The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1917, Image 8

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llMIlBIWIiiMWIWiWlliOTJWl,iHfc?tl44:i Jbxm4, .,
.ut. awcaJiaut'.i.itijj'is.
kjjwjri.j.M. i,
mnmMmrm'r"iaWMI'J. WAii-VJWSSaaf,,'i,":r '
,)f .,
HelpiYour Country
Avoid a. Food
On our lines West, In Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and Montana, there arc
thousands of acres of prairie lauds that should bojcultlvnteil. If you want to
DUY 1 will post you on correct prices.
KENTI wilt help you to got best terms.
HOMESTEAD I'll toll you where bust selections are.
My services are fret) to you. Drop me a postal card for any of the following
free literature
"There's n for You In Colorado "
"Uo to Southwestern NoIiihMoi."
"Cheyenne County Nebraska."
"IJ.ix Unite Comity, Nebraska "
"The Wheatland Colony." (Wyoming)
"The North I'latto Valley." (N'eb.-Wyo.)
"The Ulg Horn Ilasln." (Wyoming)
"Free Government Lands " (Wyoming)
Ulade Higl-t) Iietteped
Right find Erected Right
OVEttlflG BftOS. & GO.
Makers of ArtistlclMonuments
Red Cloud, Nebraska
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse j
: Owing to the Chautauqua there will
: be no Services held Sunday at the
Christian Church
Sunday School
for that
Should be oE the best quality in order for the house
to give youlthe SERVICE that YOU EXPECT of it
If we supply the lumber, you'll have seasoned boards without
knots, that will not only stand up under the most trying weather
conditions, but will keep the house in such shape that you'll
be able to get a good price for it in case you ever want to sell h
Jlalofle-Gellatly Go.
S. B. Howard, Immigration Agt C. B. & Q. Ry
10UI Fa rii urn M. Omaha. Ntbr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
at 1 0:00 a. m.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
entered In the rontoftlce at Hod Cloud, Nob
an Hecond Clam Mnttor"
A Bouquet for Dan
While in lied Cloud u few days ago,
the writer met our old ft lend D.ui
Gather who u- (or a number of years
employed in till' Folimet real estate
o lloe and become very well known In
Kelson and thl- oounty Knowing
Dan as we thought we did, you may
imagine our Mii-piiSe when lie took us
to his house and introduced, "My
Wifel" Yis Dan finally a victim to
Cupid's dart. Tu you who know some
thing of Ills good judgement In u teal
estate deal, just let us leumik that he
lias other talents. To get to the point
Dan has chosen n mighty tine appear
lug lady for his companion ami one
needs but visit the home to judge that
the paruetslilp is going to boa suceees
A bright little girl has come to cheer
the home nnd all ate seemingly very
liappv. While we used to accuse Dan
of "doing' the farmer, lie Is now doll g
some real farming. From present
appearances lie will raise enough beans
thi9 season to feed Webster county
and that won't be all. He has a
flue crop prospect, and the good wife
has enough chickeus coming on to
feed a regiment of O A. It, boys. Nel
son Gazette.
"Little America" Big
Hit in Rochester, N. Y.
So large were the crowds drawn to
the Regent Theatre in Rochester, X
Y., by Mary'Plckford in "The Little
American," that all of the other down,
town houses iu the city profited in
directly. The crowds wore of record
breaking size, especially iu the even
ings, and hundreds had to be turned
away. Rather than return home with
out seeing any kind of a show many
of them went to other picture theatres'
nearby, which thus received unusual
ly generous patronage.
Although "The Little American" ran
for an eutlre week, the theatre was
entirely unable to accommodate alJ
who wished to see the picture. The
management finally succeeded in hold
ing it over for an additional three
days, thereby breaking a record. It
wbs the first time that a Mary Pick
ford picture iu Rochester had been
held over for more tliau a week in n
continuous engagement Taken from
Trade Review.
The above big production will be
shown at the Orpheum, Saturday, July
'JStli Matinee 2:30, adm. 10 and 20c
Night, first show at 3 o'clock; Last
show will start 10 15 Adm. 10 and2je
Special orchesti u music for night
Barnum & Bailey
Circus is Coming
Once again the mad tidings are be
ing spread broadcast telling of the
coming of Itanium & llaiiey's circus.
The gieatest show on Earth, it is an.
nouueed. will positively be exhibited
within easy traveling distance this
season oud. as usual, a large percent
age of the populaliou uill declare a
holiday to visit the show ,'
TlielOlgciicus wi(l exhibit at Hast
ings on August and.
It is promi-ed that nothing to com
pare with the present Itanium A Uailey lias ever betore been seen
under uanrai. New and niel feat
ures luve been imported from abroad
a id a program of eveutn. thrilling edu
catiptml and sereemingly funny, will
occupy every distant in three lings,
four stages, the riggings above and
the hippodrome surrounding for more
than tlireo hours.
There is a new and gorgeous pageuut
entitled, "Aladdin and Ills Wondeiful
Lamp in which 'nearly 1,100 persons
and one thousand animals appear in
maguillcent costumes rivaling the
dress of the people of the famous
"Arabiou Nights" story. This will be
followed by a host of acts in all parts
of the great enclosure. There will be
sixty clowns, a greatly Increased men
agerio of will and uutamed animals
four great herds of olephauts, several
caravans of camels and many 'recently
born baby unlmals.
The free street parade, which will
start from the circus lot at IU o'clock
o'l the morning of circus day, is entire
ly different from anything of the kind
over hhovi before. It will be tlueo
miles in length and there will be bauds
oa foot, on horseback, and rldiug on
top of wagons of red and gold. Tlioro
will be six bands in all and they will
be assisted by tle steam calliopes
and an electric piano
With the largest tent In tho history
of all circuses, the Itanium & Bailey
circus promises this season to make
good again its boast that it Is tho
Greatest Show On Earth. Five mil
road trains compiislugSO railroad cars,
will be required to triingport its para
Dcruulin. and moro Iron 750 horses
will be used to transfer its wagons
from the railroad yards to the show lot.
Ot Denny was in Holdrege la9t week,
Clam ffehler was In Illuo Hill Mon
day. Oley Iverson was in Lincoln Satur
day. Mis. E. Ruth was in Hastings Sat
urday. R. V. Clawsoti wus up from Oxford
th's week.
Jacob Sohucik was over from lllue
Hill Monday.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Brule visited iu last
lugs Monday.
Roy Spend' was In Lincoln Friday
and Saturday.
Win. Stayley hik! boys were down
from Roseland last wefck.
Chesley Outiti enlUted iu Company
K. of Blue Hill Thursday.
Mrs. Walker Riehlson and daughter,
lternlce, were down from Edgar the of the week.
Rollo Iienuett is spending the week
at the home of his uncle and aunt, Ed
itor and Mrs. Spenee.
Mrs. Frank Spenee returned home
Monday after an extended visit with
friends in the western part of the
Mllo Kulin left Friday for Omaha to
report for further orders from the
Navy Department. He enlisted iu
May and was sent liome to await or
ders which came the first of the week.
E. G. Davis recently severed his con
uectlous with the Iverson Oarage to
take the trouble Hhootlng job on the
Ulenwood lines. Grant has been In
the employ of the Oarage for the past
five years.
Extra Attraction
For Chautauqua
Word has just been received from
Mr. Holladay, Mauager of the Mid
laud Chautauqua Circuit which fur
nishes our program, that he has just
completed arrangements to put on as
au extra number a war lecture by a
man who-spent six months in the
trenches. He wa9 severely wounded
at the second battle of Ypres, bis right
arm being shattered and amputation
being made necessary. It was seven
mouths before he could leave the hos
pital. Since that time he has helped
with various brauches of the war ser
vice, with the recruiting under Lord
Duby's scheme and. later came to
America where he has been busy work
lug on the munition contracts placed
by the British Government
Mr. Nichols is au author, having
wiitten several successful plays, and
h; description of life iu the trenches,
under the title of "The Human Side of
Trench Life" is extremely lllumluatlug
and brings to us the atmosphoro of the
trenches. He tells of that life as it
really is nud not as It is popularly
thought to be He has no use foi
"heroics," nor does he believe iu dwell
ing on the honois and dangers of war.
These thimjs seem only to have ripen
ed the "Tommy's" inimitable humor
He finds interest aud humor in the
small things of which one never hqnrs
aud CHiinot hear except from such a
m-iu as this who has had the actual ex
perience thru many weary mouths
By c-peciol permission lie brings
with him copies of the Bairnsfathei
cartoons without one of which soldiers
would not consider any dug-out com
plete, as he Is the hero of every sold
ier,liaviug tauKht them to laugh nol
at his humor but at their own." He- U
nlso using the cartoons of Raemaker,
the famous Holland enrtnouist whose
cwtoons nearly eudangered thnt
country's neutrality. He will also have
photographs of olllcial (ieiuinu procla
mations iu Belgium, which will tell
better than anj thimiel'-e just what the
German Government has been promis
ing to do in conquered territory. He
will also show Official British whi
picture, behind everyone ot which
is a good story.
Mr. Nichols has lectured in New
York and over the east with pronounc
ed success and was secured by Mr. Hol
laday thru the recommendation of Dr.
Cadmnn, tho famous New York Devine
No one can afford to miss tills wonder
ful opportunity to get absolutely first
hand reliable information from the
front. He will appear here on the
second day of the Chautauqua at 8:00
p in.
Developments Will
Soon Be Under Way
A large crowd whs in attendance at
the Oil Meeting in the opera house on
last Tuesday evening. The necessary
amount of acreage has been leased aud
as o many land owners are otferlng
lan.l for leaso It hns boen decided to
take In 20,00o.
Interesting talks were made by W.
L. Weesnor and Father Fitzgerald of
this city and Mr. Hazeltou, who was
speaker for the doleiratiou from Nor
ton, Kansas It was decided to, keep
the controlling interest of stock here,
ai most of the financing has been douo
by local people.
A meeting was held on Wednesday
m lrulng for the purpose of closing the
contract with the drilling contruotor
aud from general appearance at this
writing It will be but n short time
uutll active operations have been begun.
HI Dunn and family spent Sunday
lu Bloomlugton.
Tan Heflltn carried mall in Mr.
Pierce's place Wednesday.
The Royal Neighbors met Tuesday
afternoon lu Hunter's hall.
Some of our boys left Wednesday
for Hastings to join the uavy.
Will Tophoui and family nutoed to
Blue Hill Sunday to watch the soldiers
Steve Kennedy nnd wife and Roy
Palmer and wife autoed to Blue Hill
Herald Berg left Wednesdny for Wy
oming wuere no nau enlisted some
time ago.
Q Mr. and Mrs. Burgess of Red Cloud
spent Sunday with their son; Clarence
aud family.
E. Gates left the latter part of Inst
week for a trip iu Western Nebiaska
and Colorado.
The people here regret to have Mr.
Bailey leave but we wish him success
as pastor at Wytnore.
A number of friends of Elsie Haw
kins enjoyed a pleasant evening at Iter
home Saturday eveuiug.
A number of people from here atten
ded the funeral of Rev. G. W. Hummel
at Red Cloud Wednesday.
Mr u ud Mrs. Claude Pierce attended
tho funeral of his uncle, Mr. Hummel
nt Red Cloud Wednesday.
Mr. Lawson, Carl Stickney and the
Misses Stickney and Strickland auto
ed to Ruskiu Sunday to visit Roy
Stickney aud family
The sad news of the death of Mr
and Mis. Geo. Garner of California,
(who resided here a number of years)
was received here Sunday.
In the District Court of Webster County.
I). M. llynds,
J. K. Kdwards,
J. F. Edwards, defendant will take notice
that mi the lltli. dny of July 11)17. 1). M.
llyiuls, planum' herein tiled his petition In
the District Court ol Webster County, Ne
braska, against said defendant, the object
and prayer of which H to obtain Judgment
against said defendant lu tho ruiu of 811'.'. 10
with Interest thereon at the rate of 7 percent
from the -Mud. day of May ID IT. Said action
being brought upon a certain Judgment In
the sum of jiiJ'.iiJTeiidvred against said J. F.
Edwards lu favor of D. M. llynds action
then ponding beforo Kay Anderson, Justice
ot the Pence lu and for Yellowstone County,
Montana, wherein said 1. M. Hyuds wub
plalutlil'aud J. F. Edwards etal were defend,
ants, upon which Judgment 17.00 has ban
since collected by execution leaving a bal
ance still due from defendant to plalntllt'
thereon In tho said auu of ii.ij.10 and Inter
tst. That lu connection with Hald petition lu the
District Court of Webster County, Nebraska,
was also tiled as a part of the same proceed
ing an Hllldavlt for the purpose ot securelug
an order of attachment aualnst said defend
ant on the ground that defendant Is a non
resident of the state of Nebraska and has no
personal property lu Webster County, Ne
braska subject to execution or attachment
but linn rial date In said county subject to
execution and attachment.
You arc iKpilred to answer hald petition
aud order of attachment proceeding .on or
before .September '.i, 1917.
I). M. Hyuds, rialntltr.
Ily Fred Mnurer,
Ills Attorney.
Sheriff's Sale
Hv Virtue of a writ of execution directed to
me from the clerk of the District court ol
Webster County, Nebraska, on a Judgment
obtnliud before Hon. II. 6. Duugau lu tlu
district court of Webster Coutiiy. Nebraska
onthelSth day of October lain In favor oi
I'cnrl Arnold as plnlutlll. aud agnlust Arthut
Vruold as defendant, for the Hum of thlrtj
six hundred dollars and 10.00 per month sup
port for phWnttirs Infant child on uHeli
there is now due Ax hundred and twentj
dollars aud accruing costs, 1 huvo le ltd upon
the following real estate taken as the pro
perty of said defendant, to satisfy tin
amount duo on said Judgment to wit:
The undivided one ninth Interest lu all tlu
following real estate:
Northwest quarter ol M-etlon lour, lots
three and four In section four, lots one. two
andtilx Itihcctlou seven, all of aforesaid real
estate bilug In township one, North, Kango
twelve. Webster county, Nebraska.
Aud will oiler tho same (or sale to tho high
est bidder, fur cash In hand, on the '.Mud day
of August A. D., 11)17, at the south door of the
court house, being tho front door thereof,
(that being tho building wherein tho last
termot court was held), at tho hour ol 2
o'clock p. m., of said dny, when aud where
due attendance will bo given by the under
signed. Dated July li), 1917.
Sherin'ol said county.
Notice of Sale Under
the Artisan's Lien Law
Notice Is hereby given that, on tho Ith day
of August, 1917, at i o'clock p. m.,at tho black
smith shop of Charles T. Dickenson, lu the
city of Hid (loud, Nebraska, Micro will be
sold at public auction tho following property,
to wit: '
Ono Mollne lumber wagon, wldo tired,
belonging to Walter Thomas.
Said wngon will be sold to satisfy au arti
san's lien thereon, In favor of the said llmrles
T, Plokonson, who altered, repnlred nnd en
hnnced tho value ol said vchlclo at tho re
quest of tho owner, Walter Thomas.
Said repairing was dono during tho month
of February, 1017, aud tho wagon was then,
and ever since hns been lu tho poscsston uf
snld Dickinson.
Tho amount claimed to bo duo on this dnto
Is 828.70.
Dated at lied Cloud this 11th dny of July.
1917. f
CitAiiLHsT, Dickenson, Lien Holder.
When the
Firemen Appear
the insured man's lint thought is one oi
thankfulneit that he it to. How abou
your thoughts if a fiireman thould ap
pear ot jour home?
The Day
Before the Fire
it the day to iniute. At that day may
be to-morrow (or all you can know or
dq, it (eilows lhat prudence would im
pell you to ttop in our office to-day and
have uj inue you n policy,
R.elixble Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
"Quality Printer! : Publithert
Does Its
V. lsuiy
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality n
- If
Xol Itnie Chtui)
Hut How CliJOit
Hamilton - Cather
Clothing Co.
8mcom(i to Paal Storsr
Everything a Man
or Boy Waara
Hd. Cloud Nebraika
C. II. Miner Dr. S. S. Deardorf, M. D. C.
Manager. Veterinary In Chargo
C. H? Miner Serum Co.
V Anti -Hog Cholera Serum
Red Cloudf Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
Ai,S. Veterinary License No. 45
KODAKS Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A'$ull Line 6C Supplies
': C0U J. H. ellinger:
Is tio.w. ready to place your Fnle dates
Ask any ono as to my iuallIlcntlon.s
or yhom I havo cried salts. ImtcpcuJ
.lnnl ,it,muiE ...i 111 Writ., t. I r . n .. . n .
Ulr ,,U..,-JW f. .. ,.,. ,.,,1. W. ...
J jf Red Cloud, Nkbr. !
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
CSTOffice Oveii Amuiioiit's Stoiie
Dv. Cta&s. S. Cross
E. S. GaLrber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
."-; (Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And I
v;v. ,....
Furnish You the Fixtures
M 4.wtl'U.
tfMkMft.(H f ,
. f-
. nv- AJmt. -
- (" . K,
'V --5r- ---r.tttMtotrfrK 'AhwwtW-'frt -
" --wwi'ti i nfi.Mrt mjirfcHijr.-amtfAa