and to do suchother things as nro ntecssary
In the transaction of the business above tie.
Article lTho amount of authorized capital
stock of said corporal Ion Khali bo Ten Thous
and Dollars. (JIO.OOO.UO). Tho amount of
bonds said Company may Issue shall not ex
eeed Ten Thousand Dollars, (510,000.00).
Article!) The existence of wild corporation
shall commence when said articles of Incor
poration are filed with tho Secretary of State
and County Clerk of said County, and aro
published according to law, and hall con.
iluuo for forty lib) years unless sooner termi
nated by duo process u law.
Article tl Tho greatest amount of liability
to which said corporation may at any one
time be siibeet shall not exceed two-thirds of
the capital stock of said Company.
Article 7 The capital stock of said Com
pany shall b divided Into 100 bhares of Twen
ty Five Dollars (iV00) each.
Articles Tho attaint of said corporation
shall be conducted by the Hoard of live direct
ors, who shall hold such positions for a period
of one year from tho completion of tho said
organization of said Incorporation, and
annually thereafter said Hoard of directors,
shall bo elected by tho stockholders from
among their number as shall be approved by
the by-laws of said corporation, hereafter to
be adopted by said Hoard of Directors. The
Hoard of directors shall choose a President,
Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and
said Secretary and Treasurer may be the
same porton. Bald directors shall perform
all of tho duties required In establishing and
conducting tho business ntlalrsof said Com
pany and as provided by the by-laws of the
corporation. Said oiliccrs shall each hold
his olllclal position for a period of ono year
unless removed by said Hoard of Directors or
ArtlcloU The place of meeting of tho said
Hoard of Directors shall bo at Kcd Cloud,
Webster County, Nobraska, unless otherwise
ordered by tho Hoard of Directors holding
taldolllces from year to year. Tho said dl
rectors shall as soon as convenient after the
formation of said Incorporation elect said
tllcers at a meeting to be held lu I ted Cloud
.s'ebraska. and provide for tho opening of
ttock subscription books and for the trans
acttou of the business atlalrs of said icorpor
atlon, provide the necessary seal and record
book, which shall bo In the form to be deter
mined by the said directors. Vacancies lu
the Hoard of directors during the first year
jf the corporate existence shall bo tilled by
the then holding directors, and thereafter
vacancies shall be tilled; by the- said stock
solders In the manner provided by law and
the by-laws ot this corporation. "" '
Artlclo 10 These articles ot Incorporation
may be amoaded1 at any time. Every
intendment thereto shall first 'be approved
by a majority of the holding Hoard of Direct
jra, aud upon being approved It 'shall bo en
tered at large upon the records of the Hoard,
to be accurately kept by the Secretary
Kach of such amendments shall be made a
part of the articles of Incorporation aud shall
bo acknowledged as the record, and public
md recorded In the same manner as these
J. E. Moi'.ltis
C. A. Waldo
C. L. Wickwike
1'. 1. Eastwood.
State of Nebraska la
'ounty of Webster J1"
On this iTth day of July, 1917, personally
ippeared before mo J. E. Morris, C. A. Waldo
md C. I.. Wick wire to mo well known to be
he Identical pemms whoso names wero af-
Ixed to tho foregoing m ticks of Incorpor
ate!!, aud they severally acknowledged the
f.iccntlouof tho same to be their voluntary
ict and deed (or tho purposes lu said article
Iu Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto
tulcrlbetl my iiameiiud alllsed my olllclal
teal the day and year first above written.
eai) Notary l'ubllc.
state of Nebraska I ,. He It ltemombere,d.
Franklin County i That on thlsJTth day
of July A. D , lai" beforo the undersigned
N. It. Morrow a Notary l'ubllc, In and for
said county, peisoually came U. D. Ar
imp, 1'. l Eastwood to me known to be
the Identical persons whose names aro af
' fixed to and who executed the foregoing
Instrument as grantors nnd nckuowlcdg
cd the same to be their voluntary net and
deed for the purposes therein set forth.
Witness my hand and Notarial seal the
day and year last above written.
N. It. M on now
(Seal) Notary l'ubllc.
My commission expires the 17th dny of July
Hv Virtue of a writ of execution directed to
me irom the clerk of the District court ol
Webster County, Nebraska, on a Judgment
obtained before Hon. 11. 8. Dungan In the
district cburt of Webster County, Nobraska
on tho 18th day of October I9l in favor ot
1'carl A mold as pitilutlil', and against Arthur
Arnold as defendant, for the sum of thirty
six hundred dollars and SI0.00 per mouth sup.
port for plulutlU's Infant child on which
there Is now duo six hundred aud twenty
dollars nnd accruing costs, 1 havo levied upon estate token as the pro
perty of said defendant, to satisfy the
amount duo on said Judgment to wit:
The undivided one ninth Interest lu all tho
following real estato:
Northwest ijuart'cr of section four, lots
three and four lu section four, lots one, two
and six In xcctlou seven, all of aforesaid real
estato being In township one, North, Itange
twelve, Webster county, Nebraska.
Aud will oiler the sapio for sale to tho high
est bidder, for cash lu hand, on the ?Jud day
of August A. D., 11)17, at the south door of tho
court house, being the front door thereof,
(that being tho building wherein the last
term of court was held), at tho hour of 2
o'clock p. m. , of said day, when and where
dueatteutlunce will bo given by the under
Dated July 19,-117.
Fkakk UurrEit,
ShuqUfof said county.
When the
Firemen Appear
the injured man's first thought is one of
thankfulness that he is to. Mow nbou
your thoughts it a fiiteman should ap
pear at yout liome
The Day
Before the Fire
is the day lo iniure. As lhat day may
be 10,-morrow for all you can know or
dov'it follows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in out office to-day and
h'ave us issue you a policy,
R.elia.ble Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
Quality" Printers : Publishers
a v.
Does Its
Printed Matter
of the Better Quality"
flTt.Vor' How Vhtnp
il nut now aoun
Hamilton - Cathor
Clothing Com
.itHtroKn to Paul Swot
Everything a Man'
or Moy weara '
C. II. M Ine. riDr. S. St Deardcf f, M. D. C.
Manager-Oh v Veterinary In Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Clouds Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
I). S. Veterinary License No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
, Is no w ready to !nec your sli ilntis,"
m Auk ntiv mil nu tn mv minlltlnntlnMQ
. or whohi I havocrlid snlrs. lndciicn!
mm luiuiiup uu u. )ununiiiur cii
r Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
ISSTOffice Oveu Amhuqiit's Store
fiv. CAxas. S. Cross
E.S. Grber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
, Varnish
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wfte Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
U f0-
,, iWr-w '
1 u
kJ.Lii-'i... . . . j , , - - .. .u - - -- -- Hilt ill
pi'gyrgeaSfgWW 1 2r?XE9nxr3vr,vrjnmwi