The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1917, Image 3

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KfiE FfillISi
Western Canada 1917 Crops In
Good Shape.
While it Is n Httlo enrly to predict
what the Western Cnniidit grain crop
will produce, there Is every Indication
at the present writing that the 1P17
crop will give nn excellent return. He
ports received from all portions of
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
8penk of good growing weather, a
fairly advanced stage of nil grains,
with prospects as good as In the past
two years. Should conditions con
tinue ns nt present, it Is safe to con
clude that Western Canadian farm
ers, nlready free of debt, as a re
sult of the splendid crops and prevail
lng high prices, expect from this sea
son's returns to bo in a position that
will place them nway beyond any fear
of the future.
The acreage of Western Cnnada will
be about the same ns last year. Seed
ing was somewhat later than last
year, but germination was quicker. The
only possible drawbnek now would
seem to be n scnrclty of harvest hands,
but It is felt by the authorities that the
situation will bo pretty well cared for
by that time.
Land values are Increasing, but there
Is room for n much greater Increase
than in the past, owing to the returns
that farmed land will give when com
pared with Its cost. In some districts
land that could have been bought five
years ago for $1D an acre Is changing
. . hands at $60 nn acre, the seller satis-
fled that he Is giving the purchnser
good vnluo for his money. And why
not, when It Is known that In a great
many cases during the past two years
crops have been grown on this land
that have produced n profit of forty
and fifty dollars per acre, over and
above cost of production. These cases,
while not general, were not excep
tional. In addition to the lnnds that are
offered for sale by railway companies,
land companies and private Individ
j uals, the homestcadlng areas offer
greni inuueemems ror tnosc wno are
willing to do n little pioneering for a
year or two. rBy that time settlements
would come into existence, and this
means n condition similar to that en
joyed by many of the older settlements
of today schools, churches, railways.
Tho land Is of hlgh-clnss quality,
strong nnd vigorous, enslly worked,
and capable of producing the very best
of crops.
The demand for all grains for somo
years will be great, and It will require
all the resources of man, beast and
Boll to meet It. That the prices will
be good goes without saying, but at tho
present time there is something more
appealing than tho lucnitho pikes
that prevail. That Is, the desire to
assist In winning tho world war. Tho
man at the plow is doing his "bit," nnd
tho spirit of patriotism thnt prevails
will lead him into a broader sphere of
action. No matter where he may be ho
will look about him that he may find
land to further develop the country's
resources. It is possible thnt his own
state may furnish tho Innd, In which
case he will be quick to take advan
tage of the offer. If land In hla
own state Is not available, Canada
(now our ally) will be glnd to furnish
It in unlimited qunntlty, ns she Is vital
ly interested In largely Increasing tho
Bupply of foodstuff which Is now ns
urgently needed and is ns valuable as
ammunition to the allied countries.
Tho appeal made by Mr. Hoover,
United Stntes controller of foods, nnd
also by Hon. W. J. Ilnnnn, Canndlan
controller, emphasizes the need of tho
allies, urges economy and the preven
tion of the waste In food, and be
speaks whole-hearted public co-operation.
Speaking of Great Britain,
France, Italy, ltglum and their Eu
ropean allies, they say:
"For nearly three years their mnn
power has been engnged In the direct
work of war, and in some cases largo
areas of their most productive lauds
have been overrun by the enemy. Their
food shortage nnd tho food to supply
the urmles of Canada nnd the United
States must be wholly provided from
this sldo of tho Atlantic. The supply
must also be sufllclent to cover losses
nt sen. Australia, New Zealand, tho
Argentlno Itepubllc and other coun
tries nro not now avallnblo to relievo
tho situation becnuso of their remote
ness and the shortnge of tonnage.
"Tho crop of storcnble foods grown
In Canada nnd tho United States suit
able for shipment overseas threatens
to be entirely Inadequate to meet tho
demand unless tho whole people de
termine by every means In their power
to mako up the shortnge. Kvery Indi
vidual Is under a direct obligation to
assist In rationing tho allied forces.
There must bo nuttounl self-denial and
national co-operation to provide the
necessury supplies." Advertisement.
S Seel
"I seo they nro looking for drnft
camp sites."
"Yep; suppose that will give tho op
ticians lots of work."
Quite So.
"Ho 18 In n grave revcry, Isn't ho?"
'Ho docs seem to bo burled in
Natural Noise.
"That's n yellow-dog fund."
"Then why wonder thcro'a a how)
about It?"
1 Two women victims of a German air raid on London being taken to their homes from n hospital. 2 Pre
mliy Kerensky, now dictator of Russia, reviewing some of his troops. .1 Soldiers In the Gettysburg training camp
being taught the most necessary French words and phrases. 4 King VnJImidh of Slam, who has declared that a
state of war exists between his country and Germany and Austria-Hungary.
Secretary McAdoo Startles Con
gress by Asking $5,000,
000,000 More for War.
Shipping Board Quarrel Ended by
Change of Personnel Russia's Mil
itary Collapse In Gallcla Complete
French Repulse Tremendous
German Attacks.
The United States Is having im
pressed upon it tho magnitude of tho
war In which It has embarked, nnd Is
beginning to realize that It must bo
fought through to a victorious llnlsh
nt tremendous cost In money, energy
and, doubtless, life. The money end
of It wns brought shnrply to tho at
tention of congress last Tuesday, when
Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo In
formed tho lawmakers that $5,000,000,
000 more than had been estlmnted
wns needed, and needed at once. Much
of this will bo expended for ordnance.
Senator Smoot informed the senate
that by the end of the llsenl year the
war expenditures by the United States
are likely to amount to $20,000,000,000.
Tho figures staggered the members of
both houses, nnd there wns a hnsty
cnlllng together of tho senate finance
committee to revise Its report on tho
war-tax bill.
Transportation Is now one of the
administration's biggest problems
transportation 'by both land and sen,
but especially the latter. An Immense
number of vessels must bo provided
to carry to Europe our troops and the
vast supplies they and the allied arm
ies, must hnve, and efforts nro being
made to gather together oil the avail
able ships, even Japan being asked to
relenso many of her merchantmen.
Meanwhile the plan of building n mon
ster merchant marine of our own was
given added Impetus last week. As
had been predicted, President Wilson
wns compelled to take a hand in the
dispute between General Goethals nnd
Chairman Denmnn of the shipping
bonrd, and he settled the matter by ac
cepting the resignations of both, and
of Cnpt. J. B. White ns well. Ho then
named E. N. Hurley of Chicago ns
chairman and Ilnlnbrldgc Colby ns
member of tho bonrd, nnd Renr Ad
miral Capps, long chief constructor of
the nnvy, ns head of the emergency
fleet corporation In place of Goethals.
Of these appointments, only that of
Colby wns adversely criticised. Hur
ley Is an energetic business man nnd
has been on the fcdcrnl trade bonrd.
Though the elimination of Goethals Is
regretted by tho Innumerable admir
ers of tho greut builder of the Pan
ama canal, It Is felt thnt no one bet
ter than Admiral Capps could be
picked to monngo the construction of
tho emergency licet. It Is understood
thnt as mnny steel ships ns possible
will bo built, which was Goethal's plan.
Lnter In tho week tho president ac
cepted the resignation of Vice Chnlr
man Theodora Brent of the stripping
Steps In Making the Army.
The need for mnny vessels Is em
phasized by the scml-ofllclnl announce
ment that tho United States plans to
send to Europe not only 500,000 men,
but moro than n million ns soon ns
they can be trained nnd equipped nnd
ns fast as transports can bo obtained
to carry them across. Two moro steps
in the making of this great army were
tnken last week. The men drnfted for
the national army began to receive
their calls beforo tho exemption
boards, tho city of Washington' lend
ing tho way, nnd tho Nntlonal Guard
of 10 slates and tho District of Co
lumbia was mobilized to be taken Into
tho federal service. After a few weeks
of Intensive training in camps, the
best of tho guardsmen will bo sent
to Franco to prepnro for the spring of
fensive. Tho shortngo of rnllwny transporta
tion at heme also Is troubling the ad
ministration, though It doubtless will
be remedied with the willing nsslst
nnco of the American railway execu
tives. The demand for cars already Is
tremendous, for the moving of materi
als nnd supplies for the army training
camps nnd for a dozen other purposes,
nnd It will be Increased Immediately
as the men of the Nntlonnl Guard and
of the national army begin moving to
their allotted places.
Russia's Collapse in Gallcla.
The collapse of Russia's offensive
In Gallcla, due to lnsubordlnntlon In
stigated by German agents, developed
Into n general retreat, and the retreat
Into n virtual rout. Abandoning vast
military stores and burning vlllnges,
the mutinous Slnvs tlew everywhere
before the easy advance of the Teu
tons, except on the Roumanian front,
where for tho time nt least, they stood
llrm. Farther north, Indeed all tho
way to the Itnltlc, the Russians gavo
Premier Kerensky, armed with dicta
torial powers, declared he would apply
a policy of blood nnd Iron to stop tho
mutiny nnd treason, nnd General Korn
lloff ordered his loynl troops to shoot
down any who deserted or refused to
obey orders, but this wns Ineffectual to
retrieve tho disaster. StanWau, Hallcz
nnd other Important cities were evac
uated, and from the wooded Carpathi
ans to the region of Tnrnopol the
country wns full of long columns of
fleeing Russlnns on which the Teu
ton Hold guns played with merciless
Ono story from Petrogrnd told how
loyal troops In Kornlloft's nrriry-blcw
to pieces nn entire mutinous division
with Its own guns.
On the demand of the military com
mnnders nt the front, the provisional
government has again put In force cap
ital punishment for treason, which was
abolished nt tho time of tho revolu
tion. However, this second great Russlnn
slump, serious though It be, Is not fa
tnl. Kerensky nnd his colleagues nro
determined to rid their country of tho
German agents and their traitorous
Russian nlds. Lcnlne, the chief of tho
hitter, Is nlready under arrest, und It
Is believed ho will be either executed
ns nn ngent of the German genernl
staff or at least Isolated as Insnne.
Russlnns nnd their friends still believe
their new republic will emerge tri
umphant from the chaotic conditions
thnt now hold It almost helpless.
The "Guard of Death," the battnllon
of Russian women raised by Vera
Uutchkareff, wns In nctlon on Tuesday
for the first time, nt Krcvo. The worn
en fought well, gaining the respect of
the mnlc soldiers.
No Military Success for Germany.
Germany hns scored no real mili
tary success of moment for a long
time. Tho Gallclnn affair Is not a suc
cess of arms, and though the knlser
decorated some of his commanders
there, they gained no glory by the pur
suit of mutinous nnd disorganized
troops. Rather should Wllhchn hnve
bestowed his decorations upon tho
spies who stirred up the lnsubordlnn
tlon. In tho Chnmpngno region the crown
prince hurled his troops against the
French lines with tho utmost reck
lessness nil week long, but the only re
sult wns tremendous losses for the
Germans, for tho pollus were Indomita
ble and If now nnd then their line
was bent, they countcr-nttackcd so fu
riously thnt tho Teuton could not hold
his small gains moro thuu an hour or
so. In somo plnces, especially on the
Cnllfornlo plntenu, tho French nd
vanced their lines considerably and re
pulsed all nttempts to drive them from
tho new positions.
Germany's hullnbuloo over pence
terms nnd Internal reforms hns sim
mered down to n discontented discus
sion of Chancellor, Mlchnells' Inten
tions und policies, based on his speech
to the rclchstng, which Is universally
admitted to htivo been nmblguous nnd
even secretive. As has been said be
fore, tho political upheaval there
doesn't bring appreciably nearer tho
end of the war. Many of the opposi
tion leaders and newspapers moro
thnn hint that the U-bont campaign la
really n falluro In that It Is not starv
ing England, and they realize that its
contlnunnco Is reducing dally tho num
ber of friends Germany will havo after
peace Is concluded. But the mllltnr
Ists of Prussia cun't let go of that
wenpon, nnd tho masses of tho Ger
man people, who hnve nn astonishing
capacity for self-deception, evince no
desire to throw these militarists out
and save their empire from ultimate
Slam Joins Kaiser's Foes.
One by one the smaller nations of
the world are lining up with the ene
mies of the kaiser and despotic mill
turlsm. Far-away Slam Is the latest
addition to (ho list. German vessels
In Siamese ports were seized nnd Ger
mnn citizens were Interned. The In
fluence of every country that comes
In on the side of freedom and Justice
will bo felt, If not strongly now, nt
least after the war Is ended. The
Teutonic economists well know this,
nnd even now nro holding n conference
on post-war conditions, seemingly still
hopeful (hat their armies can bring
about the realization of that dream
of a "Mlttel Europa" that would bo
self-sustaining nnd self-contained and
that would always threaten the peace
of the rest of tho world. The frus
trillion of thnt hope Is tho great ulti
mate aim of the nllles.
Representatives of (he entente nllles
met In Paris on Wednesdny for tho
purpose of determining the course of
their future policy In tho tBalkans.
which Premier Rlhot, who presided,
said must be modified becnuso Greece
Is now ranged with the nllles. Tho
United States was not represented, tho
administration holding thnt this nation
Is not yet directly Interested In Balkan
Food Control Bill Delayed.
President Wilson's strenuous objec
tion to tho sennto nmendment to (ho
food control bill creating n congres
sional committee on expenditures for
the war, and tho determination of tho
house to defent the senate amend
ments, caused n delay In tho flnnl pas
sago of the measure. Tho prohibition
ists were bound to hnve restored tho
"hone-dry" plnn for which the house
The entente nllles held n conference
In Tnrls nnd ndoptcd unanimously this
"Tho nllled powers, moro closely
united thnn ever for the defense of tho
people's rights, pnrtlculnrly In the Bal
kan peninsula, are resolved not to lay
down nrms until they havo attained
tho end which In their eyes domlnntes
nil others to render Impossible a re
turn of tho criminal nggrcsslon such
ns that whereof tho central empires
benr (he responsibility."
In uccordnnco with tho recommenda
tion of General Pershing, the American
nrmy Is to bo reorganized on tho
French plan of conformation. This
will chnngo a company from 150 to
250 men, a regiment from 1,800 to 3,
000 men, nnd n division from 28,500 to
npproxlmntcly 17,000 men.
Tho government Is planning n sys
tem of wnr Insurance thnt will pre
clude tho establishing of pension rolls
ns a result of this war. It Is proposed 1
that every mnn In the nrmy, navy and
marine corps shall be entitled to Insur
nnco ranging from $1,000 to $10,000,
paying u premium of ?8 a thousand,
tho Insurance being assumed by (ho
government In lieu of pensions; In ad
dition, the families nnd other depend
ents will be provided for by nllotments.
Rccndting wns given, n big boost
Inst week, partly by tho announcement
thnt drafted men would not bo accept
ed as volunteers nftcr they wero called
beforo tho exemption hoards, nnd pnrt
ly by the concerted campaign of tho
American nnd British recruiting offi
cers. Tho British mission Is obtaining
largo numbers of enlistments In Chi
cago, New York and other largo cities.
Despite tho tremendous financial
drain on the country duo to war ex
penditures and In tho face of fervid
protests from Senntors Borah, Ken
yon, King nnd a fow others, (ho sen
uto passed the annual rivers nnd har
bors bill, carrying an appropriation of
$27,954,000. Only cloven members of
tho upper house dared to vote against
this "pork" measuro which. Iniquitous
nt any time, Is especially so when tho
nation Is engaged In a war that will
demand nil Its resources.
Ireland's great opportunity Is nt
hand. Tho convention to draft a homo
rulo constitution Is In session In Lon
don, with Sir Hornco Plunkett In tho
chnlr, nnd If tho delegates enn reach
nn amlcablo and satisfactory agree
ment, the government of Great Britain
Is pledged to put It through. Tho re
sult Is In tho hands of the Irish them-
I buivcb.
The Eye of the Night.
Ono afternoon, Dellah, a little col
ored girl, had seen nn automobile run
over a white woman. That night tho
youngster's mother, a InumlroMS, could
neither persuade nor compel Dellah
lo deliver a bundle of the day's wash
ing. "No no no 1" walled the excited
child, "If dem auto mans ealu't see
a white lady In do middle of de day,
I how's (ley a gwine to see me In tie
Promise Eaolly Kept.
"Your honor, let me olT this time
and I'll never appear before joii
again," pleaded the culprit.
"Am 1 to take this as a promise to
"Yes, your honor. And I might add
that 1 am on my we;; to Austialla. If
I should happen tn backslide, some
other court would attend to my ease."
Cholly 1 am often mistaken for a
distinguished personage.
(It nee Mutt or Charley Chaplin?
Don't Poison Baby.
ORTY YEARS AGO almost every
PAREQOKIO or laudanum to maico it Bleep, 'rneso drugs win prouuoe
Bleep, nnd a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produco tho SLEEP
FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro tho children who
havo beon killed or whoso health has been rutnod for llfo by paregoric, lauda
num and morphlno, each of which la a nnrcotlo product of opium. Druggists
aro prohibited from selling cither of tho narcotics named to children at all, or
to anybody without labelling thorn "poison." Tho definition of norcotio"
is : "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poison
ous dotes produces stupor, coma, convulsions and death." Tho tasto and
smell of medicines containing opium aro disguised, and sold tinder tho names
of Drops," Cordials," " 'Toothing Syrupe," oto. You should not permit any
medlcino to bo given to your children without you or your physfciaii know
of what It Is composed. OASTORIA DOES NOT
of Chaa. H. Flotchor.
Genuine Castorla always bears the
Canadian Farmers
Profit From Wheat
Yon can get a Homestead of 160 acres FREE
and other lands at remarkably low prices, uunna many
years Canadian wheat helds have averaged 20 bushels to
the acre many yields ns high as 45 bushels to the acre.
Wonderful crops also of Oats, Barley and Flax.
Mixed farming as profitable an Industry as (train rais
ing The excellent grasses full of nutrition are the only
food required for beef or dairy purposes. Gqod schools,
churches, markets convenient, climate excellent.
Thoro Is an extra demand fur farm labor to replace tho
many youna men w lio Imyo vulnmeered fur too war. Tho
UoTornmcnt la nrglng farmers to put extra acrego Into
rain. Wrllo for UtKraturn and particulars a to reduced
railway rates to Bupu of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or
Room 4, Dee
He'd Blow the Whistle.
"Suppose," reud Cnpt. John J. Tof
fey, Jr., Instructor of the Sixth com
pany of the Ninth division, nt Ft. llnr
rlson, from "Smnll Problems of In
fantry," "thnt your itilvnnce jnmrd had
been surrounded; thnt you knew the
approximate locution of the enemy nnd
his number, but his position wns
strongly held, nnd darkness wns com
ing on. What would you do?"
"I'd let it be known thnt I wns n
union mnn, nnd then I'd blow the whis
tle nnd bo to supper," volunteered one
fellow. And then, when he was
"bawled out" for his flippancy, he had
another answer Just as good nnd much
moro npropos ready. Indianapolis
Clear Skin and Good Hair by Using
Cutlcura Trial Free.
Tho Sonn to clennso nnd purify, tho
Ointment to soothe nnd heal, llesldcs
these fragrant, super-crenmy emol
llents prevent little skin troubles be
coming serious by keeping tho pores
freo from obstruction. Nothing better
at nny price for all toilet purposes.
Freo snmplo each by mnll with Book.
Address postenrd, Cutlcurn, Dcpt. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Mild Malevolence.
"I hopo I lmven't n mean disposi
tion," remnrked tho man whoso head
resembles n billiard ball.
"Of course, you haven't."
"Hut every time I see n fellow with
n few wisps of hnlr lnld out to the best
ndvnnntgo on top of his cranium, I
can't help wishing something would
happen to It."
Calling the Master.
Caller Are you tho mnstcr of the
He Why?
Caller I am tho Inspector of nuis
ances, nnd have called to
lio (going to tho foot of the stnlrs)
Mothcr-ln-hiw, you're wanted I
London Tlt-lllts.
Tho furnnces of nn Atlantic llnc"r
will consume no less thnn 7,500,000 cu
bic feet of nir nn hour.
Prido is the sworn enemy of con
tent. dam Mat Grtvaulafcd Eyelids,
50aTI5 Eye inflamed by expo
v w luretoSun.DuslandWlni
!?-a rVar quickly relieved by Murine
JL T VW EyeReraedy. No Smarting,
4 just Eye Comfort. At
DruRgiiU or by mail 50c per Bottle. Marine
Eve Salve in Tubes 25c. For Book el the Eye
flEB aslc Hulas Eye leacdy Co,, Ckkigt
What He 8nw.
An excited man at Kvansvlllo cnlled
tho sheriff's olllee nnd asked In nn
anxious lope of voice whether Wllllnm
Habbe, the sheriff, knew that "thrco
or four boys were playing on the roof
of the court house."
The sherirr didn't but he promised to
make an Investigation at once. When
Sheriff I lahlie had climbed the long
lllght of stairs to the cupola and look
ed out he saw
Four tinners engaged In laying a
new cornice around the eaves of tho
building.- Indianapolis News.
Expooed to Weather.
Harold llollowntit You're coughing
Percy I'lnfeatber Yes, dash It I My
man tied nie smart dressers weren't
w.xeailng tleplns any more, so 1 left
mine off and caught a dreadful cold
In my chest.
Seven-Thlrty A. M.
Walter What'll you have this morn
ing? I'resh Hreakfast 1 Hurr.
mother thought her child must hav
tho signature - mmr
j JrjlWj-lfl
BlgnatnreofWc3j euc44C
The war's devastation of
European crops has caused
an unusual demand forgrain
from the American Conti
nent. The people of the world must
be fed and wheat near $2 a bushel
offers great profits to the farmer.
Canada's invitation is therefore
especially attractive. She wants
settlers to make money and happy,
prosperous homes for themselves by
helping her raise immense wheat crops.
4 A A
.Sk w
Dldg., Omaha. Neb.
Government Aarnt
' -v
Every tWoman Wants
Dissolved In water for douche stop
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and iaflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkhara Med. Co. for tea year.
A healinf wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sor ayes. Economical.
Hu cxtnonfoary cleuuna sad gwinlaiUl power.
ISaatpIafr. sue. all dnmaU, or potlpud by
Vima. ThPmoiToiUCoiiipny.Boiteo.M
Nebraska Directory
Omaha. Nebraska
Rooms from $1.00 up alngle, 75 cents up double.
cxrs pricks reasonable;
Market your creum where It will net you ths most
oaoney. Tho lTitlrmont Creamery Company
offon you the benefit of Its Uilrtyfour yean of ex
perience. 11 y shipping yonr cream to this company
yon will rocoiYo full market value In payments
your check will be sent you dally) you will taro ox
press charge! and your cans will be returned mora)
promptly. Hatlafaetlon Is guaranteed. Ship to tha
oeari'U Nebraska factory. Factories aro located as
Omuhn, Creto uud Uraud Island.
Done promptly, Free price list
3rd Floor Brown Bldg. Omaha, Neb
and 8TOVES
Plonso ordor through your nearest
doolor. Qulckahlpmontsourhobby.
Bendfor Kodak catalog and flnlsblngprlcellst,
Dcpb K, 1 2 1 2 O St. Lincoln, Nek,
Junk! Junk! Junk!
We vS hlRhffit market prices for COPPER,
SCRAP IRON. BONES as RAGS. Sell direct to
largest buyer. Write for prices. Ileferencet
Central Nat. Hank, Lincoln. L. STINE A SON,
234 Siulb Olta SI., LINCOLN, bos' BEATRICE, NEB.
The University School
of Music
Twenty-fourth year begins September 3rd.
If you expect MITCIf Send for new
to study ITlUll catalog to
E. D. CARDER, Registrar
1103 R Street Lincoln, Nsb.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 31-1017.