The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 12, 1917, Image 8

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    memorr nrifMiWMmTiJwn rW-f j...
Bstes Park
Rocky Mountain National
THIS inngnillcont vacation-laud, so near nt hand, 1ms been made a Nutlonn
Park and It cotrnluly lius every requisite for a National Summer playi
ground. It Is a region of forests, canyons, streams and lalos, a paradise of
mountain air and wild flowers, a natural amphitheatre of IftO square miles,
with snow-capped panoramic barriers Long's I'onk, James' I'arlt and the
Continental Divide. '
IlurUugton trains tafte you there quickly and at a small cost-only 827,00,
generally speaking, from middle and eastern Nebraska and Bstes Park. This
include rail and auto via Lyons ot Lovcland.
Over ro,000 tourists visited Estrs Park last Summer.
Colorado has hundreds of resorts, rccrcatlvo plncos and automobile tours.
You have every day the lowest possible rates to Denver, Colorado Springs and
Kstes Park. Arrange early for any accomodations that yon will want In Colo
rnno this coming summer. Lot me help you. '
mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmammmmmam
JWade flight, Lettered
flight find Ereeted flight
Makers of Artlstlc'JMonuments
Red Cloud,
Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse
I Hear Charles Sherer
Sunday Night at the
i Christian Church
5 Regular Services
5 1 0 a. m. Sunday School p
: 11a. m. Preaching i
S 3
for that
Should be o! the best quality in order lor the house
to give youthe SERVICE that YOU EXPECT ol it
If we supply the lumber, you'll have seasoned boards without
knots, that will not only stand up under the most trying weather
conditions, but will keep the house in such shape that you'll
be able to get a good price for it in case you ever want to sell it
Ittalone-Gellgtly Go.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1001 Farnum St. Omaha. Nebr
N. B. Bush, Ticket Agent. Red Cloud, Neb.
Sunday Morning
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Enteral In tho Postolllco at Itcd Cloud, Nob
as Second Class Matter
Hurt Leonard and wife spent Sunday
uvenitiR In Red Cloud.
The Royal Neighbors held n nlenl
at Van Helllns Friday.
Little Kvolyn .lonot visited with her
grandmother this week.
Rev Murless left Tuesday for a visit
with lili parents at Sidney.
Will NorrU and family spent Sunday
at tho homo of Frank Rowers.
Earl Hurwcll and family spent Sun
day at the home of Silas Duruell.
Mesdames Chas. Hunter and Eli
Strong spent the weekend In Hastings.
Tho Farmer's Union will hold n
meeting In Hunter's Hall Friday night.
Messrs. nntl Mesdamos C E. .loyce
and Will Topham autoed to Alma Sun
day. Dr. Cook was called from Red Cloud
Monday by tho illness of H. II. Hold
redge. Mrs. Guy Tennnnt of Red Cloud
spent the first of tho week with Mrs.T.
Mesiames Hi Dunn, Wallas Jones
and Claude Conley autoed to Blooming
ton Wednesday.
Mrs'. Will Wonderly and daughter,
Blanche, returned from Hebron Satur
day where they had been visiting
A. W. Sherman made a business trip
to Blue Hill Monday.
Mrs It. M. Mclllece and children
visited relatives in Hastings Tuesday
Mis? Lola Seaburg of Peru is spend
ing the weeh with J, A. Denton and
G. H. Phelps ond Chesloy Gunnwere
working at the plumbing trade several
days last week.
Miss Mabel' Vonderfecht was in
Swanton the past week, the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Chas. Crom
Miss Goldie Robinson and Mrs. L C.
Spence visited with Mr. and Mrs Chas.
Gunn at Davenport last week.
Mrs. Bessie and Grace Welch wete
down from Davenport last week visit
ing at the Arthur Morey home
Wm., Chas., and Mame Horton at
tended the funeral of their sister,
Josephine, at Atkinson last week.
Oley Iverson and Joe Burns went to
Kansas City last week to purchase a
couple of Fords for the former's garage
Dennis Burnett was a passenger to
Rockville City, Iowa, last Friday
morning whore ho expects to spend
some time.
Misses Can le and Norma Gunn re
turned to their home at Davenport Fri
day morning after a visit with rela
tives and frionds.
Notice of Sale Under
the Artisan's Lien 'Law
Notlco Is hereby given that, on tho ith day
of August, r.U7,at2o'cloekp. in., at the black
smith shop of Charles T. Dickenson, in the
city ot Itcil Cloud, Nebraska, thcro will ho
hold nt nubile auction tho following property,
to wit:
Ono Mollno lumber watgon, wide tired,
belonging to Walter Thomas.
Said wagon will be sold to satisfy an arti
san's lien thereon, In favor of the said Charles
T. Dickenson, who altered, repaired ami en'
hanced tho vnuio of ham vehicle at tho re
quest of the owner, Walter Thomas.
Said repairing was done during tho month
of February, 11)17, and tho wagon was then,
and ever since has been lii tho posesslou of
said Dickenson.
The amount claimed to be due on this date
is y.a.73.
Dated at lied Cloud this Uth day of July,
CHAiiLF.wT, Dickksso.n, Lien Holder.
Learn Two New Things Every Day.
Dear Mrs. Thompson (1) How long
should n girl wear her dressea when
alio Is live feet two Inches tall?
(2) When a boy calls should you tako
his hat and coat or show him whero to
put them?
(1) No matter what slzo a girl Is, she
should not wear her dresses after they
aro soiled.
(2) Show him whero to put them.
From au Exchange.
The kleptomaniac will say
She'B hunting for the best cure,
But those who are her constant prey
Think that sho needs a rest euro,
The Wlio Fool.
"A drink will not drown your trou
bles," observed tho sage.
"No," replied tho fool. "It takes
about ten aud a good cigar."
Paw Knows Everything.
"Willie Paw, what Is the difference
between a vocation and a vacation?
Paw A vacation consists of a lot of
hard work that you are not compelled
to do, my sou.
Burk's Rig Uncle Tom's Cabin Com
pany will exhibit under a mammoth
canvas at Red Cloud, Monday July 10.
Among the many tented organiza
tions in America, that have becoino
famous, the Ringling Bros, nnd Bar
num &' Bailey Shows are conceded to
be tho largest and most popular Clr.
cu9es. But tho largest Dramatio or
ganization exhibiting under canvas Is
"Burk's Big Spectacular Production
of Undo Tom's Cabin." This nintn.
moth Amusement Enterprise is the
acknowledged BARXUM of all "Uncle
Tom's Cabin Companies": like the big
eircues, they travel In their own cars
and require a special train of their own
to transport their paraphernalia from
one city to another. This organiza
tion embraces more men, women and
children, more hurses, ponies, donkeys
and Siberian blood hounds, more char
iots, floats, tableaux wagons, etc., than
any other similar exhibition in Amer
ica. The Parade which may bo seen
dally on tho principal streets wherever
this mighty show exhibits, Is the larg
est of any Dramatic exhibition in the
world The Immortal play, "Uuele
Tom's Cabin," is Mrs. Harriot Heecher
Stowo's Masterpiece of Dramatic Fic
tion. The management of Burk's Big
Company has spare i no expense in se
curing n metropolitan cast to properly
produce this grand old drama. In
combination with the dramatic talent
the management presents a contingent
of high class vaudeville artists consist
ing of merry-makers, iublleo singers,
dancers, wire walkers, hoop rollers, etc.
These nrtlsts are introduced during the
action of the play, aud always create
the greatest of satisfaction. Fred R
Pitcher's famous concort band and sym
phony orchestra is alsobneof the many
strong features of this up-to-date mod
ern American Amusement Organization
which is coming in all Its vast entirety
and will exhibit at Red Cloud, Monday
July 10, under n mammoth water proof
palace pavilion theater soa'tlug 2300
To Aid Food Campaign
'The Nebraska State Council of De
fense has been requested by the Nat
ional Defense Council aud Mr. Hoover,
National Food Administrator, to ask
the cooperation of the women of Ne
braska in the Home Food Conservation
campaign which begins July 1st. Mr.
Hoover Is desirous that every woman
in the State shall sign the following
pledge card and become a member of
the great army of eflicients who are
seeking to eliminate waste in the
homes of the Nation. Nebraska has
responded splendidly to the Liberty
Loan and Red Cross appeals and we
feel sure that Mr. Hoover's request to
co-operate with him in his endeavors
to organize the women ot America in
to a patriotic band of enthusiastic food
conservators will be heartily responded
to by the women of Nebraska.
To the Food Administrator, Wash
ington, D. C.
I am glad to join you in the service
of food conservation for our Nation
and I hereby accept membership in the
United States Food Administration,
pledgiug myself to carry out the direc
tions and advice of the food adminis
trator in the conduct of my household,
iusofar as my circumstances will per
mit Name
Number in household.... Do you
employ a cook?.... Occupation of
breadwinner Will
you take part in authorized neighbor
hood movements for food conservation?
There are no fees or dues to bo paid.
Tho Food Administration wishes to
have as members all of those actually
handling food in the home.
Mail your pledge card to the Food
Administrator, Washington, D. 0., and
you will receive FREE your first in
structions and a household tag to be
hung in your window.
Upon receipt of ten cents with your
pledge card and a return addressed on
vtlipe, the otllcial button of the admin
istration, and If desirod, the shield in
signia of the Food Administration will
also be sent you.
Midwest Merchants Will
Feast at big Barbeque
Among the many atd unique enter
tainment features which will be pro
vided for the merchants of Iowa, Ne
braska, Wyoming, South Dakota and
Missouri during Merchants Market
Week In Omaha, August 20 to 25, will
be a big barbeque at Krug Park.
The Omaha eutertalnment commit
tee will go the limit on this evont
The schedule of food already includos
one ox, one sheep, and two pigs wbioh
will be barbequcd. In addition the
necessary llxin's will bo added to make
the. meal "delightful and satisfying",
Early indications aro that Mcrohants
Market week will be tho biggest ever
held. Unusual interest is being mani
fested In the coming event. Other
extraordinary program featuros wlU
be provldod so that the week will be
featured by many diversions which
will keep the visitors busy all the time.
Vaccinate Hogs and Calves
"This Is no year in which to take
chances: vacclnato your hogs for
cholera and your calves for blackleg".
This is the advice of the department
of animal pathology of the University
of Nebraska. .Meat is so high that uo
stockman can afford not to take out the
insurance vaccination affords. Vac
cine used for blackleg is supplied by
tho Government thru tho Department
of Animal Pathology, University Farm,
Treasurer's Statement
Mayor and City Council, City Red
Cloud, Neb:
I submit herewith statement cover
ing receipts aud disbursements of my
oillce for tho period from June nth
11117 to July 3, 1917.
Occupation Fund
Amount on hand June C 1017. .8 782.4 t
Receipts 8 750 Co
1.V12 14
Disbursements 059 00
Italauco 872 Ot
Water Fund
Amount on hand June . -234 01
No receipts or disbursements
Italauce S '2'i 04
Water Levy Fund
Amount on hand Junes ? OG.O.I
Receipts 5!i0 05
Halauce 0IG 00
General Fund
Overdraft 8 122 91
Halauce on hand June 5 1500 00
Receipts 1377 9
Disbursements G," 00
Balance '. 1312 09
Electric Light Fund
Amount on baud June 5 SHUT CO
Receipts 701 f9
20 IS (54
Disbursements 1)49 9o
Balauce SlOOD 05
Electric Light Levy Fund
Amount on hand June 5 29. OS
Receipts 750 to
779 OS
500 10
212 92
Firemen's Fund
Amount on hand June 5 9 184 CO
No receipts or disbursements
Balance 194 CO
Sewer" Bond Fund
Amount on hand June 5 103 35
Receipts 5108.30
5271 05
Disbursements G133 05
Balance 133 10
Recapitulation -
Occupation Fund $ 872 94
Water Fund 234 94
Water Levy Fund 010 C6
.General 1312 09
Electric Light Fund IOCS G5
Electric Light Levy Fund 2 12 92
Firemen's Fund 184 00
Sewer 133.10
Total 4033 29
S R. Floranoe, City Treasurer.
No registered warants outstanding.
Notice of Final Report
In tho County Court of Webster County
In the matter of the estate of Henry C,
Cutter, Deceased.
All persons interested in said cstato, aro
hereby notified that the Administratrix has
Hied herein a supplemental and final account
and report of her administration, and a petit
ion for thotlnal settlement of such laccount
and roport.'and for a decree of distribution
of tho restduo of said citato, and for the as
signment of tho real estate belonging thereto,
and iftllschargo from her trust, all of which
said matters have been set for hearing before
said court on tho 20th day of July, A. D. 1917,
at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., whon all
persons Interested may appear and contest
the same.
Dated this 27th day of Juno 1017.
County Judge,
(jkal) Clerk of tho County Court
Notice To Creditors
In tho County Court of Webster County,
In tho matter ol tho estate ot Francis K.
I'ayno Deceased.
Creditors ot said estate will tako notice,
that the tlmo limited for presentation and
tiling ot claims aghlust said estato Is January
19th, 1918, and for tho payment of debts Is
January 10th, 1018, that I will sit at tho coun
ty court room In said county 'on tho 20th day
of Julytl9l7, to eiamlno, hear and allow all
claims duly tiled which are a first or second
lieu upon said estato, and on tho 21st day of
January, 1918. to examine, hear, allow and
adjust all claims and objections of general
creditors duly tiled.
Dated this Itith day of June 1017.
(Seal) A. D, ItANNEV
County Judge,
E. S. Gaa-ber
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guaranteed)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You the Fixtures
Our Job Printing will Please U
When the
Firemen. Appear
the insured maa't firtt thought it one o(
tliAnkfutnei that he i 10. How abou
your thought if a fiireman should ap
pear at your home?
The Dacy
Before the Fire
it the day to insure. As that day may
be to-morrow for all you can know or
do, It fellows that prudence would im
pell you to stop in out'oflice to day and
have us issue you a policy,
R.elia.ble Insurance
The Red Cloud Chief
Quality" Printers : Publishers
fcA v..
Does Its
yw iuiy
Printed Matter
of the "Better Quality"
Xot aw ('hav
lint now uoub
Hamilton - Cath&r
Clothing Co.
SnceiMM to Pool Stem
Everything Man
or Boy Woar .
Rmd Cloud ' Nmbratkm
C. II. M lncr - Dr. B. S. Deardorf , M. D. O.
Manager Veterinary In Charge
C. H. Miner Serum Co.
Anti Hog Cholera Serum
Red Clouds Nebraska
Wire or Phone at Our Expense
U, S, Veterinary License No. 45
Better Kodak Finishing
And Developing. .:.
A Full Line of Supplies
Stevens Bros.
jj Is no w ready to place your sale dates
S Ask any one as to my qualifications
or whom I have cried sales. Itideron
dent phone 8 on 10. Write wire or ca
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Dr. R. V. Nicholson
J2TOffice Over AumiaiiT's Stows
Estimate of County Expenses
Ited Cloud, Nebraska, January Oth 1917
Tho Board ot Commissioners ot Webstor
County at their first Annual Meeting la
January, 11)17, prepared and made tho follow
ing estimate ot Kxponses for the year 1017
for Wobster County, Nebraska
County Superintendent... . 2000.00
District Court 3000.00
Incidentals ...-.. 10000.00
Hooks and Stationery 1000.00
County Hoard a Equalization Doard 3700.00
County Attorney -......... 1200.00
County Assessor aud Deputy's-.....-... 8200.00
Itoads.......... ......... 30000.00
Poor 1000.00 .. 30000.00
Soldiers Itollof .,....-. 300.00
Insane........ ......-.-. 3000.00
Tota1 1 88100.00
vScal) U. P, PEUltv, county Cleric
CZi 7
s-'tf,.- i
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VtMi I9r04 444l4.
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