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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1917)
r" " - --'"Y.f " - ' . . '.m tr- ',. .Jfc.J J-w ' " ' ' ' ' ' "" ""-- - i ;-.- "sZ , i "71 J b v. : lB k. b B HxjH Bb'SflBJEBfTBB B& &tn IsBBB HBBPiiiiB h I BBJJBB BB iBV'- Hiis0B Br 2 w& ' B lKSBtflnlB IB wK&iHHMr P' I mBBhBJBBu&.sBI 4 i HrA&wjMi Br H s3KiSreiaT3B' IBbUBhIBBB Ih.v s mSvtBtyi L T .cB .riiBF L MBsBto. B x,'i;" BbT- uLBBJvBBBmikBE EBhIBIkHDI briv 'iENHI BBKSnBl AiiHKBvjBllKlBiiml BH&BiBi BBIBlJiJBIMIIESsHBSHi BLJEiBKEiBVB'H llHWggi3J WCARTOOAST XMO WMTS-SAOLER PU VK.ien aww I " '; - ,.. w,.. . .- ..-. -.- h v ' r vrt K-r i4 YWIMaiHMHHanBHlWaflHHIIlHa B iahh i a. W-MgllHH Storv tour for the "Wee Tots" at :uu p. m, MT in llllli lii llll ' IIM Hn i 1'WF , H Mf CLARE VAUGHN MALES L YCEUM PL A YERSMfh ftVW W "REJUVENATION " . fljf I MASON'S ', JUBILEE 51NGERS iJ (ro?5rf 2r ' 'v-.. - BBKi&;t9HShRB BBBBflHBiBlflfjBi iKStr&vlSBRSSBJHB HHBBKP iM wJBBBBI Rp?iPr . , .. HUGH ANDERSON OPERATIC iVlU "k k$Vk7H COMPANY WA tssssJL in"BOHEMIAN GIRL"! II P R Q G R A M Children's Chautauqua at 9:30 a. m. ami 4:30 p. m. each clay except Sunday Storv hour for the "Wee Tots" at 3:00 p. m. AFTERNOON EVENING SUNDAY, JULY 29 VIERRA'S HAWAIIAN SINGERS VIERRA'S HAWAIIAN SINGERS and PLAYERS. Half hour of Hawai- and PLAYERS. DclightM program inn Aire f native music, weird, enchanting, HON. VICTOR MURDOCH.. Lecture, melodious.. A breath from the South "National Remedies for National Ills." Sea lHlands. Admission 15c and 50c. Admission 15c and 35c. MONDAY, JULY 30 HUGH ANDERSON OPERATIC HUGH . ANDERSON . OPERATIC QUINTETTE. The bet in music. QUINTETTE. Grand Musica Festi- HARRIETTS UUXSiN itiiiiiuaui. vai, inciuuuiK ' " ..v... Lecture, "Success Where You Are." ian Girl" in costume. Admission 15c and 25c. Admission 15c and 35c. TUESDAY. JULY 31 ROUNDS' ALL-STAR LADIES' OR- ROUNDS' AU-STAR LADI ES' OR CHESTRA (twelve pieces). Fentiir- CHESPRA AND SPhCIALl COM ins World's created Lady Hell Soloist PA NY. Full Concert. Vocal ami In v.. roLHY. Cartoonist.. Illus- strumental numbers, bells, whistling, RED CLOUD Chautauqua July 29-August 4 REMEMBER THE DATE COME ii i .... i i, .......-. i.i o 1un V' Kict inn M tiuitmlnrnieH Admission 15e and 25c. Admission 15c and .J5c. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 CLARE VAUGHN WALES' LY- CLARK .VAUGHN WALES LY CEUM PLAYERS. In Miscellaneous CHUM PLAYERS in Three-Act Com Numbers. vdy, "Rejuvenation." An excellent GOV. H. A. DUCI1TEL. "Americn play excellently rendered by an ex and the Great War." cellent company, Admission 15c and 25c. Admission lGc and 50 THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 ROYAL GWENT WELSH MALE ROYAL GWENT WELSH MALE siVRKiis. in Mispullnneous Numbers SINGERS. Famous Pne Singers SARAH MILDRED WILLMER. Dra- Iroin Wales, the Land of Song, in matic Reader, "Experience." Grand Concert. Admission 15c and 25c. Admission 15c and 50c. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3 OIJERG AND BARNAHY. Author- OI1ERG AND BARNABY. Thirty Composer Unique Entertainers. minutes with versatile entertainers. 1)1 LENA K. SADLER. Lecture. DR. WM. S. SADLER. Eminent phys- "Little Foxes." Followed by Round ician. Surgeon. Pointed, Popular and Table Conference conducted bv DRS. Practical Lecture, "Faith and Fear." LENA K. and WM. S. SADLER. Admission 15c and 25c. Admission 15c and 50c. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 MASON JUBILEE SINGERS. De- MASON JUI1ILEE SINGERS. Thirty minutes ot Juhilee bongs, lightful program of GenuineOldFash- STRICKLAND GILLILAN. Foremost ioned Jubilee and Camp-meeting songs rl8t' "Sunsbine and Awkward- Admission 15c and 25c. ' ' Admission 15c and 50c. Afternoon wioginm begins at 2:30; evening program at 8:00. Pageant "Good Fairy Thrift", will be givenby "Juniors" Saturday at 4;30. CLARE VAUGHN MALES L YCEUM PL A YfRS IN "REJUVENA TION " . 3prr "MIDLAND QUALITY' PROGRAM VII'RRA'S HAWAIIAN SINJi:ilS AXI) PLAYI'RS .! Hear the wolrd witchery of tho Ukalolcs and tho Stool Guitars In tho hands ot Native Artists. COXGRLSSMAN VICTOR .MURDOCHS UrilUant, forcoful, magnetic, up-to-tho-mlnutc. "Na tlnnnl Uomedles for National Ills." Sundays, "China.'' II. UVSS ROlir.RSON CharmliiBi practical, dynamic. Loam how to succeed. III'GH ANDERSON' OPERA AND CONCERT COMPANY Noted basso with quintette in oratorio, opera, and popular selections. Beautiful singing. GEO. K. COL RY Ho challenges tho world In making platform pictures. ROUND'S "ALL STAR" Entertainment, amusement, musical satisfaction. KSTRA LADIES' ORCIIE! World'B greatest lady drummer and boll soloist. CLARE VAIHJHAN WALES Tho original Chautauqua Play, "Rojuvcnatlon.' LYCEUM PLAYERS I Clean, wholesomo, humorouB. Sun. Readings. GOV. II. A. BUCIITEL SARAH MILDRED WILLMER No patriotic American can afford to miss what ho will say on "American Leadership and tho World War." 'Ex- A dramatic presentation ot llfo In tho reading of perlonco." Sundays, "The Sign of tho Cross." Solos, quar- GWENT WELSH 1 "Tho Finest Choir of a Land ot Slngors.1 MALE CHOIR ) tots, militant inarches, great choruses. THEDRS. SADLER ( Authorltattvo, helpful, inspiring, startling. Dr. Win. S. ami Dr. Lena K. S Wonderful health trtlks-gottlng and keeping It. EARL PAUL 011ERU AND J. BARNABY Eastom Entertainers composor, Ists, planologs, imitations. wrltor, monolog- MASON'S JUBILEE SINGERS "Charm A real Jubllco Program by real Jublloos. tho ear, tlcklo tho rib, satisfy tho soul." STRICKLAND GILLILAN Mirth with a MeaningFine fun and foolishness: FOREMOST HUMORIST serious silliness and Honest humor.