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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1917)
At JL U Jj U U jL , 11 i M n W,M Uf ' V . - riiWifattMlMMMMiMMH j.. .- . - OT'y" THE RED CLOUD CHIEF 0 Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY numlcr representing the total number 5. That you are employed In the of cards In Its jurisdiction. Lists sen-Ice of the United States (under Entered In the roitofllco nt Bed Cloud, Neb m Second Giant Matter' A B. McARTHUR 1'UllMBlIEll run only demockatio rArEit in WEU8TEH COUNTY Farmers Union Buy Creamery One hundred nud forty members of the Nuckolls, Webster and Franklin County's Union have purchased the Rlverton Cccamery for SJ875. This Is bNo.1. plant, pood building, 4 lots churning capnolty of 3600 pouud9 dally ice plant, steam and 'gas engine. The machinery has'(becu put in new during the past 4 years. The plant invoiced at 13700. The Btockholdcrs met June 23, adopt ed their constitution and by laws and elected 0 directors as follows: Term expires 1920 O. N. Enyeart, Inavalo A. 15. Elder, Rlverton O. F. Stanley, Guldo Rock Term expires 1910 E. W. Loosko, Inavalo Henry Fausch, Guide Rock 0. G. Pitney, Inavalc Term expires 1018 Robert Newton, Rlverton Joe McCrackcn, Rlverton Oscar Tuppcr, Rlverton The directors elected the the follow ing officers: 0. N. Enyeart, Presldout Henry Faush, Vice President A. It. Elder, Secretary. E. W. Loeskc, Treasurer The shares wcro fixed at S10. This sum is low enough so anyone mllhing two or more cows can take out a share and ship cream to his own cronmery. The profits of the creamcrB will be disposed of n9 follows: Eight per cent Interest will bo paid stockholders I on shares. Then u re serve of not to exceed twenty-five per cent will be set aside. Tho remainder will be prorated back to shareholders In proportion to amount of cream sold to tho creamery. Those wishing to ship cream can get tags atthc Farmers Elevator. Write your name oft the tag, fasten can with two wires and put your can on truck at depot. Cream will ho received evenings up to 7:30. when your cream can reaches Rlverton it will be talon to the creamery and put in cooler the same evening. Your cans will be returned In the morning and your cream check will como by mail. This arrangement gives .the farmers around Guide Rock the best of service. Forty farmers tributary to Guide Rock have taken out shares and it 1b hoped that many more will get behind this creatneay, both financially and with their cream. Those wishing to take out share's may send their money to the president or leave -it at the Farmers Elevator. Anyone wish ing any further information may see me and I will gladly answer all ques tions. Henry Fausch. Women's Registration The food pledge cards now being distributed among tho women of the State to bo signed by those willing to promise co-operation in tho conser vation of food are only for tho women who are at tho hend of a household. Tho cards arc to bo sent Jto tho Food Admlustrator at Washington and will bring in return a household tnp to be hung lu the window. Tho flibt one of these tags issued has been hung In a dining room window of the White House by Mrs. Wpodrow Wilson. Tho registration of Nebraska women which will follow tho distribution of the food pledge cards, for every woman In tho State. The regular poll ing places will be used. Women volun teers for tho registry board of the various counties wilt be needed. Women who are willing to volunteer for registry boards are urged to apply at,onco. Address: Woman's Committee State Council of Defense, 1)08 Fratern ity Uldg., Lincoln, Nebraska. showing the names of persona in tho jurisdiction of each board and the red ink number of each enrd are open to inspection nt the office of thp board. Inspect tho list and inform yourself of your red ink serial number. Order of Liability These red ink numbers are to be diawn by lot to determine the order in which registered persons are to be called by the vnrious local boards. As soon as tho drawing is complete lists showing the order In which these red ink numbers are drawn will be pub lished in the press, and will bo posted at the office of each local board. Go to your local board and find out the order in which you stand for call. Call for Examination As soon as the quotas arc. assigned to each state and each board, each board will call upon personB whose cards arc in its jurisdiction instruct ing them to present themselves for examination. This call will be posted at the office of the local board and the papers will be requested to print it. A notice will also be mailed to you, but the posting of the list at the office of the board, jvill be 'dceriTCd sufficient notice to charge you with the duty of presenting yourself. Tho law therefore makes it your duty to inform yourself when you are called. The mailing is for your convenience, but if tho letter never reaches you, you cannot make that an excuse. Watch the lists at the office of your boaul and see when you arc called for examination. Physical Examination You must report for physical ex amination on the day named in your call. If you arc found physically dis qualified the boaul will give you a certificate which will explain to you what your fuithcr duties are. If you mo found physically qual ified and file u claim for exemption within seven days after your call you will bo given ten days after filing your claim of exemption to file proof in suppoit of your claim of exemp tion. (See next subdivision below.) If you arc found physically qual ified and file no claim for exemption or if you do not appear for physical examination, your name will be post ed to the district board as one who was called for military service and was not exempted or discharged. On the eighth day after call, or within two days thereafter, copies of the list of persons so posted to the district boards will be given to the press with a request for publication, will be post ed in a place at the office of the local board accessible to the public view, and notice will hc mailed to yoti nt the address on your registration card. Therefore watch1 the notices post ed in the office of the boaul about ten days after the day you woro called and make arrangements fq)i.,tho prompj; receipt of mail. ' 4 . , Information for Persons Registered Local Boards In every county of tho United States and for every city of over 30,- 000 there are one or more local ex emption hoards. Each of such boards is in charge of the registration cards of persons registered In the area over which the board has jurisdiction, and has jurisdiction of all claims for ex emption except those based on indus trial grounds. Find out what board has your card and where the office of that board is. District Boards In every Federal judicial district there are one or more district boards having appelate jurisdiction over a number of local boards and having original jurisdiction of claims for ex emption on industrial grounds. If you intend to make a claim on indus trial grounds, including agriculture, learn what district board to apply to. Red Ink Serial Numbers Every board has numhoicd the cards in its jurisdiction with red ink 'in a scries running from 1 to the Seven. Days to File Claims' of Ex emption or Discharge (Except for industrial or agricul tural reasons.) ' No claim for dischaigc on account of the industry in which you are en gaged can be decided by a local board. Whether you file a claim of exemp tion or not, you must present your self for physical examination on the day named in tho notice. From the day notice that you are called is mailed and posted you have seven days in which you may file a claim of exemption or discharge. Tho form for filing this claim is simple. If you wish to file such a claim Go to tho board and get Form 110 for exemption or form 121 for dis charge. If tho boaul has not the printed foims, ask to consult the form pamphlet anil copy tho form shown there. Fill out tho proper form and file it with tho hoard. Do this within seven days of tho posting and mailing of notice to you to piesent yourself. " ; ' f The following ate the only grounds for exemption: 1. That you arc an officer, legis lative, executive, or judicial of the United States, a state or territory, or tho District of Columbia. 2. That you arc a logular or duly ordained minister of religion. 3. That you were on May 18, 1917 a student preparing for the ministry in any recognized theological or di vinity school. 4. That you are in tho military or naval service of the United States. 5. That you are a subject of Ger many, whether you have taken out pnpers or not. G. That you are a resident alien who has not taken out first papers. In addition to claims for exemption claims for discharge may be made on any of the following grounds, which ate tho only grounds for discharge by a local board: 1. That you are a county or mu nicipal officer. 2. That you are a custom house clerk. 3. That you arc employed by the United States in tho tiansmission of mails. 4. That you aro an artificer or workman employed in an armory, ar senal or navy yaid of the United States, ' - certain conditions.) 6. Thnt you are a licensed pilot, regulaily employed in the pursuit of your vocation. 7. That you aro n marjner actually employed in the sea soVvlco of any citizen or merchant within the Uni ted States. 8. That you are n married man with a wife or child dependent on you for suppoit. 9. That you have a widowed moth er dependent on your labor for sup port. 10. That you have aged or infirm parents dependent upon your labor for Bupport. 11. That you are the father of a motherless child under 16 dependent upon your labor for support. 12. That you aro a brother of an orphan child or children under 16 de pendent on your labor for support. 13. That you arc a member of any well recognized religious sect or or ganization organized and existent May 18, 1917 and whoso then existing creed or principle forbade its mem bers to participate in war in any form and Yhosc religious convictions are against war or paiticipation therein in accordance with the creed or prin ciples of said religious organization. These are the only grounds for ex emption or discharge by a local board. Any person can file a claim in your behalf, but must use different forms in filing the claim. Ten Das After Filing Claim to File Proof Your claim of exemption or dis charge must be filed within seven days of the day on which notice to you that you arc called was posted and mailed. But after you have filed your claim for exemption or discharge you have ten days within which to file proof. The method of pioving claims is very simple, but it is rather exact. If you follow the rules given below you will have done what is lequhcd of you. First. Go to the local board and consult the lcgulations to find out the form number of the affidavits that you must submit for your par ticular claim. Second. Ask the boaul for the blank affidavits that ate necessary in presenting your proof; If the board has not the forms, ask to consult the pamphlet of foims. Thiid. Have the affidavits proper ly accomplished and return them to the board within the time limit as signed you 10 days from the filing of your claim. Remember: You must submit your proof in the prescribed form and the board has no authority to exempt or dis charge you unless you submit all the affidavits requited by regulations. Thcic will bo no argument be fore the hoard and no proof other than the prescribed affidavits unless the board calls 'for other proof which it will do in only a limited number of cases. When Claims aro Decided Every claim for discharge or ex emption will be decided by the local boaul within three days after your affidavits have been filed. Certificate of Exemption or Discharge If your claim is allowed a ceitificate of exemption or discharge will be is sued to you. Remember: This certificate may be recalled at any time. If it is temporary or conditional it becomes of no effect when the time or the condition named are fulfilled. You have been drawn for military service and when the condition that has postponed your posting to the col ors ceases you may be recalled at any time. Remember that your case may still be appealed to the district boaul by tho government and on this appeal your ceitificate may be withdrawn ut once. When so withdrawn you stand fliecisely as though you hud been se lected for military service by the lo cal board. Adverse Decisions on Claims If your claim is disallowed by the 'ocal board your name will be corti- 4iml nn.1 cnnf lup lm Tinn..l ir Mie district board as one who has been -ailed for military service and not ex empted or discharged. Within two 'lays thereafter, if practicable, a list "f those so certified to the district board will be given to' tho press with h tequcst for publication, will be post ed in the offices of the local board ac cessiblc to the public view and notice Hrill be mailed to the address on your registration card. Therefore, if you have filed a claim for exemption and proof in support tfiereof, watch the notices in tho of 'icc of the local board beginning bout fivo days after you have filed vour proof to see what disposition was made of your case, and make ar--angements for tho prompt receipt of nail. tlow to Claim Appeals to District Boards Claims of appeal may be made by a person within ten days after the day when notice has been posted and mailed that such persons name has occn certified to the district board as one who has been called for service and not exempted or discharged, Therefore, if you desire to appeal 1. Go to the local board and get or copy Form 153 or 154 for filing your claim of appeal. 2. Get or copy also Form 151 or 152 for" notifying the district board of ap peal. 3. File your claim of appeal (153 or 154) with tho local board. 4. Send your notice of appeal (Form 151' or 152) to the district board. 5. Do this within ten days from the day when notice that your name was certified to the district board was posted and mailed. Remember: 1. You can only appeal the final order of the board exempting or dis charging or refusing to exempt or discharge you. You cannot appeal other orders or action of the local boaul. Proving Your Appeal You have five dayB after the dist rict board receives your notice that you have filed a claim of appeal in which to file evidence additional to that filed by you with the local boaid, but all such evidence must consist of affidavits. . Decisions on Appeal The decision on your appeal must be made within five days of the clos ing of proof, and you will be notified by mail of the action of the board on your appeal. Claims for Discharge on Industrial Grounds Only the district board can receive claims for discharge on the ground that you are engaged in industry, in cluding agriculture, found to be nec essary to tho maintenance of the mil itary establishment, the effective opeiation of the military forces, or the maintenance of national interest during the emergency. Such claims must be filed with the district board on or before the fifth day after tho mailing and posting of notice that you have been ccitificd by the local boaul as one who has been called for service and not exempted or discharged. If you desire to file such a claim: 1. Get or copy at the local or dist rict boaul Form 161 or 161a. 2. Fill out the form propeily. 3. File it with the district boaul withlpjfivc days after the mailing and posting of notice that your name has been cci tificd from the local board to the district board. See Section 44, Regulations. Proof; in Support of Industrial Claim Only affidavits can be used in filing proof before the district board of a claim?, for exemption on industrial giounds. All such' affidavits must be filed jjnthin five, days after the iiiing of the claim. Decisions of District Board on In dustrial Claim Within five days after the closing of proof in any industrial claim the distiict board must decide the claim. If the decision of the district board is in favor of the claim tho board will issue a certificate of discharge. If the decision is against the claim the district boauls will so notify you. Remember that you have been called for military service and that the certificate of the district board is only conditional on your remaining in the kind of industrial service on ac count of which you were discharged. v i- i e . ei ino sucn exemption snail continue when a cause therefor no longer ex ists and your ceitificate of discharge may be withdrawn or modified by the distiict board at any time that the district board shall determine that the circumstances lcquiio it. Appeals of Industrial Claim to the President Only decisions of district boards on industrial claims for discharge can be appealed. If you desire to appeal tho decision of tho distiict boards to the Piesidcnt, you may do so within seven days of the date of mailing to you of the de- iSM cision of the district board. To per fect your appeal 1. Get or copy fiom the district or local boaul Form 163. 2. Fill out tho form and file it with the district board. 3. Do this within seven days' after the mailing of notice to you of the decision of the district board in your case. How You Will be Notified That You Have Been Selected for Military Service As soon as your case is finally dis- nosed of, the adjutant general of your state will notify you by mail that you have been selected for mil itary service. Your local boards will post a list of all persons selected for military service in a place at the office of tho local board accessible to the public view. The local board will also give lists of persons selected for military service to the press with request for publication. Notice for Service Notice that you have been selected for military scrvico will not necessar ily order you into service. Tho notice to report for military service will como when the govern ment is ready to receive you. E. H. Crowdcr, Provost Marshal General. ?J -F. r rr sf u.i bssks zm .," mv Wi LJf aa Jmmm rVJKI s ,' Powerful C.LampsnfaKe possible 'a iffihcTQi? working tief' Don't Ruin Your Eyes , i 4i Kerosene, gas and other make -shift lights are no cheaper than electricity once installed and that cosl; is moderate, if you have Stevens furnish the fixtures and install them. Then die safety and convenience are important factors to be considered. We also have a complete line of home ele&ric appliances chafing dishes, toasters, curlers, power washers, irons, fans. For wiring and all things electrical see E. W. STEVENS Plumbing Electrical Work Heating h'iJ'f : ' )., a iflH'V, ,' OPBMMBHBBBBM ftl CHILDRENS DRESSES Have a nice line of dresses for boys and girls. Made in a good clean factory. Workman manship is as good as you would do at home and goods is wellCe '-...-, .. selected in color and quality. Prices range from 60c to $1 .75 Come in and let vie swza yo7i these before buying Z J fi.1' Mrs. Barbara Phares Agent for Warner Bros. Corsets : Butterick Patterns HPmJIHIH i!A'- Mm i?sJuimmmmmwl$ttaMmmmmmmm- tM 'WT- m MERRY MELODIOUS MUSIC AND MIRTH! SUNNY SOUTHLAND SONGS AND STORIES! The indescribable, lmparlabable, pe culiar charm of the quaint and plaln tlva aotithern nelc4tw is falthfaUy re pro4B0d by tha aalaatad valoaa of the famous Mason's Jubilee Singers. These cultured Anerleaa negroes add fresh and fascinating charm to the old plain tive melodies which as Mason puts it, "charm the ear, tickle the rib, amd satisfy the soul." With perfect aban don, they reject In their songs, camp meeting shout, and readings, the ec static Joys, hopes and fears of their race. They are the "real thing," and specialise In their line. Mill ssESaiiiHiHBPHliEflEafl i, ,., ay ' ' rrw H vj , t - d if N r- imiii . . ""