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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1917)
OHIEP k i LfV QUOTA EACH STATE MUST RAISE BY DRAFT FOR NATIONAL ARMY Allotment by staffs of qtiotns to bo raised by sclcctlvo draft for Undo Sam's nnllonnl tinny was announced by the war depnrtment. Tlic Qtiotns usfitfrnctl aro on n basis of proportlonnto population of each state to the population of the nation ns recently fixed by tho census bureau. In tho allotment each state Is given credit for its total enlisted National Guard strength, plus the men enlisted In tho regular army between April 2 and Juno 80, 1017. The following table gives the war depnrtment allotment, gross quotas, not quotas and National Guard and regulnr army credits tho total of the latter two appearing In tho flnnl column of tho table: Gross Quota United State 1,152,985 Alabama 21,300 Arizona 4,478 Arkansas 17,452 California 34,907 Colorado 9,797 Connecticut 18,817 Delaware 2,569 District of Columbia 3,798 Florida 10,129 Georgia 27,209 Idaho 4,833 Illinois 79,094 Indiana 29,971 Iowa 25,465 Kansas 17,795 Kentucky 22,152 Louisiana 18,481 Maine 7,076 Maryland 14,139 Massachusetts 43,109 Michigan 43,936 Minnesota 26,021 Mississippi 16,429 Missouri 35,461 Montana 10,423 Nebraska 18,900 Nevada 1,435 New Hampshire 4,419 New Jersey 35,623 New Mexico 8,856 New York '. 122,424 North Carolina 28,486 North Dakota 7,737 Ohio . . .- , 66,474 Oklahoma 19,943 Oregon 7,387 Pennsylvania 98,277 Rhode Island 6,277 South Carolina 15,147 8outh Dakota 6,854 Tennessee . 22,158 Texas .' 48,116 Utah 4,945 Vermont 3,243 Virginia 21,354 Washington 12,768 West Virginia 14,848 Wisconsin 28,199 Wyoming '..... 2,683 Alaska 710 Hawaii 2,403 Porto Rico 13,480 T BY PRESIUEHT Wilson Rallies 1,262,985 Men Around the Flag. 687,000 ON THE FIRST CALL Official Allotment Shows What Part of Total Must Be Furnished by Each State and Territory In the Union. Wnshlngton. A formal order by President Wilson, drafting C87.000 Into tho military service under tho selec tive conscription law, was promulf gated by tho wnr department, together with an official nllotmcnt showing what part of the total must be furnished by each stnte and territory. The only steps now remaining are distribution by the governors of state quotas among the locnl exemp tion districts and tho great lottery, which probably will bo held next week and which will establish the order In which registrants are to pre sent themselves for service or exemp tion. The men summoned for service will be used to fill tho regular army nnd Nntlonnl Gunrd to wir strength nnd to organize the first 000,000 of the new national army. Total to Be 1,262,985. Tho totnl of these three forces will be 1,202,085 men. Lnter nnotber COO.OOO will bo called out, supplemented by sufllclcnt men to malto up losses and maintain re serve bnttallons. Following Is Secretary of Wnr taker's announcement of tho order: "By virtue of tho authority vested In him by nn net of congress, entitled An Act to Authorlzo tho President to Increnso Temporarily the Military Establishment of tho United States,' npproved May 13, 1017, tho president of the United Stntcs has ordered the uggregnto number of 087,000 men to bo raised by draft for tho military service of tho United States In order to bring to full strength tho organ izations of tho regular army and tho organizations embodying tho mem bers of tho National Guard drafted Into tho military service of tho United States and to creato tho national army, and has caused said nggregnto number to bo apportioned to tho sev eral states nnd territories nnd tho District of Columbia ns set forth In tho schedule hereto nppended. "Tho governor of each stato and ter ritory aad tho commissioners of Uio ML m DEB SSUED National Regular Aggregate Net Quota Guard En. Army National by Draft listed April April Guard and 2-June30 June 30 Reg. Army 687,000 183,719 117,974 465,985 13,612 2,238 1,232 7.651 3,472 371 171 998 10,267 6,128 840 7,155 23,060 3,162 4,158 11,786 4,758 2,722 1,015 6,027 10,977 2,776 1,138 7,807 1,202 639 180 1,363 929 704 223 2,860 6,325 1,659 954 3,786 18,337 2,100 2,840 8,825 2,287 865 711 2,538 61,653 9,635 10,997 27,304 17,510 2,494 6,940 12,409 12,749 6,808 3,633 12,672 6,439 6,898 2,588 11,325 14,236 3,622 2,276 7,878 13,582 1,979 1,198 4,867 1,821 2,722 553 5,243 7,096 3,151 537 7,018 20,586 7,511 4,965 32,448 30,291 3,943 6,906 13,569 17,854 3,752 1,951 8,122 10,201 3,457 581 5,600 18,660 7,738 3,984 16,740 7,872 592 982 2,533 8,185 2,538 1,853 5,691 1,051 382 382 1,204 1,272 346 3,207 20,665 4,584 4,202 14,896 2,292 1,239 227 1,557 69,241 16,888 12,588 52,971 15,974 3,345 1,003 7,471 5,606 1,486 353 2,118 38,773 14,129 6,020 27,586 15,564 2,004 1,907 4,344 717 2,259 1,974 6,657 60,859 0,732 13,388 37,248 1,801 1,916 371 4,465 10,081 1,796 782 6,040 2,717 2,647 579 4,125 14,528 3,917 1,414 7,592 30,545 8,794 4,347 17,488 2,370 812 1,091 2,566 1,049 1,111 205 2,188 13,795 2,992 838 7,522 7,296 1,764 1,446 5,450 9,101 1,482 1,240 5,721 12,876 9,029 1,586 15,274 810 1,180 304 1,868 696 13 13 142 18 4,397 12,833 624 624 District of Columbia, acting for and by the direction of tho president nnd In accordance with said act of congress nnd rules nnd regulations prescribed pursunnt thereto, shnll apportion the quota so apportioned to such stnte, ter ritory or district and shall communl cnto to each local board established in such state, territory or district no tlco of tho net quota to be furnished by such board, and such net quotas shall thereupon bo furnished by the re spective local boards ns required by said act of congress and rules nnd reg ulations prescribed pursuant thereto." In computing the number of men to bo required from tho various states the government put to tho credit of each stnte every man It now has In tho National Guard and every man It has contributed slnco April 1 as a wnr volunteer to tho regulnr nrmy. Computation Method. Placing on tho debit side of the led ger tho national nrmy of 500,000, tho entire National Guard at war strength and the number of wnr volunteers needed on April 1 last, to bring tho regulars up to tho war strength, tho grand totnl wns apportioned nccordlng to population. This gave n gross quota for each state, from which a net quota was com puted by checking off the number of National Guardsmen avallablo for fed eral service nnd the number of men given by the stato to the regular army since April 1. The apportionment was made on tho basis of an estimated grand total for the United States and Its possessions of 105,300,050 inhabitants. This is n pnper cstlmnte, computed from registration returns, which cornea within the law requiring distribution of quotns by population, but which equalizes In a great measure tho bur den that is to fall upon tho 4,550 ex emption districts. Total of 1,162,985. Each will furnish under this appor tionment tho men Us total registration would lndlcato ns a fnlr proportion, rather thnn tho number the actual pop ulation of tho district would Indicate. Tho total of theso gross quotas Is 1 152,085 men. Grcdlt Is given to tho various states for n total of 405,085 voluntary enlist ments In tho National Guard and reg ulars, making tho total net quota for all states 087,000 men. Illinois, which was tho first big stato to fill Its quota for tho regular army, reduced Its gross quota of 70,004 to 51,053. Never Satisfied. "That dog of yours bit a piece right out of my leg." "Well, you're never satisfied. You wcro only telling mo tho other day that you wished you could loso somo flesh." Too Small For Some Purposes. "Nearly nil tho newspapers nro Do ing reduced in slzo, I notlco." "Yes; It seems to bo a lnclry thing that bustles are no longer fashionable." HOME DRYING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES jw..wMa a. TRAYS FOR DRYING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (From FAHMEKS' HULT.ETTN SU. Unltc.l States Dcpnrtmont of Agriculture.) One of the most prominent fenturcs of tho food conservation program of European countries bus been the uni versal drying of fruits nnd vegetables. The surplus vegetables In tho city mar kets wero forced by the governments Into lurge municipal drying plants. Community dryers wero established in the trucking regions nnd even Itin erant drylilg mncliini's were sent from farm to farm drying tho vegetables which otherwise would have gone to wuste. In addition, largo quantities of dried vegetables from Canada and this country wero shipped to France dur ing the last two years, and there Is n possibility that dried fruits nnd vege tables mny continue to bo Bhlpped abroad in considerable quantities to supplement tho concentrated food diet of tho men In tho trenches. Tho drying of vegetables may seem strango to the present generation, but to our grandmothers It was no nov elty. Many housewives even today pre fer dried sweet corn to tho product canned by the old method, nnd say that dried pumpkin nnd squash are ex cellent for plo making. Snap beans often nro strung on threads and dried nbovo tho stove. Cherries nnd rasp berries still are dried on bits of bnrk for use instend of raisins. In fact, mnny of the everyday foodstuffs al ready nro dried nt some stngo of their preparation for market. The common dried fruits, such ns prunes, raisins, figs, dates and apples, are Btaplcs in tho world's markets, while beans and other legumes, ten, coffee, cocoa, nnd various mnnufacturcd foods, like starch, taplocn, macnronl, etc., nro dried cither In tho sun and wind or In specially constructed driers. Even though the drying of fruits nnd vegetables as practiced n few decades ngo on mnny fnrms bns become prac tically a "lost nrt," the present food situation doubtless will cnuse a marked stimulation of drying ns n menns of conserving the food supply. This coun try Is producing lnrgo quantities of per ishable foods this year, which should bo saved for storage, canned, or prop erly dried Drying is not n panncea for tho entire waste evil, nor should It take the place of storing or canning to any considerable extent whero prop er storage fncllltles nro avallablo or tin enns or glnss Jnrs enn bo obtained readily nnd nt a low cost. Advantages of Drying. The ndvantnges of drying vegetnbles nro not so nppnrent for the fnrm homo ns they nre for the town or city house hold, which hns no root cellnr or oth er plnce In which to store fresh vege tables. For tho farmer's wlfo the new methods of canning probably will bo better thnn sun drying, which require a somewhnt longer time. But shorter methods of drying nro nvnllnble, nnd tho dried product holds nn ndvnntngo In that usually It requires fewer Jars, cans, or other containers than do ennned fruits or vegetnbles ; nlso dried mnterlal enn be stored In receptacles which cannot be used for cunning. Then, too, ennned fruit nnd vegetnbles freeze- and cannot bo shipped ns con veniently In winter. Dried vegetnbles enn bo compneted nnd shipped with a minimum risk. Special Advantages. To tho housewife In tho town tho drying of vegetnbles nnd fruits pre sents special ndvnntnges. During tho season when tho market Is oversup plled locally nnd prices are low she can lay in a stock, dry It, and put It nway for n winter's emergency without Its taking up much of tho needed small storage space In her home. If she Is accustomed to canning her fruit and vegetnbles nnd finds she cannot se cure jars or tin cans, slio can easily re sort to drying. With, simple nnd Inexpensive facili ties, all housewives can savo quanti ties of food which nro too small con veniently to can. A few sweet pota toes or apples or pens or even a slnglo turnip can bo dried nnd saved. Even when very small quantities nro dried at n time, a qunntlty sufllclcnt for n mcnl will soon bo secured. Smnll lots of several dried vegetables, such ns cnbbage, carrots, turnips, potatoes, and onions, can bo combined to advantage for soups and stews. Cleanliness Is Big Factor. Cleanliness is as necessary in Uio preparation of vegetables and fruits for drying as In their preparation for canning, perhaps even mora so. To sccuro a flno quality of dried products much depends upon having tho vege tables absolutely fresh, young, tender, nnd perfectly clenn. If steel knives nro used In paring nnd cutting hnvo them clean nnd bright so as not to dis color tho vegetable. The earthy smell and flavor will cling to root crops if they nro not wnshed thoroughly beforo slicing, nnd ono decnyed root mny fla vor several kettles of soup If the slices from It nro scattered through a wholo bntch of dried material. Illgh-grado dried "root" vegetables can only bo mado from peeled roots. JCL QXS&Jt In tho preparation of largo qunntl ties of potatoes a peeler mny bo util ized. Tho potatoes nro thrown by con trlfugnl force against n rough surface which, under streams of wntcr provid ed by tho perforated tin containei nbovo, nicks off tho outer skin nnd leaves only the eyes to bo dug out. Blanching of vegetables is coiihWI ered desirable by somo housekeepers, although it Is not strictly essential to successful drying. It is claimed that the blanch gives n more thorough denning, removes tho strong odor nnd flavor from certain kinds of vegeta bles, and softens and loosens tho fiber. This allows tho moisture In the vege table to evaporato more quickly nnd uniformly. It nlso quickly coagulates the albuminous matter In the vegeta bles, which helps to hold In tho natural tlnvors. Blanching consists of plung ing tho vegetable Into boiling wntcr for n short time. Uso a wire bnskct or cheesecloth bag for this. After blanch ing tho required number of minutes, drain well nnd removo surfneo mois ture from vegetnbles by placing be tween two towels or by exposing tc the sun and air for a short time. Preparing Food for Drier. In lorgo fnctorlcs tho vegetnbles nro put through special shredders nnd Bllcers not ndnpted for homo uso, but convenient nnd Inexpensive ma chines which can bo used to grent ad vantage nre on the mnrkct. Tho meat grinder with Its special disks can bo used In certain enses; tho common kraut sllecr will cut large vegetables Into thin slices, such ns potatoes and cabbage; nnd tho rotnry hand sllecr Is adapted for use on a very wide rango of material. A largo shnrp kitchen knife may bo used when n handler cutting dcvlco is not nvollable. Caro should be taken that tho material Is sliced thin enough but not too thin. From nn eighth to a quarter of nn Inch Is n fair thickness for most of tho common vegetables to bo sliced nnd dried. Very smnll slices or strips dry more quickly becnuso they expose n greater surfneo to the air than do larger cut pieces. But if cut too fine they are more difficult to handle in drying, appear to loso somewhat In flavor, and cannot bo used so advan tageously to make dishes llko thoso prepared from the fresh foods. The slicing machines aro not suit able for children's use, for they will cut Angers ns mercilessly as they do vegetables nnd fruits, nnd even adults should exercise great caution In their uso In the home. Good Packing and 8torlng. Although not necessnry, tin enns oi glnss Jnrs mnko good receptacles for storage of dried fruits r vegetables. Pasteboard boxes with tight covers, stout paper bags, nqd patented pnraffln paper cartons nlso afford amplo pro tection for dried products when pro tected from insects and rodents. The dried fruit or vegetnbles must bo pro tected from tho outside moisture and will keep best In a cool, dry, well-ven-tllntcd plnce. Theso conditions, how ever, nro difficult to obtnln in the more humid regions, and thero moisture tight containers should be used. If a small amount of dried product Is put In each receptacle, just enough for ono or two meals, it will not be necessnry to open a container the con tents of which ennnot be consumed In a short time. Tho use of tho smnll contnlncr also makes It mora difficult for Insects to Bpoll lnrgo quantities of dried fruits or vegetables. If a paper bag Is used, the upper pnrt should be twisted Into a neck, bent over, and tied tightly with a string. If a further precaution agnlnst spollngo is neces sary tho bng can bo coated with par affin by painting It with a brush which hns been dipped into melted "paraffin. Another precaution may bo taken by placing tho small bags in a tin con tainer with a tightly fitting cover, such as an ordinary lard can or pall. All bags should bear a label indicating what they contnln. If fruits or vegetables nro packed In tight containers immediately upon be ing dried thoroughly, they will remain Just as brittle ns they wero when ta ken from tho drier. If, however, they aro not dried thoroughly, they will "sweat" and Boon mold. To prevent this tho mnterlal should be examined within 21 hours after packing, and if it appears moist it must bo dried further. To Dry Cauliflower. Clenn, divide In small bunches, blanch six minutes, and dry tw-jt to three hours at 110 degrees to 145 do grees Fnhrcnhclt. Cauliflower will turn very dnrk when drying, but will regain part of tho color in soaking and cooking. Dried cauliflower is especial ly good In soups and omelets. Brussels sprouts may bo handled in a similar way, but add a pinch of soda to tho blanching water. ENr-.t Contcntg ISPluid Draohn TWlYWfWS i"""ilt'1 it i-rtmr.-n PRO rjENT. AMMnMIVMaratioo&rAj in .;,iintinihrnfll bvEev'tiuV tlntheStomacasandlkwtbrf T,fnrTVnfnfillnDWc5ilO 5 ChccrfalncssandncstCootaitf neither Opium, Morpnuw j Mineral. NotNajkgotic, JhaifilmSmt WrsiW I AhclpfulRcmcdyfor (kmstlpaUonand Diarrhoea and Fcvcrlshncss ana lOSSOFStEEP nsuliin$lhcrefrora lte$ImeStfnatwot jfccGEvrATmGoMWNr- NEv i"5i Exact Copy of Wrapper. Canada's Liberal Offer of Wheat Land to Settlers is open to you to every farmer or farmer's son fl who is anxious to estaDiisn tor himself a happy home and prosperity. Canada's hearty Invitation this year is more attractive than ever. Wheat is much higher but her fertile farm land just as cheap, and in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat chewan and Alberta mm 180 Acrt lomertuii An Actually Free ts Settlers sad Otto Land Stla it fnm f IS to $20 per Acre The great demand for Canadian Wheat will keep up the price. Where n farmer can get near t2 fnr wheat and rati M to 45 hnahela tn the acre he la bound to make sooner that' what you can expect in Weatern Canada. Won derful yields alto of Oats, Barley and Flax. Mixed Farming in Weatern Canada is fully as profitable an industry as grain raising. Tba excaltent grasses, fuU of nutrition, are the only food required either for beef or dairy purposes Good school, churches, markets oonTenfent, ell mats excellent. Tbers It an onuiual demand for farm labor to replace to many ronnx man who bare, volunteered for tba war. write for lltaratnre and Particulars as to reduced railway rates to bupt. of tnmlgraUon, Ottawa, Caa., or to W. V. BENNETT Boon 4, Bae Bltff., Osaka. Neb. Canadian Government Agent SEEK SAFE HAVEN ON FARMS Some Rich Men Are Said to Be Paying Landowners to "Employ" Their Sons to Escape Draft Government agents hnvo been nt Work In Queens Investigating tho cases of several farmers In tho Newtown, Flushing and Great Neck sections who aro reported to hnvo accepted money to keep sons of wealthy men on Uielr payrolls so as to escape tho draft, says tho New York Herald. Tho agents hnvo obtained tho names of young men who registered as farmers, but who, It Is suld, have not been tilling tho soil. Government oilkluls huve been told that farmers havo been well paid by wealthy parents to "employ" tho youths. According to reports that hnvo been openly discussed In theso sec tlons at least a dozen farmers have men on their payrolls who do not know a grubhook from a cultivator. These men, according to tho story, aro supposed to report dnlly to tho farm ers and to receive wages of $0 n week. Instead of working on tho fnrm tho young men are devoting their tlmo to playing golf or driving about the Island In their motor cars. FRECKLES Now la the Time to Get IUd of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, aa the prescription othlne double strength la guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from your druggist, and apply a, little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter onea have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce Is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. n aura to ask for the double strength othlne, aa tbla la aold under guarantee of money back If It falla to remove freckles. Adr. Why, Indeed? "Is this Central 227?" "No." "Then why did you answer?" When clouds arc seen wise men put on their cloaks. Shakespeare. A clenn soul Is never iishnmcd of tho body that carries It Many an Illiterate man Is nblo to make his dollar mark. fKJ! Murine Is for Tired Eyes, I I mOVICS Red Eyes Sore Eyes 3 e .". . .. ' Granulated B-ellda.lieu 3 5 Ilef retbes -IteMorM. Murine Is a BVrorlte 8 5 Treatment for Urea that f sal dry and smart, 3 g UlveyourUrea as utncbof your IotIdj care 3 E as your Teeth and with the tame regularity, c CUE FOR THEM. TOU CMKOT IUT IEW ITRI g Bold at Drug and Optical Stores orhy alalL n Itk Marias Ejt Umt4j C, Client, far Fim lata AiiwuuuiuiiHiiuiiitiuiutiiuiHniuuiuiniiuuinnnMW CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA She Knew. Reggie There's been something trembling on my lips for months and months, Margie, nnd Margie Yes, so I Bee. Why don't you shnvo It off? Puck. Only children play ball. Men mnko. a business of It Experience must be a high-school teacher. , Those who complain most nro most to bo complained of. M. Henry. Money back without question If HUNT'S CUBE falls In the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, BIND WORK .TETTKR orother itching? akin dlaeaaes. Price Mo at druggists, or direct from lIMItkarii lMWat Ct.,tstnau,Tti. MTENTSiSgr&riH nomeilCBQI before enlisting aa anayaerr. ice counts. Wyoming Land Company, DougUs,Wro. DAISY FLY KILLER SSSf-HEfflfffi Stlinias. XttlbtlMa, tbumdU). nalMt k..p. LuW all Saawa. 44e((WI.MB'lftUl er Up ?,( will tut tan erlajareurttlek Oaar. aatwa tffMUT. SaUtf d.tUrt, r t Mat ky . prua pr.pil4 f.r fl.Mk avtaoLD aoMixs, tso eg mu avx.. mooklyn.m.t. rEvery Woman Want FOR PERSONAL HYOiENK Dissolved la vratar for dotJches step. pehrie TfiTTf. "Wr-tiTm anrl taflam nation. Racniitinentaied by Lydia . Pialchsua Med. Co, for tea yaars. A faesdinc wonder for Basal catarrh, sore throat and sore yea. Economical. Hat cxtnerduuuy'deanua sad gcrnicUalpewer. VnuX TrhsftxtenToat Ccmpaay. Dort'ooTKliMa. J Nebraska Directory THEPAXTON HOTEL. Omaha. Ntbraika EUROPEAN PUN Rooms from 11.00 up single, 75ccuta up double. CAFE, PRICKS REASONABLE KODAKS DEVELOPING PRINTING and ENLARGING Bend for Kodak catalog and finishing price list. LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. (11ABTMAN KODAK CO.) Dept. K, 1 2 1 2 O St Lincoln, Neb, W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 20-1917. r VJr i Xa .r CkAi li W1 I SBwawawaJwasawaVaPsaaE'lf sal V".?!"! aaaBawaBB a. wft tB m i, l.4